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Re: HBD offline software for Run 9

Hi Tom,

Sounds good. I will be at BNL on August 12. That sounds like a good time for me to come to your meeting, since you will be discussing the migration of the code to offline.

I would like to come away with an overview of the steps needed to integrate the HBD into central arm tracking and interface to the compact CNT disk object, and with an idea of the schedule.

At some point, perhaps later, I would like to understand how calibrations needed for production will be produced for the HBD.


On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, Thomas K Hemmick wrote:

Hi Tony

This topic came up in our weekly HBD meeting today and we set up an initial

We're testing new algorithms in a standalone framework that will work well
in the face of scintillation (standalone in order to use a single uniform
hex grid so as to get quick results without needing to worry over the
complexities at GEMstack boundaries).

We plan that Tuesday next week we will show first results from the algorithm
and that the following Tuesday (Aug 12) we'll begin plans to migrate the
algorithm into the offline framework, a task that will lead very naturally
to code updates, maintenance, and readiness.

The HBD meetings are Tuesday mornings at 9:00 AM on 6261.  Please feel free
to join in!


On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Anthony Denis Frawley <
frawley@rcf.rhic.bnl.gov> wrote:

Dear HBD experts,

       By the beginning of Run 9, we are planning to have implemented the
new CNT compact disk storage objects to be written by Run 9 production.
Since the production queue is expected to have been cleared out by the start
of Run 9, we also plan to begin full production within a few weeks of the
start of physics collisions in Run 9.

       For both of those goals to be met, the integration of the HBD into
the central arm reconstruction will have to be completed before the start of
the run. I would like to start trying to understand the plans and the
timetable for reaching this happy state.

       Aside from having it be pretty soon, I don't have a strong
preference for how we start. The discussion will at some point have to move
to the Analysis Meeting, but I would be happy to start by meeting with a
small group who can begin to relieve my woeful ignorance on the subject of
HBD offline integration.

       It would be very helpful if you can nominate a particular person for
me to talk to about this.

       Many thanks

Tony Frawley                            frawley@fsuhip.physics.fsu.edu
Physics department                      FSU phone:       850-644-4034
Florida state University,               FSU fax  :       850-644-4478
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350

Cell phone:                                              850-524-6309

Phenix-electron-l mailing list

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Frawley frawley@fsuhip.physics.fsu.edu Physics department FSU phone: 850-644-4034 Florida state University, FSU fax : 850-644-4478 Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350

Cell phone:						 850-524-6309

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