GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Principal Investigator: John DeLuisi 2. Institution: NOAA/ARL/SRRB 3. Instrument (include brief physical description and explain function): 1. 2 Cavity Radiometers for measurement of Direct Beam Solar Approx. 10 inches long and 5 inches in diameter 2. 4 Eppley PSPs for measurement of Hemispherical Global and diffuse Solar. Approx. 6 inches in diameter and 5 inches in height. 3. 2 Eppley PIRs for measurement of Hemispherical Diffuse infrared. Approx. 6 inches in diameter and 5 inches in height. 4. 2 Sci-Tec Trackers for running Cavity and diffuse instruments. Approx. 3 foot x 2 foot containment area. 5. 4 Eppley ventilators to keep moisture off domes Approx. 6 inches height by 10 inches diamter. 6. Miscellaneous support equipment including data loggers and small power supplies (See attached equipment list) 4. a. Brief statement of work including objectives, approach, and requisite atmospheric conditions: For some time there has been a noticable discrepancy between what modelers and observationists are finding for clear sky solar measurements. This experiment is to attempt to measure as accurately as the current state of the art equipment will allow, a clear sky condition over the CF CART site. We plan to use HF Cavity Radiometers directly traceable to the WWR for direct beam measurement along with a NOAA reference set of hemispherical solar and IR broadbands. This experiment is completely dependent on clear sky conditions. b. Is the information to be gathered during the IOP for the support of an ARM Instrument Development Program (IDP) project? NO. c. If the answer to 4.c. is yes, identify the CART instrument and the specific objectives of the work with regard to producing the CART instrument. INFORMATION REQUIRED TO ASSESS THE IMPACT ON OPERATIONS AT THE SOUTHERN GREAT PLAINS CART SITE 5. Date of arrival at ARM Southern Great Plains CART site: To be determined (approx 4/8/96 or start of IOP) 6. Dates of operation: Accross the entire IOP period. 7. Hours of operation: Sunrise to sunset on clear days. 8. Date of departure: To be determined (approx 4/27/96 or end of IOP) 9. Names of personnel who will be working at the site: Michael T. Rubes (303 497-7316) Tony Vergamini (303 497-7314) 10. Requested instrument location (near central facility, etc.): We would need to be within the bounds of the CF, with an open horizon view to the south. We will require power (see below) which may affect our placement. 11. Site Support a. Will you request assistance of the CART site staff during deployment or operations? NO. If yes: (1) Estimate the number of man-hours requested: (2) Will the CART staff require special training? If yes, explain. (3) Is an operating procedure available for CART site evaluation and use? If yes, please provide us with a copy. If no, when will an operating procedure be available? b. Will you need assistance with on-site delivery or unloading, e.g., access to a forklift, etc.? NO. c. Will you need on-site transportation? NO. However, we will need parking for our truck/van and permission to drive to our deployment site as some of the equipment is to heavy to easily carry. If yes, explain. d. Will you need on-site communications? NO. Voice? Data? 12. Facility Requests a. Dimensions of instrument, equipment and shelter: An area of ground approx. 25 feet by 25 feet will be enough to house the equipment. b. Additional space required for access, support facilities, vehicles, etc.: Enough space to drive a full size truck to the deployment site for setup and teardown will be needed. c. Requests for the the setting, e.g., grade, vegetation, concrete support pad, etc.: Would prefer a flat plot with natural grass/vegetation. d. Access requirements (vehicle or pedestrian, frequency): Two trips with a full size truck for setup and teardown, daily operation will require pedestrian traffic everyday. e. Shelter request for instrument, equipment, personnel: None. 13. Equipment Requested None. 14. Expendables Requested None. 15. Utilities Requested a. Power: We would like to have conditioned power, but it is not mandtory. Source and number of circuits? The following instruments require power. In all cases, it is 120 VAC: 2 Trackers (150 watts max, each) 6 Ventilators (11 watts max, each) 2 Cavity CBs (150 watts max, each) 1 Datalogger system (150 watts max) 2 laptop computers (150 watts max, each) Voltage and total amperage? (See immediately above) Single Phase? 3-Phase? Single. b. Water: None. c. Sewage and waste disposal: None. 16. Interference and susceptibility to Interference (include information on power output and frequency None known of. 17. Safety Issues a. Does this equipment emit microwave radiation? NO. b. Does this equipment emit acoustic energy? NO. c. Does this equipment emit laser energy? NO. d. Hazardous materials used, e.g., toxic materials, compressed gases, cryogens, etc. (Material Safety Data Sheets are required.) None. e. Specify the waste generated by the operation of the equipment None. f. Will work be performed at an elevated area or confined space? NO. g. Will safety equipment be properly maintained and deployed (yes, no, or n/a)? YES. (1) Fire Extinguishers: (2) Signs Denoting Hearing hazard: Microwave radiation: Restricted area: Hazardous materials: Safety glasses required: High Voltage or Energized Electrical Equipment: Tripping hazards: Other identified hazards: h. Are there any other known safety issues and/or requirements? NO. 18. Do you have weather support requirements? YES. a. Weather forecast support for operations (1) List specific cloud, precipitation, etc. conditions that must be known in order to make operational decisions or that could favorably or adversly impact your experiment. This experiment is dependent on clear sky conditions. Cloud cover/rain will cancel operations for that day. (2) What is the desired forecast lead time for each of the conditions listed in (1)? 1 Day. b. Weather warning support requirements (1) List specific conditions that could cause safety hazards for your operations, e.g., lightning, high winds, etc: Lightning, hail, tornados. (2) Desired weather warning lead time: 2-3 hours. 19. If you have any other support requirements that have not been addressed by questions 1 - 19, please explain them here: YOUR DATA CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARM 20. List the atmospheric data that you will release to the ARM Science Team (through the ARM Experiment Center and Data Archive) and the estimated availability date (months after IOP) for each of these data. 1) 1 min freq global Solar and Diffuse Solar (1 month) 2) 1 min freq Diffuse IR (1 month) 3) 2 sec freq for select 20 minute periods of Direct Solar (2 months) 21. For each of the data types that your listed in item 21, please provide information on the following data attributes, as applicable: For data type 1 above (PSP) a. Units W/m^2 b. Accuracy (proximity to true value) ~3% c. Precision (repeatability, reciprocal of sample variance) .1-1% d. Range of acceptable values (0-1100 W/m^2) e. Temporal resolution (temporal representativeness of observation) f. Temporal reporting interval (time interval between successive observations) 1 minute g. Vertical resolution h. Vertical range (minimum and maximum) i. Vertical coordinate (meters above mean sea level, millibars, etc.) j. Horizontal resolution k. Horizontal range (minimum and maximum) l. Horizontal coordinate (UTM, lat/long, etc.) m. Angular resolution n. Angular spacing o. Spectral resolution p. Spectral range (280-3000 nm) For data type 2 above (PIR) a. Units W/m^2 b. Accuracy (proximity to true value) ~3% c. Precision (repeatability, reciprocal of sample variance) .1-1% d. Range of acceptable values 100-600 W/m^2 e. Temporal resolution (temporal representativeness of observation) f. Temporal reporting interval (time interval between successive observations) 1 min. g. Vertical resolution h. Vertical range (minimum and maximum) i. Vertical coordinate (meters above mean sea level, millibars, etc.) j. Horizontal resolution k. Horizontal range (minimum and maximum) l. Horizontal coordinate (UTM, lat/long, etc.) m. Angular resolution n. Angular spacing o. Spectral resolution p. Spectral range 3000-50000 nm For data type 3 above (Cavity) a. Units W/m^2 b. Accuracy (proximity to true value) 0.1% c. Precision (repeatability, reciprocal of sample variance) 0.01-0.1 % d. Range of acceptable values 0-1200 W/m^2 e. Temporal resolution (temporal representativeness of observation) f. Temporal reporting interval (time interval between successive observations) 2 seconds g. Vertical resolution h. Vertical range (minimum and maximum) i. Vertical coordinate (meters above mean sea level, millibars, etc.) j. Horizontal resolution k. Horizontal range (minimum and maximum) l. Horizontal coordinate (UTM, lat/long, etc.) m. Angular resolution n. Angular spacing o. Spectral resolution p. Spectral range (280-3000 nm) 22. What data format do you plan to use? ASCII text 23. Provide an estimate of the data volume, itemized by observation: This will depend on the number of days we can run with clear sky. A typical clear sky day will produce the following amounts of data: 2 PIRs = 140k per day 4 PSPs = 140k per day 2 Cavities = 3.6 MEG per day -------- = 3.88 MEG per clear day YOUR DATA REQUIREMENTS FROM ARM 24. List the in situ quantities you require for comparison with your instrument data. BSRN and CF SIROS broadband data (PSPs, NIPs, PIRs) 25. List the additional in situ quantities you require (see note below): 26. List the remotely sensed quantities you require for comparison with your instrument data: 27. List the additional remotely sensed quantities you require (see note below):