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LFSC - Linac Feedback Simulation Code.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL.

ProductType: Technical report
NTIS Order Number: DE2008-934559

Media Count: N/A
Date: May 2008
Author: V. Ivanov

The computer program LFSC () is a numerical tool for simulation beam based feedback in high performance linacs. The code LFSC is based on the earlier version developed by a collective of authors at SLAC (L.Hendrickson, R. M ...

Report Number: FERMILAB-TM-2409-CD
Contract Number: DE-AC02-76CH03000
Project Number: N/A
Grant Number: N/A
Task Number: N/A
NTIS announcement issue: 0904

"N/A" indicates no data is available for this field.