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e-CFR Data is current as of February 6, 2009

Title 28: Judicial Administration

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Subpart A—Organizational Structure of the Department of Justice

§ 0.1   Organizational units.

The Department of Justice shall consist of the following principal organizational units:


Office of the Attorney General.

Office of the Deputy Attorney General.

Office of the Associate Attorney General.

Office of the Solicitor General.

Office of Legal Counsel.

Office of Legislative Affairs.

Office of Professional Responsibility.

Office of Legal Policy.

Office of Public Affairs.

Office of the Pardon Attorney.

Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices.

Community Relations Service.

Executive Office for Immigration Review.

Executive Office for United States Attorneys.

Executive Office for United States Trustees.

INTERPOL—United States National Central Bureau.

Office of International Programs.

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

Office on Violence Against Women.

Office of the Federal Detention Trustee.

Professional Responsibility Advisory Office.


Antitrust Division.

Civil Division.

Civil Rights Division.

Criminal Division.

Environment and Natural Resources Division.

National Security Division.

Tax Division.

Justice Management Division.


Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Bureau of Prisons.

Drug Enforcement Administration.

Office of Justice Programs (and related agencies)

United States Marshals Service.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives


Board of Immigration Appeals.

U.S. Parole Commission.

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.

[Order No. 900–80, 45 FR 43702, June 30, 1980, as amended by Order No. 960–81, 46 FR 52340, Oct. 27, 1981; Order No. 1299–88, 53 FR 35811, Sept. 15, 1988; Order No. 1497–91, 56 FR 25629, June 5, 1991; Order No. 1606–92, 57 FR 32438, July 22, 1992; Order No. 1948–95, 60 FR 8933, Feb. 16, 1995; Order No. 2650–2003, 68 FR 4926, Jan. 31, 2003; Order No. 2811–2006, 71 FR 19827, Apr. 18, 2006; Order No. 2825–2006, 71 FR 36193, June 26, 2006; Order No. 2865–2007, 72 FR 10065, Mar. 7, 2007]

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