Molokai EC Benchmark Summary Report November 2004*

Benchmark Benchmark Description Baseline Output To Date Target Unit Leader Percent Completed Percent Tasks Completed Total Funds Received Total Funds Requested LastUpdated
Molokai EC-6   Watershed Protection: 1) Establish partnership with land-owner and conservation agencies. 2) Recover vegetation and retain stream flows.  15000  1500  18000  # of acres preserved    50%  75%  $398,000  $506,000  4/26/2004  
Molokai EC-8   Native Plant Nursery: 1) Expand production of native plant and trees on Molokai 2) Provide economic opportunities for families to produce plant materials for sale  15  20  # of families participating  College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources  75%  0%  $0  $0  1/24/2003  
Molokai EC-11   Historic Sites Inventory: 1) Provide cultural and historical background research survey training; 2) Provide archaeological survey, mapping training; 3) Conduct ethnographic survey which covers the oral history aspect; 4) Compile and interpret Molokai existing archeological surveys for community use.  # of databases created  Society for Molokai Archaeology  0%  30%  $41,000  $77,700  9/29/2004  
Molokai EC-12   Taro Production: 1) Establish a taro growers cooperative organization 2) Conduct research to prevent taro disease and manage insects 3) Develop a taro nursery to produce plantings 4) Conduct farm mangement training  25  30  # of acres under production  Onipaa Na Hui Kalo, CTAHR  89%  33%  $248,725  $278,725  12/22/2003  
Molokai EC-13   Fishponds/Aquaculture: 1) Restoration of traditional fishponds on Molokai 2) Expand aquaculture production on Molokai 3) Streamline the fishponds restoration permit process   24  18  54  # of jobs created  Hui O Kuapa  60%  89%  $1,326,500  $2,102,252  10/8/2004  
Molokai EC-14   Commercial Kitchen: 1) Design conceptual use plan and layout for the commercial kitchen 2) Implement plan in conjunction with the Recreation Center construction 3) Design user fee schedule and management of kitchen  20  # of families participating  Molokai Community Service Council  0%  86%  $569,100  $714,100  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-19   Brownfield Redevelopment: 1) Secure use of site for redevelopment purposes 2) Conduct and environmental assessment of the site 3) Develop a feasibility study for the renovation of existing buildings into a business/recreational center complex 4)Design and implement a clean up plan 5) Design and implement a management plan for the complex 6) Renovate the existing buildings as planned 7) Create a business incubator  60  # of jobs created  Molokai Community Service Council  0%  29%  $84,375  $90,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-20   Slaughterhouse: Construct a certified livestock slaughterhouse on Molokai  700  # of participants  Molokai Livestock Cooperative  0%  25%  $1,656,400  $1,621,400  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-21   Community Land Trust: 1) Convene community discussion on land trust 2) Develop legal framework and implementation plan for land trust 3) Identify land owners who are willing to consider transferring lands to trust  # of plans developed/revised  Molokai Community Service Council  0%  40%  $0  $0  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-22   Youth Leadership Development: 1) Establish a sustainable leadership training and development plan 2) Involve young adults in a major community project for practical experience 3) Encourage young adult participation in government affairs.  50  150  # of youth participating  Na Pua Nohi Naauao  0%  27%  $24,738  $28,300  12/22/2003  
Molokai EC-23   Learning Centers: 1) Establish Education Coordinating Council for Molokai 2) Construct two learning centers 3) Establish new educational programs and learning opportunities  # of new facilities  Department of Education  50%  100%  $3,508,712  $3,528,712  12/22/2003  
Molokai EC-27   Human Services Complex: Provide on island mental health services to Molokai residents.  # of programs  Molokai Community Service Council  0%  22%  $8,000  $8,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-28   Dialysis Facility: Provide on island treatment to dialysis patients  20  21  # of clients served  Na Puuwai  95%  100%  $829,400  $926,000  9/7/2004  
Molokai EC-30   Visitor Coordinator: 1. Organize a community-based Visitor Committee 2. Develop a strategic visitor plan 3. Coordinate and implement Molokai's strategic visitor plan.  68410  73000  # of visitors  Visitors Coordinator Task Force  0%  33%  $45,000  $155,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-33   School-to-Work: Establish a school to work Education/Vocational Program that will provide the opportunity to learn job skills, complete high school education either through the traditional 4 year program or by obtaining a GED, and further post-high school education.  359  500  # of participants  Molokai Community Services Council - Hoikaika Youth Opportunity Program  72%  78%  $8,945,000  $9,045,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-34   Molokai Marketing: 1) Create Molokai Logo, 2) Implement an entrepreneurship curriculum, targeting families in need; 3)Create a cooperative of Molokai entrepreneurs, 4) Acquire Group Insurance, 5) Create a webpage marketing Molokai products.  35  # of clients placed in jobs  Molokai Community Services Council  0%  25%  $134,829  $138,204  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-35   Waste Management: 1) Create a Waste Management Plan, 2) Increase recycling on Molokai, 3) Decrease amount of solid waste into the landfill, 4) Explore economic usage for waste material (i.e junkyard), 5) Improve waste water treatment system.  20  Amount of trash recycled  Molokai Community Service Council  0%  45%  $90,000  $153,923  10/8/2004  
Molokai EC-36   EC Administration: Administrative support for the EC Board and implementation of the EC projects  306831  303410  Dollar amount leveraged  Molokai Community Service Council  101%  94%  $741,333  $968,450  12/22/2003  
Molokai EC-37   Education Coordinator: 1) Organize a Moloka‘i Education Advisory Council; 2) Create an education coordination and advocacy plan; 3) Implement plan.  # of new or improved systems  Molokai Education Advisory Council  0%  67%  $0  $0  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-38   Senior Center (1) Acquire community input to identify the needs of Molokai's seniors and programs to be implemented at the Senior Center; (2) Site acquisition for Senior Center; (3) Design center and obtain construction permits; (4) Conduct construction and renovation activities; (5) Phase existing programs and offices into new Senior Center; (6) Establish, Maintain, Coodinate, and Evaluate services to be provided at the Senior Center  50  200  # of clients served  Hale Mahaolu  0%  100%  $1,470,000  $1,620,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-39   Ke Aupuni Lokahi, Inc.: Establish Ke Aupuni Lokahi as a non-profit community based corporation, establish and maintain an office and staff responsible for implementing the Molokai EC Strategic Plan  # of administrative entities created  MEC KAL  100%  70%  $284,529  $284,529  10/12/2004  
Molokai EC-40   Fiscal Management: Contract an organization on an interim basis to help staff Ke aupuni Lokahi and administer EC funds.  # of new or improved systems    0%  100%  $0  $0  9/7/2004  
Molokai EC-41   Community Health Center: Establish a community health center for increased access to health care services.  # of new health care professionals    50%  83%  $1,205,250  $1,389,500  10/14/2004  
Molokai EC-43   Develop and implement plans for Aka'ula School to provide a quality, multi-age, transitional environment for Molokai students in grades five to eight, creating 18 jobs and supporting local small businesses. The school is committed to building a community where students, their families, and teachers are engaged in learning. Aka'ula belives in educating the whole child through a balanced curriculum that celebrates multiple intelligences and meets the needs of a heterogeneous learning community. Learning, leading and decision-making are fundamental collaborative processes that will be practiced at Aka'ula School.  160  # of youth participating    0%  100%  $67,000  $330,000  9/7/2004  
Molokai EC-44   Kahua ola Hou: Provide substance abuse and violence prevention/early intervention services for targeted youth on the island of Molokai.  48  # of clients served  Alu Like, Inc  0%  80%  $350,600  $500,600  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-45   The Ahahui Kalanianaole Hall has been placed on the nomination list for National Historic Places and Sites which adheres to strict standards for rehibilitation. The Friends of Kalanianaole have conjoined to see the project through to its completion by the end of 2006.  # of buildings built/renovated  Friends of Kalanianaole  0%  75%  $50,000  $100,000  9/7/2004  
Molokai EC-46   Northwest Molokai Erosion Control:  214560  17165  Amount of contamination in water    0%  60%  $118,000  $118,000  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-47   Community-Based Compatible Development: Establish a Viable Community-Based Partnership with an entity that would provide the infrastructure for the Molokai Community to become economically viable.  50  # of jobs created    0%  17%  $14,000  $240,495  9/10/2004  
Molokai EC-48   Solar for Molokai. Funding partner Maui Electric Company, with primary funding from USDA-RD, will work with the EC to install renewable energy solar water heating systems for 300 eligible households, saving an estimated 45% in annual energy costs per solar system.  300  # of families served  Maui Electric Company  0%  0%  $1,108,548  $1,429,848  9/10/2004  

*Source: USDA-OCD Benchmark Management System

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