Dessicant Dehumidification Systems

Participants shall include CxT , MC, TAB, and ATC.

Sample 50%, max failure limit 10%

Review start up documentation

Provide humidification source to load the space.

Spot check the setup and calibration of control elements and sensing devices.

Start system and validate process and regeneration airflows are as required. Allow humidity to rise or use false humidification load to test the capacity of the unit. Validate leaving air dewpoint can be obtained per spec. Vary load or change setpoint of the humidity to observe response of the dehumidification control loop. Set the humidity setpoint to much higher that current value and validate that no dehumidification results.

Place system in all modes of operation and validate sequences. Generally validate that all control tolerances are maintained.

Validate the regeneration control loop.

For close regeneration cycles validate the capacity of the cooling coils and check the tuning of the control loop.

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