£ TRAVELS IN RJJSSIA. B. 5. of Ruflia. Iii the following year the emprefs nominated Charles Peter Ulric, fon of Charles Frederic duke of Holftein Gottorp, By Anne, her lifter, fucceffor to the crown. Having embraced the Grr^ek religion, he was appointed great-duke ^ of Ruffia, with the aecuftomed formalities, and , affumed the name of Peter FeoAorovitch. In 1745 he efpoufed SopHa jLugi^fta, .daughter of Ghriftian Auguftus, prince of Anhalt Zerbft, who, being re-baptized according to the rites of the Greek church, was called Catharine Alexicfna. She was born#m 1729, and was fixteen years of age at the time of her marri- age. Their only iffue were the great-duke Paul, Trnru 17^4; and Anna, who was bqm in 1757, muddied in J76L During the Hrft years of their marriage the iftbftperfeft union fubfifled between, them, which was at Je»gth imomdeibf nwtaal averfkm and difguft. Peter, whofe mind was warped by a bad education, and who was purpofely eftranged from political affairs, was held by Elizabeth in ? Catharine was born at Stettin, where her fether, who was in the Ihfttffi&n fenrice, refuted as governor, and was educated with grea^ attention tinder the care of"her ntother> who was daughter of Chrif- , tlan Atignfttts, prince bifliop of I-ubeck. A lady who knew her Isefore her marriage, clefcrfted her to me as extremely beautiful, accompliilied, ^rid amiable, and added, that Che expreiled great re- to RtilEalJhe even burft into tears, and declared would father marry a count in Germany than the