36b. Hind tibiae with 10 or fewer spines on outer row. Found in drier habitats .......................................................................................... 37 37a. Hind knees not black. Antennae fdiform and dark. Lateral cari- nae of pronow disk distinct ... Psoloessa ............................ 38 37b. Hind knees black. Antennae not fdiform and dark. Lateral cari- nae of pronow disk variable .................................................. 39 38a. Hind tibiae tan or gray ... P. texana Scudder. Color plate 6. 38b.Hind tibiae at least partly orange ... P. delicatula (Scud- der) BROWN SPOTTED RANGE GRASSHOPPER. Color plate 6. 39a. Antennae filiform and white. Lateral carinae of pronow disk indistinct ... Ageneotetrix deorum (Scudder) WHIM WHISKERS GRASSHOPPER. Color plate 1. 39b.Antennae ensiform and dark. Lateral carinae of pronotal disk distinct ... Horesidotes cinereus Scud- der ASH-GRAY RANGE GRASSHOPPER. Color plate 3. Key to the Band-Winged Grasshoppers (Oedipodinae) la. PronoW crest high, hemispherical in outline, toothed on nwgin (Fig. 102). Body usually green, hind wings orange ... Tropidolo- phusfomwsus (Say) GREAT CRESTED GRASSHOPPER. Color plate 8. lb. PronoW crest never so high or toothed on margin ............................2 2a. PronoW crest divided by one transverse sulcus, very shallow in some species .......................................................................3 2b. PronoW crest divided by at least two sulci (Fig. 103). This is difficult to see in some Conozoa. No median ridge in some species, but sulci cross median line ...................................... 26 3a. Hind wing disk clear or with dusky or smoky areas. Teg- niina with longitudinal pale streak (Fig. 104) ..................4 3b. Hind wings dark with light margins, or with clearly de- fmed dark crossband. Tegmina with or without longitudi- nal pale streak ..................................................................9 4a. Tegmina spotted. Hind wings lack both anterior dark streak and expanded cells. Lateral lobes of pronotum with dark anterior marking ... Camnula pellucida (Scudder) CLEAR-WINGED GRASSHOPPER