Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 December 13, 2007
 Following House Passage of Green-Richardson Anti-Noose Legislation, Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Similar Measure with Strong Bi-Partisan Support

Washington, DC – The Senate Judiciary Committee, today, passed S. Res. 396 with strong bi-partisan support.  Senator Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) introduced this resolution which expresses the "sense of the Senate that the hanging of nooses for the purpose of intimidation should be thoroughly investigated by Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities and that any criminal violations should be vigorously prosecuted".  Congressman Al Green (TX-09) attended the Senate Judiciary Committee mark-up to encourage passage of this resolution in the Senate.  Co-sponsors of this resolution include Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Barack  Obama (D-IL), Orin Hatch (R-UT), and Arlen Specter (R-PA).   Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13), Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joe Baca (CA-43), and Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Chairman Joe Baca (CA-43), and Chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Mike Honda (CA-15) joined Congressman Green in sending a letter to Members of the Senate encouraging support for this resolution.  A copy of this letter and the Senate Resolution are attached.

Last week the House passed Congressman Green's resolution H.Res. 826 by voice vote which expresses "that the hanging of nooses is a horrible act when used for the purpose of intimidation and which under certain circumstances can be a criminal act that should be thoroughly investigated by Federal law enforcement authorities and that any criminal violations should be vigorously prosecuted".  H. Res. 826 has 60 cosponsors including House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (MI-14), Ranking Member Lamar Smith (TX-21) and Congressman James Sensenbrenner (WI-5).

"I am heartened by the unanimous approval by the Senate Judiciary Committee of this resolution. Without exception, we recognize that the outrageous practice of noose hanging has no place in our society and must be confronted by thorough investigation and vigorous prosecution at all levels," said Senator Cardin.

"The recent surge in incidents of noose intimidation across our nation has compelled both Houses of the United States Congress to act. The bi-partisan and bi-cameral unity against these deplorable acts proves that America is truly a nation of hope, not hate.  Members from both Houses, on both sides of the aisle stand together to protect the progress our great nation has made in the struggle for human equality.  I applaud today’s passage by the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge the full Senate not to allow these acts of intimidation to undo our progress by passing this legislation,” stated Congressman Green.  Our great nation was founded on the ideals of liberty and justice for all. Noose intimidation takes us back to a time when the rising plea for civil rights by numerous Americans was answered with the senseless brutality of the hangman’s noose. According to Tuskegee Institute, more than 4,700 people were lynched between 1882 and 1959.  African Americans and Americans of Italians, Jews and Hispanic ancestry comprise the vast majority of lynching victims. Last week’s House passage and today’s movement to the Senate floor and the fact that these resolutions have the backing of individuals and groups that span political, racial and religious lines demonstrates that the purveyors of hate shall find no refuge in any quarters of  this great nation.  I thank Senator Cardin and Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for standing with people of goodwill to turn the page on treacherous bigotry and overt hate. The time has come for us to once and for all condemn noose intimidation for what it truly is- a treacherous symbol of racism and injustice which has no place in an America determined to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all."


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