[Federal Register: September 6, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 171)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 52962-52976]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

[Docket No. FEMA-D-7630]

Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Emergency 
Preparedness and Response Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the 
proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed 
BFE modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs are the 
basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is 
required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect 
in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the 
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second 
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation 
in each community.

ADDRESSES: The proposed BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

Identification Section, Emergency Preparedness and Response 
Directorate, FEMA, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FEMA proposes to make determinations of BFEs 
and modified BFEs for each community listed below, in accordance with 
section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 
4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
    These proposed base flood elevations and modified BFEs, together 
with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are 
the minimum that are required. They should not be construed to mean 
that the community must change any existing ordinances that are more 
stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The community 
may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to 
policies established by other Federal, state or regional entities. 
These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain management 
requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the appropriate 
flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after these 
elevations are made final, and for the contents in these buildings.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This proposed rule is 
categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, 
Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact assessment has 
been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Mitigation Division Director of the 
Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate certifies that this 
proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act because proposed or modified BFEs are required by the 
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are required 
to establish and maintain community eligibility in the NFIP. As a 
result, a regulatory flexibility analysis has not been prepared.
    Regulatory Classification. This proposed rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 

[[Page 52963]]

    Executive Order 12612, Federalism. This proposed rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 12612, 
Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
    Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform. This proposed rule 
meets the applicable standards of section 2(b)(2) of Executive Order 

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, flood insurance, reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  67.4  [Amended]

    2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.4 are 
proposed to be amended as follows:

                                                                Depth in feet
                                                               above ground  *Elevation
                                                                    in feet (NGVD)
         Source of flooding                   Location           Elevation in      Communities affected
                                                                      feet (NAVD)
                                                                 Existing     Modified
                                                 NORTH CAROLINA
                                                 Caswell County
Benton Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  603  Caswell County
                                       Stony Creek.                                       (Unincorporated

                                       Approximately 0.5 mile         None  680
                                       upstream of Senior
                                       Allred Road.
Benton Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  619  Caswell County
                                       Benton Branch.                                     (Unincorporated
Tributary 1.........................  Approximately 1.7 miles         None  707
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Benton
Benton Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  634  Caswell County
                                       Benton Branch.                                     (Unincorporated
Tributary 2.........................  Approximately 1.0 mile          None  725
                                       upstream of Simmons
Grays Branch........................  At the confluence with          None  618  Caswell County
                                       Stony Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  738
                                       upstream of Shaw Road.
Grays Branch Tributary 1............  At the confluence with          None  623  Caswell County
                                       Grays Branch.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.1 miles         None  724
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Grays
Grays Branch Tributary 2............  At the confluence with          None  641  Caswell County
                                       Grays Branch.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.9 miles         None  754
                                       upstream of Underwood
Hughes Mill Creek...................  Approximately 0.5 mile          None  610  Caswell County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Jordan                             Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  657
                                       upstream of North
                                       Carolina Highway 62.
Stony Creek.........................  Approximately 0.3 mile          None  595  Caswell County
                                       downstream of the                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Caswell/Alamance                                   Areas).
                                       County boundary.
                                      Approximately 2.4 miles         None  712
                                       upstream of Moore Road.
Toms Creek..........................  At the Caswell/Alamance         None  596  Caswell County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile         None  637
                                       upstream of Kerr's
                                       Chapel Road.
  Caswell County (Unincorporated Areas)
  Maps available for inspection at the Caswell County Planning Department, 144 Courthouse Square, Yancyville,
   North Carolina.

  Send comments to Mr. Nathaniel Hall, Chairman of the Caswell County Commissioners, P.O. Box 98, Yancyville,
   North Carolina 27379.
                                                 NORTH CAROLINA
                                                 Chatham County
B. Everett Jordan Lake..............  For its entire                  None  238  Chatham County
                                       shoreline.                                         (Unincorporated
Bear Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  292  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  456
                                       upstream of Edwards
                                       Hill Church Road.
Bear Creek (into Indian Creek)......  At the confluence of            None  242  Chatham County
                                       Indian Creek (into                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Deep River).                                       Areas).

[[Page 52964]]

                                      Approximately 400 feet          None  391
                                       upstream of Bonlee
                                       Carbonton Road.
Beaver Creek........................  At the Chatham and Wake         None  238  Chatham County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  238
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Beaver Creek Tributary 1............  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Beaver Creek and B.                                (Unincorporated
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.                               Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  275
                                       upstream of Tody
                                       Goodwin Road.
Beaver Creek Tributary 2............  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Beaver Creek and B.                                (Unincorporated
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.                               Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  251
                                       upstream of Tody
                                       Goodwin Road.
Beaver Creek Tributary 3............  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Beaver Creek and B.                                (Unincorporated
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.                               Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  263
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Beaver
                                       Creek and B. Everett
                                       Jordan Lake.
Blood Run Creek.....................  At Chatham and Randolph         None  495  Chatham County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  594
                                       upstream of U.S. 64.
Brooks Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  316  Chatham County
                                       the Haw River.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.2 miles         None  383  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Haw
Brush Creek.........................  At the Chatham and              None  499  Chatham County
                                       Randolph County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      At the Chatham and              None  552  .......................
                                       Randolph County
Buckhorn Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  155  Chatham County
                                       Cape Fear River.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At the Harris Reservoir         None  177  .......................
Buckhorn Creek Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with          None  168  Chatham County
                                       Buckhorn Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  237  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Buckhorn Creek.
Buckhorn Creek Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with          None  175  Chatham County
                                       Buckhorn Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  222  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Buckhorn Creek.
Buckhorn Creek Tributary 3..........  At the confluence with          None  177  Chatham County
                                       Buckhorn Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.1 mile          None  191  .......................
                                       upstream of the
Buckhorn Creek Tributary 4..........  At the confluence with          None  232  Chatham County
                                       Harris Reservoir.                                  (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  282  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with the
                                       Harris Reservoir.
Bush Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  253  .......................
                                       upstream of Big Woods
Cape Fear River.....................  At the Chatham and              None  152  Chatham County
                                       Harnett County                                     (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      At the confluence with          None  177  .......................
                                       Deep River and Haw
Cedar Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  233  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  248  .......................
                                       upstream of Henry
                                       Oldham Road.
Cedar Creek Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with          None  233  Chatham County
                                       Cedar Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  252  .......................
                                       upstream of Henry
                                       Oldham Road.
Cedar Creek Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with          None  236  Chatham County
                                       Cedar Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       1.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  259  .......................
                                       upstream of Unnamed

[[Page 52965]]

Collins Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  402  Chatham County
                                       the Haw River.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.45 mile         None  451  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of
                                       Persimmons Nursery
                                       Branch at the Chatham
                                       and Orange County
Crooked Creek.......................  At the Chatham and              None  238  Chatham County
                                       Durham County boundary.                            (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  238  .......................
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Crows Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  369  Chatham County
                                       Terrells Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 550 feet          None  406  .......................
                                       upstream of Eagle
                                       Point Road or Unnamed
Cub Creek...........................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  271  .......................
                                       upstream of Nature
                                       Trail Road.
Deep River..........................  At the confluence with          None  177  Chatham County
                                       Cape Fear River.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At the Chatham, Moore,          None  250  .......................
                                       and Lee County
Deep River Tributary 5..............  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2,200             None  274  .......................
                                       feet upstream of Alton
                                       King Road.
Deep River Tributary 6..............  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Deep River Tributary 5.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  252  .......................
                                       upstream of Alton King
Deep River Tributary 7..............  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None  300  .......................
                                       upstream of Alton King
Deep River Tributary 8..............  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  245  .......................
                                       upstream of Alton King
Dry Creek...........................  At the confluence with          None  337  Chatham County
                                       Haw River.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.9 miles         None  532  .......................
                                       upstream of Silk Hope
                                       Gum Springs Road.
East Price Creek....................  At the Chatham and              None  402  Chatham County
                                       Orange County boundary.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  426  .......................
                                       upstream of the
Folkner Branch......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 500 feet          None  256
                                       upstream of Farrells
                                       Creek Road.
Georges Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  225  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.5 miles         None  260
                                       upstream of Rosser
Georges Creek Tributary 1...........  At the confluence with          None  225  Chatham County
                                       Georges Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  244
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Georges Creek.
Georges Creek Tributary 2...........  At the confluence with          None  225  Chatham County
                                       Georges Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  237
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Georges Creek.
Greenbriar Creek....................  At the confluence with          None  586  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      At the Alamance and             None  632
                                       Chatham County
Gulf Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  172  Chatham County
                                       Cape Fear River.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.7 miles         None  191
                                       upstream of Unnamed

[[Page 52966]]

Harlands Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  331  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 800 feet          None  428
                                       upstream of U.S. 64.
Harris Reservoir....................  Approximately 0.3 mile          None  252  Chatham County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       Chatham and Wake                                   Areas).
                                       County boundary.
                                      At the Chatham and Wake         None  252
                                       County boundary.
Harts Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  357  Chatham County
                                       Bear Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None  403
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Bear
Haw River...........................  At the confluence with          None  177  Chatham County
                                       Deep River and Cape                                (Unincorporated
                                       Fear River.                                        Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.74 mile         None  400
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of Terrells
                                       Creek (West) and the
                                       Alamance and Chatham
                                       County boundary.
Herndon Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Bush Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  251
                                       upstream of Jack
                                       Bennett Road.
Hill Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  369  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None  511
                                       upstream of X-Campbell
Indian Creek (into Deep River)......  At the confluence of     250  240  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.2 mile          None  336
                                       upstream of Goldston
                                       Glendon Road.
Indian Creek (into Jordan Lake).....  Approximately 1.1 miles         None  238  Chatham County
                                       upstream of State                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Highway 751.                                       Areas).
                                      At the confluence with          None  238
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Kit Creek...........................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Northeast Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At Chatham and Wake             None  243
                                       County boundary.
Lacy Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  539  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  565
                                       upstream of confluence
                                       with Rocky River.
Landrum Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  337  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 500 feet          None  500
                                       upstream of Pleasant
                                       Hill Church Road.
Landrum Creek Tributary.............  At the confluence with          None  456  Chatham County
                                       Landrum Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  468
                                       upstream of Jay
                                       Shambley Road.
Lick Branch.........................  Approximately 1,200             None  238  Chatham County
                                       feet upstream of State                             (Unincorporated
                                       Highway 751.                                       Areas).
                                      At the confluence with          None  238
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Lick Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  424  Chatham County
                                       Terrells Creek (West).                             (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.4 miles         None  473
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Terrells Creek (West).
Line Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  250  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  271
                                       upstream of Goldston
                                       Carbanton Road.
Little Beaver Creek.................  Approximately 1.0 mile          None  238  Chatham County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with B.                                 Areas).
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.
                                      At the confluence with          None  238
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Little Beaver Creek Tributary.......  Approximately 0.7 mile          None  238  Chatham County
                                       upstream of the                                    (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with Little                             Areas).
                                       Beaver Creek.
                                      At the confluence with          None  238
                                       Little Beaver Creek.
Little Brush Creek..................  At the Chatham and              None  453  Chatham County
                                       Randolph County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None  543  .......................
                                       upstream of Jim Paige
Little Indian Creek.................  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Indian Creek (into                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Deep River).                                       Areas).

[[Page 52967]]

                                      Approximately 400 feet          None  378  .......................
                                       upstream of Goldston
                                       Glendon Road.
Long Branch.........................  At the confluence with          None  448  Chatham County
                                       Dry Creek.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  497  .......................
                                       upstream of State
                                       Route 87.
Loves Creek.........................  At the confluence with   504  501  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.1 mile          None  605  .......................
                                       upstream of Pine
                                       Forest South Drive.
Loves Creek Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with          None  557  Chatham County
                                       Loves Creek.
                                      Approximately 400 feet          None  620  (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of U.S. 64.
Loves Creek Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with          None  585  Chatham County
                                       Loves Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       1.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  666  .......................
                                       upstream of West
                                       Dolphin Street.
Loves Creek Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with          None  592  Chatham County
                                       Loves Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       1.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 400 feet          None  648  .......................
                                       upstream of Garden
Meadow Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  381  Chatham County.
                                       Terrells Creek.
                                      Approximately 350 feet          None  389  (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Jones
                                       Ferry Road.
Meadow Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  437  Chatham County.
                                       Rocky River.
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  389  (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Rives
                                       Chapel Church Road.
Mill Branch.........................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  244  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with B.
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.
Morgan Creek........................  At the Chatham and              None  238  Chatham County
                                       Durham County boundary.                            (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  238  .......................
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
Morris Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Panther Creek.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  249  (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Panther Creek.
Mud Lick Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  544  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  597  .......................
                                       upstream of Silk Hope
                                       Liberty Road.
Nancy Branch........................  At the confluence with          None  236  Chatham County
                                       Panther Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  239  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Panther Creek.
New Hope River Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  247  .......................
                                       upstream of B. Everett
                                       Jordan Lake.
North Prong Rocky River.............  At the confluence with          None  587  Chatham County
                                       Rocky Road.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      At the Alamance and             None  648  .......................
                                       Chatham County
Northeast Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      At the Chatham and              None  240  .......................
                                       Durham County boundary.
Overcup Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  253  .......................
                                       upstream of B. Everett
                                       Jordan Lake.
Overcup Creek Tributary.............  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Overcup Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  245  .......................
                                       upstream of Overcup
Panther Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Northeast Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  245  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of Morris
Parkers Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated

[[Page 52968]]

                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  287  .......................
                                       upstream of Big Woods
Persimmons Nursery Branch...........  At the confluence with          None  448  Chatham County
                                       Collins Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 550 feet          None  450  .......................
                                       upstream of Collins
                                       Mountain Road.
Pokeberry Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None  297  Chatham County
                                       Haw River.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 3.5 miles         None  558  .......................
                                       upstream of Andrews
                                       Store Road.
Reedy Fork..........................  At the Chatham and              None  499  Chatham County
                                       Randolph County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  527  .......................
                                       upstream of Wrenn
                                       Smith Road.
Robeson Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       the Haw River and B.                               (Unincorporated
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.                               Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  481  .......................
                                       upstream of the Power
                                       Line Easement.
Robeson Creek Tributary 1...........  At the confluence with          None  297  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  486  .......................
                                       upstream of Prince
                                       Creek Road.
Robeson Creek Tributary 2...........  At the confluence with          None  349  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek                                      (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 1.                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 475 feet          None  502  .......................
                                       upstream of Tom Womble
Robeson Creek Tributary 3...........  At the confluence with          None  352  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  419  .......................
                                       upstream of Oakwood
Robeson Creek Tributary 4...........  At the confluence with          None  377  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 320 feet          None  497  .......................
                                       upsteam of State Route
Robeson Creek Tributary 5...........  At the confluence with          None  391  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek                                      (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 4.                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  471  .......................
                                       upstream of Arthur
                                       Alston Road.
Rocky Branch (into Deep River)......  At the confluence with          None  204  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  222  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Deep
Rocky Branch (into Georges Creek)...  At the confluence with          None  232  Chatham County
                                       Georges Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  256  .......................
                                       upstream of Rosser
Rocky Ford Branch...................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       White Oak Branch.                                  (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  244  .......................
                                       upstream of Luther
Rocky River.........................  At the confluence with          None  209  Chatham County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      At the Chatham and              None  643  .......................
                                       Randolph County
Rocky River Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with          None  507  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  630  .......................
                                       upstream of Siler City
                                       Snow Camp Road.
Sandy Branch........................  At the confluence with          None  410  Chatham County
                                       Bear Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 200 feet          None  425  .......................
                                       upstream of State
                                       Route 902.
Shaddox Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  177  Chatham County
                                       Haw River.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.5 miles         None  214  .......................
                                       upstream of U.S. Route
South Fork..........................  At the Alamance and             None  525  Chatham County
                                       Chatham County                                     (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).

[[Page 52969]]

                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  550  .......................
                                       upstream of Moon
                                       Lindley Road.
Stinking Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 450 feet          None  279  .......................
                                       upstream of Talon
Terrells Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  369  Chatham County
                                       Haw River.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      At the Chatham and              None  420  .......................
                                       Orange County boundary.
Terrells Creek (West)...............  At the confluence with          None  397  Chatham County
                                       Haw River.                                         (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  530  .......................
                                       upstream of Woody
                                       Store Road.
Tick Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  407  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None  555  .......................
                                       upstream of Petty Road.
Tick Creek Tributary................  At the confluence with          None  468  Chatham County
                                       Tick Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  480  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Tick
Tributary A.........................  At the confluence with          None  240  Chatham County
                                       Indian Creek (into                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Deep River).                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 350 feet          None  258  .......................
                                       upstream of Little
                                       Indian Creek Road.
Turkey Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  324  Chatham County
                                       Robeson Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  452  .......................
                                       upstream of Unnamed
Tysons Creek........................  At the Chatham and              None  322  Chatham County
                                       Moore County boundary.                             (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  414  .......................
                                       upstream of Mert
                                       McManess Road.
Varnell Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  485  Chatham County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.3 miles         None  528  .......................
                                       upstream of U.S. 64.
Weaver Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.1 miles         None  297  .......................
                                       upstream of B. Everett
                                       Jordan Lake.
Weaver Creek Tributary..............  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       Weaver Creek.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  245  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Weaver
Welch Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  466  Chatham County
                                       Tick Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  478  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Tick
White Oak Creek.....................  At the Chatham and Wake         None  238  Chatham County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  238  .......................
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.
White Oak Creek Tributary 1.........  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       White Oak Creek and B.                             (Unincorporated
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.                               Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  253  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with White
                                       Oak Creek and B.
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.
Wilkinson Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None  330  Chatham County
                                       the Haw River.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None  575  .......................
                                       upstream of Gilmore
Windfall Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  238  Chatham County
                                       B. Everett Jordan Lake.                            (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  248
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with B.
                                       Everett Jordan Lake.

[[Page 52970]]

  Town of Pittsboro
  Maps available for inspection at the Pittsboro Planning Office, Town Hall, 635 East Street, Pittsboro, North
  Send comments to The Honorable Nancy May, Mayor of the Town of Pittsboro, P.O. Box 759, Pittsboro, North
   Carolina 27312.

   Town of Siler City
  Maps available for inspection at the Siler City Zoning Office, Town Hall, 311 North Second Avenue, Siler City,
   North Carolina.
  Send comments to The Honorable Charles Turner, Mayor of the Town of Siler City, P.O. Box 769, Siler City,
   North Carolina 27344.

   Chatham County (Unincorporated Areas)
  Maps available for inspection at the Chatham County Planning Department, 80-A East Street, Pittsboro, North

  Send comments to Mr. Charlie Horne, Chatham County Manager, P.O. Box 87, Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312.
                                                 NORTH CAROLINA
                                                 Forsyth County

Haw River...........................  At the upstream side of         None  860  Forsyth County
                                       Stigall Road.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  883  .......................
                                       upstream of Stigall
Reedy Fork..........................  At the Forsyth/Guilford         None  878  Forsyth County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), Town of
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  892  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       County boundary.
West Fork Deep River................  Approximately 0.7 mile          None  890  Forsyth County
                                       upstream of Interstate                             (Unincorporated
                                       40.                                                Areas), Town of
                                      Approximately 240 feet          None  903  .......................
                                       downstream of
                                       Industrial Park Drive.
  Forsyth County (Unincorporated Areas)

  Maps available for inspection at the Forsyth County Planning Department, 100 East 1st Street, Winston-Salem,
   North Carolina.

  Send comments to Mr. Graham Pervier, Forsyth County Manager, 201 North Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, North
   Carolina 27101.
                                                 NORTH CAROLINA
                                                 Randolph County
Bachelor Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  455  Randolph County
                                       Richland Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  653  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of Bachelor
                                       Creek Tributary 5.
Bachelor Creek Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with          None  472  Randolph County
                                       Bachelor Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 480 feet          None  513  .......................
                                       upstream of Osborn
                                       Mill Road.
Bachelor Creek Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with          None  506  Randolph County
                                       Bachelor Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  525  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Bachelor Creek.
Bachelor Creek Tributary 3..........  At the confluence with          None  515  Randolph County
                                       Bachelor Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  615  .......................
                                       upstream of Bachelor
                                       Creek Road.
Bachelor Creek Tributary 4..........  At the confluence with          None  620  Randolph County
                                       Bachelor Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  637  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Bachelor Creek.
Bachelor Creek Tributary 5..........  At the confluence with          None  637  Randolph County
                                       Bachelor Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  656  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Bachelor Creek.
Blood Run Creek.....................  At the Randolph/Chatham         None  495  Randolph County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  495
                                       Brush Creek.
Boodom Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  565  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None  690
                                       upstream of Unnamed
Boodom Creek Tributary 1............  At the confluence with          None  565  Randolph County
                                       Boodom Creek.                                      (Unincorporated

[[Page 52971]]

                                      Approximately 2.1 miles         None  734
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Boodom
Boodom Creek Tributary 2............  At the confluence with          None  582  Randolph County
                                       Boodom Creek.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 480 feet          None  727
                                       upstream of Troy
                                       Estate Road.
Brush Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  363  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 200 feet          None  612
                                       upstream of Langley
Brush Creek Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with          None  568  Randolph County
                                       Brush Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 630 feet          None  597
                                       upstream of Browns
                                       Crossroads Road.
Bush Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  491  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  708
                                       upstream of Old
                                       Liberty Road.
Bush Creek Tributary................  At the confluence with          None  572  Randolph County
                                       Bush Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  625
                                       upstream of Whites
                                       Memorial Drive.
Deep River..........................  At the Randolph/Moore           None  354  Randolph County
                                       County boundary.                                   boundary
                                      At the Randolph/                None  672
                                       Guilford County
Deep River Tributary 15.............  At the confluence with          None  446  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,160             None  549
                                       feet upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 64.
Deep River Tributary 16.............  At the confluence with          None  450  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.8 miles         None  520
                                       upstream of NC 22.
Deep River Tributary 17.............  At the confluence with          None  459  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  529
                                       upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 64.
Deep River Tributary 18.............  At the confluence with          None  467  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  600
                                       upstream of Depot
Deep River Tributary 19.............  At the confluence with          None  478  Randolph County
                                       Deep River Tributary                               (Unincorporated
                                       18.                                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,850             None  562
                                       feet upstream of Clark
Deep River Tributary 20.............  At the confluence with          None  600  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,320             None  675
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Worthville Street.
Deep River Tributary 21.............  At the confluence with          None  604  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  687
                                       upstream of Sunset
Deep River Tributary 22.............  At the confluence with          None  634  Randolph County
                                       Deep River Tributary                               (Unincorporated
                                       21.                                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  698
                                       upstream of Bowman
Deep River Tributary 23.............  At the confluence with          None  661  Randolph County
                                       Deep River Tributary                               (Unincorporated
                                       22.                                                Areas).
                                      Approximately 800 feet          None  736
                                       upstream of Brookwood
                                       Acres Drive.
Deep River Tributary 24.............  At the confluence with          None  623  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  724
                                       upstream of Business
Deep River Tributary 26.............  At the confluence with          None  664  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      At the Randolph/                None  704
                                       Guilford County

[[Page 52972]]

Dodsons Lake........................  At the confluence with          None  583  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  642
                                       upstream of Julian
                                       Airport Road.
Dodsons Lake 2......................  At the confluence with          None  613  Randolph County
                                       Dodsons Lake.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.3 mile          None  626
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Dodsons Lake.
Dodsons Lake Tributary 1............  At the confluence with          None  608  Randolph County
                                       Dodsons Lake.                                      (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 420 feet          None  655
                                       upstream of Upper
                                       Three Lakes Dam.
Fork Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  354  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.3 miles         None  642
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Fork
                                       Creek Tributary 1.
Fork Creek Tributary 1..............  At the confluence with          None  507  Randolph County
                                       Fork Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 600 feet          None  734
                                       upstream of Seagrove
                                       Plank Road.
Fork Creek Tributary 2..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Fork Creek Tributary 1.                      516   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.0 miles         None     
                                       upstream of Angel Fire                       645
Fork Creek Tributary 3..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Fork Creek Tributary 1.                      555   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.6 miles         None     
                                       upstream of the                              622
                                       confluence with Fork
                                       Creek Tributary 1.
Gabriels Creek......................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                  548
                                      Approximately 480 feet          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Green                            703
                                       Valley Road.
Gabriels Creek Tributary 1..........  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Gabriels Creek.                              551
                                      Approximately 1,900             None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       feet upstream of Old                         696
                                       Cedar Falls Road.
Gabriels Creek Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Gabriels Creek.                              594
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Henley                           695
                                       Country Road.
Hasketts Creek......................  Approximately 1,000                Randolph County
                                       feet upstream of the            620          619   (Unincorporated
                                       confluence with                                    Areas).
                                       Penwood Branch.
                                      Approximately 1,270             None     
                                       feet upstream of West                        816
                                       Presnell Street.
Hasketts Creek Tributary 1..........  Just downstream of              None       Randolph County
                                       Northwood Drive.                             670
                                      Approximately 420 feet          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of McKnight                         685
Hasketts Creek Tributary 2..........  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Hasketts Creek.                              734
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of West                             794
                                       Presnell Street.
Lambert Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Fork Creek.                                  453
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of the                              468
                                       confluence with Fork
Little Brush Creek..................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Brush Creek.                                 409
                                      At the Randolph/Chatham         None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       County boundary.                             454
Little Polecat Creek................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Polecat Creek.                               658
                                      Approximately 1,050             None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       feet upstream of dam.                        769
Little Polecat Creek Tributary 1....  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Little Polecat Creek.                        681   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None     
                                       upstream of New Salem                        788
Little Polecat Creek Tributary 2....  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Little Polecat Creek                         746   (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 1.                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None     
                                       upstream of the                              789
                                       confluence with Little
                                       Polecat Creek
                                       Tributary 1.
Little Polecat Creek Tributary 3....  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Little Polecat Creek.                        699   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None     
                                       upstream Bethel Church                       753
Little Polecat Creek Tributary 4....  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Little Polecat Creek.                        705   (Unincorporated

[[Page 52973]]

                                      Approximately 740 feet          None     
                                       upstream of Hunting                          742
                                       Lodge Road.
Little Polecat Creek Tributary 5....  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Little Polecat Creek                         709   (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 4.                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None     
                                       upstream of Hunting                          763
                                       Lodge Road.
Mill Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                  431
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Iron                             619
                                       Mountain Road.
Mill Creek Tributary 1..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Mill Creek.                                  543
                                      Approximately 1,500             None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       feet upstream of Woods                       631
                                       Stream Lane.
Mill Creek Tributary 2..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Mill Creek.                                  547
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of the                              609
                                       confluence with Mill
                                       Creek Tributary 3.
Mill Creek Tributary 3..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Mill Creek Tributary 2.                      572   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,800             None     
                                       feet upstream of dam.                        600
Mill Creek Tributary 4..............  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Mill Creek.                                  585
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Creekway                         618
Millstone Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                  429
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Lee Layne                        466
Mount Pleasant Creek................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                 503
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None       (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Land                             615
                                       Estates Drive.
Muddy Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None       Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                  638
                                      Approximately 200 feet             (Unincorporated Areas).
                                       upstream of Verta               843          846
Muddy Creek East Tributary..........  At the confluence with   721  722  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      At the Guilford/                None  814
                                       Randolph County
Muddy Creek East Tributary 2........  At the confluence with   752  753  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek East                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary.                                         Areas).
                                      At the Guilford/                None  771
                                       Randolph County
Muddy Creek East Tributary 3........  At the confluence with   752  753  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek East                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 2.                                       Areas).
                                      At the Guilford/                None  767
                                       Randolph County
Muddy Creek East Tributary 4........  At the confluence with   757  766  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek East                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary.                                         Areas).
                                      At the Randolph/                None  783
                                       Guilford County
Muddy Creek East Tributary 5........  At the Randolph/                None  771  Randolph County
                                       Guilford County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      At the confluence with          None  771
                                       Muddy Creek East
                                       Tributary 4.
Muddy Creek Tributary...............  At the confluence with   717  720  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  756
                                       upstream of Walnut
                                       Tree Lane.
Muddy Creek West Tributary..........  At the confluence with   785  786  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 160 feet          None  842
                                       upstream of Playground
North Prong Creek...................  At the Randolph/                None  686  Randolph County
                                       Alamance County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,210             None  712
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Unnamed Road.
North Prong Richland Creek..........  At the confluence with          None  581  Randolph County
                                       Richland Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,300             None  694
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Staleys Farm Road.
North Prong Richland Creek Tributary  At the confluence with          None  677  Randolph County
                                       North Prong Richland                               (Unincorporated
                                       Creek.                                             Areas).
                                      Approximately 370 feet          None  700
                                       upstream of Tall Pine
North Prong Rocky River.............  At the Randolph/                None  677  Randolph County
                                       Alamance County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).

[[Page 52974]]

                                      Approximately 210 feet          None  754
                                       upstream of South Cook
Penwood Branch......................  Approximately 1,320             None  747  Randolph County
                                       feet downstream of                                 (Unincorporated
                                       East Presnell Street.                              Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,690             None  846
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Glenwood Road.
Polecat Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None  599  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  702
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Polecat Creek
                                       Tributary 7.
Polecat Creek Tributary 4...........  At the confluence with          None  671  Randolph County
                                       Polecat Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      At the Randolph/                None  695
                                       Guilford County
Polecat Creek Tributary 5...........  At the confluence with          None  683  Randolph County
                                       Polecat Creek                                      (Unincorporated
                                       Tributary 4.                                       Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  710
                                       upstream of dam.
Polecat Creek Tributary 6...........  At the confluence with          None  679  Randolph County
                                       Polecat Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  736
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Polecat Creek.
Polecat Creek Tributary 7...........  At the confluence with          None  696  Randolph County
                                       Polecat Creek.                                     (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  716
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with
                                       Polecat Creek.
Reed Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None  437  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None  619
                                       upstream of Wright
                                       Country Road.
Reed Creek Tributary 1..............  At the confluence with          None  536  Randolph County
                                       Reed Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None  554
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Reed
Reed Creek Tributary 2..............  At the confluence with          None  537  Randolph County
                                       Reed Creek.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  562
                                       upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 64.
Reedy Fork..........................  At the confluence with          None  488  Randolph County
                                       Brush Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      At the Randolph/Chatham         None  498
                                       County boundary.
Richland Creek......................  At the confluence with          None  368  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence of            None  581
                                       North and South Prong
                                       Richland Creek.
Rocky River.........................  At the Randolph/Chatham         None  644  Randolph County
                                       County boundary.                                   (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None  736
                                       upstream of dam.
Rocky River Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with          None  664  Randolph County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None  716
                                       upstream of Overman
                                       Road Dam.
Rocky River Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with          None  682  Randolph County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 790 feet          None  724  .......................
                                       upstream of Old U.S.
Rocky River Tributary 4.............  At the confluence with          None  696  Randolph County
                                       Rocky River.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,000             None  749
                                       feet upstream of dam.
Sandy Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None  455  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,600             None  730  .......................
                                       feet upstream of the
                                       confluence with Sandy
                                       Creek Tributary 11.
Sandy Creek Tributary 1.............  At the confluence with          None  558  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  573  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Sandy
Sandy Creek Tributary 10............  At the confluence with          None  684  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,550             None  733  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Greeson Country Road.

[[Page 52975]]

Sandy Creek Tributary 11............  At the confluence with          None  703  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 900 feet          None  718  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Sandy
Sandy Creek Tributary 2.............  At the confluence with          None  576  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.0 miles         None  758  .......................
                                       upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 421.
Sandy Creek Tributary 3.............  At the confluence with          None  581  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.8 miles         None  735  .......................
                                       upstream of York
                                       Martin Road.
Sandy Creek Tributary 4.............  At the confluence with          None  587  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       3.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.2 miles         None  686  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Sandy
Sandy Creek Tributary 5.............  At the confluence with          None  596  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       3.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.5 miles         None  733  .......................
                                       upstream of Bunton
                                       Swaim Road.
Sandy Creek Tributary 6.............  At the confluence with          None  599  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek Tributary                              (Unincorporated
                                       5.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 1,320             None  724  .......................
                                       feet upstream of dam.
Sandy Creek Tributary 7.............  At the confluence with          None  581  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.7 miles         None  652  .......................
                                       upstream of Starmount
Sandy Creek Tributary 8.............  At the confluence with          None  607  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 2.2 miles         None  741  .......................
                                       upstream of Randolph
                                       Church Road.
Sandy Creek Tributary 9.............  At the confluence with          None  622  Randolph County
                                       Sandy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1.4 miles         None  708  .......................
                                       upstream of Hollow
                                       Hill Road.
Simmons Branch......................  At the confluence with          None  634  Randolph County
                                       Deep River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,550             None  652  .......................
                                       feet upstream of Old
                                       Walker Mill Road
South Prong Richland Creek..........  At the confluence with          None  581  Randolph County
                                       Richland Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  658  .......................
                                       upstream of Ross
                                       Harris Road.
South Prong Stinking Quarter Creek..  At the Randolph/                None  627  Randolph County
                                       Guilford County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None  755  .......................
                                       upstream of Redbud
Stinking Quarter Creek Tributary 3..  At the Randolph/                None  627  Randolph County
                                       Guilford County                                    (Unincorporated
                                       boundary.                                          Areas).
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None  681  .......................
                                       upstream of Richland
                                       Church Road.
Taylor Branch.......................  At the confluence with          None  692  Randolph County
                                       Muddy Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                      Approximately 1,100             None  739  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Tuttle Road.
Vestal Creek........................  At the confluence with          None  565  Randolph County
                                       Richland Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                      At the confluence with          None  651  .......................
                                       Vestal Creek Tributary
Vestal Creek Tributary 3............  At the confluence of            None  662  Randolph County
                                       Vestal Creek Tributary                             (Unincorporated
                                       2.                                                 Areas).
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None  743  .......................
                                       upstream of Browers
                                       Chapel Road.

[[Page 52976]]

  City of Archdale

  Maps are available for inspection at Archdale City Hall, 307 Balfour Drive, Archdale, North Carolina.

  Send comments to The Honorable Bert Lance Stone, Mayor of the City of Archdale, P.O. Box 14068, Archdale,
   North Carolina 27263.

  Send comments to The Honorable David Jarrell, Mayor of the City of Asheboro, P.O. Box 1106, Asheboro, North
   Carolina 27204.

  Town of Franklinville

  Maps are available for inspection at the Franklinville City Hall, 163 West Main Street, Franklinville, North

  Send comments to The Honorable L. McKay Whatley, Mayor of the Town of Franklinville, 163 West Main Street,
   Franklinville, North Carolina 27248.

  Town of Liberty

  Maps are available for inspection at the Liberty Town Hall, 239 South Fayetteville Street, Liberty, North

  Send comments to The Honorable John Stanley, Mayor of the Town of Liberty, 239 South Fayetteville Street,
   Liberty, North Carolina 27298.

  Town of Ramseur

  Maps are available for inspection at the Ramseur Town Hall, 724 Liberty Street, Ramseur, North Carolina.

  Send comments to The Honorable Hampton L. Spivey, Mayor of the Town of Ramseur, P.O. Box 545, Ramseur, North
   Carolina 27316.

  City of Randleman

  Maps are available for inspection at the Randleman City Hall, 101 Hilliary Street, Randleman, North Carolina.

  Send comments to The Honorable Bruce Moore, Mayor of the City of Randleman, 101 Hilliary Street, Randleman,
   North Carolina 27317.

  Unincorporated Areas of Randolph County

  Maps are available for inspection at the Randolph County Planning Department, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro,
   North Carolina.

  Send comments to Mr. William Willis, Randolph County Manager, P.O. Box 4728, Asheboro, North Carolina 27204-

  Town of Seagrove

  Maps are available for inspection at the Seagrove Town Hall, 122 East Main Street, Seagrove, North Carolina.

  Send comments to The Honorable Michael T. Walker, Mayor of the Town of Seagrove, 122 East Main Street,
   Seagrove, North Carolina 27341.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 

    Dated: August 23, 2005.
David I. Maurstad,
Acting Director, Mitigation Division, Emergency Preparedness and 
Response Directorate.
[FR Doc. 05-17629 Filed 9-2-05; 8:45 am]