EPA530-R-01-004f PB2001-103 666 MONTHLY CALL CENTER REPORT June 2001 RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA Call Center National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346 Local: (703) 412-9810 TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672 This report is prepared and submitted in support of Contract No. 68-W-01-020. Judi Kane, Project Officer Scott Maid, Alternate Project Officer U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC 20460 Electronic Availability The complete text of the 1991 (November and December only), 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001 Monthly Call Center Reports may be accessed via the WWW. The Call Center maintains an electronic mailing list named HOTLINE_OSWER. Subscribers will have Call Center announcements and Monthly Call Center Reports e-mailed to them as they are released, at no charge. * To subscribe to the Call Center electronic mailing list send an e-mail to: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov Leave the subject line of the e-mail blank. Message: SUBSCRIBE HOTLINE_OSWER your first name your last name For example, SUBSCRIBE HOTLINE_OSWER JOHN SMITH * To receive the Help file with useful commands for users send an e-mail to: Listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov Subject: HELP Message: HELP National Technical Information Service (NTIS) The Monthly Call Center Report can be ordered through NTIS at (800) 553-6847. The NTIS order numbers are as follows: Yearly Subscription PB2001-xxx xxx January 2001 PB2001-103 661 February 2001 PB2001-103 662 March 2001 PB2001-103 663 April 2001 PB2001-103 664 May 2001 PB2001-103 665 June 2001 PB2001-103 666 RCRA Docket EPA and state personnel can order the Monthly Call Center Report from the RCRA Docket at (703) 603-9230. The order number for the 2001 yearly subscription is EPA530-R-01-XXX. HOTLINE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RCRA 1. Universal Waste Release Response A universal waste transporter accidentally spills a container of universal waste pesticide onto soil while transporting the waste from a handler to a destination facility. According to 40 CFR Section 273.54, universal waste transporters must immediately contain all releases of or from universal waste, and appropriately manage any materials resulting from the release (e.g., cleanup equipment and contaminated soil). Once the cleanup residue is contained, may the transporter continue to manage the residue as universal waste under Part 273? The cleanup residue must meet the Part 273 definition of universal waste pesticide for the transporter to continue to manage it as universal waste. The spilled pesticide residue is likely to be quite different in form and composition from the original universal waste. Therefore, the destination facility to which the universal waste is sent may not be able to, or permitted to, treat or dispose of such cleanup residue. If the transporter determines that the cleanup residue no longer meets the definition of universal waste pesticide in 273.9, then the transporter must determine whether the residue is hazardous (273.54(b)). If so, the residue is subject to all applicable requirements in Parts 260 through 272, and the transporter is subject to the applicable RCRA Subtitle C generator standards in Part 262. If the transporter determines that the residue meets the definition of universal waste pesticide, then the residue can continue to be managed as universal waste (60 FR 25492, 25528; May 11, 1995). UST 2. Gravity Pipes Used to Fill Underground Storage Tanks (UST) A new owner of an underground storage tank (UST) is ready to install pipes that will be used to fill the tank. He would like to use gravity pipes, as opposed to pressurized or suction pipes. What are the differences between these types of piping? What are the release detection requirements for gravity pipes? Gravity pipes rely on the force of gravity to initiate the flow of a regulated substance. On the other hand, suction and pressurized pipes employ mechanical pumps to extract a regulated substance. Typically, gravity pipes are used to fill tanks with product, while suction or pressurized pipes are used to withdraw product from the tank to the dispensing unit. A gravity pipe used to withdraw product from the tank is unlikely, because the tank would have to be above the point from which the product is dispensed. The UST release detection requirements apply to any portion of the tank and connected underground piping that routinely contains product (40 CFR Section 280.40(a)(1)). Piping which is used to fill USTs does not routinely contain product. Therefore, gravity fill pipes are not subject to the release detection requirements (53 FR 37082, 47143; September 23, 1988). However, if gravity piping were used to dispense a regulated substance, it would resemble pressurized piping and would be subject to the pressurized piping release detection requirements. NEW PUBLICATIONS How to order. NTIS Publications are available by calling (800) 553-6847 or (703) 605-6000, or writing NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Use the NTIS Order Number listed under the document. NSCEP Publications are available by calling (800) 490-9198 or by writing writing USEPA/NSCEP, PO Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419. Use the EPA Order Number listed under the document. Call Center Publications are available by calling the Call Center at: RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346 Local: (703) 412-9810 TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672 EPA's Fax-on-Demand service distributes selected publications noted by a "Fax-on-Demand" number. To order these documents, from your fax machine dial (202) 651-2060 (for OSW documents), (202) 651-2098 (for OUST documents), (202) 651-2061 (for CEPPO documents), and (202) 651-2062 (for OERR documents), and follow the instructions provided by the voice prompt, using the Fax-on- Demand number noted. Please call the Call Center for detailed instructions on using the Fax-on-Demand service. CERCLA TITLE: Auxiliary Information: National Priorities List, Proposed Rule and Final Rule on June 14, 2001 PUBLICATION DATE: June 2001 AVAILABILITY: Internet URL: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/new/newnpl.htm This publication contains the list of sites newly proposed to the NPL. It also contains a comprehensive list of sites currently on the NPL. TITLE: Descriptions of 10 Proposed Sites and 10 Final Sites Added to the National Priorities List on June 14, 2000 PUBLICATION DATE: June 2001 AVAILABILITY: Internet URL: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/new/newnpl.htm This document consists of descriptions of the ten proposed sites and ten final sites added to the NPL in June 2000. TITLE: Operation and Maintenance in the Superfund Program PUBLICATION DATE: May 2001 EPA ORDER NO.: EPA540-F-01-004 OSWER DIRECTIVE: 9200.1-37FS AVAILABILITY: Internet URL: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/pubs.htm This fact sheet provides guidance to remedial project managers (RPMs) and others who have operation and maintenance (O&M) responsibilities at Superfund sites. It provides practical information on timing of O&M planning, the transition of a remedy from construction to the O&M stage, the performance of O&M functions, RPM oversight responsibilities, record keeping, troubleshooting, and termination of O&M. TITLE: Reuse Assessments: A Tool to Implement the Superfund Land Use Directive PUBLICATION DATE: June 2001 OSWER DIRECTIVE: 9355.7-06P AVAILABILITY: Internet URL: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/pubs.htm This directive presents information for developing future land use assumptions when making remedy selection decisions for Superfund sites under CERCLA. EPCRA TITLE: A New, Expanded, Faster CAMEO System Will Be Available Soon.. PUBLICATION DATE: June 2001 AVAILABILITY: Call Center/Internet EPA ORDER NO.: EPA550-F-01-006 URL: http://www.epa.gov/ceppo/whatnew.html This fact sheet provides information on changes that are being made to improve the CAMEO system. Such changes include using Filemaker to replace the aging FoxPro and HyperCard applications used in present versions as well as the incorporation of Landview 4 into the system. CAA Section 112(r) TITLE: Risk Management Program- Audit/Inspection Curriculum PUBLICATION DATE: May 2001 AVAILABILITY: Call Center/Internet URL: http://www.epa.gov/ceppo/whatnew.html This curriculum is intended to provide a comprehensive program to train EPA auditors/inspectors in conducting technically and legally sound audits, compliance inspections or field investigations under the Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions at 40 CFR Part 68. FEDERAL REGISTER AVAILABILITY You may order copies of all major RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA Federal Registers by calling the Call Center. RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346 Local: (703) 412-9810 TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672 Electronic Availability Federal Registers from October 1994 to the present related to the Call Center's program areas are accessible via the Internet at: http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr For RCRA/UST and selected CERCLA Federal Registers, choose: EPA-Waste. For selected EPCRA Federal Registers, choose: EPA-TRI. For CAA Section 112(r) Federal Registers, choose: EPA - Air. FINAL RULES RCRA "Maryland: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions" June 1, 2001 (66 FR 29712) Maryland has applied for final authorization of changes to its hazardous waste program under RCRA Section 3006(b), 42 U.S.C. 6926(b). EPA has determined that these changes satisfy all requirements needed to qualify for final authorization, and is authorizing the state's changes through this immediate final action. This final authorization will become effective on July 31, 2001, unless EPA receives adverse written comment by July 2, 2001. "Land Disposal Restrictions: Granting of a Site-Specific Treatment Variance to Dupont Environmental Treatment--Chambers Works Wastewater Treatment Plant, Deepwater, NJ" June 26, 2001 (66 FR 33887) This rule finalized a site-specific treatment variance from the land disposal restrictions (LDR) standards for wastewater treatment sludge generated at the Dupont Environmental Treatment- -Chambers Works Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Deepwater, New Jersey. UST "North Carolina; Final Approval of State Underground Storage Tank Program" June 15, 2001 (66 FR 32564) North Carolina has applied for approval of its underground storage tank program for petroleum and hazardous substances under Subtitle I of RCRA. EPA has reviewed North Carolina's application and has reached a final determination that North Carolina's underground storage tank program for petroleum and hazardous substances satisfies all of the requirements necessary to qualify for approval. Thus, EPA is granting final approval to the State of North Carolina to operate its underground storage tank program for petroleum and hazardous substances. "Underground Storage Tank Program: Approved State Program for North Carolina" June 15, 2001 (66 FR 32566) This rule codified in 40 CFR Part 282 the approval of North Carolina's underground storage tank program and incorporates by reference appropriate provisions of the State's statutes and regulations. This regulation is effective August 14, 2001, unless EPA withdraws this immediate final rule. CERCLA "National Priorities List for Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites" June 14, 2001 (65 FR 32235) EPA added ten new sites to the General Superfund Section of the NPL. "National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List" June 21, 2001 (65 FR 33200) EPA issued a direct final rule to delete Tomah Fairgrounds Landfill Superfund Site from the NPL and requests public comment on this action. OIL PROGRAM "Oil Pollution Prevention and Response; Non-Transportation- Related Facilities " June 29, 2001 (66 FR 34559) EPA issued a final rule on June 30, 2000, revising requirements for facilities preparing facility response plans (FRPs). This document is being issued to correct typographical errors, remove inconsistent rule language, and change incorrect references in the rule. CAA Section 112(r) "Approval of Section 112(l) Authority for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions and Risk Management Plans; Delaware; Approval of Accidental Release Prevention Program" June 8, 2001 (66 FR 30818) In a direct final action EPA approved the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control's (DNREC's) request to implement and enforce its accidental release prevention program in place of similar federal requirements. This direct final rule will be effective August 7, 2001, unless EPA receives adverse or critical comments by July 9, 2001. PROPOSED RULES RCRA "Maryland: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions" June 1, 2001 (66 FR 29746) EPA proposed to grant final authorization to the hazardous waste program revisions submitted by the State of Maryland. EPA authorized the state's program revisions as an immediate final rule without prior proposal in the final rules section (66 FR 29712; June 1, 2001). The immediate final rule provides a detailed rationale for authorization. Unless adverse comments are received by July 2, 2001, the immediate final rule will become effective July 31, 2001. "Project XL Site-Specific Rulemaking for the IBM Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility in Hopewell Junction, New York" June 6, 2001 (66 FR 30349) EPA is proposing to implement a pilot project under the Project XL program that would provide site-specific regulatory flexibility under RCRA for the International Business Machines Corporation East Fishkill semiconductor manufacturing facility in Hopewell Junction, New York. The principal objective of this IBM East Fishkill XL project is to determine whether wastewater treatment sludge that meets the listing description for F006 hazardous waste may be used as an ingredient in the manufacture of cement in an environmentally sound manner without RCRA regulatory controls. "California: Proposed Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision" June 20, 2001 (66 FR 33037) California has applied to EPA for final authorization of certain changes to its hazardous waste program under RCRA. EPA has reviewed California's application and made the tentative decision that these changes satisfy all requirements needed to qualify for final authorization, and is proposing to authorize the state's changes. CERCLA "National Priorities List for Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites, Proposed Rule No. 36" June 14, 2001 (66 FR 32287) EPA proposed to add ten new sites to the NPL, all to the General Superfund Section of the NPL. "National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List" June 21, 2001 (65 FR 66 FR 33224) EPA proposed to delete the Tomah Fairgrounds Landfill Superfund Site from the NPL. CAA Section 112(r) "Approval of Section 112(l) Authority for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions and Risk Management Plans; Delaware; Approval of Accidental Release Prevention Program" June 8, 2001 (66 FR 30830) EPA proposed to approve the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control's (DNREC's) request to implement and enforce its accidental release prevention program in place of similar federal requirements. A detailed rationale for the approval is set forth in the direct final rule. If no adverse comments are received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If EPA receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final rule based on this proposed rule. Written comments must be received on or before July 9, 2001. NOTICES RCRA "Science Advisory Board; Notification of Public Advisory Committee Meetings" June 8, 2001 (66 FR 30917) EPA announced that it has scheduled four meetings of the Surface Impoundments Study Subcommittee (SISS) of the EPA Science Advisory Board's (SAB) Environmental Engineering Committee (EEC). The SISS will review the Office of Solid Waste's, OSW (Note: Office of Solid Waste, OSW, was renamed Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, ORCR, on January 18, 2009) Surface Impoundments Study and plans to prepare a report of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations resulting from the review. "Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Facility Ground-water Monitoring Requirements" June 25, 2001 (66 FR 33679) EPA announced that it is planning to submit the following continuing ICR entitled, "Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Facility Ground-water Monitoring Requirements," EPA ICR Number 959.11, OMB Control Number 2050-0033, to the OMB for review and approval. The current expiration date for this ICR is November 30, 2001. CERCLA "Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Soil Ingestion Research Study" June 1, 2001 (66 FR 29797) EPA announced that it is planning to submit the following continuing ICR entitled, "Soil Ingestion Research Study," EPA ICR Number 1965.01 to the OMB for review and approval. This research should help any environmental program concerned with contaminated soils but is specifically being sponsored by Superfund. "National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List " June 12, 2001 (66 FR 31580) EPA announced its intent to delete the Schuylkill Metals Corporation Site from the NPL and requests public comment on this proposed action. "National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List " June 12, 2001 (66 FR 31582) EPA announced its intent to delete the Tobyhanna Army Depot Site from the NPL and requests public comment on this proposed action. CONSENT DECREES "Proposed Settlement; Standard Auto Bumper Superfund Site" June 1, 2001 (66 FR 29801) "Consent Decree; United States v. A&S Tribal Industries" June 1, 2001 (66 FR 29834) "Proposed Administrative Settlement; Rocky Flats Industrial Park Site" June 4, 2001 (66 FR 29945) "Proposed Settlement; Whalehead Beach Superfund Site" June 4, 2001 (66 FR 29948) "Consent Decree; United States v. Avanti Development, Inc." June 4, 2001 (66 FR 29991) "Consent Decree; United States v. Marathon Oil Co. and Marathon Ashland Petroleum, LLC." June 4, 2001 (66 FR 29991) "Consent Decree; United States v. J. B. Stringfellow, Jr. et al." June 4, 2001 (66 FR 29992) "Proposed Administrative Settlement; WorldCom, Inc." June 8, 2001 (66 FR 30923) "Consent Decree; United States v. Ameron International Corp." June 12, 2001 (66 FR 31692) "Consent Decree; United States v. Richard Scott Johnson et al." June 12, 2001 (66 FR 31693) "Proposed Settlement; Economy Plating Co., Inc. Site" June 18, 2001 (66 FR 32809) "Consent Decree; United States v. Central Illinois Public Service Company, et al." June 22, 2001 (66 FR 33556) "Consent Decree; United States v. IBM Corporation" June 22, 2001 (66 FR 33557) "Consent Decree; United States v. J.H. Baxter and Co." June 22, 2001 (66 FR 33557) "Proposed Settlement; Divex Site" June 25, 2001 (66 FR 33684) "Proposed Administrative Settlement; Rocky Flats Industrial Park Site" June 25, 2001 (66 FR 33684) "Proposed Administrative Settlement; Motorola 52nd Street Superfund Site" June 27, 2001 (66 FR 34192) "Proposed Administrative Settlement; Shore Refinery Site" June 27, 2001 (66 FR 34193) CALL ANALYSIS This month, the Call Center responded to a total of 17,364 questions and document requests. CALLER PROFILE Regulated Community 7,677 Citizens 350 State/Local/Tribal 72 Federal Agencies 23 Educational Institutions 45 EPA 75 Media/Press 8 Congress 1 Other 34 Consultant/Attorney 561 Referrals* 527 Document Retrieval Line* 11 Message Retrieval Line* 355 Mailed Document Requests* 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF CALLERS 9,739 *No caller profile data available. CALLER CENTER TOPICS RCRA SUBTITLE C Hazardous Waste Id. - General 555 Characteristics 433(1) Listings 391(1) Mixture Rule 59 Derived-From 38 Contained-In Policy 63 Sampling/Test Methods 52 Delisting Petitions 6 Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions 132 Household Hazardous Wastes 100 Definition of Solid Waste/Hazardous 151(1) Military Munitions 8 HW Recycling 96 Universal Waste 75 Large Quantity Generators 347(1) Small Quantity Generators 88 CESQGs 136 Transporters 74 Exports/Imports 12 TSDFs General Facility Standards 85 Unit Standards 157(1) Air Emissions 19 Groundwater Monitoring 16 Waste Minimization 22 Biennial Report 28 Hazardous Waste Data 62 State Programs 26 Combustion - General 31 LDR Applicability 107 Notifications/Certification 34 Treatment Standards 93 Prohibitions 14 Permits and Permitting 65 Public Participation 5 Financial Assurance 7 Closure/Post-Closure 45 Corrective Action 45 Mixed Waste 18 Indian Lands 2 Used Oil Standards 152 Medical Wastes 88 RCRA Brownfields 4 Spills 44 Health Effects 73 Computer Recycling/CRTs 24 TOTAL QUESTIONS 4,082* UST General/Misc. 108 Applicability/Definitions 53(1) 1998 Deadline 9 Leak Detection 23 Operation & Maintenance 7 Financial Responsibility 8 State Program Approval 2 MTBE 1 Financing/Grants/Loans 0 AST Interface 2 Regulated Substances 8 Reporting Requirements 4 Tribal Lands 0 LUST 3 Previously Abandoned Tanks 6 Relation to Brownfields 0 UST Field Pilots 0 Corrective Action 12 Pay for Performance 2 RBCA/RBDM 2 MTBE Cleanup 0 OIL SPCC Applicability 118 Definitions 47(1) Plan Requirements 29(1) Regulatory Revisions 12 Secondary Containment 22(1) FRP FRP Applicability 11 FRP Requirements 5 Oil Spill Notifications 19 Oil Spill Information (ERNS) 5 Oil Spill Response 8 The One Plan (ICP) 7 TOTAL QUESTIONS 533 EPCRA General: General Title III Questions 135 Trade Secrets 7 Transportation Exemption 7 Chemical-Specific Information 14 Federal Facilities Executive Order 3 Emergency Planning (Sections 301-303): General 22 Notification Requirements 10 SERC/LEPC Issues 25 EHSs/TPQs 28(1) Risk Communication/Hazards Analysis 6 Exemptions 1 Emergency Release Notification (Section 304): General 24 Notification Requirements 25 Reportable Quantities 29 CERCLA Section 103 vs. SARA Section 304 31 Accident/Release Data 0 Exemptions 1 Hazardous Chemical Reporting (Sections 311-312) General 100 MSDS Reporting Requirements 50 Tier I/II Requirements 125(1) Thresholds 98(1) Hazard Categories 4 Mixtures Reporting 9 Exemptions 23 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (Section 313): General 926 Form A 275 Form R Completion 2,860(1) ATRS 486 Toxic Chemicals 1,459(1) PBTs 646(1) SIC Code 284 Employee Thresholds 281 Activity Thresholds 1,441(1) Release & Waste Management Calculations 1,613 Facility Data Profiles 24 Voluntary Revisions/Withdrawals 78 Supplier Notification 44(1) TRIS Public Data Release 26 Petitions 7 Exemptions 544 CAA (Section 112(r)): Risk Management Program General 109 Regulated Substances 39 Thresholds 32 Process Identification 24 Program Levels 11 Offsite Consequence Analysis 27 Accident History 3 Prevention Program 0 Emergency Response Program 1 Management Program 2 RMP Submission/Revision 41 Access to Data/Risk Communication 3 State Implementation Issues 1 Exemptions 2 General Duty 5 CSISSFFRRA/PL106-40 10 TOTAL QUESTIONS 12,081 SUPERFUND Administrative Improvements: General 36 Presumptive Remedies 1 Administrative Record 3 ARARs 24 Brownfields 27 CERCLIS 30 Claims Against Fund 6 Clean-Up Costs 4 Clean-Up Standards 29 Clean-Up Technologies 10 Contract Lab Program (CLP) 3 Community Involvement 19 Contracts 0 Definitions 7 Federal Facilities 3 Hazardous Substances 64(1) Natural Resource Damages 0 NPL 35 Off Site Rule 10 Reauthorization/Taxes 3 Release Notification 35(1) Notification Requirements 36(1) RQs 78(1) Mixtures 10 Continuous Release 5 Hazardous Substance Release Data 3 Exemptions 1 Response Process 72(1) Removal 0 PA/SI 15 HRS 6 RI/FS 21 Risk Assessment/Health Effects 31 RODs 14 RD/RA 17 State/Tribal 10 TOTAL QUESTIONS 668* TOTAL CALL CENTER QUESTIONS AND DOCUMENT REQUESTS: 17,364 *includes 3,487 document requests (1) Hot Topic for this month. *Topics are calculated as the summation of all calls received by the Call Center. A single call may result in multiple questions.