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Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal Land Conveyance Act of 1999 (Introduced in Senate)

S 1178 IS


1st Session

S. 1178

To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain parcels of land acquired for the Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal features of the Oahe Irrigation Project, South Dakota, to the Commission of Schools and Public Lands of the State of South Dakota for the purpose of mitigating lost wildlife habitat, on the condition that the current preferential leaseholders shall have an option to purchase the parcels from the Commission, and for other purposes.


May 27, 1999

Mr. DASCHLE introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources


To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain parcels of land acquired for the Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal features of the Oahe Irrigation Project, South Dakota, to the Commission of Schools and Public Lands of the State of South Dakota for the purpose of mitigating lost wildlife habitat, on the condition that the current preferential leaseholders shall have an option to purchase the parcels from the Commission, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the `Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal Land Conveyance Act of 1999'.


    Congress finds that--

      (1) under the Act of December 22, 1944 (commonly known as the `Flood Control Act of 1944')(58 Stat. 887, chapter 665; 33 U.S.C. 701-1 et seq.), Congress approved the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program--

        (A) to promote the general economic development of the United States;

        (B) to provide for irrigation above Sioux City, Iowa;

        (C) to protect urban and rural areas from devastating floods of the Missouri River; and

        (D) for other purposes;

      (2) the purpose of the Oahe Irrigation Project was to meet the requirements of that Act by providing irrigation above Sioux City, Iowa;

      (3) the principle features of the Oahe Irrigation Project included--

        (A) a system of main canals, including the Pierre Canal, running east from the Oahe Reservoir; and

        (B) the establishment of regulating reservoirs, including the Blunt Dam and Reservoir, located approximately 35 miles east of Pierre, South Dakota;

      (4) land to establish the Pierre Canal and Blunt Reservoir was purchased from willing sellers between 1972 and 1977, when construction on the Oahe Irrigation Project was halted;

      (5) since 1978, the Commissioner of Reclamation has administered the land--

        (A) on a preferential lease basis to original landowners or their descendants; and

        (B) on a nonpreferential lease basis to other persons;

      (6) the 2 largest reservoirs created by the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Program, Lake Oahe and Lake Sharpe, caused the loss of approximately 221,000 acres of fertile, wooded bottomland in South Dakota that constituted some of the most productive, unique, and irreplaceable wildlife habitat in the State;

      (7) the State of South Dakota has developed a plan to meet the Federal obligation under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) to mitigate the loss of wildlife habitat, the implementation of which is authorized by section 602 of title VI of Public Law 105-277 (112 Stat. 2681-660); and

      (8) it is in the interests of the United States and the State of South Dakota to--

        (A) provide original landowners or their descendants with an opportunity to purchase back their land; and

        (B) transfer the remaining land to the State of South Dakota to allow implementation of its habitat mitigation plan.


    (a) DEFINITIONS- In this section:

      (1) BLUNT RESERVOIR FEATURE- The term `Blunt Reservoir feature' means the Blunt Reservoir feature of the Oahe Irrigation Project authorized by section 9 of the Act of December 22, 1944 (58 Stat. 891, chapter 665), as part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Program.

      (2) COMMISSION- The term `Commission' means the Commission of Schools and Public Lands of the State of South Dakota.

      (3) NONPREFERENTIAL LEASE PARCEL- The term `nonpreferential lease parcel' means a parcel of land that--

        (A) was purchased by the Secretary for use in connection with the Blunt Reservoir feature or the Pierre Canal feature; and

        (B) is under lease to a person other than a preferential leaseholder as of the date of enactment of this Act.

      (4) PIERRE CANAL FEATURE- The term `Pierre Canal feature' means the Pierre Canal feature of the Oahe Irrigation Project authorized by section 9 of the Act of December 22, 1944 (58 Stat. 891, chapter 665), as part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Program.

      (5) PREFERENTIAL LEASEHOLDER- The term `preferential leaseholder' means a leaseholder of a parcel of land who is--

        (A) the person from whom the Secretary purchased the parcel for use in connection with the Blunt Reservoir feature or the Pierre Canal feature;

        (B) the original operator of the parcel at the time of acquisition; or

        (C) a descendant of a person described in subparagraph (A) or (B).

      (6) PREFERENTIAL LEASE PARCEL- The term `preferential lease parcel' means a parcel of land that--

        (A) was purchased by the Secretary for use in connection with the Blunt Reservoir feature or the Pierre Canal feature; and

        (B) is under lease to a preferential leaseholder as of the date of enactment of this Act.

      (7) SECRETARY- The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation.

      (8) UNLEASED PARCEL- The term `unleased parcel' means a parcel of land that--

        (A) was purchased by the Secretary for use in connection with the Blunt Reservoir feature or the Pierre Canal feature; and

        (B) is not under lease as of the date of enactment of this Act.

    (b) DEAUTHORIZATION- The Blunt Reservoir feature is deauthorized.

    (c) CONVEYANCE- The Secretary shall convey all of the preferential lease parcels to the Commission, without consideration, on the condition that the Commission honor the purchase option provided to preferential leaseholders under subsection (d).


      (1) IN GENERAL- A preferential leaseholder shall have an option to purchase from the Commission the preferential lease parcel that is the subject of the lease.

      (2) TERMS-

        (A) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a preferential leaseholder may elect to purchase a parcel on 1 of the following terms:

          (i) Cash purchase for the amount that is equal to--

            (I) the value of the parcel determined under paragraph (4); minus

            (II) 10 percent of that value.

          (ii) Installment purchase, with 20 percent of the value of the parcel determined under paragraph (4) to be paid on the date of purchase and the remainder to be paid over not more than 30 years at 3 percent annual interest.

        (B) VALUE UNDER $10,000- If the value of the parcel is under $10,000, the purchase shall be made on a cash basis in accordance with subparagraph (A)(i).


        (A) IN GENERAL- A preferential leaseholder shall have until the date that is 10 years after the date of the conveyance under subsection (c) to exercise the option under paragraph (1).

        (B) CONTINUATION OF LEASES- Until the date specified in subparagraph (A), a preferential leaseholder shall be entitled to continue to lease from the Commission the parcel leased by the preferential leaseholder under the same terms and conditions as under the lease, as in effect as of the date of conveyance.

      (4) VALUATION-

        (A) IN GENERAL- The value of a preferential lease parcel shall be determined to be, at the election of the preferential leaseholder--

          (i) the amount that is equal to--

            (I) the number of acres of the preferential lease parcel; multiplied by

            (II) the amount of the per-acre assessment of adjacent parcels made by the Director of Equalization of the county in which the preferential lease parcel is situated; or

          (ii) the amount of a valuation of the preferential lease parcel for agricultural use made by an independent appraiser.

        (B) COST OF APPRAISAL- If a preferential leaseholder elects to use the method of valuation described in subparagraph (A)(ii), the cost of the valuation shall be paid by the preferential leaseholder.


        (A) IN GENERAL- If a preferential leaseholder fails to purchase a parcel within the period specified in paragraph (3)(A), the Commission shall convey the parcel to the State of South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks.

        (B) WILDLIFE HABITAT MITIGATION- Land conveyed under subparagraph (A) shall be used by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks for the purpose of mitigating the wildlife habitat that was lost as a result of the development of the Pick-Sloan project.

      (6) USE OF PROCEEDS- Of the proceeds of sales of land under this subsection--

        (A) not more than $500,000 shall be used to reimburse the Secretary for expenses incurred in implementing this Act;

        (B) an amount not exceeding 10 percent of the cost of each transaction conducted under this Act shall be used to reimburse the Commission for expenses incurred implementing this Act;

        (C) $3,095,000 shall be deposited in the South Dakota Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Trust Fund established by section 603 of division C of Public Law 105-277 (112 Stat. 2681-663) for the purpose of paying property taxes on land transferred to the State of South Dakota;

        (D) $100,000 shall be provided to Hughes County, South Dakota, for the purpose of supporting public education;

        (E) $100,000 shall be provided to Sully County, South Dakota, for the purpose of supporting public education; and

        (F) the remainder shall be used by the Commission to support public schools in the State of South Dakota.


      (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall convey to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks the nonpreferential lease parcels and unleased parcels of the Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal.

      (2) WILDLIFE HABITAT MITIGATION- Land conveyed under paragraph (1) shall be used by the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks for the purpose of mitigating the wildlife habitat that was lost as a result of the development of the Pick-Sloan project.


      (1) IN GENERAL- With the concurrence of the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, the South Dakota Commission of Schools and Public Lands may allow a person to exchange land that the person owns elsewhere in the State of South Dakota for a nonpreferential lease parcel or unleased parcel at Blunt Reservoir or Pierre Canal, as the case may be.

      (2) PRIORITY- The right to exchange nonpreferential lease parcels or unleased parcels shall be granted in the following order of priority:

        (A) Exchanges with current lessees for nonpreferential lease parcels.

        (B) Exchanges with adjoining and adjacent landowners for unleased parcels and nonpreferential lease parcels not exchanged by current lessees.

    (g) EASEMENT FOR IRRIGATION PIPE- A preferential leaseholder that purchases land at Pierre Canal or exchanges land for land at Pierre Canal shall to allow the State of South Dakota to retain an easement on the land for an irrigation pipe.

    (h) FUNDING OF THE SOUTH DAKOTA TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE HABITAT RESTORATION TRUST FUND- Section 603(b) of title VI of Public Law 105-277 (112 Stat. 2681-663) is amended by striking `$108,000,000' and inserting `$111,095,000'.

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