Circoteftix Tabula Rehn and Hebard, WRANGLER GRASS- HOPPER. Size: 38-42 mm. General Distribution: SW and S. central Canada, S. through Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Bernalillo, Catron, Cibola, Colfax, Lincoln, Los Alamos, McKinley, Otero, Sandoval, San Miguel, Rio Airiba, Santa Fe, Taos, Union, Valencia. Habitat: Mountain slopes. Host. Various forbs, moss. Adults Present: July-August. Notes: A conspicuous band-winged grasshopper with a loud crackling noise in flight. ffind wings yellowish with central dark band. Not economically important. Reference: Otte 1984. Clem&odes larreae Scudder, GRAY CREOSOT'EBUSH GRASSHOPPER. Color plate 2. Size: 20-28 mm. General Distribution: S. New Mexico and Arizona through the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Dofia Ana, Eddy, lea, Otero. Habitat: Desert. Host: Creosotebush. Adults Present: May-July. Notes: 'Me only spur-throated and slant-faced grasshopper in New Mexico. Rarely collected, possibly because of its excellent camouflage. Color mottled gray or brown; pro- notum rugose; tegniina very short. Not economically important. Reference: Helfer 1953. Conalcea huachucana Rehn, HUACHUCA GRASSHOP- PER. Color plate 3. Size: 20-30 mm. General Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Grant, Hidalgo, Socorro. Habitat: Slopes with scattered trees. Host: Grasses. Adults Present: July-October. Notes: Tegmina shorter than pronotum; bicolored, darker on lower half. Not econon-dcally important. Reference: Helfer 1953. Conozoa cadn&a Rehn, RIDGED GRASSHOPPER. Size: 28-35 mm. General Distribution: S. California and SW Utah, S. to S. New Mexico, Sonora and Baja California, Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Catron, De Baca, Grant, Hidalgo. Habitat: Desert grassland. Host: Forbs, grasses. Adults Present: April-November.