3. the council recommends that the legislative agencies . . have; preferential control and use of the duplicating equipment between-legislative sessions in cooperation with the department of finance. incidental interim use by the department of finance, office of"the governor and smaller agencies is urged. Both the Legislative Audit Committee and the Legislative Council^must produce a great volume of material for the use of the legislature and other agencies. This is particularly true of the Legislative Council which must issue interim and final reports, memoranda, and legislative aids on a year-around basis and in such quantity that the commercial printing is impractical both as to process and cost. However, the present use of the mimeograph process for such a great volume of work has proven both uneconomical from the standpoint of both the time and money involved. The Council feels it important to let it be known that it is not recommending that the State go into the printing business. Use of the equipment for the special internal needs of the legislature and its agencies is the primary factor. Some of the special, mainly internal, duplicating needs of the Department of Finance, the Office of the Governor, and possibly small agencies, might also be accomplished economically with this equipment between sessions. ¦ 4. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL HAS DIRECTED THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PREPARE ALTERNATE BILLS REGARDING DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE LEGISLATURE: (l) FOR PURCHASE OF THE EQUIPMENT, OR (2> FOR RENTAL OF THE EQUIPMENT. The Council staff will submit the complete information on the purchase and rental aspects of the new duplicating and assembly equipment to the appropriate committees of each house. Representatives of the supplying firms will be available to the. committees, together with such additional information as they may require. 5. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION OF LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS BE ADOPTED "FOR Administration by the legislature's fiscal and procurement OFFICER WHO WILL HAVE CHARGE OF THE CENTRALIZED MAIL AND DISTRIBUTION SECTION: a. A desk copy of each bill, resolution and memorial maintained in a separate file on each member's desk by.the house messengers on a daily basis and under the direction of the sergeant-at-arms of each house. Space , limitations on and in desks may prompt some members, having adjoining desks, to prefer to share .a set. -60-