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Sample Datasets

Tapered Cylinder Unsteady Flow
Dennis Jespersen and Creon Levit, October, 1990

This is an unsteady solution of flow around a tapered cylinder.

The paper "Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Tapered Cylinder"
by Dennis Jespersen and Creon Levit describes this work.


  • discipline: fluids
  • unsteady
  • 3D
  • non-periodic
  • Navier-Stokes
  • data-format: PLOT3D, single zone, binary
  • Re: 150 as defined by the cylinder radius at midspan
Grid Generator The grid is very simple. It was created by a custom program.
The solver was a version of ARC3D ported to the Connection Machine 2.

The surface of the cylinder corresponds to the grid surface where j = 1 (in 1 based, FORTRAN style, indices, assuming ijk are the dimensions).

To see the dominant features of the flow, run a vortex finder or release particles every timestep along and close to the sides of the cylinder. in particular, look for vortex tearing events.

Flow passed a circular cylinder will shed vortices at a characteristic frequency. Since this cylinder is tapered, each section of the cylinder will shed at a slightly different frequency. The vortices stay together coming off the cylinder at an angle for as long as they can. Eventually, however, the difference in frequencies along the cylinder requires that the vortex tear.

Data Format
The data are in
plot3d, single-zone, binary format. All floating point data are in 32-bit IEEE format, SGI endian.

There is one grid file and approximately 400 solution files, one every 10 solution time steps. As the solution time step was 0.1 nondimensional units, the time between solution files available here is 1.

The time between each solution file is 1.0 nondimensional time units. The Reynolds number is 150 as defined by the cylinder radius at midspan. Flow is not periodic.

In PLOT3D use plot3d /3d /whole to read the data.

Grid file (1.6 Mbytes)

Curator: Jill Dunbar
Last Update: Friday, 24-Jan-2003 18:22:14 PST
NASA Official: Walt Brooks