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SERT mutant mouse

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Serotonin transporter mutant mouse

Murphy DL, Lesch KP Targeting the murine serotonin transporter:insights into human neurobiology. Nat Rev Neurosci 9:85-96, 2008.

Fox MA, Jensen CL, Gallagher PS, Murphy DL. Receptor mediation of exaggerated responses to serotonin-enhancing drugs in serotonin transporter (SERT)-deficient mice. Neuropharmacology. 53:643-56, 2007.

Ren-Patterson RF, Cochran LW, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, Lu B, Murphy DL. Gender-Dependent Modulation of Brain Monoamines and Anxiety-like Behaviors in Mice with Genetic Serotonin Transporter and BDNF Deficiencies. Julius Axelrod Memorial Issue: Cell Mol Neurobiol 26:755-78, 2006.

Altamura C, Dell'Acqua ML, Moessner R, Murphy DL, Lesch KP, Persico AM. Altered neocortical cell density and layer thickness in serotonin transporter knockout mice: a quantitation study. Cereb Cortex. 2007 Jun;17(6):1394-401. Epub 2006 Aug 11. PMID: 16905592.

Kalueff AV, Fox MA, Gallagher PS, Murphy DL. Hypolocomotion, anxiety and serotonin syndrome-like behavior contribute to the complex phenotype of serotonin transporter knockout mice. Genes Brain Behav. 2007 Jun;6(4):389-400. Epub 2006 Aug 29. PMID: 16939636.

Kim DK, Tolliver TJ, Huang SJ, Martin BJ, Andrews AM, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Altered serotonin synthesis, turnover and dynamic regulation in multiple brain regions of mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Neuropharmacology, 49:798-810, 2005.

Ren-Patterson RF, Kim D-K, Zheng X, Sherrill S, Huang S-J, Tolliver T, Murphy DL. Serotonergic-like progenitor cells propagated from neural stem cells in vitro: survival with SERT protein expression following implantation into brains of mice lacking SERT. FASEB J, 19:1537-9, 2005.

Li Q, Holmes A, Ma L, Van de Kar LD, Garcia F, Murphy DL. Medial hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1A receptors regulate neuroendocrine responses to stress and exploratory locomotor activity: application of recombinant adenovirus containing 5-HT1A sequences. J Neurosci, 24:10868-10877, 2004.

Altamura C, Dell'acqua ML, Moessner R, Murphy DL, Lesch K-P, Persico AM. Altered neocortical cell density and layer thickness in serotonin transporter knockout mice: a quantitation study. Cereb Cortex, 2006 (Epub ahead of print).

Kalueff AV, Fox MA, Gallagher PS, Murphy DL. Hypolocomotion, anxiety and serotonin syndrome-like behavior contribute to the complex phenotype of serotonin transporter knockout mice. Genes Brain Behav, 2006 (Epub ahead of print).

Ren-Patterson RF, Cochran LW, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, Lu B, Murphy DL. Gender-dependent modulation of brain monoamines and anxiety-like behaviors in mice with genetic serotonin transporter and BDNF deficiencies. Cell Mol Neurobiol, 26:753-78,2006.

Zhao S, Edwards J, Carroll J, Wiedholz L, Millstein RA, Jaing C, Murphy DL, Lanthorn TH, Holmes A. Insertion mutation at the C-terminus of the 5-HT transporter disrupts brain 5-HT function and emotional behavior in mice. Neuroscience, 140:321-34, 2006.

Adamec R, Burton P, Blundell J, Murphy DL, Holmes A. Vulnerability to mild predator stress in serotonin transporter knockout mice. Behav Brain Res, 170:126-40, 2006.

Kalueff AV, Avgustinovich DF, Kudryavtseva NN, Murphy DL. BDNF in anxiety and depression. Science, 312:1598-9, 2006.

Daws LC, Montanez S, Munn JL, Owens WA, Baganz NL, Boyce-Rustay JM, Millstein RA, Wiedholz LM, Murphy DL, Holmes A. Ethanol inhibits clearance of brain serotonin by a serotonin transporter-independent mechanism. J Neurosci, 26:6431-8, 2006.

Kalueff AV, Wheaton M, Ren-Patterson R, Murphy DL. Are serotonin transporter knockout mice 'depressed'?: hypoactivity but no anhedonia. Neuroreport, 17:1347-51, 2006.

Wendland JR, Martin BJ, Kruse MR, Lesch KP, Murphy DL. Simultaneous genotyping of four functional loci of human SLC6A4, with a reappraisal of 5-HTTLPR and rs25531. Mol Psychiatry, 11:224-226, 2006.

Kim DK, Tolliver TJ, Huang SJ, Martin BJ, Andrews AM, Holmes A, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Altered serotonin synthesis, turnover and dynamic regulation in multiple brain regions of mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Neuropharmacology, 49:798-810, 2005.

Ren-Patterson RF, Kim D-K, Zheng X, Sherrill S, Huang S-J, Tolliver T, Murphy DL. Serotonergic-like progenitor cells propagated from neural stem cells in vitro: survival with SERT protein expression following implantation into brains of mice lacking SERT. FASEB J, 19:1537-9, 2005.

Esaki T, Cook M, Shimoji K, Murphy DL, Sokoloff L, Holmes A. Developmental disruption of serotonin transporter function impairs cerebral responses to whisker stimulation in mice. PNAS, 102:5582-5587, 2005.

Andoh T, Chock PB, Murphy DL, Chiueh CC. Role of the redox protein thioredoxin in cytoprotective mechanism evoked by (-)-Deprenyl. Mol Pharmacol, 68:1408-14, 2005.

Ren-Patterson RF, Cochran LW, Holmes A, Sherrill S, Huang SJ, Tolliver T, Lesch KP, Lu B, Murphy DL. Loss of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene allele exacerbates brain monoamine deficiencies and increases stress abnormalities of serotonin transporter knockout mice. J Neurosci Res, 79:756-771, 2005.

Qu Y, Villacreses N, Murphy DL, Rapoport S. 5-HT2A/2C receptor signaling via phospholipase A2 and arachidonic acid is attenuated in mice lacking the serotonin reuptake transporter. Psychopharmacol, 180:12-20, 2005.

Li Q, Holmes A, Ma L, Van de Kar LD, Garcia F, Murphy DL. Medial hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1A receptors regulate neuroendocrine responses to stress and exploratory locomotor activity: application of recombinant adenovirus containing 5-HT1A sequences. J Neurosci, 24:10868-10877, 2004.

Murphy DL, Lerner A, Rudnick G, Lesch K-P. Serotonin Transporter: Gene, Genetic Disorders and Pharmacogenetics. Molecular Interventions, 4:109-123, 2004.

Li Q, Ma L, Innis RB, Seneca N, Ichise M, Huang H, Laruelle M, Murphy DL. Pharmacological and genetic characterization of two selective serotonin transporter ligands: 2-[2(dimethylaminomethylphenylthio]-5-fluoromethylphenylamine (AFM) and 3-amino-4-[2-(dimethylaminomethyl-phenylthio)]benzonitrile (DASB). J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 308:481-486, 2004.

Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Molecular genetics of transporters for norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in behavioral traits and complex diseases. In S. Broer and C.A. Wagner (Eds.): Membrane Transport Diseases: Molecular Basis of Inherited Transport Defects, 2004.

Mathews TA, Fedele DE, Coppelli FM, Avila AM, Murphy DL, Andrews AM. Gene dose-dependent alterations in extraneuronal serotonin but not dopamine in mice with reduced serotonin transporter expression. J Neurosci Meth, 140:169-181, 2004.

Tjurmina PA, Armando I, Saavedra JM, Li Q, Murphy DL. Life-long serotonin reuptake deficiency results in complex alterations in adrenomedullary responses to stress. Ann NY Acad Sci, 1018:99-104, 2004.

Murphy DL, Uhl GR, Holmes A, Ren-Patterson R, Hall FS, Sora I, Detera-Wadleigh S, Lesch K-P. Experimental gene interaction studies with SERT mutant mice as models for human polygenic and epistatic traits and disorders. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2:350-364, 2003.

Ozaki N, Goldman D, Kaye WH, Plotnicov K, Greenberg BD, Lappalainen J, Rudnick G, Murphy DL. Serotonin transporter missense mutation associated with a complex neuropsychiatric phenotype. Molecular Psychiatry, 8:933-936, 2003.

Holmes A, Li Q, Gold E, Murphy DL, Crawley J. Abnormal anxiety-related behavior in serotonin transporter null mutant mice: the influence of genetic background. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2:365-380, 2003.

Li Q, Wichems C, Ma L, Van de Kar LD, Garcia F, Murphy DL. Brain region-specific alterations of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors in serotonin transporter knockout mice. J Neurochem, 84:1256-1265, 2003.

Holmes A, Murphy DL, Crawley JN. Abnormal behavioral phenotypes of serotonin transporter knockout mice: Parallels with human anxiety and depression. Biological Psychiatry, 54:953-959, 2003.

Vogel C, Mössner R, Gerlach M, Heinemann T, Murphy DL, Riederer P, Lesch K-P, Sommer C. Absence of thermal hyperalgesia in serotonin transporter-deficient mice. J Neurosci, 23:708-715, 2003.

Armando I, Tjurmina OA, Li Q, Murphy DL, Saavedra JM. The serotonin transporter is required for stress-evoked increases in adrenal catecholamine synthesis and angiotensin II AT(2) receptor expression. Neuroendocrinology, 78:252, 2003.

Holmes A, Yang RJ, Lesch K-P, Crawley JN, Murphy DL. Mice lacking the serotonin transporter exhibit 5-HT(1A) receptor-mediated abnormalities in tests for anxiety-like behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28:2077-2088, 2003.

Montanez S, Owens WA, Gould GG, Murphy DL, Daws LC. Exaggerated effect of fluvoxamine in heterozygote serotonin transporter knockout mice. J Neurochem, 86:210-219, 2003.

Persico AM, Baldi A, Dell'Acqua ML, Mössner R, Murphy DL, Lesch K-P. Reduced programmed cell death in brains of serotonin transporter knockout mice. Neuroreport, 14:341-344, 2003.

Wisor JP, Wurts SW, Hall FS, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Uhl GR, Edgar DM. Altered rapid eye movement sleep timing in serotonin transporter knockout mice. Neuroreport, 14:233-238, 2003.

Schmitt A, Mössner R, Gossmann A, Fischer IG, Gorboulev V, Murphy DL, Koepsell H, Lesch K-P.Organic cation transporter capable of transporting serotonin is up-regulated in serotonin transporter-deficient mice. J Neurosci Res, 71:701-709. 2003.

Holmes A, Yang RJ, Murphy DL, Crawley JN. Evaluation of antidepressant-related behavioral responses in mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Neuropsychopharmacology, 26:914-923, 2002.

Zhou FC, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Serotonin uptake into dopamine neurons via dopamine transporters: a compensatory alternative. Brain Res, 942:109-119, 2002.

Holmes A, Murphy DL, Crawley JN. Reduced aggression in mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Psychopharmacology, 161:160-167, 2002.

Tjurmina OA, Armando I, SaavedraJM, Goldstein DS, Murphy DL. Exaggerated adrenomedullary responses to immobilization in mice with a targeted disruption of the serotonin transporter gene. Endocrinology, 143:4520-4526, 2002.

Hall FS, Li XF, Sora I, Xu F, Caron M, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Uhl GR.Cocaine mechanisms: enhanced cocaine, fluoxetine and nisoxetine place preferences following monoamone transporter deletions. Neuroscience, 115:153-161, 2002.

Liu MT, Rayport S, Jiang Y, Murphy DL, Gershon MD. Expression and function of 5-HT3 receptors in the enteric neurons of mice lacking the serotonin transporter. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 283:G1398-1411, 2002.

Persico AM, Mengual E, Mössner R, Hall SF, Revay RS, Sora I, Arellano J, DeFelipe J, Gimenez-Amaya JM, Conciatori M, Marino R, Baldi A, Cabib S, Pascucci T, Uhl GR, Murphy DL, Lesch K-P, Keller F. Barrel pattern formation requires serotonin uptake by thalamocortical afferents, and not vesicular monoamine release. J Neurosci, 21:6862-6873, 2001.

Chen JJ, Li Z, Pan H, Murphy DL, Tamir H, Koepsell H, Gershon MD. Maintenance of serotonin in the intestinal mucosa and ganglia of mice that lack the high-affinity serotonin transporter: Abnormal intestinal motility and the expression of cation transporters. J Neurosci, 21:6348-6361, 2001.

Murphy DL, Li Q, Engel S, Wichems C, Andrews A, Lesch K-P, Uhl G. Genetic perspectives on the serotonin transporter. Brain Research Bulletin, 56:487-494, 2001.

Sora I, Hall FS, Andrews AM, Itokawa M, Li X-F, Wei H-B, Wichems C, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Uhl GR. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine reward: combined dopamine and serotonin transporter knockouts eliminate cocaine place preference. PNAS, 98:5300-5305, 2001.

Gobbi G, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Blier P. Modifications of the serotoninergic system in mice lacking serotonin transporters. An in vivo electrophysiological study. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 296:987-995, 2001.

Ravary A, Muzerelle A, Darmon M, Murphy DL, Mössner R, Lesch K-P, Gaspar P. Abnormal trafficking and subcellular localization of an N-terminally truncated serotonin transporter protein. Eur J Neurosci, 13:1349-1362, 2001.

Salichon N, Gaspar P, Upton AL, Hamon M, De Maeyer E, Picaud S, Murphy DL, Mössner R, Lesch K-P, Hen R, Seif I. Excessive activation of 5-HT1B receptors disrupts the formation of sensory maps in monoamine oxidase A and 5-HT transporter knockout mice. J Neurosci, 21:884-896, 2001.

Li Q, Wichems C, Heils A, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Reduction in the density and expression, but not G protein coupling of 5-HT1A receptors in 5-HT transporter knockout mice: gender and brain region differences. J Neurosci, 20:7888-7895, 2000.

Li Q, Wichems C, Heils A, Van de Kar LD, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Reduction of 5-HT1A-mediated temperature and neuroendocrine responses and 5-HT1A binding sites in 5-HT transporter knockout mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 291:999-1007, 1999.

Murphy DL, Wichems C, Li Q, Heils A. Molecular manipulations as tools for enhancing our understanding of 5-HT neurotransmission. Trends in Pharmacology, 20:246-52, 1999.

Sora I, Wichems C, Takahashi N, Li X-F, Zeng Z, Revay R, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL, Uhl GR. Cocaine reward models: conditioned place preference can be established in dopamine-and in serotonin-transporter knockout mice. PNAS, 95:7699-7704, 1998.

Bengel D, Murphy DL, Andrews AM, Wichems,CH, Feltner D, Heils A, Mö ner, R., Westphal H, Lesch K-P. Altered brain serotonin homeostasis and locomotor insensitivity to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy") in serotonin transporter-deficient mice. Mol Pharmacol, 53:649-655, 1998.

Heils A, Wichems C, Mössner R, Petri S, Glatz K, Bengel D, Murphy DL, Lesch K-P. Functional characterization of the murine serotonin transporter gene promoter in serotonergic raphe neurons. J Neurochem, 70:932-939, 1998.

Bengel D, Jöhren O, Andrews A, Heils A, Mössner R, Sanvitto GL, Saavedra JM, Lesch K-P, Murphy DL. Cellular localization and expression of the serotonin transporter in mouse brain. Brain Res, 778:338-345, 1997.

Bengel D, Heils A, Petri S, Seemann M, Teufel A, Andrews A, Murphy DL, Lesch K-P. Gene structure and 5’-flanking regulatory region of the murine serotonin transporter. Mol Brain Res, 44:286-292, 1997.

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