State Water Resources Research Institute Program

Project ID: 2008HI231B
Title: Modeling of Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) Seawater Desalination Systems Driven by Solar Energy
Project Type: Research
Start Date: 3/01/2008
End Date: 2/28/2009
Congressional District: First
Focus Categories: Water Supply
Keywords: freshwater supply, seawater desalination, humidification-dehumidification
Principal Investigator: Qu, Weilinbr
Federal Funds: $ 20,725
Non-Federal Matching Funds: $ 33,732
Abstract: A relatively new desalination process called humidification-dehumidification (HDH) is proposed as a feasible solution to the freshwater shortage problem in Hawaii. HDH operates under near ambient pressure and low temperature and can be driven by renewable solar energy as well as a variety of low-grade (low-temperature) thermal energy sources including low pressure condensing steam from a steam power plant, waste heat from a combustion engine, and waste heat from an oil refinery. While energy sources such as electricity and high-grade hydrocarbon-based thermal energy could be expensive because of Hawaii's geographical location, there are abundant solar radiation and low-grade thermal energy sources around the islands. Therefore, HDH water desalination driven by renewable solar energy or low-grade waste heat may constitute a viable future supplemental water source to Hawaii that is both cost-effective and energy-efficient. In the proposed work, theoretical modeling approach will be used to develop a fundamental understanding of the various thermal/fluid transport processes in small-scale HDH water desalination systems driven by solar energy.

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Page Contact Information: John Schefter
Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-Jul-2008 21:01:47 EDT