Air Force Seal

Enterprise Transition Plan

March 2008 Congressional Report

Department of the Air Force

Transformation Vision and Strategy

The mission of the Air Force is to deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global interests—to fly and fight in Air, Space, and Cyberspace. Complex and unpredictable global threats emerge every day and the Air Force is postured to provide options for the defense of the nation by sustaining an agile, adaptable, persistent, lethal, and surge-ready air, space, and cyberspace force. Our persistent Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), global mobility, and rapid strike capabilities are critical to all joint operations. Our combat capability and peacetime efficiency will increase as we integrate our Active Duty, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve components into a Total Force. By focusing on our main priorities—winning the Global War on Terror, developing Airmen, and recapitalizing and modernizing the Total Force—we are prepared to face the challenges of today and the uncertainties of tomorrow.


The Air Force business transformation vision is to create capabilities that provide rapid and predictive operational support and response through situationally-aware Commanders. The corresponding Air Force business transformation strategy is to:

  • Focus operational support on improving joint warfighter effectiveness by integrating high value operational threads across domains and across combat and non-combat functions.
  • Set common goals and priorities across the operational support of the Air Force enterprise.
  • Reengineer critical processes, identify and prioritize processes for improvement, and redesign them whenever they fall short of the immediate or long-term expectations.
  • Move systems into a modern information framework. Leverage existing initiatives of the Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), while synchronizing and accelerating them to achieve transformation.
  • Harvest resources to complete operational support transformation and support modernization of Air Force and joint capabilities.

Transformation Priorities

  • Synchronize the Supply Chain and Installation Management with Operations – Globally (USAF1)
  • Leveraging the Power of Information to Transform Global Operations (USAF2)
  • Improve Operational Capabilities through Improved Real-Time C2, Decision Support and Predictive Analysis (USAF3)
  • Support Our People -- Our Most Important Resource (USAF4)
  • Increase Resources Available for Recapitalization (USAF5)
  • Provide accurate, reliable and timely financial information to support decision making (USAF6)
  • Optimize Enterprise Performance through Transformation and Continuous Improvement across Functional Boundaries (USAF7)
  • Improve Development and Delivery of Capabilities through Disciplined and Credible Processes (USAF8)

Business Value Added Outcomes Impacted





On Time Request



      X   X            



Urgent Requests

        X X            

Weapons Systems Ops


Cannibalization Rate


Real Property Utilization

X           X          

Personnel Requirements

    X             X   X

Payroll Accuracy


Financial Transparency

  X   X   X     X   X  

Budget Summary

CSE Budget Summary

Note:AF FIP and FM SDM - Programs are funded from the operating budgets of affected activities. PSD – Budget figures represent the combined budgets for vPSC, the major system that conducts PSD transformation at the system level and PSD-IT support, the initiative that reflects the infrastructure costs associated with the PSD transformation initiative. For additional details and explanatory notes, please refer to Appendix I in the Virtual Appendices.

Milestone Chart

Air Force Milestone Chart

Select graphic for a closer view

Critical Milestones

Priority FY08 Critical Milestones FY09 Critical Milestones

Synchronize the Supply Chain and Installation Management with Operations – Globally (USAF1)


  • ETIMS: Fielding Readiness Review (FRR)
  • EESOH-MIS: V1.3 HazWaste Functionality for v1.3 (Q3)
  • EESOH-MIS: Version 1.4.1 Air Functionality - Phase 1 for v1.4 (Q4)
  • ECSS: ECSS Blueprinting, first priority modules (Q1)
  • ECSS: Milestone B (Q1)
  • EESOH-MIS: Version 1.4.x Air Functionality - Phase 2 for v1.4 (Q2)
  • ECSS: Milestone C (Q3)

Support Our People -- Our Most Important Resource (USAF4)


  • FM SDM: Financial Services Transformation: Stand-up Central Processing Center
  • PSD: (MIL; AD/RES/NGB) Centralizing HR transactional work currently performed at base-level for Centralization of Total Force HR Services (Q3)
  • EESOH-MIS: V1.3 HazWaste Functionality for v1.3 (Q3)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 20--Airmen Development Plan for Civilian, Role-based Access/E-viewer for Digitized Personnel Records for vPersonnel Services Center (Q3)
  • AFRISS: Complete ANG functionality incl automated leads mgmt, in-service recruiting, enlisted professions, officer accessions, health professions, and electronic waiver processing (Q3)
  • AFRISS: FOC (Q3)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 50--WAPS Modernization for vPersonnel Services Center (Q4)
  • FM SDM: Center of Expertise FOC (Q4)
  • FM SDM: Enhanced Financial Advisor. Note Pending DEAMS and Senior Leader approval (Q4)
  • EESOH-MIS: Version 1.4.1 Air Functionality - Phase 1 for v1.4 (Q4)
  • FM SDM: FST: Stand-up Contact Center (Q1)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 60--PRISM Modernization for vPersonnel Services Center (Q1)
  • PSD: Migration to DIMHRS IOC (Q2)
  • EESOH-MIS: Version 1.4.x Air Functionality - Phase 2 for v1.4 (Q2)
  • NAF-T: Phase 1 Financial FOC (Q3)
  • FM SDM: Combat Comptroller Contingency Organization FOC (Q4)

Increase Resources Available for Recapitalization (USAF5)


  • FM SDM: Financial Services Transformation: Stand-up Central Processing Center
  • EBS: FM/G2 re-hosting
  • EBS: GCSS-AF Level 3 Integration (Q2)
  • EBS: STES integration IOC (Q2)
  • PSD: (MIL; AD/RES/NGB) Centralizing HR transactional work currently performed at base-level for Centralization of Total Force HR Services (Q3)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 20--Airmen Development Plan for Civilian, Role-based Access/E-viewer for Digitized Personnel Records for vPersonnel Services Center (Q3)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 50--WAPS Modernization for vPersonnel Services Center (Q4)
  • FIRST: Milestone C (Q4)
  • FM SDM: Center of Expertise FOC (Q4)
  • FM SDM: Enhanced Financial Advisor. Note Pending DEAMS and Senior Leader approval (Q4)
  • FM SDM: FST: Stand-up Contact Center (Q1)
  • PSD: Spiral 1, Block 60--PRISM Modernization for vPersonnel Services Center (Q1)
  • PSD: Migration to DIMHRS IOC (Q2)
  • FIRST: Budget Formulation (BF) Spiral 2&3 (Q2)
  • FIRST: FOC (Q2)
  • EBS: GCSS-AF Level 4 integration (hosted) (Q2)
  • NAF-T: Phase 1 Financial FOC (Q3)
  • FM SDM: Combat Comptroller Contingency Organization FOC (Q4)

Provide accurate, reliable and timely financial information to support decision making (USAF6)




  • DEAMS-AF: Milestone C for Inc 2 (Q4)
  • FIRST: Milestone C (Q4)
  • ECSS: ECSS Blueprinting, first priority modules (Q1)
  • ECSS: Milestone B (Q1)
  • DEAMS-AF: Milestone A for Inc 2 (Q1)
  • FIRST: Budget Formulation (BF) Spiral 2&3 (Q2)
  • FIRST: FOC (Q2)
  • NAF-T: Phase 1 Financial FOC (Q3)
  • ECSS: Milestone C (Q3)
  • DEAMS-AF: Milestone B for Inc 2 (Q4)

Improve Development and Delivery of Capabilities through Disciplined and Credible Processes (USAF8)

  • EBS: FM/G2 re-hosting
  • EBS: GCSS-AF Level 3 Integration (Q2)
  • EBS: STES integration IOC (Q2)
  • ECSS: ECSS Blueprinting, first priority modules (Q1)
  • ECSS: Milestone B (Q1)
  • EBS: GCSS-AF Level 4 integration (hosted) (Q2)
  • ECSS: Milestone C (Q3)

Note: USAF2, USAF3, and USAF7 are supported by efforts that are not among the Air Force target systems and initiatives

Accomplishments/Capabilities Delivered
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USAF1 - Synchronize the Supply Chain and Installation Management with Operations – Globally

  • ECSS: Initiated Enterprise Level Blueprinting, Legacy Deconstruction, and Pathfinder Assessment and Analysis efforts to redesign the business process and provide selection and configuration requirements for deployable information technology products, e.g., Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) components. This provides the initial groundwork and planning to enable the transformation of the entire Air Force logistics operation. Enterprise Level Blueprinting was successfully completed in October 2007.
  • ETIMS: Technical Order (TO) Viewer component of ETIMS successfully completed a pilot program at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ, for the 355 MXG (A-10 aircraft maintenance unit) in early December 2007 using manual distribution. This new capability, employing electronic TOs on ruggedized laptops, was deemed a major advantage by the warfighters/maintainers and subsequently expanded to the backshops where the capability remains in use today pending deployment of the fully automated distribution solution with ETIMS in 2QFY08.
  • ETIMS: ETIMS successfully completed User Assessment Testing and subsequently passed Test Readiness Review II on January 11, 2008 authorizing the system to enter operational testing.


USAF2 - Leveraging the Power of Information to Transform Global Operations

  • SOA/MDE: Awarded the Initial Infrastructure Build (IIB), the initial rollout of the Air Force SOA infrastructure to include the MDE, on September 27, 2007. The contract has a scheduled delivery date of April 30, 2008. A Preliminary Design Review was held in November 2007 and a Critical Design Review was held in January 2008. The SOA IIB supports the transformation of the Air Force into a continuously improving process organization and improves the sharing of trustable information. The SOA IIB will provide an environment where mission and business processes are supported by information assets delivered to users through content delivery services.
  • COI: Developed a template for capturing functional area information assurance (IA) attribute requirements and a vocabulary to facilitate the federation of IA specific attributes and mechanisms. To develop the template, the Enterprise Vocabulary Team teamed with the Readiness and Flight Scheduling COIs (the first two COIs to be instantiated within the IIB). They completed the template in January 2008. Together the template and the vocabulary will (1) enable functional area specific implementations of the IIB, (2) ensure functional area specific IA requirements are harmonized with enterprise IA mechanisms, and (3) enable federation of both enterprise and functional area specific IA mechanism between areas.
  • SFIS: As part of its SFIS compliance strategy, the Air Force has developed a repeatable process and business logic to translate data into SFIS. As part of the process 22 systems were reviewed to verify that SFIS was required. The review indicated 11 systems required SFIS compliance and 11 systems did not.


USAF3 - Improve Operational Capabilities through Improved Real-Time C2, Decision Support and Predictive Analysis

  • DCAPES: Subsumed the Manpower and Personnel System-Base Level into DCAPES the Air Force deployment system of record on September 2006, providing war planners real-time access to manpower data. DCAPES provides force accountability applications that track and maintain deployment personnel history files supporting Combatant Commander’s Area of Responsibility (CCDR AOR).
  • DCAPES: Delivered DCAPES new version to the government November 2007 and is waiting for testing and fielding. Major functionality includes: capability libraries Organizational Unit Type Code availability, and in-theatre deployed personnel accountability Personnel Support for Contingency Operations. DCAPES underwent Developmental Testing at Eglin AFB, FL, January 23, 2008 – February 1, 2008. Operational Testing will take place in the Spring of 2008 with an anticipated fielding in the Summer of 2008.
  • DCAPES: Supported Technical Exchange Meetings with USTRANSCOM and DISA on DCAPES supportability of USTRANSCOM transformation effort, Transportation Tracking Numbers (TTN). The DCAPES contractor provided a formal Technical Assessment on November 27, 2007 to support the Technical Exchange meeting, which took place on November 28, 2007. On January 2, 2008, AF/A5XW gave approval to DCAPES System Program Office (SPO) to support USTRANSCOM’s prototyping efforts.
  • LOGFAC: Delivered and tested LOGFAC new version in September 2007 and fielded it on December 10, 2007. Added functionality includes automated distribution of allocated munitions to or near the base of intended wartime use. It provides commanders visibility of limitations or shortfalls supporting wartime sortie rates and allows course-of-action analysis identifying munitions support capabilities of multiple what-if scenarios.


USAF4 - Support Our People -- Our Most Important Resource

  • NAF-T: Centralized NAF financial accounting for 62 locations in December 2007.  Processed all NAF payroll from this Shared Service Center – approximately 28,000 NAF employees and 3,500 retirees.
  • FM SDM: Opened the Air Force Financial Services Center Central Processing Unit in October 2007, consolidating base-level back shop operations to a central site to process travel/pay processing; 35% of base-level processes now accomplished at central location.
  • PSD: Centralized 97 personnel processes from MAJCOMs to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) by January 2008 and conducted on-going business process design efforts that have documented a workload cost avoidance of 729 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs).
  • MyEDP: Launched MyEDP to more than 105,000 enlisted users from the Active Duty, Reserve and Guard.  Designated MyEDP as the enlisted mentoring tool for the Guard. Provided content management system for 82 career fields.  Selected as the model for the future Officer and Civilian Development Plans (MyODP and MyCDP).
  • THRMIS: Maintained continuity of operations and reporting and analysis capability for users by resolving incompatibility between THRMIS Business Intelligence software and upgrade of Java in newest Air Force SDC.
  • AFRISS: Successfully developed AFRS Accessions Data Collection (ADC) process for gathering security clearance information. ADC allows potential applicants to input their information into AFRISS thereby freeing recruiters to spend more time recruiting, instead of sitting at a computer inputting data.
  • NSPS: Conducted first Air Force-wide pay pool effort under the NSPS pay-for-performance system, resulting in a January 2008 pay-out average pay increase of 7.6% (includes performance increase, band increase, locality payout, and bonus) for covered employees.
  • EESOH-MIS: Released version that added the Chemical Abstract Service information associated with the Material Safety Data Sheets in the Hazardous Material area, and Contaminant data in the Cleanup module. This release provides standardized data for environmental compliance reporting to higher headquarters and Congress. Ensures information reported is consistent and accurate across the Air Force. Implemented EESOH-MIS at three installations and initiated implementation activities at six installations to align shop level hazardous materials activities with their approved processes, eliminating the need to manually coordinate the purchase of individual hazardous materials through various base agencies.


USAF5 - Increase Resources Available for Recapitalization

  • PSD: Centralized 97 personnel processes from MAJCOMs to AFPC and conducted on-going business process design efforts that have documented a workload cost avoidance of 729 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs). 
  • FM SDM: Achieved IOC of the AFFSC in Q1 FY08. The opening of a 24-hour, 7 day-a-week Contact Center and enhanced online self-serve capabilities offers innovative new options for handling pay and travel inquiries.
  • NAF-T: Projected a savings of $12M annually from phase 1 IOC accomplished in June 2006, with Appropriated Funds (APF) and NAF FTE savings of 76 and 167 positions respectively. APF positions have been realigned back to the corporate structure for recapitalization through Program Budget Decision 712.  IOC in June 2006. Full Operational Capability (FOC) projected for Q3 FY09.


USAF6 - Provide accurate, reliable and timely financial information to support decision making

  • FIRST: Completed successfully a First Program Operational Assessment (OA) with the Air Force user community on November 5-9, 2007. Users were able to become more familiar with the new system through hands on use for representative budgeting tasks. The FIRST program team also received important feedback from the user test team that will be used to refine the application in upcoming sustainment releases.
  • NAF-T: Processing all NAF financial and payroll data for 67 locations will be accomplished with NAF-T by March 2008.


USAF7 - Optimize Enterprise Performance through Transformation and Continuous Improvement across Functional Boundaries

  • Executive Training: Delivering a twice monthly Senior Leader course for General Officers, Senior Executive Services, and Command Chief Master Sergeants. Achieving 100% leadership training by March 31, 2009.
  • Senior Leader Training: Delivering a training program for Wing and Group Commanders, O-6 level directors, and Chief Master Sergeants three to four times per month. Achieving 100% leadership training by March 31, 2009.
  • Air Force Process Council: Established quarterly performance review of AFSO21 initiatives and progress chaired by the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF), and attended by Air Force senior leadership.
  • High Value Initiatives (HVI): Continued pursuit of high-value initiatives across diverse mission areas.


USAF8 - Improve Development and Delivery of Capabilities through Disciplined and Credible Processes

  • Piloted Active Risk Manager (ARM) for selected acquisition and sustainment programs in the Air Force in March 2008. The purpose of ARM is to provide the field a single enterprise tool to support the D&SWS standard risk management process model.
  • Mandated the Probability of Program Success (PoPS) model for use by the entire acquisition and sustainment enterprise in September 2007. PoPS provides an analytical methodology for predictive program health assessment in support of the Structure Programs for Success Baker’s Dozen initiative.
  • Initiated a portfolio analysis proof of concept in March 2008, releasing the tool to select centers and air staff agencies as a beta test for Air Force-wide implementation. This tool provides portfolio analysis reporting by pulling data from multiple authoritative sources.
  • Bakers Dozen: As part of the Proactive External Engagement Baker’s Dozen initiative, the acquisition community has implemented processes that stress communication to Congress and other external customers. In January 2008, the Service Acquisition Executive (SAE) reported a five-fold increase in our response time to Congressional inquiries.
  • ECSS: Completed Enterprise Level Blueprinting in October 2007. It defined the level 3 end-to-end process, identified processes that extend outside ECSS and the logistics enterprise for interoperability, identified potential gaps and identified data strategy.
  • PMRK: Program Master Relationships Key (PMRK) service available December 2008, providing the single authoritative source for program identification data.


Content Derived from the 2008 March Congressional Report,
Next Update via the September 2008 Enterprise Transition Plan
Last updated: March 18, 2008