
Articles (201 articles related aquaculture) published from Fisheries Research

Agency (From September 2004 to August 2005)

Abo,K. (2005) Effects of tidal current in winter season on the population of Gymnodinium catenatum in Inokushi bay. Bulletin on coastal oceanography 42:161-169 (In Japanese).

Akeda,S., Iwata,T., Terasawa,T., Hattori,M., Takaki,N. (2004) The Assessment of Quality of the Cultured Pearl in Aquaculture Using HEP. Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE 51:1096-1100 (In Japanese).

Amano,M., Iigo,M., Ikuta,K., Kitamura,S., Okuzawa,K., Yamada,H., Yamamori,K. (2004) Disturbance of plasma melatonin profile by high dose melatonin administration inhibits testicular maturation of precocious male masu salmon. Zoological Science 21:79-85.

Amano,M., Yamanome,T., Yamada,H., Okuzawa,K., Yamamori,K., (2004) Effect of photoperiod on gonadotropin-releasing hormone levels in the brain and pituitary of underyearling male barfin flounder. Fisheries Science 70:812-818.

Araki,K., Okamoto,H., Nagoya,H.  Tbx24, controlling the somite-segmentation, is induced with Fgf signal.  Marine Biotechnology  6, S425-430 (2004)

Awaji,M., Hamamo,K. (2004) Gonad formation, sex differentiation and gonad maturation processes in artificially produced juveniles of the abalone, (Haliotis discus hannai). Aquaculture 239:397-411.

Azuma,T., Dijkstra,J. M., Kiryu,I., Sekiguchi,T., Terada, Y., Asahina,K., Fischer,U,. Ototake,M. (2005) Growth and behavioral traits in Donaldson rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) cosegregate with classical majorhistocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genotype. Behavior Genetics 35:463-478.

Azuma,T., Takeda,K., Doi,T., Muto,K., Akutsu,M., Sawada,M., Adachi,S. (2004) The influence of temperature on sex determination in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka. Aquaculture 234:461-473.

Bayarri,MJ., Rodriguez,L., Zanuy,S., Madrid,JA., Sanchez-Vazquez,FJ., Kagawa,H., Okuzawa,K., Carrillo,M. (2004) Effect of photoperiod manipulation on the daily rhythms of melatonin and reproductive hormones in caged European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). General & Comparative Endocrinology 136(1):72-81.

Bottger,SA., Walker,CW., Unuma,T. (2004) Care and maintenance of adult echinoderms. Methods in Cell Biology: Development of sea urchins, ascidians, and other invertebrate deuterostomes: experimental approaches 74:17-38.

Chou,SS., Akadate,M. (2004) PCR primers for fish G6PD gene intron and characterization of intron length variation in the albacore Thunnuns alalunga. Moleculra Ecology Notes 4:391-393.

Crane, M., Sano,M.,Hedrick, R (2004)  Infection with koi herpes virus - disease card. Developed to support the NACA/FAO/OIE regional quarterly aquatic animal disease (QAAD) reporting system in the Asia-Pacific. NACA, Bangkok, Thailand. 1-11.

Cruz-Lacierda,ER., Maeno,Y., Pineda,AJT., Matey,VE. (2004) Mass mortality of hatchery-reared milkfish (Chanos chanos) and mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) caused by Amyloodinium ocellatum (Dinoflagellida). Aquaculture 236(1-4):85-94.

Doi,T., Nakamura,T., Yokota,K., Maruyama,T., Watanabe,S., Noguchi,T., Sano,Y., Fujita,T. (2004) Hooking mortality and growth of caught and released Japanese charr Salvelinus leucomaensis and Onchorynchus masou masou in Experiment pond. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 70: 706-713 (In Japanese). 

Fischer,U., Dijkstra,JM., Kollner,B., Kiryu,I., Koppang,EO., Hordvik,I., Sawamoto,Y., Ototake,M.. (2005) The ontogeny of MHC class I expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 18:49-60.

Furuita,H. (2004) Requirement of essential fatty acid in seeding production. Nippon Suisann Gakkaishi 70; 512-515 (In Japanese).

Gen,K. (2004) Hormone that act for spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Mechanisms of biosynthesis of gonadotropin in fish. NIAS agri-bio-science series 1: 28-31 (In Japanese).

Gen,K., Yamaguchi,S., Okuzawa,K., Kumakura,N., Tanaka,H., Kagawa,H. (2003) Physiological roles of FSH and LH in red seabream, Pagrus major. Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 28(1-4):77-80.

Gibson-Kueh,S., Ngoh-Lim,GH., Netto,P., Kurita,J., Nakajima,K., Ng,ML. (2004) A systematic iridoviral disease in mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus and tiger grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Forskal - a first report and study. Journal of Fish Disease 27(12):693-699.

Hamaguchi,M. (2004) It aims at the revival of the domestic production littleneck clam. Kenkyuu Journal 27: 42-47 (In Japanese).

Hamano,K., Awaji,M. (2004) "Novel member of the PAR domain bZIP gene family isolated from Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas". Gene 15(3):174-179.

Hara, M., Sekino, M. (2005) Genetic difference between Ezo-awabi Haliotis discus hannai and Kuro-awabi H. discus discus populations: Microsatellite-based population analysis in Japanese abalone. Fisheries Science:71, 754-766.

Hara,M., Sekino,M. (2005) Genetic difference between Ezo-awabi Haliotis discus hannai and Kuro-awabi H. discus discus populations: microsatellite-based population analysis in Japanese abalone. Fisheries Science 71(4):754-756.

Hara,M., Sekino,M., Kumagai,A., Yoshinaga,T. (2004) The identification of genetic resistance to amyotrophia in Japanese abalone, Haliotis discus discus. J. Shellfish Res. :23, 1157-1161.

Hashimoto,H., Rebagliati,M., Ahmad,N., Muraoka,O., Kurokawa,T., Hibi,M., Suzuki,T. (2004) The Cereberus/Dan-family protein Charon is a negative regulator of Nodal signaling during left-right patterning in zebrafish. Development 131(8):1741-1753.

Hattori,H., Koike,M., Tachikawa,K., Saito,H., Nagasawa,K. (2004) Spatial variability of living coccolithophore distribution in the western Subarctic Pacific and the Bering Sea. Journal of Oceanography 60(2):505-515.

Honda,T., Nishizawa,T., Uenobe,M., Kohchi,C., Kuroda,A., Ototake,M., Nakanishi,T., Yokomizo,Y., Takahashi,Y., Inagawa,H., Soma,G. (2005) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a macrophage-colony stimulating factor receptor-like gene from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Molecular Immunology 42(1):1-8.

Hoshikawa,H., Takahashi,K., Tsuda,F., Machiguchi,Y. (2005) Estimating juvenile abalone Haliotis dscus hannai abuncance using scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis shell rings. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 71: 83-85 (In Japanese)

Iguchi,K. (2004) Simultaneous maturation of two discrete oocyte batches in ayu. Ichthyological Research 51:386-388.

Iguchi,K., Matsuura,K., McNyset,KM., Peterson,AT., Scachetti-Pereira,R., Powers,KA., Vieglais,DA., Wiley,EO., Yodo,T. (2004) Predicting invasions of North American basses in Japan using native range data and a genetic algorithm. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:845-854.

Iguchi,K., Watanabe,K., Nishida,M. (2005) Validity of fluctuating asymmetry as a gauge of genetic stress in ayu stocks. Fisheries Science 71 (2): 308-313.

Iguchi,K., Yodo,T. (2004) Impact of indigenous egg eaters on the early survival of exotic smallmouth bass. Ecological Research 19:469-474.

Iida,T. (2004) Measure to akoya oyster disease by farming at low seawater temperature. Zenshinren Gijyutu Kenkyuu Kihou 18: 1-25 (In Japanese).

Iida,T. (2004) Recent progress in fish vaccinology 2. Mechanism of action of fish vaccine. Aquanet 7: 50-54 (In Japanese).

Iida,T. (2004) Recent progress in fish vaccinology 3. Current state of vaccine production and future prospects in Japan. Aquanet 7: 42-45 (In Japanese)

Iida,T. (2004) Recent progress in fish vaccinology 4. Peripheral technology to increase the availability of fish vaccine. Aquanet 7: 46-48 (In Japanese).

Inoue,Y., Suenaga,Y., Yoshiura,Y., Moritomo,T., Ototake,M., Nakanishi,T. (2004) Molecular cloning and sequencing of Japanese pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) NADPH oxidase cDNAs. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 28(9):911-925.

Ishihi,Y., Yokoyama,H. (2005) Food chain in the seaweed bed observed from isotope ratio. Yousyoku 37: 509-515 (In Japanese).

Itakura,S., Yamaguchi,M. (2005) Morphological and physiological difference between Alexandrium cysts (Dinophyceae) sampled from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan- evidence for differences between cysts of A. catenella and A. tamarense, Plankton Biology & Ecology, 52, 85-91,

Ito,T., Mori,K., Arimoto,M., Nakajima,K. (2004) Virulence of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) isolates from Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in rainbow trout and several species of marine fish. Fish Pathology 39(2):103-104.

Kage,T., Takeda,H., Yasuda,T., Maruyama,K., Yamamoto,N., Yoshimoto,M., Araki,K., Inohaya,K., Okamoto,H., Yasumasu,S., Watanabe,K., Ito,H., Ishikawa,Y. (2004) Morphogenesis and regionalizetion of the Medaka embryonic brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology 476:219-239.

Kai,W., Kikuchi,K., Fujita,M., Suetake,H., Fujiwara,A., Yoshiura,Y., Ototake,M., Venkatesh,B., Miyaki,K., Suzuki,Y. (2005) A genetic linkage map for the tiger pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes. Genetics 171: 227-238.

Kajiura,H., Kobayashi,T., Nagahama,Y. (2005) Cloning of cDNAs and the differential expression of A-type cyclins and Dmc1 during spermatogenesis in the Japanese eel, a teleost fish. Dev. Dyn., 232:1115-1123

Kajiura-Kobayashi,H., Kobayashi,T., Nagahama,Y. (2004) The cloning of cyclin B3 and its gene expression during hormonally induced spermatogenesis in the teleost, Anguilla japonica. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 323:288-292.

Kajiura-Kobayashi,H., Kobayashi,T., Nagahama,Y. (2005) Cloning of cDNAs and the differential expression of A-type cyclins and Dmc1 during spermatogensis in the Japanese eel, a telesot fish. Developmental Dynamics 232(4):1115-1123.

Kakuno,A., Koyama,J. (2004) Assessment of pollutant using blood characteristic of red sea bream. Japanese Journal of Environmental Toxicology 7: 81-95 (In Japanese).

Kamaishi,T. (2004) Identification and pathogenicity of intracellular Francesella bacterium in thrre-line grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum. Yousyoku 41:84-87 (In Japanese).

Kamiyama,T., Matsuyama,Y. (2005) Temporal changes in the ciliate assemblage and consecutive estimates of their grazing effect during the course of a Heterocapsa circularisquama bloom. Journal of Plankton Research, 27(4):1-9.

Kamiyama,T., Tsujino,M., Matsuyama,Y., Uchida,T. (2005) Growth and grazing rates of the tintinnid ciliate Favella taraikaensis of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Marine Biology, 147:989-997.

Katou,M., Okauchi,M., Nakagami,S. (2005) Deveropment of a Concentration Technique for Unicellular Diatoms, Chaetoceros gracilis and Chaetoceros calcitrans, as Food Organisms. Suisanzousyoku 52: 231-237 (In Japanese).

Kawamura,T., Takami,H., Yamashita,Y. (2004) Effects of grazing by a herbivorous gastropod Homalopoma amussitatum, a competitor for food with post-larval abalone, on a community of benthic diatoms.  Journal of Shellfish Research 23(4)989-993.

Kawanishi,M., Kojima,A., Ishihara,K., Esaki,H., Takahashi,T., Suzuki,S., Hiron,I., Iida,T., Aoki,T., Tamura,Y. (2004) Quality control ranges of minimum inhibitory concentrations for Lactococcus gravieae and Photobacterium damselae subsp piscicida. Fish Pathology 39(2):111-114

Kim,YK., Tsutsui,N., Kawazoe,I., Okumura,T., Kaneko,T., Aida,K. (2005) Localization and developmental expression of mRNA for cortical rod protein in kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus. Zoological Science, 22:675-680.

Kiryu,I., Dijkstra,JM., Sarder,RI., Fujiwara,A., Yoshiura,Y., Ototake,M. (2005) New MHC class Ia domain lineages in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) which are shared with other fish species. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 18(3):243-254.

Kitamura,S., Ikuta,K., Shikama,T., Nakamura,H., Suzuki,Y., Munakata,A. (2005) Effectiveness of catch and release rules in the Yukawa river. Bull. Fish. Res. Agen., in press (In Japanese).

Kobayashi,T., Matsuda,M., Kajiura-Kobayashi,H., Suzuki,A., Saito,N., Nakamoto,M., Shibata,N., Nagahama,Y. (2004) Two DM domain genes, DMY and DMRT1, involved in testicular differentiation and development in the medaka, Oryias latipes. Developmental Dynamics 231:518-526.

Kogure,Y., Nagasawa,T. (2004) Relationship between the distribution of Ophiura sarsii (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) and benthic environmental variables in the Sea of Japan. Biogeography 6:17-26.

Konishi,K. (2005) Handbook of techniques in larval fish study (6). Cancer :14, 35-38 (In Japanese).

Koya,Y., Sawaguchi,S., Shimizu,K., Shimizu,A. (2004) Endocrine changes during the onset of vitellogenesis in spring in the mosquitfish. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28:349-350.

Kudo,H., Amizuka,N., Araki,K., Inohaya,K., Kudo,A. (2004) Zebrafish periostin is required for the adhesion of muscle fiber bundles to the myoseptum and for the differentiation of muscle fibers. Developmental Biology 267:473-487.

Kumagai,A., Nakayasu,C., Oseko,N. (2004) Effect of tobramycin supplementation to medium on isolation of Flavobacterium psychrophilum from Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish Pathology 39(2):75-78.

Kumagai,A., Nakayasu,C., Oseko,N. (2004) No evidence for the presence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum within Ayu eggs. Fish Pathology 39(4):183-187.

Kumakura,N., Okuzawa,K., Gen,K., Yamaguchi,S., Lim,BS., Kagawa,H. (2004) Effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone on pituitary-ovarian axis of one-year old pre-pubertal red seabream. General & Comparative Endocrinology 138(2):105-112.

Kurokawa, H. (2005) Mechanisms of digestion and absorption in fish. YOUSYOKU 42(9): 14-17 (In Japanese).

Kurokawa,T., Iinuma.N., Unuma,T., Tanaka,H., Kagawa,H., Ohta,H., Suzuki,T. (2004) Development of endocrine system regulating exocrine pancreas and estimation of feeding and digestive ability in Japanese eel larvae. Aquaculture 234(1-4):513-525.

Kurokawa,T., Uji,S., Suzuki,T. (2004) Molecular cloning of multiple chitinase genes in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part B 138(3)255-264.

Kurokawa,T., Uji,S., Suzuki,T. (2005) Identification of cDNA coding for a homologue to mammalian leptin from pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes. PEPTIDES 26 (5): 745-750.

Kurokawa,T., Uji,S., Suzuki,T. (2005) Identification of pepsinogen gene in the genome of stomachless fish, Takifugu rubripes. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part B 140(1):133-140.

Kurokawa,T., Uji,T., Suzuki,T. (2004) Gene structure and tissue distribution of leptin receptor like-gene in fugu. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 70: 774-775 (In Japanese).

Kuwahara,H., Endou,T., Nishidou,T., Motomatsu,K. (2004) Favorable environmental condition for young wild abalone. Proceedings of Coastal Engineering 51: 1101-1105 (In Japanese).

Kuwahara,H., Endou,T., Saidou,T., Motomatsu,K. (2004) Estimation on the Habitat Suitability of Abalone Spats, Haliotis Discus Hannai in Kadonohama Bay, Japan. Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE 51:1101-1105 (In Japanese).

Lim,BS., Kagawa,H., Gen,K., Okuzawa,K. (2004) Effects of water temperature on the gonadal development and expression of steroidogenic enzymes in the gonad of juvenile red seabream, Pagrus major. Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 28(1-4):161-162.

Lou,YK., Kuwahara,R., Kaneniwa,M., Murata,Y., Yokoyama,M. (2004) Effect of soy protein isolate on gel properties of Alaska pollock and common carp surimi at different setting conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 84:663-671.

Masaoka,T. (2004) Study of pearl culture from 2002 to 2003. Shinjyunenkan: 230-282 (In Japanese).

Masaoka,T. (2005) Hot line of research of aquaculture: Identification based on DNA sequence in Pearl oyster species (Pinctada). Yousyoku 42(2):76-79 (In Japanese).

Masaoka,T,. Kobayashi.T. (2004) Polymerase chain reaction-based species identification of pearl oyster using nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions. Suisanikusyu 33(2):101-105 (In Japanese).

Matsumoto,T. (2004) Vitellogenesis in the Pacific oyster. Trends in Comparative Endocrinology 392-394.

Matsumoto,T., Suzuki,G. (2004) Present situation and issues in preservation of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean sea. Enyou 114:19-21 (In Japanese).

Matsuoka,S., Kurokawa,Y., Kawai,S., Yamaguchi,H., Fujii,K., Ookubo,N., Matsubara,T., Nishimura,S., Hashimoto,S., Irimoto,T. (2004) Determination of estrogenic chemicals from coastal water and liver water using in vitro assay. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology 27: 811-816 (In Japanese).

Matsushita,Y., Fujita,K., Ikegami,N., Ohata,S. (2004) Reaction of juvenile flounder to grid separators. ICES Journal of Marine Science,61(7):1174-1178.

Matsuyama,Y. (2004) Study of the generation and virulence of toxic algae Heterocapsa circularisquma. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 70: 504-507 (In Japanese).

Mihelakakis,A., Tsolkas,C., Yoshimatsu,T. (2004) Optimization of Artemia metanauplii on growth and survival of gilthead sea bream larvae Sparus aurata. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 35(1)87-93.

Mochida,K., Fujii,K., Kakuno,A., Matsubara,T., Ohkubo,N., Adachi,S., Yamauchi,K (2004) Expression of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase is regulated by estradiol-17b in testis and brain of the Japanese common goby. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28:435-436.

Mochida,K., Ohkubo,N., Matsubara,T., Ito,K., Kakuno,A., Fujii,K. (2004) Effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on expression of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase mRNA in testis and brain of the Japanese common goby. Aquatic Toxicology 70:123-126.

Moritomo,T., Asakura,N., Sekiya,M., Ototake,M., Inoue,Y., Nakanishi,T. (2004) Cell culture of clonal ginbuna crucian carp hematopoietic cells: differentiation of cultured cells into erythrocytes in vivo. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 28(9):863-869.

Munakata,A., Amano,M., Kitamura,S., Ikuta,K., Aida,K. (2005) Foraging and Growth of Hatchery-reared Honmasu Salmon Parr in a Natural River. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 36(3):411-415.

Muraoka,D., Saitoh,K. (2005) Identification of Undaria pinnatifida and U. undarioides (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) using mitochondrial 23S ribosomal DNA sequences. Fisheries Science, 71(6).

Nagai,T. (2005) Stock recovery program for the Spanish mackerel in the Seto Inland Sea, Proceeding of the6th International EMECS Conference 209-218

Nagasaki,K., Shirai,Y., Sotomaru,Y., Nishida,N., Shmuel Pietrokovski (2005) Algal viruses with distinct intraspecies host specificities include identical intein elements., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71(7):3599-3607

Nakadate,M., Vinas,J., Corriero,A., Clarke,S., Suzuki,N., Chow,S. (2005) Genetic isolation between Atlantic and Mediterranean albacore (Thunnus alalunga) populations inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Journal of Fish Biology 66(6):1545-1557.

Nakamura,T., Katano,O. Yamamoto,Y. (2004) Effects of aquatic plant zones on the reduction of predation pressure on Japanese native fish by smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 52: 287-291 (In Japanese).

Nakamura,T., Katano,O. Yamamoto,Y. (2004) Effects of stream and water temperature on the growth of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 70: 745-749 (In Japanese).

Nakaya,M., Takatsu,T., Nakagami,M., Joh,M., Takahashi,T. (2004) Spatial distribution and feeding habits of the shrimp Crangon uritai as a predator on larval and juvenile marbled sole Pleuronectes yokohamae. Fisheries Science 70:445-455.

Nakayama,I. (2004) Sex control research for aquatic animal breeding. The Journal of Animal Genetics 31: 57-66.

Nakayama,I. (2005) Entry into force of the Cartagena Protocol and newly-created aquatic genomics research center. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 71: 239-241 (In Japanese).

Nakayasu,C., Aoki,H., Nakanishi,M., Yamashita,H., Okauchi,M., Oseko,N., Kumagai,A. (2004) Tissue distribution of the agent of Akoya oyster disease in Japanese pearl oyster Pinctata fucata martensii. Fish Pathology 39(4):203-208.

Nakayasu,C., Somamoto,T., Hasegawa,S., Yoshitomi,T., Okamoto,N. (2005) Differential spontaneous killing of human and murine tumour cell lines by leucocyte subpopulations from carp peripheral blood leucocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 19: 115-126.

Nakayasu,C., Tsutsumi,N., Oseko,N., Hasegawa,S. (2005) Role of cellular response in elimination of the monogenean Neoheterobothrium hirame in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Dis. Aquat. Org.: 64, 127-134.

Nakayasu,C., Tsutsumi,N., Oseko,N., Hasegawa,S. (2005) Role of cellular response in elimination of the monogenean Neoheterobothrium hirame in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Disease of Aquatic Organisms. 64(2): 127-134.

Nanami,A., Saito,H., Akita,T., Motomatsu,K., Kuwahara,H. (2005) Spatial distribution and assemblage structure of macrobenthic invertebrates in a brackish water lake in relation to environmental variables. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf  Science 63 (1-2): 167-176.

Nishitani,G., Yamaguchi,M., Ishikawa,A., Yanagiya,S., Mitsuya,T., Imai,I. (2005) Relationships between occurrences of toxic Dinophysis species (Dinophyceae) and small phytoplanktons in Japanese coastal waters , Hamful Algae, 4:755-762

Nomura,K., Nakajima,J., Ohta,H., Kagawa,H., Tanaka,H., Unuma,T., Yamauchi,K., Arai,K. (2004) Induction of triploidy by heat shock in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Fisheries Science 70(2):247-255.

Ohta,H., Higashimoto,Y., Koga,S., Unuma,T., Nomura,K., Tanaka,H., Kagawa,H., Arai,K. (2003) Occurrence of spontaneous polyploids from the eggs obtained by artificial induction of maturation in the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 28:517-518.

Oikawa,H., Satomi,M., Watabe,S., Yano,Y., (2005) Accumulation and depuration rates of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in the shore crab Telmessus acutidens by feeding toxic mussels under laboratory controlled conditions TOXICON 45(2):163-169.

Ojima,N., Yamashita,M. (2004) Cloning and characterization of two distinct isoforms of rainbow trout heat shock factor 1 - Evidence for heterotrimer formation. European Journal of Biochemistry 271(4):703-712.

Ojima,N., Yamashita,M., Watabe,S. (2004) Comparative expression analysis of two paralogous Hsp70s in rainbow trout cells exposed to heat stress. BBA - Gene Structure and Expression 1681(2-3):99-106.

Okamoto,H., Nagoya,H., Hirono,I, Aoki,T., Araki,K. (2004) Cloning and expression of foxD1 in medaka fish. Marine Biotechnology 6.

Okauchi,M. (2004) Beneficial roles of a microalga, Nannochloropsis oculata, in a large-scale larval rearing tank of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Suisanyousyoku 52(4):428-428 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Importance of living food and actual condition of food production. Aquanet, 8(6):36-40 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (1) phytoplankton which utilized for the food (1). Yousyoku 42 (6): 78-80 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (2) phytoplankton which utilized for the food (2). Yousyoku 42(7): 78-81 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (3) Isolation and culture of phytoplankton. Yousyoku 42(8): 82-86 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (4) Assessments of proliferation potency and nutritional quality. Yousyoku :42(9):82-85 (In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (5) Effects of phytoplankton on the seeds. Yousyoku :42(10):88-91(In Japanese).

Okauchi,M. (2005) Small phytoplankton with high potential (6) Notices on the large-scale culture of phytoplankton.  Yousyoku : 42(11):84-87 (In Japanese).

Oku,H. (2004) Adiposity in cultured fish. explain the mechanisms. Yousyoku 41: 86-89 (In Japanese).

Okumura,T., Miura,N., Seimura,K. (2005) Seasonal changes of glycogen contents in Japanese rock oyster. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 71: 363-368.

Okumura,T. (2004) Perspectives on hormonal manipulation of shrimp reproduction. JARQ 38(1):49-54.

Okumura,T., Hara,M., (2004) Androgenic gland cell structure and spermatogenesis during the molt cycle and correlation to morphotypic differentiation in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Zoological Science 21(6):621-628.

Okumura,T., Nagai,F., Yamamoto,S., Yamano,K., Oseko,N., Inouye,K., Oomura,H., Sawada,H. (2004) Detection of white spot syndrome virus from stomach tissue homogenate of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus by reverse passive latex agglutunation. Journal of Virological Methods 119:11-16.

Okumura,T., Ohira,T., Katayama,H., Nagasawa,H. (2005) In vivo effects of a recombinant molt-inhibiting hormone on molt interval and hemolymph ecdysteroid level in the kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. Zoological Science 22: 317-320.

Okumura,T., Ohira,T., Katayama,H., Nagasawa,H. (2005) In vivo effects of a recombinant molt-inhibiting hormone on molt-interval and hemolymph ecdysteroid level in the kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. Zoological Science 22(3):317-320.

Okumura,T., Sakiyama,K. (2004) Hemolymph levels of vertebrate-type steroid hormones in female kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeidae) during natural reproductive cycle and induced ovarian development by eyestalk ablation. Fisheries Science 70(3)372-380.

Okumura,T., Yoshida,K., Nikaido,H. (2004) Ovarian development and hemolymph vitellogenin levels in laboratoy-maintained protandric shrimp, Pandalus hypsinotus: measurement by a newly developed time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA). Zoological Science 21(10):1037-1047.

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