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Index of Merchant sailing ships, 1850-1875 : heyday of sail

David R. MacGregor

© 1984 Naval Institute Press

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the publisher

  Sources cited   |   Table of Contents   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

Counter Go to:     A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y Z


Figures in italic denote page numbers of illustrations. No steamers listed in the Appendices are included. No ships are indexed from Appendices III and VI. A Abbey 80 Abbot Lawrence 43, 45 Abeona, cost 237; sail plan 131; specification and inventory 242-46 Aberdeen bow 80, 118 Abergeldie 148 Acasta 34 Accrington, ex-Francois Arago 38, 38 Achilles 229 Aconcagua 113 Adamson & Son 34 Adelaide 41 SS Admiral Moorsom 116 Adriatic 45 Advance 112 Agnes Rose 148, 151 Aid, under sail 196 Airlie, costs 239; described 133-34; hull-form 133, 136; sail plan 134, 135 Albion Shipping Co 131 Alexander Duthie 148 Alexandre 227, 229 Alhambra 45 Alice Maud 80 Aline 240 Alive 154 Alma (iron sch 1854) 100 Alma (wood sch 1854) 41 Alma (sch 1861) 88 Alphonse Elisa 86 Altcar 113 Amadine 157 Amana, costs 239; deck fittings 137; hull-form 136; sail plan 136,136 Amanda 98; stern view 210 Amazon (S 1850) 21 Amazon (bgn 1861) 79 Amber Witch 227 Amelia, at Wisbech 196 American Civil War 14, 172 Amerika 202 Aminta 113 Amos Lawrence 45-46; plans 46 Anderson, Dr R C 160 Andromeda 113 Aneroid 202 Angelita, costs 236; design 82, iron schooner 21, 23; plan 82, 95 Angerona 161 Anita Owen 78 Ann (bgn 1861) 207 Ann Duthie, hull-form 148, 151; lines plan 149; sail plan 151 Ann Humphreys 192 Ann Middleton 192 Anna (bk 1871) 238 Anna und Meta 105 Annan, shipyard 157, 160 Annandale 157 Annie Duthie 138 Annie Main 238 Annie Richmond 238 Annie Story 237 SS Antelope 23 Antiope at anchor 145; half-model 29, 140, 142; sail plan 143 Antonia 238 Aphrodita, compared 114, deck layout 27, 36-37, hull-form 19, 36-37, lines and deck plan 37, sail plan 37-38, 38 Araby Maid 239 Aracan 34 Arachne 34 Ardgowan 239 Ardmore, sail plan 142 Arethusa 240 Argo, after deck view 120 Ariel (tea clipper) 27 Arima 236 Armin 238 Arriero 82, 236 Arundel Castle 239 Ashburner, Richard, plans 215 Assaye 239 Astronom, under sail 124 Atlantid 238 Atlantic Iron Works 10 Augusta, at Calcutta 175 Aurora (sch 1838) 100 Aurora (S 1874) 147, 240 Aurora del Titicaca 238 Austin, S P & Sons 30 Australian 148 Auxiliary propeller 139-41 Auxiliary ships 21, 23, 31, 36 Auxiliary steamers 131-32 Avalanche 154 Aviemore 151 B Bacchus, dismasted 118 Baines, James, & Co, failed 132; mail contract 14; orders from McKay, 44-45 Balclutha 179 Baldwin & Dinning 51 Ballarat 55 Ballengeich 12 Balley, J B, shipbuilder 102 Baltic 45 Baltimore clipper model 42, 97 Banian 36 Banks, shipbuilder 228 Bannockburn 240 Barclay, Curle, & Co, barques with 4 masts 189; build 'City' ships 132, 138-39; clippers of 1870-74 listed 140; plans survive 10, 29, 113, 138; ships built in 1850s 28-29; ships built 1860-75, 118, 138-42, 188-89, 205; ships with 4 masts 188-89; steam boilers 116 Barclay, Robert 28 Barges, barque and barquentine rig 112, 230-31; boomies 112, 229-30; large hulls 112; spritsail 111-12, 229; West Country types, 231-33 Barkantine 107 Baron Blantyre, painting 160 Baron Colousay, described 145, 147; photograph 146 Baron Renfrew 189 Barque on slip 18 Barquentines, built of iron 223, 225; classed as square-rigged 197; early examples 105-07; 3 masted brigantine 107 Barquetta 107, 227 Barratt, Woolston, artist 183 Barrow flats 90 Bartram & Sons 30 Bates, Edward, shipowner 39 Bates Family 39 Bay of Naples 154 Bayadere 202 Bear, William, draughtsman 84 SS Beaver 147 Beazley, James 164, 169 Beckermet 192 Beemah 21, 60 Bella Rosa 218, 220 Belle of Benin 202; painting 203 Belle of Lagos, compared to other vessels 82, 85; cost 205, 238; hull-form and deck layout 205; lines plan 205, 205; perspective 206; sail plan 84, 205, 206; section and deck plan 205 Belle of the Clyde, cost 237; hull-form and decks 82-83, 205; hull plans, 82, 83; sail plan 84, 84, 193 Belle of the Mersey 82, 236 Belle of the Niger 82, 238 Beltana 59 Ben Cruachan 140 Ben Nevis 47, 139; plan 141 Ben Voirlich 140 Bencleuch 240 Benmore 143 Berkshire, sail plan 139 Bess Mitchell 207 Bessemer, Henry 10 Betsey 207 Bhurtpoor, described 50 Biddle, Tyrrel E, sail plan 106 Bigelow, Ebenezer 197 Bilbe & Perry 40 Billy-boys 108-11, 229 Bima 202 Bird, Ralph, draws plans 195, 197; works on Millom Castle 211 Black Ball Line 14 Blackburn 36 Blackwall frigates, design 52-53; changing role 65, 67 Black Watch 236 Blenheim 53, 56, 67, 85 Blervie Castle 41, 41 Blonde 207 Bluejacket, at Blakeney 110; deck layout 109, 109-11; hull-form 108-09; ketch rig 109, 111, 229; lines plan 109; sail plan 109, 111; windlass 109 Blythe & Greene 30 Board of Trade 16 Borrowdale, compared and described 161-62; figurehead 163 Boju & Bertrand 86 Bolton tug 100 Bootle 225 Bonanza 105-06 Borneuf 13 Boscastle harbour 233 Bosse, shipbuilder 124 Bothwell Castle 236 Bouker, shipbuilder 227 Boukje, stern view 217 Bouquet, Michael 80 Bowdler, Chaffer & Co 117 Brands & Scorgie 76 Brechin Castle 238 Brenhilda 140 Bridges, carver 56 Bridgetown, ashore 81 Brig, being replaced 190; hove-to off Gravesend 199; in Europe 195; rig altered 195 Brigantine, in America 197; in Canada 197, 202; leaving Ramsgate 199 Briggs, W & Son, shipbuilders 157 Bristol, ships photographed 19, 39, 49, 51 Bristol Museum, plans 233 Britannia, cost 239; described 136; sail plan 136; sections and plan 135 British Admiral 182 British Ambassador, hull-form 167; long mainyard 46, 164 British General, under tow 167 British India, ex-Sorabjee Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy 118 British Monarch 157 British Nation, plan 163-64 British Navy 117 British Peer 164 British Shipowners Co 164 Brocklebank, T & J, early barquentine 105; few brigs after 1850, 190; foreman 86; ships described 34-36; yard closed 163, 192 Brooker, James, carver 56 Brothers 76, 179 Brown, blockmaker 38 Brown & Anderson, shipbuilders 50 Brown & Harfield, windlass 37 Bruce, David, shipowner 133 Brucklay Castle 154 Brunel, I K 38 Brunette 207 Building Lists, A Stephen at Dundee and Glasgow 1850-60, 21; A Stephen at Glasgow 1859-75,82; Barclay, Curle 1870-74, 140; Jones Quiggin 1859-64, 113; George Co in 1850s 42; Hall 1870-75, 154; J & J Hair, 80; John Gray, 80, McKay's medium clippers, 45; Shepherd & Leech, 192; Simpson's schooners, 94; W H Nevill, 207; Whitehaven Shipbuilding Co, 161; Wm Clibbet 1850-65, 85 Buckeridge & Co 112 Burns 19, 157 Burnswark 157 Burry 207 Bury St Edmunds 30 Butter-rigged 100 C C.A. 207 C.H.S. 207 SS C.J. Texbor 59 Cairnbulg 148 Cairnsmore 29 Calabar 228 Calypso (Dutch bk c1855) 40 Calypso (S 1871) 154; crew 153 SS Cambria 207 Cambridgeshire 182 Camertonian 20, 36 Camperdown 133, 135, 240 Candahar, in collision, 154 Candida 161, at Sydney 162 Canopus (bk 1870) 239 Canopus (sch 1876) 167 Capella, 123 SS Carbon 39 Carey, brig 103 Carlisle Castle 67, 167 Carmelita 237 Carnatic, carvings, 20; iron barque, 21, 23, 236; sail plan 23 Carne, H jnr, shipbuilder, 112 Caroline (sch 1850) 93 Caroline (S 1851) 43 Caroline (brig by 1861) 103 Caroline (S by 1861) 118 Caroline (bk 1869) 238 Carpasian 202 Carrick, ex-City of Adelaide 157 Carrie Bell, bows 96 Cartsburn 239 Carver, C.P. & Co builders 216 Cathcart 240 Catling, Peter 79, 108-10 Cato, Miller & Co 117 Catto, R, & Sons, owners 22 Cazique 107 Cecilie 202 Cedric the Saxon 143 Centaur 167; as a barque 169 Centreboard, 11, 100 Centurion (S 1868) 238 Centurion (S 1869) 151; painting 153 Challenge 46 Champion of the Seas 44 Chapelle, comments and quotes 51, 82, 197; draws schooner plans 102, 215-216; takes off lines 10 Chapman, af, masting rules 187 Chapman & Flint, shipbuilders 172 Chariot of Fame 44 Charlemagne, cost 236; design as cargo carrier 19, 22-23; sail plan 23; sequence of construction 22; telescopic jibboom 60 Charles under sail 123 Charles Chalmers 151 Charlestown 233 Chieftain 88; sail plan 90 Chiloe 38 China trade 130 Chincha Islands 8 Choice (bk 1854) 80 Choice (sch 1854) 100 Chowringhee 31, 53; launch 31 Chrysolite, cut down to schooner 225, 226; listed 192; sail plan compared 86, 98, 106, 192, 196, 222-223; sail plan described 225, 226 Chrysomene 182-83 Circe 239 City of Adelaide 157 City of Athens 239 City of Bombay 132, 236 City of Calcutta 21, 23, 132, 236 City of Cashmere 132, 236 City of Canton 239 City of Corinth 139 City of Dublin 239 City of Glasgow (1847) 132 City of Glasgow (1867) 247 City of Hankow 131-32, 236 City of Lahore 132, bows 132; painting 133; 236 City of Lucknow 21, 23, 132, 236 City of Madras (1855) 147, 239 City of Madras (1859) 21, 23, 132, 236 252 City of Perth 27-38; plans 28 City of Quebec 239 City of Sparta 132, 236 City of Tanjore 239 City of York 138 Clark, W, artist 63-64 Clevedon, ex-Chrysomene 183 Cley mill 78 Clibbett, Wm, ships listed 84-85 Clio 232 Clippers, built at Annan 157; compared with cargo carriers 161, 19-20; few in number 20; large American 42; orders stopped 136 Clover, G R, & Co 118, 181 Clyde, carvings 62; contract 61; costs 61, 236; hull-form 55; iron Blackwaller 21, 59; midship section 64; painting 63; sail plan 64, 65 Clydevale 238 Clytemnestra 113 Coila, entering port 200 Coleman, Capt 53 Colling & Pinkey 72, 147 Collingrove 59 Collingwood (S 1872) 151 Collingwood (spritsail barge) 111 Columbia 202 Columbus 189 Comadre 238 Comet 80 Commissary 154 Commodore Perry 44-45 Composite construction, 12, 113-14, 207; examples and prices, 13, 134; in Holland 11-12; last ships so built, 169 Concord 207 Condor in harbour 127 Constellation 132 Cook, shipbuilder 85, 225 Constellation 132 Cook, shipbuilder 85, 225 Copernicus 237 Corner, Capt 69, 167 Cornhill, certificate 171 Cornish, HJ, surveyor 143, 187 Corona stern, 128 Coronella 223 Corsair's Bride 80 Cossipore 21 Costs, America 10, 172, 174; 'barquentine' in 1866, 107; barque in 1857 21-22; based on BM tonnage 24; Belle of Lagos 205; Blackwall frigates 56; Canadian ships 13, 48; Clyde 63; East India outfit 56; Eastern Monarch 60; Edsmund Preston 24; Hall's ships 154; iron ships 133; Jones, Quiggin's ships 113; Josiah Jones' yard 36; losses incurred 95; New York in 1850s 46; procuring timber 61; sails of barquentine 225; Stephen's brigs & schooners 82; Stephen's ships & schooners 22-24, 130-31, 132, 136, Appendix I; to fit screw propeller 22; Upham's yard 218; W H Nevill's yard 207 County of Cromarty 189, sail plan 188 Coutts & Parkinson, shipbuilders 31-32 Cox, Ebenezer, shipbuilder 197 Cox, George, ships listed 41-42; ships built 92, 111, 204, 225 Cox & Miller, shipbuilders 169 Crags 196 Craig Ewan 22; in harbour 223 Craig, J & R, shipowners 188 Cram, George 36 Cremorne 107 Crimean War 14, 16, 20, 42; transports wanted 14, 16, 51-52; ships released 14 Cristobal Solar, ex-Talisman, ex-Cursetjee Furdoonjee, clewing up sail 169 Croft, shipbuilder 202 Cronkbone 36 Crown, John 30 Crystal Palace, copied 29 Curle, Robert 28 Cuming W, & Co 195 Curtsetjoe Jurdoonjee 169 Cutters, influence design 88 Cutty Serk 205 Cyclone 20-21, 60, 236 Cynthia 76 Czarewitz 218, 220 D SS Daehome 21, 236 Dairy Maid 95-96, 209 Dallam Tewer 186 Dartmouth 21, 59, 62 Date, W, shipbuilder 227 David Geider Gallery 27 De Putro & Candin 100 Deck fittings, Aberdeen house 205; auxiliary propellors 139-40, 141; Brown's capstan 80; davits and bulwarks 137; described 1875 for new ship 145,147; Emerson & Walker windlass 116; Express 98; long boat awkward 34, 98; pumps 166, 179; Ravensworth 33-34; St. Paul 179; steam boiler 116-17; wooden windlass 129; working pumps 216 Deck layout, 'City Line', ships 28-29; flush decks 27, 118 Defender 45 Dennis Hill 34 Dennistown & Co 23 Denny, Alexander 23 Denny Wm, Bros, plans 28, 113 Derbyshire 113 Derwent 138 Design, appraisal of 1850s 18-20; Blackwall frigates 52-53, 55; Brocklebank ships 34; Canadian ships 13; builder's description 21; Edmund Preston 23-24; fine lines versus full bottoms 12-14, 16, 19-20; improvements at Sunderland 30-31, medium clippers 19-20; medium clippers in USA 42-44; packet ships 42, 44; schooners in USA 100; shipbuilders who used plans 215; Stephen's brigs and schooners 82-84; Stephen's ships after 1860, 130; use of diagonals 79; use of half-models 215; Webb's ships 46; West Country barges 231 Deucalion 157 Deutschand 11, 123 Deveron 280 Devitt & Moore 67, 157 Devonport 85 Dewdney, S, & Sons, shipbuilders 217 Dickerhoff, John R, rigger 166 Dismasting, American clippers 176; examples given 143, 145, 182-84; reasons for 182, 184-87; see also Lloyd's Report Dismasting of Large Iron Sailing Skips 143, 182, App VI Domitilla 113 Don Ricardo 80 Donald McKay hull-form 44-46; lines plan 44; passages 46; sail plan 45-46 Donietta 113 Doris Brodersen 123 Douro 147 Dove, T, artist 48 Down Easters 174 Downie, W I, quoted 65-66 Doxford, William, shipbuilder 30 Draughtsmanship, Barclay, Curle sail plan 142; detailed deck plan 36; in Stephen's yard 82; lines plan 24, 79; sail plan of Chrysolite 225; sail plans 73-74, 84-85; Stephen's plans 125, 130; Whitehaven snow 192 Dreyer, shipbuilder 123 Dubigeon, T, shipbuilder 123, 128 Duchess of Edinburgh 182 Dudgeon, J & W 40 Dunbar, described 55-56; hull-form 55-57, 59; lines plan 53, 54, 55; lithograph 57; plan referred to 30; rigging sizes 57; sail plan 56, 56-57 Dunbar, Duncan 55-57, 59 Duncan Dunbar 56 Dunniker 230 Duntrune 133 Duthie, Alexander & Co 29, 55, 148 Duthie, John, Sons & Co 148, 151 Duthie, Robert, shipbuilder 148, 151 Dutton T G, artist 34, 56 Duxfield, engineer 56 E E.S. Hocken 127 E. Shun 239 Eagle 80 Earl of Balcarras 60, 64 Earl of Carlisle, sail plan 76, 77 Earnings, Nicholson fleet 160 East India outfit, see Outfit Eastee, George, owner, 82-83, 205 Eastern Monarch (S 1856), cost 56, 59-60; dimensions 21; half-model 20, 59; hull-form 55, 59; large size 52, 59-60; lines plan 59; painting 59, 60; timber consumed 60-61 Eastern Monarch (S 1874), moored 154 Ebenezer, under sail 72 Eblana 118 Eboe 228 Eckford Webb, described 102, sail plan 101, 102 Eden Holme 247 Edmund Preston, construction described 21, 23-27; contract 23-24; cost 24, 236; deck layout 25, 27; hull-form 24, 82, 130; lines plan 25, oil paintings 27; sail plan 26; sections and decks 25; specification 23-24, 26-27, 39 Edna, compared to Raymond 197, 202; described 197; painting 202 Edwin Fox 86 Eglinton 48 Eident 88; lines plan 105, 107 Electric Telegraph 80 Elements of sailmaking 85 Eliza Shaw, hull-form 130, 154; cost 236 Elizabeth (slp 1844), sail plan 234, 234 Elizabeth (sch 1872) 154 Elizabeth Duncan 21, 82 Eizabeth Kelly 192 Elizabeth Nicholson 157, 160 Ellen Ashcroft 190 Ellen Bates 118 Ellen Stuart 36, 37 Emerald 32 Emerson & Walker, windlass, 116 Emigration to Australia 13-14 Emily Burnyeat 209 Emily Smeed 231 Emily Smith 80 Emma 100 Empreza 227 England's Glory, model 156, 157 Englishman 95, 98 Ennerdale 162 Erato 190 Erme 227 Eskdale 161 Ester Smeed 230 Ethiopian 151 SS Euphrates 21, 23, 236 Eurydice 240 Euterpe 166 Evans, R & J, shipbuilders 117 Evans, Thomas, shipbuilder 41 Evelyn 113 Express compared to others 94, 96-97, 209; costs 96; deck layout 97, 98; hull-form 88, 97-98; sail plans reconstructed 98, 99, 100; lines plan 97, 97-98 F Fairy Belle, on slip 181 Falcon 29 Familia 105 Fanny 106 Fanny Jane, under sail 110, 111 Farr, Grahame, on rigs, 107, 11 Faveur, in harbour 205 Fawcett, Preston & Co 23 Fawn lines plan 195, 195, 199 Fearless 218 Fell, Jonathan, shipbuilder 36 Fenton, Roger, photographer 14 Ferguson, naval architect 188 Fernie Bros & Co 50, 132 Ferris, William, shipwright 211 Fiery Cross 223 Figureheads 31, 55, 56; carvers 98 Fincham, masting rules 187 Fleetwood 239 Fling 88, 97 220-21 Flora under sail 234 Florence 218, 221 Florence Barclay 86 Flying Venus 39 Follett, shipbuilder 41 Forest, in collision 154 Formby, cost 113; cross-sections 115; deck layout 116-17; detailed plans 114-17, 163; hull-form 114; sail plan 117, 117 PS Forth 105 Forward Ho! 238 Four-masted barque, early examples 175, 189 Four-masted ships, early examples 188-89 Fox & Son, shipbuilders 112 France, shipbuilding in 14, 118, 123 Francisco Calderon 188 Francois Arago 38 Fred Clark, sail plan 197, 200 Fredique 103,195 Freights, from China 130 Friedeburg 238 Fruiterer 80 Furneaux, shipbuilder 217 Fusi Yama 237 G Gaddy, David 34 Gaddy & Lamb, shipbuilders 34, 192 Galleas, painting 108 Ganges, half-model 53; hull-form 157; lines plan 158 Garstang 203-204 Gauntlet 94, 96 Geddie, James, vessels built and described 76, 79, 107, 221, 223; hull-form favoured 86, 88; plans by 88, 90, 215 Gellatley, Edward 55 Gellatly, Hankey & Co 55 Gellatley, Hankey & Sewell 55, 132 Georg Stage 202 George, Charles, shipwright 232 George Smeed 230 George's Dock, Liverpool 14 Germania, cost 239; described 136; sail plan 136; sections and plans 135 Gertrude 207 Getty, John 36 Getty & Jones 36 Gibson, J F, photographer 225 Gilroy 148 Girl of the Period 226 Gitanilla 157 Gladstone, ex-Franscisco Calderon, partially dismasted 183 Glasgow Art Gallery & Museum, 140 Glassford, Roderick, 187, 246 Glasson, schooners built, 94-100 Glenavon 151 Glencoyn 236 Glory of the Seas, 175, 177; at wharf 177; in old age 179 Godeffroy, J C, & Son, 125 Gold rush, Australian 13-14, 55; Californian 42 Gossamer 130, 236 Gouin, E, & Co, shipbuilders 123 Gould, E C, photographer 53, 66 Grace Gibson 237 Graham, Prof G S 17 Grasmere 161 Gray, John, draws plan 215; shipbuilder 41, 80-81; ships listed 80 Great Admiral 175 Great Britain 32 Great Britain, tonnage owned 14, 16 PS & SS Great Eastern 38, 167 Great Republic, four masted barque 189; size before burnt 45-46 Great Tasmania, ex-Japan 45 Green, R & H, 40; build in iron 67; examples named 55, 167 Green, Richard, shipowner 31, 53 Greenhill, Basil, 211, 229, 233 Greig, Hood's manager, 151, 154 Greta, sail plan 161, 163, 163 Griffiths, John W, 106-07 Grijalva 207, 228; painting 229 Grisedale 162 Gryfe 239 Gryll's patent whelps, 24 Guibert Fils 38 Guiding Star 50 Gulston, shipbuilder 202 Guppy, Thomas R, 39 H Hainsworth, J, shipowner 217 Hair, J & J, ships described and listed 32-33, 70-80; draw plans 215 Haiti 28 Halcione 240 Half-models, bracket type 220-21, 222; Nicholson's 157, 160; used by shipyards 124, 211, 213, 215, 232; used by Stephen 22, 24 Hall, Alexander, & Sons, auxiliary propeller 139; build jackass barques 106-07, 227-28; prices of ships 154; raking stem 76; shipyard 153; small craft described 90, 196, 221; surviving records 10, 29, 90;, use of word schooner' 87; vessels built 1870-75 154 Hall, Henry 42 Hall, James 154 Hall, Russell & Co 140 Hall, William 154 SS Hampshire 147 Hannah and Sarah 112 Hannah & Eleanor 103 Hannah Douglas 195 Hardy, Simon, & Sons 21 253 Harfield, windlass 147 Harkaway 59; dimensions 21; sail plan 20, 59 Harland & Wolff 154, 163 Harold 34, 86 Harper, Lawrence 16 Harrison, Robert 32, 80, 215 Harrison, T, & Co 203 Hartfield 239 Harvey, Henry, shipbuilder 41, 102 Harvey & Co, shipbuilders 11, 73, 207, 223, 225-26 Hasslof, Olof, quoted 124 Haswell, George 30 Havelock 111 Harvest Queen, plans 88 Hawk 85 Hay, Daniel 192 Hay, Richard 31, 157 Heap, Joseph, shipowner 143 Hecube 113 Hedderwick, shipbuilder 227 Hedwig 11 Helen Nicholson 29, 140 Helen Scot 113 Helena Mena 167 Helios I sail plan 125 Henderson, James 76 Henrietta Simmons 94 Henry Harvey 207 Henry Sempe 238 Henson, shipbuiler 108 Herbert Huntingdon 79 Hero ('pro tem') 90 Herzogin Marie 10, 11 Hesperus 147, 240 Highflyer, hull-form 55 Hilda, yacht 197 Hill, Cmdr H O 195, 211 Hill, shipbuilder 41 Hillmann, G, copied plans 44, 73, 118 Hinda 207 Hipwood, S, shipbuilder 233-34 Hoad Bros, shipbuilders 197 Hoang Ho 236 Hocking, shipbuilder 41 Hodgson, James, surveyor 23-24, 39 Hoffnung 11 Hoghton Tower, at wharf, 181 Hokitike 154 Holman, John, Upham's manager, 217 Holmsdale 59 Hood, W, shipbuilder 29, 76, 151 Horsfall, Charles, & Sons 107 Hotspur 34 Houghton Bros, shipbuilders 174 Howes' topsails 46 Huddersfield 167 'Hull and Spars', outfit listed 22 Hull-form, double-ended 90, 211; influence of Tyburnia 61-62; kettle-bottom 31; medium clippers in USA 42; repeated 86, schooners in UK 88-90, 209-10; see also Design Hurnboldt 237 Humphrey, John & Co, 148 Huntress 101 Hurricane, clipper 21, 23; cost 236; sail plan 60, 151 Hyde & Co, shipbuilders 78 I Ianthe, described 21-22 Ida, ready to be launched 199 Impi, in dry dock 122 Importer, ex-Wasp 49 HMS Inconstant 185 India 167 Industrie 124 Industry 233; under sail 232 Inglis, A & J, 132 Inkermann, hull-form 50-51; lines plan 50 Invercauld 151 Invincible 36 Iredale, Henry 161-62 Iredale, Peter 162 Irish Sea stern 90, 211 Iron construction, America 10; Bates's ships 39; capacity increased 13-14, 20; France 123; Germany 11, 123; Great Britain 10-11, 14, 16-18; Holland 11-12, 123-24; large ships of 1850s 31, 36, 39; Nevill's yard 206-207; sequence of construction 22, 24; specification, Appendix IV; shell expansion plan 83; spars 167; Tyne and Wear, 157 Irton 225 Isabella Anderson 81 Isle of Beauty, painting 207 Ismay 236 J J.W. Parker 82, 197 Jacatra 29 Jackass barques, comments on rig 227-29; examples 87, 107, 217; listed 227-28; sail plans 103, 106 James Baines 44, 46 James Booth, lines plan 29, 29 James A. Borland, lines plan 46, 172 James Davidson hull-form compared 85-86, 192-193, 197, 204, 225; lines plan 85-86, 86 James Pilkington 36 Jampa 207 Jane Blythe 113 Jane Leech 42 Jane Smith 217 Jane Williamson 190 Jane Cowan 239 Janet Ferguson 236 Janette 82, 238 Japan 44-45 Jason 140 Jefferson Borden, engraving 219 Jeppersen, Haris 74 SS Jho-sho-maru 154 Jobling, E W, surveyor 41 Johanna 207 John Bell 21, 23, 60, 236 John Duthie 148; in Sydney 149 John Farley, half-model 90, 91 John Gray 80 John Hillman 80 John Kerr, dismasted 143, 182 John Lidgett 132, 236 John Nickolson, hull-form 157, 160; sail plan 160 John, W S, surveyor 143, 187 John Wesley 87; model 221 John Williams III 154 Johnson, shipbuilder 226 Johnson, John, shipbuilder 90 Jollet, P, & Babin 123 Jones, Josiah, jnr 36, 38, 113 Jones, Quiggin & Co, ships listed 36, 113-14, 117 Jones, Palmer & Co 36 Jordan, John 36 Jordan & Getty 36 Josefa 238 Joseph Conrad, ex-Georg Stage 202 Joseph Perkins 216 Joshua, ex-Nepaulese Ambassador 42 Juan de la Vega 154, 196 Juanpore hull-form 34; lines plan 34; passages 36; sail plan 34, 36 Jubilee 36 Julia 79-80 K Kamehameha the Fourth 36 Kappa cost 237; sail plan 129 Kate 94, 96 Katie 98 Kelly, W, shipbuilder 41, 195 Kelly & Co, owners 98 Kelpie, called schooner 87; described 106-07; listed 227-28; painting 105; sail plan 102, 105-07 Kennaugh, William, drew plans 195-96, 225; price of sails 225 Kennedy, Lumley, & Co 36, 86, 190 Kent, hull-form 53, 55; passages 53, 55; photographed 53 Ketch, early examples 108, 111; with square sails 229 Khimjee Odowjee 38 Kildonan 238 King Arthur 239 King Richard 31, 53 King of Tyre 220 Kingsbridge, sinking 154 Killick, Capt J 154 Killick, Martin & Co 130-31, 154 Kipping, R, sailmaker 84-85 Kitta Wake 90 Klubb, E, shipbuilder 122 Knell, W A, artist 59 Knight of Snowdoun 147, 239 Kof, schooner-rigged 93 Kosciusko 151 L La Hogue 56-57 Lady Ann Duff 88 Lady Ebrington 41 Lady Palmerston 239; bow view 147 Lady Penrkyn 239 Lady Quirk, ex-Raymond 202 Lady Ruthven 240 Ladyburn 240 Laing, James, & Sons, build blackwall frigates 30, 52, 55-57, 59, 61, 71 Laing, Sir James 59 Laing, John 59 Laing, Philip 59 Laird, John, shipbuilder 38, 118 Lake Simcoe 240; under sail 228 Lake Superior 147, 240 Lalla Rookk 38 Lamb, Lewis M 34 Lammermoor, at Calcutta 145; half-model 143; long yards 143, 183 Lammershagen 238 Lancashire Lad 95 Langdale 162 Langdon Gilmore 94 Langton, Walter, & Son 61 Lassie 204 Lauderdale 40 Laurita 123 Launching, bow first 57, 199 Lavinia (jackass bk) 107 Lavinia (bk 1870) 147 Leech, John 41 Levebvre, A, shipbuilder 227 Lefurgey, John, shipbuilder 197 Lena, ex-Baron Colonsay 146 Leon Crespo 237 Leslie, Bradford 38 Leucadia 151 Lewes 80 Lewis M. Lamb 34 Lightning 44 Lima 238 Limari 238 Lindsay, J, carver 31, 56 Lindsay, W S, owner 31 L'Invention 188 Lion, at quay 110 Lisslie, H W, plans 84, 90, 215 Little Minnie, ex-Minnie, sailing 209 Liverpool, ships sold at 13, 48 Liverpool Shipbuilding Co 114, 117 Livingstone 96 Lizzie Iredale 238 Lizzie Webber, under sail 77 SS Llanelly 207 Llewellyn 239 Lloyd's Register, classification system, 14, 80; Visitation Committee 36, 41, 57, 62 Lloyd's Register, Report on 'Dismasting' 143, 145, 177, 182, 184-89; NB cover of book bears title 'Report on Masting' Loch Ard 182; at anchor 182 Loch Maree 140, 182 Loch Ness 140 Loch Tay 138; deck scenes 140 Lochee 133 Locomotive 78 London, shipbuilding 39-40, 167 Lord Clyde 239 Lord Howe 95 Lord of the Isles 225 Lothair, at quay 230 Loudoun Castle 138 Louisa Shelbourne 112 Lubbock, Basil, comments 29, 161; quoted 84, 143, 164 Lubentia 85 Lucerne 237 Lucille, hove down 172 Lufra 154 Lune Shipbuilding Co 164 Lungley, Charles, shipbuilder 40 Lydia Cardell 225 Lyman, John 44, 187, 189, 202 M Mabel Young 82 MacBeath, George 50 MacCunn, James, owner 145, 160 MacDonell, Capt C 53 McKay, Donald, clippers 44, 189; medium clippers 45, 175, 177; packets 45-46; shipyard 43 McLean, Duncan, reporter 42-45 MacMillan & Son, shipbuilders 145 Macquarie, ex-Melbourne photographed 167; under sail 69, 71, 170 Madcap 218 Maggie Trimble 238 Maha Ranee 36 Mahanada 163 Mairir Hahn, plans 140, 142 Maitland, clipper 157 Majestic 163 Malacca 238 Mansfield 157 Marco Polo, deaths aboard 13; hull-form 47, 51-52; lines 48; lithograph..... passages 48, 53, 55 Margaret (snow 1835) 204 Margaret (sch 1866) 207 Margaret Porter 94; costs 96 Margaret Potter 80 Margaretha 105, 106 Maria (bk 1842), at Bristol 19 Maria (bk c1870) 229 Maria (bk 1875), under sail 127 Marie Ange 207 Marlborough 67 Marpesia, described 143; half-model 140, 142, 143 Marshall 189 Marshall, George, owner 139 Martell, B, surveyor 143, 187 Martha Fisher 239 Martaban 34 Martinet 90 Mary (bg 1831), cut down 195 Mary (sch 1853) 73 Mary [or Mary Ann] (bk 1863) 83 Mary (smack 1875), hull-form 97, 232-33; lines and deck plan 231, 233; sail plan 232, 233; under sail 231 Mary & Gertrude, at Bridgewater 200 or 299 Mary Ann Bruford 41 Mary Ann Wilson 36 Mary Anne, at quay 110 Mary Celeste, ex-Amazon 79 Mary Lord, sail plan 42, 84-85, 85, 101 or 107 Mary Moore 238 Mary Stockton 106 Mastiff 45 Masts, see Spars Matchless 107, 227 Matilda Wattenback 123 Mathilde 227-28 Maudslay, Sons & Field 40 Maulsden 133-34 May, shipbuilder 195 May Cory, at Bristol 226 Maypocho 117 Meadows, shipbuilder 108 Meadus, Thomas, shipbuilder 195 Medium clippers, American 42-44, 174 Medusa 157; under sail 161 Melbourne 67, 123, 167 Mercantile Marine Act 16 Merchant Shipping Act 16 Merlin 207 Mermerus 140; lines plan 142; sail area 189 Mersey flats 234 Metcalf, J, shipbuilder 207 Metero, cost 217, 237; hull-form, 217; lines and deck plans 220; listed 82; sail plan 105, 219; sail plan as 2-topsail schooner 217, 219; shell expansion plan 220 Mexico 82, 236 Miller, W C, shipbuilder 167 Millom Castle, described 211; hulk 211; lines plan 213; lines taken off 211, 211; painting 213; plans 90; sail plan 211, 213 Millwall Ironworks & Shipbuilding Co 167 Miltiades 151 Mineira 237 Minna-Cords 128 Minnehaha 45 Minnie (sch 1866) 209-210 Minnie (bkn 1875) 225 Miriam 192 Mirliton 227-229 Misti 122 Mistletoe 217 Mitchell, Capt T 151 Mitredale 162 Mofussilite, cost 237; hull-form 130; plans 125 Monsoon 80 Morgan, D W 98 Morning Light 47, 49-50 Morning Star, at Bristol 49, 50 Mounsey & Foster 154 Munn, J & Co 191 N Napier, R, & Sons, shipbuilders 27-28, 167 SS Narwhal 21 Natal Queen, under sail, frontispiece, 206 National Maritime Museum, ship plans at 10, 20, 36, 53, 113, 125, 163, ? Upham's models 221 Navigation Acts 9, 14, 16 Nellie 227; painting 228 254 Nelson, Ismay & Co 82 Nepaulese Ambassador 42 Neptune's Car 218 Neptunus, lines and sail plans 74 Nourse, James 146, 148, 157 New Express 32 New Rambler 88 SS New York 29 Newton, 237 Newton's 'Dale Line', 162 Nicholson, Benjamin, ships listed 157; ships described 157, 160, 190, 209 Nickels, shipbuilder 200 Nielson, Christian 74 Niobe 240 Nevill, Richard 206 Nevill, William H, shipbuilder in iron 11, 206-207, 225, 228 Nonpareil 217, 220-21 Nordstern, in dry dock 125 Norham Castle 238 Norval 182 Novelty 10 O Oasis 113 Oberon 80 Ocean, under sail 127 Ocean King 175, 189 Ocean Monarch (S 1847) 46 Ocean Monarch (S 1854) 51 Ocean Monarch (S 1856) 46; plans 46 Ocean Ranger 225 Ocean Rover 157 Oliver, Edward 14 Oliver Cromwell 207 Omba 237 Orange Grove, deck layout 205; lines and deck layout 118, 238; under sail 139 Orilla 157 Orient 40 Orientale 11 Oronsay, ex-Slieve Donard 38 Orpheus 240 Orwell, described 65-66 Osburgha, cost 239; listed 82; described 223; sail plan 223, 224; section and decks, 225 Osler, Adrian G 34 Osprey 102 Oswald, shipbuilder 154 Otago 238 Otaki, becalmed 160 Ottawa, sail plan 219 Ottawa River Co 138 Outfit, Baltic 21-22; East India 22, 24; see also 'Hull and Spars' Overend, Gurney & Co 132, 157 Over-loading 182 Over-masted ships 185 P Pacific 237 Palm oil trade 83-84 Palmer & Co, shipbuilders 160 Panmure 133, 239; sail plan 135 SS Paou Shun 80 Parana 41 Parkland Forge Co 22 Parramatta 67, 71 Parsee (bk 1851) hull-form 32, 34, 42, 80; plans 32 Parsee (S 1868) 239 Parson jnr, shipbuilder 140 Patey, Capt C 14 Patterdale 161 Patriarch 151 Paulsen, J, shipbuilder 127 Pearl (sch 1867) 192 Pearl ('pro tem') 90 Pegasus, iron masts 154 Peile, Scott & Co, shipbuilders 36 Pembroke Castle 236 Penair 207 Pendragon Castle, at Calcutta 145 Penney, R H 102 Pestorijee Bomanjee 61 Petchelee, plan described 27, 34, 192 Peter sail plan 74, 74 Peter Denny 148 Peter Stuart, at anchor 184 Preston, Edmund, owner 23-24, 39 Preston, Frederick, 23, 64 Phantom 100 Phoenician 34 Phoenix, sail plan 215, 216 Phillips, shipbuilder 195 Pickersgill, William, & Sons 30 Picton Castle 239 Pile, John, shipbuilder 30-31, 157; bust 159 Pile, Spence & Co 157 Pile, Thomas 30 Pile, W & J, shipbuilders 31 Pile, William, jnr, builds Blackwall Frigates 52-54; half-models 156-57; ships listed 1857-74 Appendix III; ships of 1850s 30-31; ships of 1860s 1857 Pile, William, snr 30-31 Pile & Hay 31, 157 Pilkington & Wilson 14, 47 Pilot Fish, topmasts visible 153 Pinney, Richard 32-33 Pitcher, W & H 40 Plans, see Draughtsmanship Planter, hull-form 203-204 Plimsoll, Samuel 16 Pio Benito 216 Polmaise 20-21 Pomona 239 Porritt, J W 78 Potter, W H similar ships 162; number built 117; shipbuilder 167, 228 Potter & Hodgkinson, see Potter, W H Potts, W & Sons 49 Premier 207 Prices, cabins in 1853, 53; see also Costs Pride of Torridge 91-92, 92 Primera 239 Prince Alfred 148; on the stocks 151 Prince of the Seas 47 Prinz Albert 11 Prowse, Joshua 42 Purton, under sail 209 Q Quadroon 207 Queen (S 1847) 48 Queen (ketch by 1860) 234 Queen Alexandra 103 Queen of Clippers 218 Queensberry 157 Quiggin, William 36, 38, 113 R Rachel 207 Rajah of Sarawak 42 Rajmahal 36 Railway Pier, Sandridge 12 Ralston 239 Ramsay, David, shipbuilder 202 Rankine, Prof W J M 114-15, 117, 163 Ravenscrag 239 Ravensworth, deck fittings described 33-34, 37; perspectives of these 33 Raymond 197, 202 Red Gauntlet 239 Red Rose 95-96 Red Riding Hood 40 Reed, J, shipbuilder 59 Refuge 217 Reichstag 237 Reid, John, & Co, shipbuilder 29, 140, 143 Reiherstieg, shipbuilders 123 Reindeer 154 Renault, L, artist 228 Rennie, Johnson & Rankine 39 Requiter 80 Result 95 Reuter & Ihms, shipbuilders 227 Reverie 239 Rhoda 202 Rhoda Mary, fast schooner 233; hull-form 88, 97, 211; lines plan 211, 213; painting 215; sail plan 211, 215; section, deck & bulwarks 215 Rhone, ex-Gilroy, stranded 148 Rice, Richard, on Canadian ships 47-48 Richard Cobden 39 Richard Dart 80 Richardson, shipbuilder 228 Rickmers, R C, shipbuilders 123 Rigging, chain 98; flying jib halliards 229; head gear of ship 186; rigging screws 189, 189; table of sizes, 57, Appendix V Rigs, big sloops converted into schooners 231, 233; brig popular 73; confusion over schooner 87-88; brigs versus schooners 74; early barquentines 88; snow or brig 192; see also separate entries for each rig Rival 108, 111, 229 River Wear, Sunderland 76 Riviere 207 Robert Bright 41 Robert Caldwell 94 Robert Henderson 148 Robertson, W, draughtsman 22, 61 Robinson, steering gear 50 Robinson Cruses, painting 169 Rodger's anchor 26 Rodney 157; in dry dock 158 Rogers, Inkerman 107 Rohilla 237 Roller-reefing 29 Romanoff 151 Rona 238 Roodee, painting 169 Roof, building under 29, 80 Rooparell 182 Rose Bud, painting 200 Roseneath 28 Roxburgh Castle, ex-King Richard, hull-form 31, 53, 55; lines plan 53 SS Royal Charter 36, 38 Royden, T, & Sons 117, 167 Ruddock, F & J, shipbuilders 50 Russell, Clark, quoted 100 Russel, J Scott 167 Rydal Hall 182 Rydalmere 161 S Sabrina 228 Sails, all roller-reefing 29; baleston topsails 86, 123, 227-28; early double topgallants 143; early double topsails 37-38, 79, 118; Forbes' topsails 79; 4 jibs 59-60; Howes' topsails 38, 46, 50, 79; lower stunsail 65, 92, 98; moonsail 47, 154; on schooners 98, 100; prices for barquentines 225; ringtail 136, 153; roller-reefing topgallants 147; roller-reefing topsails 193; sail areas compared 189; schooner's topgallant 100; staysails 4-sided 196-97, 199; stunsails in 1870s 136, 175, 188 Sail plans, barquentines 221-23, 225-26; brigantines 196-97; cut down 143, 195; draughtsmanship 73-74; drawn by Stephen's 130; Stephen's too small 162; terns 100, 102 Sailmakers drew plans 215, 225 Saint John, shipbuilders at 47-50 St Hilda 14 St Kilda 238 St Lawrence, and brig 199; hull-form 66-67; photograph 66, 67; plans 66 St Paul deck scene 179; fitting out 172; hell ship 175; under sail 181 Salamander 90 Salamis 151 Salisbury, William, 94, 96-97 Saltash Bridge 87, 89, 100 Saluto ex-Minna-Cords, ashore 128 Samuel Lawrence 44 Samuel Plimsoll 151 Samuelson, shipbuilder 39 San Francisco in 1853, 11 San Lorenzo 113 Sanders, Thomas, designer 204 Santa Claus 45 Sarah (bk 1862) described 195; dried out 195 Sarah (bk 1871), under sail 174 Sarah Neumann 40-42 Sarah Nicholson 157 SS Sarah Sands 39 Sarah Smeed 231 Saxon Maid 95 Schenley, G A, photographer, 161 Schomberg 36, 42, 52 Schomberg, Charles F 14 Schooners, defined 87-88, 92, 107; design 87-94, 209-16; early 3-masted 100, 102; largest 2-masters in USA 94; Mevagissey plan 211, 215; odd 5-masted 89; popular after 1870, 210; square sails rare in USA 215-16; un-named 91; word hides other rigs 87, 107 Science Museum, models, 143, 222; plans 32, 76, 79-80, 88, 90, 223 Scott, J E, shipbuilder 145, 147; portrait 146 Scott, John, & Sons 29 SS Sea King 22, 131 Sea Mew 192 Sea Queen 19, 21; cost 236; launch 22; plans 20 Seaforth 113, 114 Sebire, James 100 Seminole, at wharf 176 Semple, J, artist 27 Sensation, sail plan 197, 220 Seringapatam 53 Severn 236 Shakspere 157 Shandon 29, 138 Sharp, Thomas C 157 Shenir, sail plan 136, 161-62 Shepherd, Joseph 86, 192 Shepherd & Leech, shipbuilders 85-86, 190, 192, 225; ships listed 192 Shipbuilding, at Sunderland 29-31; boom-and-slump 14, 16-17, 30; conversion of timber 59, 61; in America 42-46, 113, 172, 174-75, 197, 202, 216; in Canada 13, 42, 47-51, 78-79, 113, 172, 175, 197, 202; in France 123; in Holland 123-24, 202; in Germany 123-25; in West Country 40-42; largest ships in wood 45-46, 50; materials available after 1860, 113; on River Clyde 20-29; on River Thames 39-40; on River Tyne 31-32; on speculation 40-41, 48; records preserved 10; weight of materials 22; see also Iron Construction, Wood Construction Shuttle 42 Siemens-Martin, steel 10, 113 Silver Lining 217 Silver Stream 218 Silvercraig 239 Silverhow 161 Simons, William, & Co 29 Simpson, Matthew, shipbuilder 209; costs listed 95-96, 98; schooners listed 94-96 Singapore 238 Sir Lancelot 239 Sir William Wallace 148 Size, American schooners 216; average in 'home trade' 72-73; not determined by rig 87; ships and barques under 300 tons, 202 Slieve Donard, in dry dock 38 Sloman, R M, shipowner 136 Sloops, large 232-33 Slyboots 107, 225 Smacks; see Barges, Rigs Smeed, shipbuilder 231 Smith, Capt J quoted 28, 196, 196 Smith, George, owner 131 Smith, George, & Sons 23, 106, 138, 147; development of firm 131-32 Smith, James, shipbuilder 47 Smith, Robert, owner 131 Smith, Samuel, photographer 196 Smith, T & W 52, 66-67, 85 Smith, 'Yankee', shipbuilder 151 Smith & Co, shipbuilders 38 Smith & Rodger, shipbuilders 28 Snapdragon 46 Soblomsten, at anchor 171 Sobraon 67, 114 Solitt, shipbuilder 231 Solway Queen 190, 193 Somes, Frederick, 63 Somes, J & F, 23; ships ordered or bought from Stephen's 21, 59, 61-65 Somes, Joseph 59, 61 Somes, Mullins & Co 63 Somes, Samuel 63 Somes, Brothers: see Somes, J & F Sophie Joakim 157 Sorabjee Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy 118 Southwick 157 Sovereign of the Seas 175 Spars, all iron 167; on American schooner 216; fidded royal masts 151, 154; lower and topmast in one piece 151, 164; longest mainyards 45-46, 145, 164; masting rules 187; mast settles 184; outrigger boom 59, 128; sliding gunter masts 46, 107, 138, 154; stunsail booms 66; telescopic jibboom 59-60; telescopic topgallant masts 151 Specification of Edmund Preston 23-24, 26-27 Speculation, ships built on 31, 40-41, 48, 80-81 Speedy 40 Spence, Joseph, shipbuilder 157 Spencer, R B, artist 105 Spicer, Stanley, quoted 47 Spitfire 47 Spring Bird 197 Spritsail barges, development 229; hull and sail plan 229 Staffordshire 113 Star of Bengal, in harbour 164 Star of Empire 44 Star of India (S 1861) 59, 62-63 Star of India, ex-Euterpe (S 1863), mast and deck details 166 255 Star of Peace 41 Star of the East 50 Statistics, composite constuction 12; dismasted ships 1873-74, 182; jackass barques listed 227-28; Liverpool builders 117; numbers of sailing ships built 17; Sunderland building 30; tonnage registered 1830-70, 14; vessels under 300 tons built 1875, 202 Steam competition 16-17, 20 Steel construction 113-14, 117 Steele, James 147 Steele, Robert, & Co 228; build 'City Line' ships 132, 147; shipyard history 29, 147 Steers, George 100 Stephen, Alexander, & Sons, build Blackwall frigates 52, 55, 59-65; build Edmund Preston 23-27, 39, 82; build medium clippers 130, 136; buy Linthouse estate 125, 133; contract with Preston 23-24, 39; development of firm 20-21, 124-25; first composite ship 132; last composite ship 167; letter on sail plan 161-62; obtain timber 57, 61; plans survive 10, 20, 82, 102, 113, 125, 130; ships of 1850-60 described 19-23; ships of 1860-75 described 124-25, 130-37; small sail areas 162; vessels of under 350 tons listed 82, 205, 217, 233; ways of obtaining orders 21-23 Stephen, A, jnr, carves half-models 213, 215; comments on Hall's ships 154; his diary 60-61; recommends Glasgow 49; takes over Glasgow yard 20-21, 124; travels in search of orders 21-22, 63 Stephen, A, snr 19-20, 124-25; buys teak 61 Stephen, James 20-22, 24 Stephen, John 21, 124 Stephen, William 20-21, 125 Stephens, Hugh E, builder 232-33 Stephens, John, builder 211, 233 Stevens, John R, author 48 Stewart Rees, W 117 Storm Cloud 21, 23, 130, 236 Stour 112 Stowage, incorrect 185 Strathearn 140 Stuart Hahnemann 46, 145 Suez Canal, 15-17, 133, 136 Sunderland, shipbuilders 29-32 Superb 55, 67 Superior, under sail 147 Susan Howland, described 42-43 Susanna 85 Sussex Maid 80 Swarthmore 31-32 Sweden, ship design 118-19 Sydenham 238 Szymanski, Hans, author 105 T Taeping 239 Talisman, ex-Cursetjee Furdoonjee 169 Tantallon Castle 239 Teazer (bg 1858), close-hauled 193; described 195 Teazer ('pro tem') 90 Tern schooners, 100, 102 The Caliph 139 Thessalus 140; at anchor 141; plans of spars 142 Thermanthus 217 Thermopylae 151, 205 Thomas 85 Thomas, F H, shipbuilder 41 Thomas Blythe 38 Thomasina MacLellan 145; at anchor 145 Thompson, George, owner 151 Thompson, Joseph L, & Sons 157 Thompson, Robert, & Sons 30; half-models 156-57; ships described 157 Thompson, Robert, jnr, 30, 167 Thomson, James and George 28 Three Brothers, ex-PS Vanderbilt 175 Thule, bows 216 Ticonderoga 13 Tien-tsin 227 Tiger 80 Titania, tea clipper 27 Tocopilla 237 Todd & MacGregor 29, 132 Tom Duff 153 Tonges & Co, brokers 13 Tonnage of Sail and Steam 17 Torbay Lass 218 Torrens Towy 207 Trafalgar 65-66 Train, Enoch, & Co 42 Transit (1800) 89 Trojan 29 Tromso, under sail 73 Trotman's anchor, 26 Trout C S, artist 215 Trow, described 112, 233-34 True Briton, lithograph 69 Trusty, painting and photograph, 191 Tuh Shing 239 Tweedsdale 189 Tweedside 78-79; on ship 78 Twilight 28 Two-topsail schooners, 105, 217; sail plan 102 Tyburnia, compared to other ships 22-23, 53, 55; cost 56, 61, 236; design 61-62; framing plans 61; hull-form and its influence 23-24, 61-62, 64; sail plan 62; wooden constuction 21, 61 SS Tynemouth 31 Typhoon, iron clipper 21, 60, 236 U Ulcoats 113 Uller, ez-Amber Witch 227 Ullock 154 Ulrichs, H F, shipbuilder 123 Umgeni, drying sails 153 Underley, wrecked 164 Union, hull-form compared 86, 88, 90, 107, 221; lines plan 221, 222; rigging sizes 222, Appendix V; sail plan 106, 222-23, 224 Unity, painting 228 Upham, J & W A, costs 218, 220; half-model 222; hull-form 220-21; vessels described 217-18, 220-21, 225; use of moulds 218 Uranie 123 Utrecht 11 V Valentine 94 Valentine and Helene 238 Valin, T, shipbuilder 227 PS Vanderbilt 175 Vanguard 29 Vaux, shipbuilder 112 Vencedora, ready for launching 156 Velocity 157 Venn, JJ, carver 98 Vernon, T & Son, builders 38, 117 Via 218 Victoria Cross 113 Vigilant (bg 1853) 196 Vigilant (bkn 1877) 226 Vimeira 55-56 Virginia 238 Vivian, shipbuilder 101 Volcalist 42 Volante, lines and sail plans 79 W W S Lindsay 31 Walker, William, shipbuilder 40 Wallace, F W, quoted 47, 50-51 Wallis, T 78 Walpole, Webb & Bewley 163 Walter Baine 239 Walter Raleigh 94 Walter Ulrich 98 Walters, Samuel, artist 27 Wanata 13 Ward, William, artist 34 Warren, C W, photographer 49 Warrior HMS, 189 Wasdale, compared 161-62 Waterloo (sch c1855) 87 Waterloo (S 1863) 113 Waterwitch, rig altered 195 Watjen, D H, & Co, owners 136 Watkins 80 Wave (sch 1864) 85 Wave (trow 1867) hull-form 234; lines plan 233, 234 Wave of Life, at Sydney 28 Wave Queen 236 Waverley 239 Wear, F, photographer 141 Webb, Eckford 101 Webb, William H, hull-form used 46; packet design 42; plans published 10, 46, 172 Welcome 218 Wennington, fitting out 164 Weser Shipbuilding Co 123 Westacott, John, ships named 41, 225 Whalers 21 Whirlwind 21, 59 White, J & R, shipyard 9 White, William, shipbuilder 211 White Eagle 21, 23, 59, 236 White Star 50 White Star Line 14, 47 Whitehaven brig, identification 190, 192-3, 192, 193 195 Whitehaven Public Library & Museum 163, 190, 192, 195, 225 Whitehaven Shipbuilding Co, build barquentines 225; 9 ships listed 161-63 Whitehead, shipbuilder 200 Wigram, Money & Sons 40, 53 Wild Dayrell 102 Wild Wave 202; under sail 203 Wilhelmine 123 William Davie, cost 237; lines and deck plans 129, 131; sail plan 130, 130, 131 William Duthie 148 William E Clowes 216 William F Frederick 216 William Shepherd 95 Williamson, Hugh, shipbuilder 190 Willy, 123 Willmett, shipbuilder 209 Wilson & Chambers 50 Windlass, Armstrong patent 129; see also Deck fittings Windsor Castle (S 1857) 54 Windsor Castle (S 1869) 148; cabin plan 151 Wisbech, schooner and brigs 103, 196 Witch of the Wave 44 Wolgart, lines and sail plans 73-74, 74 Wood, Henry & Co 24 Wood construction, clinker build 92; conversion of timber 57, 59, 61; largest British ships 21, 52; large American ships 45-46; last ships built in Great Britain 151; ratio of timber used 61; softwood ships 13, 52; vessels lengthened 91-92, 100 Woolrich, Col 41 Woodside 92 Woodville 86 Woosung 236 Workington & Harrington Shipbuilding Co 36 Wright, W & R, shipbuilding 47-50 Y Z Yang-tsze 154 Zebina Goudey 228 Zebra 100, 102 Zephyr (S 1855) 45 Zephyr (bkn 1869) 223 SS Zeta 131 Ziba, called 'schooner' 87, 107; cost 107; listed 227; sail plan 106, 107, 227 Zircon 82, 236 Zodiac 41 Zohrab 141 256

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