HISTORY.txt changes to PGE25/MOD_PR13A1 This file shows the following: (a) What was changed in the PGE (b) Why was it changed (c) How the output product will be affected by the change (d) The data of the change. v2.3.0 03/05/01 ===================================================================== Source SCF: (v2.2.4 02/05/01) (Version 2.2.3 was internal to SCF, so there is no V2.2.3) (1) Current version status - Code modified to either ingest Terra or Aqua data - Supplied two seprate MCF files for AQUA (MYD....) and Terra (MOD...) - Addition of an error messages to signal contradiction between SatellietInstrument and execution Please check/recompile the seed file (*.t) - Started using the run time parameter with LUN= 800510 to decide on the SatellietInstrument source of data - Accommodated the change made in MOD09 to address cloudy data production. - Modified all Quality data filters to be more robust, and after accumulated experience with REAL-MODIS data - Corrected the EVI [roblem over snow/ice and cloud! This correction is made in response to issues reported by LDOPE and finding in our facility. - Adjusted the LocalGranuleID esdt (MOD13A1 for 500m and MOD13Q1 for 250m) - Adjusted the algorithm to run on a DEC ALPHA - The algorithm was adjusted to correct an excessive EVI FILL_VALUE due to the use of the blue channel by EVI equation. Currently the code will fall back on SAVI in case an EVI cannot be generated. This problme is visible over snow and thick clouds - The MIR channel was switched to band number 7. - Adjusted the SDS names to be lower case for "red" and "blue" - Fixed a memory bug that was not harmful - Adjusted the scale and offset computation that caused a problem on the DEC platform (2) Current version addresses the following problems: - Made operational on both Tera and Aqua data - Made operational on DEC platform - Adjusted the filtering procedures to be more compatible with MOD13A2 - Adjusted the QA setting to be more robust (more meaningful) Additional changes by SSTG: 1. MOD13A1.mcf Made the following changes to the most recent baselined MCF file(MOD13A1.mcf): ((will send this newly modified mcf files to ECS for further validation) - Changed the Mandatory from "FALSE" to "TRUE" and Data_Location from "PGE" to "MCF" for the following attributes: AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer, AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedPlatformShortName, AssociatedInstrumentShortName v2.2.6 10/16/00 ===================================================================== 1. Added the handling of different ESDT for 250m and 500m resolution product in vi3.c 2. Added the mcf files MOD13Q1.mcf for processing 250m and combined 250m and 500m v2.2.5 09/15/00 ===================================================================== Source SCF 9/07/00 1. Handled out of projection map data in vi3.c and comp.c. v2.2.4 08/28/00 ===================================================================== (1) MCF file: Added the value of attribute "ScienceQualityExplanation" in MOD13A1.mcf: Value = "See http://modland.nascom.nasa.gov/QA_WWW/release.html for the Science QA status of this product." v2.2.3 07/28/00 ===================================================================== Source SCF: (07/20/00) (1) Current version status - The whole algorithm was re-written to produce EVI under 500m production plan or combined 250m and 500m - The algorithm will output Red, Blue, and MIR SDSs when resolution permits - The algorithm will properly decide which set of SDS names to use depending on the production resolution. - MCF modified - File Spec modified - Addedd necessary SDSs - The code will decide internally on the production based on available input files. - Ability to ignore mis-staged files (This problem was seen on MODAPS page and was due to the lack of Red and NIR in some 500m files. The code use to not produce data, now only those days are ignored. (2) Current version addresses the following problems: - Adjusted the QAStats - Fixed other metadata fields and valids. - Implemented all production rules internally - Fixed a memory bug that caused the algorithm to crash all the time when run with multiple days (Due to the lack of multiple days) - Updated the MCF file based on the generic one Additional changes by SSTG: 1. MOD13A1.mcf Added the following new attributes into the ECS validated (Ref. MODdelivery_000607) mcf files(MOD13A1.mcf) (will send this newly modified mcf files to ECS for further validation). - changed the Mandatory from "False" to "True" for the following 3 attributes: AssociatedSensorShortName, AssociatedPlatformShortName, AssociatedInstrumentShortName - changed the NUM_VAL of "DaysOfYear" from "32" to "16". - Added the new attribute "QAPERCENTPOORQ250MOR500M16DAYEVI". 2. Updated MOD13A1.fs(stored in /ltp/info/ftp/stig_temp/mlinda/www/LatestFilespecs) - Added the following three new attributes QAPERCENTPOORQ250MOR500M16DAYEVI, DESCRrevision and ProductionHistory. - Changed LongName value to "MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 500m ISIN Grid" - Added a new ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME "EVI250M16DAYQCCLASSPERCENTAGE". - Added five new DataFields: EVI, EVI Quality, Red Reflectance, Blue Reflectance, MIR Reflectance v2.2.2 07/20/00 ===================================================================== 1. Incorporated ECSed mcf file: MOD13A1.mcf (Ref. MODdelivery_June0700) Changes from the earlier baselined version are: - Added value of attribute "ScienceQualityFlag" to "Not Investigated", Changed LongName value to "MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 500m ISIN Grid" - Added two new attributes: DESCRrevision and ProductionHistory Note: The following attributes required to be added were not seen in this delivery: CharacteristicBinAngularSize, CharacteristicBinSize, DataColumns, DataRows, GlobalGridColumns, GlobalGridRows, NumberOfDays, DaysOfYear, GeoAnyAbnormal, GeoEstMaxRMSError, QAPERCENTPOORQ250MOR500M16DAYNDVI, PERCENTLAND 2. Changed from local time to GMT time for LOCALGRANULEID in vi3.c. v2.2.1 05/03/00 ===================================================================== Source SCF: (04/20/00) (1) Current version addresses the following problems: - LocalgranuleID will correspond to the correct start of the composite period even if data is missing. - Adjusted the QAStats - Fixed other metadata fields and valids. - Disabled temporarily the BRDF model. - Implemented all production rules internally - Fixed a memory bug that caused the algorithm to crash all the time when run with multiple days (Due to the lack of multiple days) - Ability to produce cloudy pixels. (2) Changed the value of the following runtime parameters LUN NAME VALUE from to 213622 BRDF Data base file Boston Database none name 213623 MinBRDFNumberOf 6 5 Observations 213625 ExtraMaxBRDFNDVI 0.1 0.05 213626 MinCVMVCNumberOf 3 2 Observations 213628 ExtraMaxCVMVCNDVI 0.1 0.05 (3) Removed one input file for 250m production ESDT LUN File MOD09GHK 298002 L2G 500m S. Relfectance Additional changes by SSTG: (4) Updated README.txt (5) Corrected MOD13A1.fs in v2.2.0(02/10/00) integration - Changed the values of the following attributes: name from to PGEVERSION "2" or Variable "2.2.0" or Variable LONGNAME MODIS Vegetation Index MODIS Vegetation Index (16 day 250 m) (16 day 250m or 500m) PROCESSINGCENTER EDC MODAPS - Added the names and values of the following attributes name value QAPERCENTPOORQ250MOR500M16DAYNDVI variable CHARACTERISTICBINANGULARSIZE variable CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE variable DATACOLUMNS variable DATAROWS variable GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS variable GLOBALGRIDROWS variable NUMBEROFDAYS variable DAYSOFYEAR variable GEOANYABNORMA variable GEOESTMAXRMSERROR variable PERCENTLAND variable (6) Updated MOD13A1.fs(stored in /info/ftp/stig_temp/mlinda/www/LatestFilespecs/) - Added more explanation about "DataField_2 Bit0_1 10" "produced but most likley cloudy pixel" - Added subheading for 250m production "Under 250m Production" - Deleted the comment for "Global HDF Attributes" "Following Global attributes were removed from V2 data" v2.2.0 02/10/2000 ====================================================================== Source SCF: 02/08/2000 (1) Correct the Vertical and Horizontal tile number Metadata to output two (2) digits. - Correct the statistics metadata fields to add up to 100% - Added TileID metadata field - Added a new Metadata field to indicate the Type of production : PRODUCTRESOLUTION (2) Updated the File specifications - Updated the MCF file - Updated the PCF file - Capability to process either 250m or 500m data. - Modified all metadata field names to either reflect 250m or 500m production (3) Updated MCF file MOD_PR13A1 - Changed the name of the attribute: from to QAPERCENTPOORQ250M16DAYNDVI QAPERCENTPOORQ250MOR500M16DAYNDVI - Changed the value of the attribute LONGNAME: from to "MODIS Vegetation Index (16 day 250m)" "MODIS Vegetation Index (16 day 250m/500m)" (4) Added the following new runtime parameters LUN Name Value 213620 BRDFFalg;1=Perform BRDF, 0 = Disable BRDF 1 213621 CVMVCFalg;1=Perform CVMVC, 0 = Dissble CVMVC 1 213622 BRDF Data base file name Boston Databse 213623 MinBRDFNumberOfObservations 6 213624 MinBRDFNDVI -0.3 213625 ExtraMaxBRDFNDVI 0.1 213626 MinCVMVCNumberOfObservations 3 213627 MinCVMVCNVI -0.3 213628 ExtraMaxCVMVCNDVI 0.1 Additional changes by STIG: (5) Changed LUN numbers of "PGEVersion" in mdefs.h from 213603 to 800500 and of "MOD09GHK" in vi3.h from 298010 to 298002 (6) Renamed History.txt to HISTORY.txt, README to README.txt and MOD_PR13A1.mcf to MOD13A1.mcf (7) mcf file Part 1: Incorporated ECSed mcf file: MOD13A1.mcf (Ref. MODdelivery_990526). Part 2: Added the following new attributes into the above ECS validated (Ref. MODdelivery_990526) mcf files(MOD13A1.mcf) (will send this newly modified mcf files to ECS for further validation). CharacteristicBinAngularSize, CharacteristicBinSize, DataColumns, DataRows, GlobalGridColumns, GlobalGridRows, NumberOfDays, DaysOfYear, GeoAnyAbnormal GeoEstMaxRMSError, PERCENTLAND (8) Updated MOD13A1.fs filespecs. - Changed the names of the following attributes: from to PLATFORMSHORTNAME ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME INSTRUMENTSHORTNAME ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME SENSORSHORTNAME ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME - Changed the values of the following attributes: attribute name value from to SHORTNAME MOD09 MOD13A1 VERSIONID 2 1 ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME EOS AM1 AM-1 PGEVERSION 2 2.2.0 PROCESSINGCENTER EDC MODAPS ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE Pre-liminary LAUNCH ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME MOD13V2 MOD13A1 ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION version 2 2 INSTRUMENTNAME MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer - Added the name of the attributes ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME its value of "CCD" - Added the names and values of the following attributes: attribute name value ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME CCD ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8 "TileID" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.9 "PRODUCTRESOLUTION" ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE Variable - Removed duplicated line of attribute PLATFORMSHORTNAME (9) Changed to double-digit tile number display format for both VERTICALTILENUMBER and HORIZONTALTILENUMBER (from h%dv%d to to h%2.2dv%2.2d) at line #2056 of function create_localgranuleid in vi3.c file. (10) Updated HISTORT.txt & MOD_PR13A1.prod_rules. Added subsetted product MOD_SS.MOD13A1 v2.0.6 7/19/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Used ECS validated mcf file v2.0.5 7/8/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Modified PGE25.pl using 'SDPTK5.2.4v1_64)f77' to replace 'v2.1_n32_f77' in $pge assignment 2. Update PGE25.ciList and HISTORY.txt. v2.0.4 4/30/1999 ====================================================================== 1. Perform the Scenario 3 MODAPS integration process: Added PGE25.mk,PGE25.pl, PGE25.ciList, ancfiles.csh, vdc.csh and driver.csh files. Update PACKINGLIST, README, and MOD_PR13A1.pcf 2. Modify Production rules - LUN 213603 is changed to 800500. Rename MOD13A1.prod_rules to MOD_PR13A1.prod_rules 3. For QA's mcf file, MOD_PRLM_QA.mcf is used. 4 . correct errors in PGE25 source code caused DayNightFlag errors, (mdefs.h, and meta.c) and LocalGranuleID errors (vi3.c). 5. Start recording HISTORY.txt from this version.