Table of contents for Animal tracks and signs / text by Preben Bang ; illustrations by Preben Dahlstrjm ; translated by Network Communications and edited by Martin Walters.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Electronic data is machine generated. May be incomplete or contain other coding.


Foreword 9                                          Genet 55
Domestic cat 55
How to use this book 10                             Wild cat 56
Introduction 11                                     Lynx 56
Beech (stone) marten and pine
marten 57
Polecat 58
Plates 15                                        Mink 59
Mammal footprints 28                             Stoat (ermine) 60
FOOT STRUCTURE 28                             Weasel 61
The feet of plantigrade animals 28         Otter 61
The feet of digitigrade animals 29         Badger 63
Pads 29                                   Wolverine 65
TYPES OF PRINTS 30                            Fox 67
Paw footprints 30                         Arctic fox 69
Cloven hoof prints 31                      Dog 69
Non-cloven hoof prints 32                 Wolf 69
GAITS 33                                      Raccoon dog 70
Walking 34                                 Bear 70
Trotting 35                                Raccoon 71
Galloping 36                               Seal 72
Jumping/bounding 37                     CLOVEN-HOOFED ANIMALS 73
MEASURING FOOTPRINTS 38                       Wild boar 73
ANIMALS WITH PAWS 40                          Domestic pig 74
Hedgehog 40                                Red deer 74
Bat 40                                     Fallow deer 75
Mole 41                                    Sika deer 76
Shrew 42                                   Muntjac 76
Hare 42                                   White-tailed deer 76
Mountain hare 45                           Roe deer 77
Rabbit 45                                  Elk (moose) 78
Red squirrel 46Reindeer 80
Grey squirrel 47                           Mouflon 80
Flying squirrel 47                         Domestic sheep 81
Dormouse and hamster 47                    Chamois 81
Alpine marmot 48                           Domestic goat 82
Beaver 49                                  Musk ox 83
Muskrat 50                                 Domestic cattle 83
Coypu 50                                HOOFED ANIMALS 84
Small rodents, mice and rats 52            Horse 84
Donkey 84

TYPES OF FOOTPRINTS 86                    CONES 129
GAMEBIRDS 87                                 Squirrel 131
Pheasant 87                               Mice 132
Common partridge and red-legged           Birds 134
partridge 87                            HAZELNUTS 138
Quail 88                                  Squirrel 138
Capercaillie 88                           Mice 139
Black grouse 88                           Birds 142
Hazel grouse 89                        WALNUTS 144
Willow grouse, ptarmigan and red           Rodents 144
grouse 89                                 Birds 144
WATERBIRDS 90                              BEECHNUTS AND ACORNS 145
Swans 90                                  Rodents 145
Geese 90                                  Birds 146
Ducks 91                                CHERRIES AND PLUMS 146
Gulls 91                                  Rodents 146
Terns 91                                  Birds 146
Coot 91                                ROSEHIPS 147
WADERS, HERONS AND CRANES 92                  Rodents 148
Waders 92                                 Birds 148
Herons 92                              APPLES 148
Cranes 94                                 Rodents 148
PASSERINES, PIGEONS AND DOVES 94             Birds 149
BIRDS OF PREY AND OWLS 96                 CEREALS 150
Badger 150
Deer 150
Rodents 150
Plates 98                                       Birds 151
Feeding signs on trees and bushes 105        OTHER SEEDS 152
DEER 107                                  BEET 152
Browsing 109                              Deer 152
Barking 109                               Rodents 153
Feeding signs of individual deer       HERBACEOUS PLANTS 153
species 110                               Deer 154
SHEEP AND GOATS 111                          Rodents 154
RODENTS AND HARES 112                        Birds 156
Root-gnawing 113
Bark-gnawing 115
Bud-gnawing 124                     '
BIRDS 125                                 PREDATORY MAMMALS 158
Woodpeckers 126                            Remains of birds 158
Other birds 127                           Remains of mammals 159

Remains of amphibians and fish 163         
Remains of birds 164
Remains of mammals 167                 
Remains of fish 167
Plates 206
OWLS 209
                                            Long-eared owl 209
Bee and wasp nests 168                      Short-eared owl 211
Anthills 169                                Short-Eagle owl 211
Cowpats 169                                 Barn owl 211
Sand and mudflats 170                       Litt owl 211
Snail shells 171                         BIS O PREY 212
Antlers and bones 172                       Buz       212
Buzzard 212
Pineapple galls 172                         Sparrowhawk 212
Frog remains 172                            Goshawk 212
Impaled animals 173                         Kestrel 213
Eggshells 173                            CROWS 213
Crow 213
Rook 213
Jackdaw 214
Plates 178                                        Magpie 214
Mammal droppings 181                           GULLS 214
Hedgehog 182                                Black-headed gull 215
Shrew 183                                   Common gull 215
Bat 183                                     Herring gull 215
Hare 183                                 HERONS AND STORKS 216
Mountain hare 183                           Stork 216
Rabbit 184                                  Grey heron 216
Squirrel 184
Beaver 185
Vole 185                                    -  -
Mouse 186
Mouse 186                             Tracks 219
Carnivores 186                        T
Carnivores 186                           Large herbivores 219
Small rodents 219
WDeer 192    ,        ,,Beaver 220
Sheep, goats and relatives 194           Gamebirds 220
Bird droppings 195
Gamebirds 198
Swans and geese 200

Homes and hiding-places 221                     Muskrat 236
HOMES ON THE GROUND 222                      Beaver 237
Deer 223                                  Fox 239
Hare 223                                  Badger 239
HOMES ABOVE THE GROUND 224                   Polecat and mink 240
Squirrel 224
Harvest mouse 225                   Signs caused by specific behaviour 241
Common dormouse 226                    FRAYING 241
Garden dormouse 227                    SHARPENING 243
Rabbit 228                             FIGHTING AND DISPLAYING 247
Mole 230                               DUST BATHS 248
Water vole 232                         MOULTING OF FUR AND FEATHERS 249
Rats 234                            Feathers 250
Wood mouse 234                      Plates of feathers 251
Other small mammals 235
Hamster 235                         Photograph credits 256
Alpine marmot 236                   Index 257


Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Animal tracks, Tracking and trailing