Reprinted from Bacmmo~oar~~~ R~vmwe Vol. 16, No. 1, March, 1952 Printed in U.S.A. BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION REACTIONS ROBERT AUSTRIAN, M.D.' Biological Division, Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland In reviewing previously the chemical nature and biologic specificity of the substance inducing transformation of pneumococcal types (31), McCarty sug- gested that the principles involved and the results observed in the study of this reaction have implications beyond those referable to the biology of pneumococ- cus. The correctness of this point of view has been borne out by the investigations of the ensuing five years. In this period the variety of cellular characters which can ,be controlled by transformation react'ions and the number of bact'erial species susceptible to transformation have been espanded; also the conditions requisite for the carrying out of such alterations in the hereditary structure of microorganisms have been defined more precisely. To correlate bhese more re- cent observations with each other and with earlier work concerned with bac- terial transformations is the purpose of the present review. A transformation reaction may be defined as an hereditary alteration in a susceptible cell resulting from the acquisition from its environment, by other t,han sexual means, of a genetically active unit directing the inheritable change. An additional feature of such reactions is that. the genetically active material should be demonstrable in the progeny of the transformed cell and recoverable from such populations in quantit,ies in excess of the amount requisite to induce the initial alteration. In other words, within the cell, the transforming principle should behave as a self-reproducing substance. From the definition just stated, it is apparent that certain conditions must be fulfilled in order that a trans- formation reaction take place. First a competent cell, one capable of undergoing transformation, must be available; second, genetically active material must be provided; and third, environmental conditions must be suitable for the union of the two reacting components of the system. An analysis of these factors is, therefore, pertinent. FACTORS CONCERKED WITH BACTERIAL TRAKSFORMATION 1. Cellular Competence in Bacteria. In addition to pneumococcus, transforma- tion reactions have now been described employing strains of Hemophilus in- Jfluenzae (1, 2), Escherichia coli (S), and Shigella paradysenteriae (42). In all four species, transformation has been restricted to certain strains, other seem- ingly similar strains failing to participate in the reaction under comparable con- ditions. In each instance, the transforming principle has been derived from cells 1 Postdoctorate Research Fellow, National Heart Institute, Kational Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service, Federal Security Agency. The author expresses his appreciation to Dr. Harriet Ephrussi-Taylor and to Dr. R. D. Hotchkiss for permitting him access to the manuscripts of references 40 and 21 prior to their publication. 31 32 ROBERT AUSTRIAN [VOL. 16 of an heterologous type within the same species. Little is known concerning the bases in bacterial cells upon which competence in transformation reactions rests, though a few data relevant to this subject are available. The possibility that the structure of the cell surface may be a modifying factor in such reactions in pneumococcus is suggested by the observations of Keufeld and Levinthal (37) relating the bile solubility of two unencapsulated strains to their ability to undergo transformation to encapsulated forms in vivo. The strain more susceptible to lysis part,icipated readily in the reaction, whereas the more difficultly soluble one did not. Similar relations to competence in in vz?ro reactions have been noted by ot,hers (28), but a more careful study of this prob- lem will be necessary before its significance can be evaluated. A second factor related to the competence of an organism with regard to a specific transformation reaction may reside in its genetic constitution. It has been suggested that an organism producing one of a series of analogous cellular components such as a capsular polysaccharide cannot undergo transformation with production of an heterologous member of the series without loss of the genetic factor responsible for the production of the member of that series already mani- fest (4). This concept derives from the study of the transformation of surface carbohydrates. In this reaction, an unencapsulated variant of one capsular type within a species which lacks presumably the genetic factor for the production of surface carbohydrate of any type is first selected. Upon esposure to trans- forming principle from an homologous or heterologous cell type of t.he same spe- cies, the genetically deficient cell acquires again the ability to produce capsular polysaccharide, the type being dependent upon the source of the transforming principle. Within certain limits, this concept appears to be valid. In pneumo- coccus, however, there exist variants within a given capsular type which differ in the quantity of capsular carbohydrate which they produce. The amount of capsuIar carbohydrate made by some strains may be so small that their cells fail to give a quellung reaction, and, when grown on solid media, they give rise to colonies indistinguishable in appearance from completely unencapsulated variants. Such strains may prove incapable of transformation to an heterologous capsular type (27) but may be competent in transformation reactions involving alterations in the quantity of homologous capsular polysaccharide produced (27, 35). Hence, a cell may be incompetent in one reaction and competent in another. Whether or not a cell must be genetically deficient to be capable of being transformed must be questioned in view of other experimental data. There exist two unencapsulated variants of pneumococcus, one described by Griffith (18), the other by Dawson (12). The Griffith variant (R) is the well recognized one which produces small hemispherical colonies with me11 defined margins on solid media and grows diffusely in broth. The Dawson variant (ER) has been the sub- ject of little study, can be derived from the Griffith R variant by selective cultural techniques, produces very rough colonies with irregular margins on solid media, and grows in an agglutinated state in liquid media. It has been shown that the transformation, ER -+ R, may be effected with transforming extracts derived 19521 BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION REACTIONS 33 either from R variants or from encapsulated variants of pneumococcus (4, 38). More recently, Taylor (39) has reported that transformation in the reverse direction, R ----f ER, may be carried out with a transforming extract of the ER variant and has suggested that the reversible nature of these transformations may result from an exchange of genetically active material between the cell and its environment. In the light of these findings, the earlier observations of Dawson and Warbasse (13) on the transformat'ion of pneumococci of one capsular type directly to a second capsular type are of interest. When an encapsu- lated strain of pneumococcus type II was grown in a medium containing pneu- mococcal type I antiserum in the presence of a transforming vaccine of pneu- mococcus type III, occasional colonies of pneumococcus type III were recovered. The development of competent unencapsulated (R) variants of the type II strain during the course of the experiment cannot be excluded, but t,he possibility of an exchange reaction resulting in the appearance of type III organisms must be borne in mind in view of the more recent observations. Another factor which may have bearing upon the ability of a bacterial cell to undergo transformation is its production of estracellular desoxyribonuclease. Although pneumococcus produces an active desoxyribonuclease (6), little or none of the depolymerase activity is found in the media of unautolysed cultures (41). Similarly, the strains of E. coli used in transformation experiments are reported to have little enzymatic activity of this type (8). It is not unreasonable to anticipate that difficulty may be encountered in effecting transformation mit,hin such bacterial species as group ,4 fi-hemolytic streptococci, which intro- duce into their environment such large amounts of desoxyribonuclease. 2. The Nature of Transforming Principle. Because of the broad biological im- plications of transformation reactions, interest in the precise chemical nature of transforming principle has continued to be manifested. In 1944, Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty (6) showed the activity of the transforming principle of pneumo- coccus to be associated intimately with a desoxyribonucleic acid fraction of that organism. Studies of their preparation revealed it to be homogeneous both in electrical and ultracentrifugal fields and to be composed of molecules of an estimated molecular weight of 500,000. A more recent examination of the trans- forming principle of pneumococcus type III with the techniques of deutron and electron bombardment has indicated that its molecular weight may be appreci- ably greater than this value (17). Subsequent studies by McCarty (32) and by McCarty and Avery (33) on the purification and action of desoxyribonuclease upon pneumococcal transforming principle gave added support to the idea that the biologic specificity of transforming principle resided in nucleic acids of the desoxyribose type. Despite these findings, potential objections to this concept continued to be raised on several grounds by those believing that a small amount of protein associated with the transforming principle might be responsible for the specificity of its activity (36). It was argued that tests for the purity of nucleic acids were inadequate, permittin g a protein residue of 2 to 3y0 to remain un- detected, that failure of proteolytic enzymes to destroy activity did not assure the absence of protein as all proteins are not susceptible to such proteolytic ac- 34 ROBERT AUSTRIAN [VOL. 16 tivity, that despite the small weight of material used to effect transformation, the number of protein molecules might not be unduly small, and that desoxy- ribonuclease might alter the activity of a nucleoprotein complex the specificity of which resided in the protein moiety. The following experiments by Hotchkiss (20) have in large measure answered these objections. Use of desoxyribonucleases devoid of proteolytic activity both of bovine pancreatic and of streptococcal origin in concentrations as low as 0.001 pg/ml has destroyed transforming activ- ity of highly purified material. Progressive purification of the transforming principle has been accompanied by the progressive approach of its properties to those of bovine thymus nucleic acid, and analyses of hydrolysates of the t,rans- forming principle have shown t,he amount of thymine present in highly purified material to be the same as that present in the crude transforming principle. It has been shown further, by use of the gasometric ninhydrin reaction, that with purification there is a steady reduction in the alpha amino acid content of the transforming principle detectable after acid hydrolysis. All the alpha amino acid in such preparations was found to be glycine, and the quantity recovered was equal to the amount anticipated from the breakdown of adenine which yields glycine on hydrolysis (22). Supporting evidence for this latter fact has been derived from a comparative study of the kinetics of hydrolysis of adenine, pro- tein, and transforming principle. From these observations, it appears that the purified transforming principle studied could not contain more t,han 0.2yo pro- tein, In the light of these findings, Hotchkiss has observed that if the transform- ing principle possessed the hypothetical, biologically active protein, such a pro- tein would have to be endowed with the unusual properties of being concentrated by nonspecific procedures which at, the same time eliminated other proteins. These elegant experiments leave little doubt that the biologic activity of trans- forming principle resides in desosyribonucleic acid. Studies concerning the nature of the transforming principle of two other bac- terial species are in agreement with those concerning that of pneumococcus, though with neither species has analysis been carried to a comparable degree of refinement. Boivin and his collaborators (8) found the transforming principle of E. coli to be resistant to the action of pepsin and of ribonuclease but highly suscept,ible to t.he depolymerizing activity of desosyribonuclease. Similarly, Alexander and Leidy (1, 2) have shown the transforming principle of H. in$um- zae, obtained by techniques resembling those employed for its extraction from pneumococcus, to give positive Dische and Stumpf reactions for desoxyribonu- cleic acids and to be inactivated readily by desoyyribonuclease. More recently, Zamenhof and his co-workers (43) have reported further purificat'ion of desoxy- pentose nucleic acid from H. influenzae, type c. Using electrophoretic techniques, they obtained a preparation possessing transforming activity in amounts as small as 0.01 pg and containing less than 1% pentose nucleic acid and 0.2% serolog- ically active polysaccharide. These findings lend added support to the importance of the role of desosyribonucleic acids in determining bacterial inheritance. The nucleic acid functions not only as a self-reproducing unit but also as the deter- minant for the production of a cellular component of a different chemical class. To date, however, no evidence has appeared to relate transforming principle 19521 BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION REACTIONS 35 to the geographical concepts of genes and chromosomes. Recent cytologic and genetic studies of certain species of bacteria indicate strongly the presence of nuclear structures (14, 29) and of sexual forms within one, E. coli (25). If it were possible to transform a strain of E. coZi which, like strain K-12, was capable there- after of participating in sexual union, it might be possible from a study of the offspring of such matings to link the genetically active transforming principle to a discrete cellular structure of chromosomal natlure. Such a study would be of unusual interest. 3. Environmental Conditions for Bacterial Transformation, The environmental condit'ions in which transformation reactions will take place vary among bac- terial species. Those permitting transformation of pneumococci are complex. Reactions carried out in. vitro require, in addition to a nutrient medium, certain factors present in serum or in serous fluids (G), upon both t,he nature and function of which recent analyses (23, 35, 38) have shed some light,. Three environmental component's of the pneumococcal transforming system in addition to a nutrient medium have now been recognized: agglutinating antibody, a dialyzable com- ponent replaceable by pyrophosphate ion, and a serum factor present in fraction V of bovine serum albumin. Agglutinating antibody appears to be concerned with the creation of a suitable local environment for transformation of pneumo- coccal variants which grow diffusely in liquid media in its absence. Need for agglutinating antibody in the transformation of such strains can be obviated by the use of a semisolid medium which contains the ot,her factors essential to the reaction. It has been sho\vn, moreover, that ER variants of pneumococcus which are autoagglutinable may be transformed to the R variant in liquid me- dium in the absence of agglutinatin g ant,ibody (38). Additional observations suggest that the maintenance of local reducing conditions may be the essential role of agglut,inating antibody. When pneumococci were grown in very shallow layers of the complete transforming system containing agglutinating antibody, transformation did not take place. In one instance, however, the addition of glutathione to the medium permitted the occurrence of transformation. Es- tablishment of proper oxidation-reduction potential is doubtless of importance to completion of the reaction, for McCarty (30) has shown that pneumococcal transforming principle may undergo reversible osidative inactivation. The more recent observation of Hot&kiss (21) that the reaction in which diffusely grow- ing, penicillin sensitive pneumococci are transformed to penicillin resistant forms does not require agglutinating antibody may be explained by the unusually high selectivity of the method employed for the detect,ion of transformed cells. A second factor required by most strains of pneumococci for their successful transformation is a dialyzable component of serum or serous fluids (35). When such fluids are dialyzed, their ability to support transformat,ion is lost, but they can be reactivated promptly by the addition of pyrophosphate ions. The role of such ions has not been determined but is thought to be concerned, perhaps, with an enzymatic reaction. It is of interest that one st,rain of pneumococcus has been found which does not require the dialyzable component of serous fluids or pyrophosphate ions to undergo transformation. A third component of serum or serous fluids which has proved essential to all 36 ROBERT AUSTRIAN [VOL. 16 pneumococcal transformations can be supplied by fraction V of bovine serum albumin (23, 36). The specific role of this factor is unknown. Study of pneumococcal growth in the complete transforming system has yielded further pertinent data (35). If desoxyribonuclease is added to such a system at varying intervals following its inoculation with competent pneumo- cocci, transformation of capsular type will not take place if the enzyme is intro- duced within four hours of inoculation. Thereafter, desoxyribonuclease has no effect upon the reaction. If the pneumococcal cells are grown in the serum me- dium for four hours in the absence of transforming principle at which time the latter is then introduced, addition of desosyribonuclease fifteen minutes later will fail to inhibit transformation. These observations indicate that an initial period of growth in t'he transforming system is required for the pneumococcal cells to become "sensitized". Once "sensitization" has occurred, the union of cell and transforming principle can take place very rapidly. That the selection of a mutant is not involved in these reactions is indicated by the fact that the change in population size during sensitization is not very great and by the fact that sensitization is a transitory state, being lost on incubation for an additional two to four hours or after washing the sensitized cells in nutrient broth. These relationships pertaining to the sensitization of pneumococci and to the time re- quired for the union of cell and transforming principle have been shown to hold in transformations of ER variants to R variants and of an intermediate capsular variant of pneumococcus type III to a fully encapsulated variant of the same type (33). Environmental conditions for the transformation of other bacterial species are less complex than those required by pneumococcus which, of the organisms now known to be susceptible to transformation, is the only one lacking the cyto- chrome and catalase enzyme systems. It is possible that absence of the latter enzyme may result in the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and oxidntive inactivation of transforming principle under certain conditions of growth. E. coli (8) and S. paradysenteriae (42) will undergo transformation in nutrient media which support growth. It has been shown further that the transformation of H. in.uenzae (2) mill take place when competent cells are placed in contact with transforming principle for 15 minutes in an environment which fails to support multiplication. The environmental requirements for transformation of certain bacterial species, therefore, may be much simpler than those demanded by pneumococcus. BACTERIAL CHARACTERS SUSCEPTIBLE TO TRAh'SFORMATIOIi 1. Type-Specific Surface Polysaccharides. Bacterial transformation was noted first by Griffith (19) in a study of the conditions responsible for acquisition of a capsule by unencapsulated strains of pneumococci. By inoculating mice sub- cutaneously wit,h a mixture of living unencapsulated R variants derived from a strain of one capsular type and of heat-killed encapsulated S variants of a dif- ferent capsular type, he was able to recover from mice succumbing to pneumo- coccal sepsis living encapsulated organisms of the same capsular type as the heat-killed S variants apparently inducing the change. The validity of this ex- 19521 BACTERIAL TRhiXSFORMATION REACTIONS 37 periment rested upon the demonstrable absence of viable organisms from the vaccine of S pneumococci. The subsequent finding of type-specific somatic protein antigens in pneumococcus which vary independently of capsular antigens (3) has simplified the demonstration of capsular type transformat,ion in viva. The combination of a capsular polysaccharide of one type with the somatic pro- tein of a viable organism of an heterologous type in an experiment of the variety performed by Griffith provides conclusive evidence that transformation in viuo has taken place. Analogous experiments with pneumococcus employing drug resistance as a somatic marker have also been reported (24). Transformation of pneumococcal capsular types in vitro has been performed with unencapsulated organisms derived from a variety of capsular types and with transforming principle obtained from a comparable diversity of strains. At present, there is no evidence to indicate that a competent unencapsulated pneu- mococcal cell derived from an organism of one capsular type cannot be trans- formed to any of the other known capsular types under the influence of the appropriate transforming principle. When studied, the agent responsible for the synthesis of the new capsular material has been shown to be desoxyribonucleic acid (31). More recently, observations relating transformation reactions to the quantita- tive aspects of polysaccharide production within a given capsular type of pneu- mococcus have appeared. MacLeod and Krauss (27) studied an intermediate capsular variant of pneumococcus type II which produced very small amounts of type II polysaccharide indistinguishable immunologically from that produced by fully encapsulated strains. In many respects this variant resembled com- pletely unencapsulated forms, producin, 0` rough colonies on solid media, failing to give a quellung reaction with homologous antiserum, and lacking virulence for mice. It differed from the R variant, however, by growing diffusely in anti-R serum and in its ability to absorb completely the antibodies to type II capsular polysaccharide from antiserum prepared with a fully encapsulated strain of pneumococcus type II. From this intermediate variant was obtained a trans- forming principle capable of transforming a completely unencapsulated R variant of pneumococcus type II to a similar intermediate capsular variant of the same type. In addition, with the aid of heat-killed vaccine of a fully encapsulated strain of pneumococcus type II, the original intermediate variant of pneumococcus type II could be transformed in viuo in the subcutaneous tissues of the mouse to a fully encapsulated variant of the same type. An attempt to achieve trans- format,ion under comparable conditions with a vaccine of heat-killed pneumo- coccus type III was unsuccessful. The authors suggested that the genetic factor for the production of polysaccharide by theintermediate variant might differ from that for the production of polysaccharide by the fully encapsulated variant as do genes of an allelic series in higher organisms. They suggested also that transformation of an R strain of pneumococcus to a fully encapsulated S variant might involve more than a single character or that variation in a separate genetic factor controlling permeability of the cell to capsular polysaccharide might be responsible for phenotypic differences. Amplificat.ion of these observations is to be found in the detailed studies of 38 ROBERT AUSTRIAK [VOL. 16 Taylor (38, 40) of a series of capsular variants of pneumococcus type III. Three distinct capsular phenotypes were examined: intermediate mutants resembling the capsular variant of pneumococcus type II described by MacLeod and Krauss and designated SIII-1, intermediate mutants resembling fully encapsulated strains of other pneumococcal capsular types designated SIII-2, and fully en- capsulated, typically mucoid strains of pneumococcus type III designated SIII-S. Serologic and enzymatic studies with the three varieties of pneumococ- cus type III indicated that the polysaccharide produced by each was similar. Transforming principle derived from any one of the three capsular variants gave rise in transformation reactions with competent R cells to transformed cells resembling the variant from which the transforming principle was obtained. TransformaCon of R derivatives from the two intermediate types of capsular variant showed that each could be transformed to the SIII-K variant under the influence of the transforming principle of an SIII-PI' strain, indicating that the intermediate variants were capable of synthesizing normal quantities of type III polysaccharide when possessing the transforming principle of t,he SIII-N strain. That, the difference among the type III pneumococcal variants was not due to quantitative differences in the type III transforming principle was evi- denced by failure to detect, wit,h rare exception, the intermediate variants in populations transformed with the SIII-N principle. The results are interpreted to indicate that each of the SIII transforming principles is a distinct entity. Experiments with an SIII-1 variant showed that it was capable of being transformed under the influence of certain transforming principles when grown in a suitable environment. Agglutination of the cells of this variant in t'he trans- forming system was achieved by growing them eit'her in the presence of the en- zyme hydrolyzing type III polysaccharide plus R agglutinins or in the presence of small amounts of SIII agglutinin. Fhen exposed to transforming principle from an SIII-N strain, the SIII-1 strain was transformed regularly to the fully encapsulated variant of type III. That the reaction was in fact a transformation of the SIII-1 mutant was indicated by t'he dependence of the react,ion upon the quantity of SIII-N transforming principle, the extreme rarity of spontaneous mutation of SIII-1 cells to SIII-S, the necessity for the presence of serum factor for the reaction to occur with regularity, and the requirement of a sensitizing period during which the reaction could be blo&ed by the introduction of desosy- ribonuclease. Transforming principle obtained from SIII-N cells arising from transformation of SIII-1 mutants, when applied to an R variant of pneumo- coccus, gave rise only to SIII-N variants. h'o SIII-1 cells were formed to indicate t,hat cells from which the transforming principle was obtained had ever existed in the form of the SIII-1 variant'. There had been, therefore, either an exchange of SIII-1 transforming principle within the cells for the SIII-X principle in the environment or the former had in some manner been modified by the latter. When analogous t*ransformations were carried out with cells of the SIII-1 variant and the transforming principle of an SIII-2 strain, three types of cells were detected at the end of the reaction: residual untransformed SIII-1 variants, large numbers of SIII-2 variants, and a small number of SIII-N variants. Inas- 19521 BlCTERIhL TRASSFORMATION REACTIOSS 39 much as the action of SIII-2 transforming principle upon R pneumococci led always to the appearance of SIII-2 variants, some form of interaction between the transforming principle of the SIII-1 strain within the cell and that of the SIII-2 mutant introduced into the transforming system must be postulated to account for the appearance of the SIII-S cells. In the reaction of the SIII-2 transforming principle with the SIII-1 cell, two types of activity could, there- fore, be distinguished, one leading to the appearance of cells of the phenotype from which the transforming principle was obtained and the other resulting in the appearance of cells differing in phenotype both from the cell transformed and that providing the transforming principle. Taylor (40) has designated the former type of transforming activity, "autogenic", the latt'er, leading to the appearance of a new phenotype, "allogenic". A study of a variety of SIII-1 mutants has revealed that while such strains may be phenotypically similar, they may differ in their genetic constitution. A given SIII-1 strain, grown in the presence of the transforming principle of an heterologous SIII-1 strain, may undergo allogenic transformation to one of the capsular variants, SIII-2 or SIII-S. The type of allogenic transformation is determined by the source of the transforming principle and the strain to be transformed; and the relations are reciprocal, the same allogenic transformation resulting if the strain yielding transforming principle and the one undergoing transformation are interchanged. In no instance has the simultaneous occurrence of two allogenic transformations resulted from exposure of an SIII-1 mutant to the transforming principle of a single heterologous strain. Neither hats allogenic transformation been observed when a given SIII-1 st,rain was grown in the pres- ence of its own transforming principle. When SIII-1 strains have been trans- formed by extracts of SIII-2 organisms, both autogenic transformation to cap- sular type SIII-2 and allogenic transformation to capsular type SIII-K have been noted. Transforming principles from different SIII-2 strains have differed in their abilit,y to induce allogenic transformation in the same SIII-1 strain indicat,ing that phenotypically similar stxains of this capsular variant also may differ in their genetic structure. Study of the transforming principles obt,ained from the allogenic strains of pneumococci has failed to reveal any indication that they contained more than one factor concerned with the production of cap- sular polysaccharide. These results are compatible with the earlier suggestion (27) that, in certain strains of pneumococci, the factors concerned with the quan- titative control of capsular polysacchnride production may be related in a fashion analogous to genes in an allelic series. They do not es&de, however, the possibility that, in other strains, t'he production of capsular polysaccharide may prove to be influenced by more than a single factor. To explain these variations in the behavior of the transforming principle responsible for the production of pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide, Taylor has advanced t,he following argument and hypothesis. In view of the fact that most recent knowledge concerning the structure of chromosomes indicates that they are composed of proteins, ribonucleic acids, and desosyribonucleic acids and that the former two classes of compounds are not detectable in the highly 40 ROBERT XCSTRI.\S [VOL. 16 purified preparations of transforming principle, it appears improbable that the activity of transforming principle resides in chromosomal fragments. The ex- perimental results, however, can be accounted for most simply by envisioning t.he factor responsible for the normal production of capsular polysaccharide as a linear structure, any alteration of which results in a quantitative reduction in polysaccharide product'ion. When the transforming principles of two mutant strains are altered in such fashion that their defects overlap partially, interaction between them results only in partial reconstitution of the normal transforming principle and in partial restoration of quantitatively normal polysaccharide production. When the two mutational defects are so placed that interaction be- tween the two transforming principles results in reconstitution of the normal linear structure, then normal production of polysaccharide ensues. It is recog- nized that, at present, there is no knowledge available to enable physicochemical characterization of the hypothetical linear structure and that if, as is thought, the capsular principle is a molecule of desosyribonucleic acid, it is unlikely that a simple geometric image describes the true relation of the mutant capsular principles. However that may be, it has been demonstrated that the agent re- sponsible for the production of capsular polysaccharide is a unit composed of subunits, even though their nature at present cannot be defined. That spon- taneous mutation of these "subunits" may result either in increasing or in de- creasing polysaccharide synthesis is noteworthy. Capsular type transformation has been carried out with H. in$uenzae (1, 2) as well as with pneumococcus. Transformation of cells with acquisition of cap- sular polysaccharide has been accomplished with R variants from capsular types a, b, and d, and transformation to each of the six known capsular types has been effected with transforming principle derived from homologous strains. The R strain derived from a culture of capsular type a could be transformed in con- t,rolled experiments only to the parent type, a finding suggestive of t,he possibil- ity that intratype transformation may occur in H. injluenzae as well as in pneu- mococcus. As noted earlier, transformation of influenza1 capsular types may take place within fifteen minutes following exposure of a competent strain to trans- forming principle without the "sensitizing" period required by pneumococcus and in an environment lacking not only in serum factors but failing also to support multiplication. Transformation of a strain of E. coli with acquisition of the ability to produce a new surface polysaccharide has also been reported (8). From the parent S culture of one strain, a series of R variants was obtained, one of which, n-hen grown in t,he presence of either culture filtrates or the desoryribonucleate frac- tion of an heterologous, polysaccharide producing strain, acquired the ability to produce the pllysaccharide of the heterologous st'rain. As with H. injluenzae, the reaction took place in the absence of serum factors. Transformation n-as accompanied by loss of the ability to attack sucrose, but the significance of this accompanying alteration was difficult to assess in view of the spontaneous mu- tability of sucrose fermenting activity. Using culture filtrates, Weil and Binder (42) were able to obtain alteration 19321 BACTERIAL TRAIiSFORMATION REACTIOKS 41 of cells of three antigenic types of S. paradysenferiae to two heterologous types, the reactions taking place in ordinary bacterial media without the development of detectable R variants. In one instance, the antigenic change was accompanied by loss of the ability to form indole. The chemical nature of neither the active material in the culture filtrates nor of the t,ransformed antigen was ascertained, and it is difficult to be certain that the reactions were comparable to those more precisely defined in other bacterial species. At the present time it is doubtful that any interspecific transformation of surface polysaccharides has been achieved. Though Coleman and Reid (11) have reported the conversion of strains of Alcaligenes radiobacter and Phytomo- nas tzrmejaciens in the "S" phase to the "M" phase of the heterologous spe- cies, it is unlikely that tasonomic separation of these two groups of organisms rests on very solid grounds. By growing an unencapsulated "S" strain of P. tumefaciens in the presence of culture filtrates of an encapsulated "hl" strain of A. radiobacter, they were able to demonstrate agglutination of the strain of Phytomonas by antisera against the "M" phase of A. radiobacter following such treatment. Alteration of "S" variants of A. radiobacter under comparable con- ditions was not achieved. Whether or not a true transformation occurred in these experiments cannot be established from the published data. Further es- periments in which tomato plants were inoculated with an unencapsulated var- iant of A. radiobacfer resulted in tumor formation and recovery of cells agglutin- able by antisera against the `%I" phase of P. tumejaciens. The latter observation suggests t,he possibilit,y that spontaneous mutation to either "M" phase may occur and raises a question as to whether or not transformation, in the absence of more adequate controls, has actually been demonstrated in the in citro ex- periments. The possibility of carrying out interspecific transformation with bacteria producing immunologically related antigens has been considered at times, but evidence for the successful completion of such a reaction is still wanting. It is perhaps unlikely that such a reaction can be effected between any but closely related "species". A report describing the temporary agglutinability of an unen- capsulated variant of Bacillus friedltinderi (Klebsiella pneumoniae) by type II antipneumococcal serum following its exposure to an autolysate of type II pneumococci has appeared (lo), but the data presented are inadequate to es- t,ablish the results as an example of bacterial transformation. 2. Bacterial Proteins. Transformation of bacteria with the acquisition of a somatic protein has been demonstrated in pneumococcus. Like group A /% hemolytic streptococci, pneumococci produce somatic type-specific proteins sim- ilar in their properties to the RI proteins of the former species (3). When an un- encapsulated variant of pneumococcus is selected from an encapsulated strain possessing both type-specific polysaccharide and protein antigens, the protein antigen persists as a property of the unencapsulated cells. Transformation of such cells with the transforming principle of a pneumococcal strain producing heterologous types of both capsular polysaccharide and RI protein results usually in the acquisition of ability to produce the heterologous polysaccharide by the 42 ROBERT AUSTRIAN [VOL. 16 strain undergoing transformation without alteration of its original M protein (4). It appears, therefore, that production of type-specific capsular carbohydrate and of somatic M protein varies independently of one another. These findings are of interest in view of the natural occurrence of pneumococcal strains of the same capsular type associated with different M proteins and of different capsular types associated with the same protein. When an unencapsulated R variant of pneumococcus is grown in the presence of homologous anti-M protein serum or when an ER variant is selected from it by appropriate cultural techniques, strains are obtained which produce appar- ently less M protein than those from which they were derived. When such strains are transformed in vitro in the presence of the transforming principle of an heterologous encapsulated strain, two types of clones may be obtained, one producing the M protein of the parent culture and the capsular polysaccharide of the heterologous strain and the other, having undergone a double transforma- tion, producing both the capsular polysaccharide and M protein of the heterolo- gous strain. Unencapsulated variants selected from a culture having undergone originally double transformation are capable of being transformed to a third capsular type. Thus, inheritable characters of two heterologous strains may be combined within the cells of a third strain. Transformation of pneumococci with the acquisition of type specific M protein may also be accomplished in tivo with the technique of Griffith. Study of transformation reactions concerned with M protein has been made difficult by lack of a simple technique for the recognition of such transformations and by want of a strain with a genetic deficit for the production of M protein which might undergo regularly t,rans- formation with acquisition of this character. The double transformations effected with transforming extracts derived from encapsulated strains of pneumococci suggest that these extracts contain a multiplicity of transforming principles. Although the extracts employed in these experiments were not devoid of ribo- nucleic acid and pneumococcal polysaccharides, it is highly probable that the active agent was a desoxyribonucleic acid. Similar experiments with other bacterial species have not been reported. 3. Bacterial Colonial Forms. Many bacterial species are known to exist in a variety of morphologic forms. Inheritable change from one morphologic type to another is believed at present to arise through the process of mutation, selective factors in the environment favoring the predominance of one or another of such mutants under any given set of conditions. Morphologic variation within a given species may give rise to recognizable differences in the appearance of clones of such variants when they are grown on solid media. To describe such differences, the designations mucoid (M), smooth (S), and rough (R) have fre- quently been employed. It is regrettable that the same designations have not always been applied in the naming of analogous variants in different bacterial species. In describing pneumococcus, the term smooth (S) has been widely used to indicate encapsulated forms and the term rough (R) to designate the unen- capsulated variant described by Griffith (18). By analogy, these forms corre- spond respectively to the mucoid and smooth variants in certain other bacterial 19521 BhCTERIAL TRAi'iSFORMa4TIOK REhCTIONS 43 species, but there has been hesitancy on the part of those interested in the study of pneumococcus to change the nomenclature applied to variants of this organ- ism lest confusion be creat,ed thereby. In 1934, Lawson (12) described a second unencapsulated variant of pneumococcus which resembled the rough variants of other bacterial species by virtue of its morpho!ogy and the appearance of its growth both in liquid and on solid media. Taylor, in studies employing a similar variant of pneumococcus, has referred to it as "extremely rough" (ER). While duplications of nomenclature are not altogether desirable, the use of the term ER to indicate the rough pneumococcal variant described by Dawson provides an unambiguous designation for current use. Of the cellular characteristics of pneumococcus responsible for differences in colonial appearance, the factor distinguishing R from S is best understood. The glistening mucoid appearance of S colonies derives from the production by cells of this form of appreciable quantities of capsular polysaccharide. It is note- worthy, however, that the phenomenon of "smoothness" involves certain quan- titative considerations. A strain of pneumococcal cells may produce type- specific capsular polysaccharide in such small amounts that, when grown on solid media, its colonies are indistinguishable from those of R variants which fail to produce any capsular polysaccharide. Such a strain, from a morphologic point of view, may appear to be rough, whereas from an immunochemical and genetic point of view, it is better classified among smooth forms. Such considera- tions make any rigid classification of morphologic variation undesirable until the underlying bases thereof are understood. Little is known concerning the basic differences between the R and ER vari- ants of pneumococcus. Each variant can be obtained from the other by appro- priate selection of spontaneously occurring mutants, and a variety of forms in- t,ermediate between the two estremes of colonial form can be recognized. Viewed morphologically at the cellular level, the most readily observable difference resides in the separation of cells after division, those of the R variant separating into pairs or short chains while those of the ER variant tend to remain attached to each other forming chains of great length which may be composed of several hundreds of cells. The roughness of growth on solid media (7) and the autoag- glutinable growth in liquid media of the ER variant can be attributed to this property. The mechanism whereby chain length is determined in the growth of pneumococcus is at present unknown. The spontaneous variability of growth in the direction of either increasing or diminishing chain length presents, however, certain analogies to quantitative variat'ion in capsular polysaccharide synthesis. Strains of the ER variant are capable of transformation to the R variant and ultimateIy to the encapsulated S variant (4, 38). Working with an ER strain derived from pneumococcus type II, Taylor showed that the ER variant could be transformed to the R variant with the transforming principle of either R or S strains under conditions which permitted but rarely the detection of spon- taneously occurring R mutants. The reaction required the presence of serum factor in addition to nutrient broth and a sensitizing period of approximately five hours during which the addition of desoxyribonuclease would inhibit the 44 ROBERT AUSTRIAX [VOL. 1G activity of the transforming principle. It Jvas noted also that the presence of rough cell agglutinins in the transformin, m system inhibited the transformation of Taylor's ER strain t,o the R variant. If, however, such antibodies were intro- duced into a system containing ER cells and transforming principle from an S strain after an initial growth period of five and three-quarter hours during which transformation from ER to R had occurred, a second transformation of R to S would take place under the influence of the same transforming principle. In this fashion, the presence of at least two distinct transforming activities in highly purified transforming principle derived from a single strain of pneumo- coccus has been demonstrated. The inhibiting effect of rough cell agglutinins upon the transformation of ER cells to the R variant varies among different ER strains, for certain strains may be transformed to R or to S forms in the presence of R agglutinating antibody (4). The reasons for this difference in the behavior of different strains are not apparent. Of great interest is the observation of Taylor (39) that an R strain of pneumo- coccus could be transformed to the ER variant under the influence of the desoxy- ribonucleic acid fraction derived from the ER strain studied by her. The reaction was carried out in the presence of anti-R agglutinins but under conditions which do not lead to the detection of spontaneously occurring ER variants. To explain the reciprocal nature of the R-ER transformation, Taylor has suggested that both variants may possess the same number of genetic determinants and that the t'ransformation may result from exchange of a determinant within the cell for one present in the transforming principle in the presence of which the cell is grown. The experimental observation just described has been confirmed by the writer, and the transformat,ion of R variants to the ER form has been ef- fected with R cells derived from one capsular type and transforming extracts of ER cells obtained from an heterologous capsular type (5). The experiments previously reviewed show clearly that variation of colonial morphology in pneumococcus, at least, is subject to a type of genetic control. 4. Drug Resistance. The resistance developed by bacteria to the inhibiting or lethal effects of certain antibacterial compounds has been recently a subject commanding considerable attention among biologists, and the importance of this problem to clinical medicine has made knowledge of the mechanisms whereby drug resistance develops a topic of especial interest. Studies of bacterial popula- tions during the process of acquiring resistance to any one of several antibacte- rial agents have suggested that such insensitivity may be genetically deter- mined and that the emergence of a population resistant to a given drug may result from the selective effect of that agent upon mutants arising spontaneously from the original population (9). Additional scrutiny of the phenomenon has suggested also that, in certain instances, increasing resistance may be the sequel to selection of organisms having undergone a multiplicity of mutational changes. The first reported study of the problem of drug resistance with transformation reactions was that of Langvad-Nielsen (24). Inoculating an unencapsulated living, sulfapyridine-sensitive R pneumococcus together Kith a heat-killed vac- cine of an encapsulated, sulfapyridine-resistant pneumococcus subcutaneously 1952] BACTERIAL TRhXSFORMATION REACTIONS 45 into mice, he looked for sulfapyridine-resistant organisms in animals succumbing to infection. That alteration of resistance was not observed is not altogether surprising in view of the fact that the pneumococci would have had to have under- gone a double transformation reaction acquiring the factors controlling both drug resistance and encapsulation. More recently, the transfer of penicillin resistance from resistant to sensitive pneumococci by means of transformation react,ions has been described by Hotchkiss (21). By growing sensitive pneumococci in the presence of penicillin, he was able to select spontaneously occurring penicillin resistant mutants from such populations. When penicillin sensitive, unencapsulated pneumococcal cells were grown in a transforming system containing the desoxyribonucleic acids of a selected resistant strain, resistant cells were recovered in ten thousand times the numbers found to arise through spontaneous mutation. It is significant that resistance to penicillin acquired by pneumococci in this fashion developed in the absence of contact with the drug and was maintained by the transformed cells indefinitely. That the reaction was controlled by desoxyribonucleic acids was demonstrated by the ability of desoxyribonuclense, when introduced into sys- tems containing highly purified transforming principle, to block the acquisition of penicillin resistance. It was shown, moreover, that, when sensitive cells were transformed in the presence of desoxyribonucleic acids of a strain thirty or more times as resistant to penicillin as the sensitive st,rain, resistance was ac- quired in stepwise fashion, transformed cells selected after single exposure to transforming principle never equalling in resistance that of the strain from which the transforming principle was derived. Successive exposures of cells having acquired demonstrable but slight resistance to penicillin to the same transform- ing principle responsible for the initial change resulted in the demonst,ration of the acquisition of two additional increments of drug resistance. These experi- mental data present certain analogies to the quantitative variations in capsular polysaccharide production discussed previously, and it is of interest to speculate whether the mutational steps concerned with drug resistance may involve suc- cessive modifications of a single genetic factor and/or alterations in several unrelated genetic units. However that may be, the observations are in accord with those describing certain patterns of development of drug resistance through selective cultural techniques. Study of unencapsulat,ed and encapsulated, penicillin resistant pneumococci showed either to be a satisfactory source of desoxyribonucleic acids for the trans- fer of penicillin resistance to sensitive cells. When an encapsulated resistant strain was the source of the transforming principle, the factors controlling capsule formation and drug resistance were shown to be acquired independently and with different frequencies, penicillin resistance appearing ten to fifty times more often than encapsulation. In describing the transfer of penicillin resistance, Hotchkiss has reported also an important modification in the technique for carrying out transformation reactions in which a simple pneumococcal lysate was employed in place of more highly purified t,ransforming principle. When a strain of pneumococci sensitive 46 ROBERT AUSTRIAXT [VOL. 16 to penicillin was grown in t,he presence of that drug, the cells soon died and lysed. If competent penicillin resistant cells lacking characters possessed by the sensi- tive strain were grown in the presence of a lysate of the latter, some acquired one or another of the characters controlled by the transforming principles yielded by the lysed, sensit,ive cells. The lysate could be added to the resistant cells or could be formed in their presence by the addition of penicillin to a culture con- taining both sensitive and resistant strains. The dependence of the reaction upon desoxyribonucleic acid was demonstrated by the effect of desoxyribonuclease which destroyed completely the activity of such lysates. Because transformation with lysates requires only small numbers of cells (cu. 105) and obviates the necessity for isolating transforming principle in a more or less highly purified form, it is an extremely efficient technique for investigating those characters of the pneumococcal cells the inheritance of which is controlled by desoxyribo- nucleic acids and one which should find wide application. By growing an un- encapsulated, streptomycin sensitive, penicillin resistant pneumococcus in the presence of lysates of an encapsulated, streptomycin resistant, penicillin sensitive pneumococcus, Hotchkiss succeeded in demonstrating the acquisition through transformation of streptomycin resistance and of ability to produce capsular polysaccharide by the penicillin resistant strain. Of equal interest is the suggestion of this investigator that conditions for transformation with lysates may arise in nature. Through such reactions, ac- quisition of characters of strains unable to survive in certain environments by resistant cells concomitantly present might prevent the biological extinction of traits possessed by the sensitive cells. Such a view is in accord with the observed antigenic combinations in pneumococcus described previously (3). 5. Other Bacterial Characters , In pneumococcus, failure to induce the acquisi- tion of ability to ferment mannitol and inulin concomitant wit,h transformation of capsular type in uivo has been reported by Langvad-Nielsen (24). Loss of sucrase activity by E. coli (8) and of indole production by S. paradysenleriae (42) during transformation reactions has been reported also, but the significance of these changes in activity is obscure. Whether they represent selective trans- formation of spontaneously occurring, deficient mutants or the acquisition of factors masking previously demonstrable activities is unknown. Recent'ly two reports by Dianzani have appeared describing "mutation in the enzymatic equipment of Escherichia coli and Proteus OX19 directed by de- soxyribonucleic acid isolated from bacteria of the same and of different species" (15, 16). Ability to oxidize sucrose was manifested by one strain of E. coli lacking previously this ability after multiple passages in the presence of the desosyribo- nucleic acid fraction of heterologous strains of the same species and of Proteus OX 2 and of trvo species of Salmonella. Ability to attack sucrose was manifested also by the same strain after 22 passages in the presence of this sugar. Analogous alterations in oxidative capacity were sho\$-n by a strain of Proteus OX19 trans- ferred repeatedly in the presence of desosyribonucleic acids from Proteus OX 2, from two strains of E. coli, and from two strains of Salmonella. The results are somewhat difficult to compare wi-ith transformation reactions described by others 19523 BACTERIAL TRhNSFORX4TION REACTIONS 47 for the manifestation of the new character developed only after repeated passage of the mutating strain in the presence of the nucleic acids. In commenting upon these experiments, Lederberg (`26) has called attention to the fact that tests for enzymatic activity were carried out with cells harvested from plain agar so that the possible role of enzymatic adaptation to the different carbohydrate sub- strates could not be evaluated. In addition, Dianzani's report of spontaneous adaptation of control cultures to certain of the carbohydrates studied has raised questions concerning the stability of such cultures grown in the absence of desoxyribonucleic acid. Comparison by Lederberg of one of Dianzani's induced sucrose-oxidizing cultures with its parent culture and with the sucrose-positive transforming culture in fermentation tests failed to reveal any distinction be- tween the first two cultures, both of which were quite different from the third. Further data are needed, therefore, before the phenomena reported can be re- lated properly to other observations in the field of bacterial transformations. The description of the acquisition of pigment production by a nonchromogenic strain of Staphylococcus aureus following incubation in the presence of an ex- tract of a chromogenic strain (lOa) presents similar problems of evaluation. The method of preparation of the extract, the inconstancy of results, and the transi- tory nature of the induced chromogenesis together with the paucity of evidence for the presence of desoxyribonucleic acid in the bacterial extract make neces- sary reservations in accepting the observations as an exampIe of bacterial trans- formation . From the data discussed, it is apparent that considerable progress has been made in the field of bacterial transformations since the subject was reviewed by McCarty (31). A growing body of increasingly precise data gives continuing sup- port to the view that desoxyribonucleic acids are indeed the biochemical deter- minants of inheritable characters in pneumococcus and that they function prob- ably as such'in at least two other, if not in all, bacterial species. Much indirect evidence supports the view that desoxyribonucleic acids are concerned with genetic mechanisms in all living forms, and any experiments relating their presence directly to inheritable characters of any cellular form are of general biological interest. For this reason, bacterial transformation reactions take on additional significance. Continued study of pneumococcus has revealed that an increasing number of its inheritable characters are susceptible to control through transformation reac- tions. Ability to modify predictably certain cellular characters in quantitative or qualitative fashion has permitted a better understanding of the complexity of the factors concerned with their inheritance. It has enabled also a better ap- preciation of the role of such characters in pneumococcal infections and has given insight into the relationships of different classes of antigens within a single bac- terial species. These latter observations when related to the antigenic struct'ure of naturally occurring pneumococcal strains are compatible with the view that transformation reactions may take place in nature. If such reactions do take place between strains of pneumococci or of other bacterial species, it is con- ceivable from the studies of Taylor concerned with relatively avirulent capsular 48 ROBERT AUSTRIAN [VOL. 16 mutants of pneumococcus that a reaction involving two strains of negligible virulence might result in the emergence of one of high virulence, Whether or not bacterial transformations do occur in nature under other than artificial circum- stances remains an unanswered question. The demonstration of transformation reactions in bacterial species other than pneumococcus gives this reaction wider significance than it possessed heretofore. Its description in E. coli, in which genetic and morphologic studies have revealed the probable presence of a chromosomal structure, gives promise that the genetic activity of soluble desosyribonucleic acids may be linked ultimately to a discrete morphologic unit directly concerned with the control of inheritance. The ability of this species to grow and to undergo transformation in relatively simple media and the wide variety of biochemical mutants obtainable from it make it a po- tentially useful subject for the study of the hereditary control of a number of cellular components. It may be anticipated that future investigations in the expanding field of bac- terial transformations will yield addit.ional data of both general and special biological interest. REFERENCES 1. ALEXAXDER, H. E. AXD LEIDY, G. 1950 Transformation type specificity of H. influ- enzae. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med., `73, 485-487. 2. ALEXANDER, H. E. 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