Goal #2
Clean and Safe Water
Objective #2
Protect Water Quality. Protect the quality of rivers, lakes, and streams on a watershed basis and protect coastal and ocean waters.

Water Infrastructure: Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) (1)
Representatives from EPA's State Revolving Fund program, Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Block Grant program, and USDA's Rural Utility Service have signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to assisting state or Federal implementers in: 1.) coordination of the funding cycles of the three Federal agencies; 2.) consolidation of plans of action (operating plans, intended use plan, strategic plans, etc.); and 3.) preparation of one environmental review document, when possible, to satisfy the requirements of all participating Federal agencies. A coordination group at the Federal level has been formed to further these efforts and maintain lines of communication. In many states, coordination committees have been established with representatives from the three programs (2).

Agency :
General Services Administration
Stormwater Management Program (4)
The objective of this initiative is to import a basic understanding of the causes of stormwater pollution and the types of activities that require stormwater permits, as well as to provide an invaluable reference tool for the General Services Administration facility managers. The NRC is integrating this environmental initiative throughout the organizational culture by actively encouraging everyone in the region to consider the impact of their projects, activities and operations on stormwater and the environment. NRC's comprehensive management plan compiles and disseminates best management practices and stormwater pollution prevention measures for all GSA facilities within NRC. NRC believes that full implementation of this stormwater management plan will contribute significantly to overall improvement of water quality of local streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay (5).

One major project that the NRC is involved with is the "greening" of the Environmental Protection Agency's new headquarters in the District's Federal Triangle. NRC's horticulturist and EPA staff began discussing ways to incorporate sustainable landscaping practices in the complex. The idea was driven in part by the Chesapeake Executive Council's directive on managing stormwater on state, federal, and district-owned property. The demonstration project, dubbed "Greening EPA" and jointly funded by the two agencies, is being conducted in phases, with each phase demonstrating more advanced and aggressive environmental measures. The Low Impact Development Center, a nonprofit organization that specializes in such projects, and John Shorb Landscaping are contractors for the effort. Elements for the project will include:

"Green roofs," which use specialized lightweight plants to absorb rainfall. Once the vegetation is saturated, runoff is collected through roof drains. Green roofs also help conserve energy in buildings and reduce urban heat-island effects.

High-efficiency irrigation using rain barrels and water stored under permeable pavers. This system also uses timers and moisture meters to reduce excess watering (6).

Authorizing  Legislation:
Clean Water Act, sections 601-607, Public Law 95-217 (7)

Section 119 of Clean Water Act and Appropriation Acts (8)

Clean Water Act (9)

(1) Source: Page II-50 of EPA’s FY2005 Annual Performance Plan and Congressional Justification - Clean and Safe Water.

(2) Source: Page II-83 of EPA’s FY2005 Annual Performance Plan and Congressional Justification - Clean and Safe Water.

(3) Source: General Services Administration - Facility Management, See under Document ID 2001-PRA-030, Stormwater Management Program, See under 6th program, date unknown -

(4) Source: General Services Administration - Facility Management, See under Document ID 2001-PRA-030, Stormwater Management Program, See under 6th date and under heading, date unknown -

(5) Source: General Services Administration - Facility Management, See under Document ID 2001-PRA-030, Stormwater Management Program, See under program, date unknown -

(6) Source: Washington Business Journal - Inside GSA: National Capital Region, view the following article; 1/9/04 - http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2004/01/12/focus7.html. Also, see the following Website for further inquiry of the Low Impact Development Center; http://www.lowimpactdevelopment.org.

(7) Source: View the following Website; http://www.epa.gov/region5/water/pdf/ecwa_t6.pdf

(8) Source: View the following Website; http://www.epa.gov/region5/water/pdf/ecwa_t1.pdf

(9) Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Laws and Regulations, See under About website - http://www.epa.gov/epahome/laws.htm