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February 10, 2009

Shuttle Mir

Shuttle Mir
"Men who have worked together to reach the stars are not likely to descend together into the depths of war and desolation."

- U.S. Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson, addressing the U.N. General Assembly, 1958

Shuttle-Mir Phase 1 was a NASA program encompassing 11 Space Shuttle flights over a four-year period from 1995 to 1998. Its goal was to build joint space experience and start joint scientific research.

Cosmonaut Valeri Korzun and Astronaut John Blaha Cosmonaut Valeri Korzun and Astronaut John Blaha
American astronauts lived on board the Mir space station with the Russian cosmonaut crews for up to 6 months at a time. The missions were highlighted by crew exchange and re-supply trips from the Space Shuttle to the Mir station. NASA learned how to successfully dock the Shuttle with the Mir, which was advantageous to our knowledge of docking techniques and systems that we are now using with the ISS.

A fire and a spacecraft crash during Phase 1 helped NASA  learn ways of coping with emergency situations and helped  lead to new training methods, safety precautions, emergency procedures, and structural and design concerns for use on the ISS.

Cosmonaut Nicolai Budarinon

Cosmonaut Nicolai Budarin on on the Mir

NASA and Russian engineers, designers, technicians, and flight crews worked together to achieve a common goal melding their different work styles into a unified plan. The Shuttle-Mir Program was a complicated program incorporating the very different working styles and philosophies of the U.S. and Russian space agencies and their international partners.

The Russian space station Mir provided the long-duration living and working quarters for the international flight crews. It was constantly renewed, updated, and resupplied to keep it in good condition. The collision of a Progress cargo vessel with the Spektr module in 1997 resulted in the loss of that module.  However, joint efforts to locate the source of the leak and figure out ways to repair it allowed crews and engineers to gain experience working in a difficult and dangerous situation.

NASA astronauts underwent specialized training before living on board Mir. As a prerequisite for the assignment, they had to acquire cosmonaut certification training in Star City, at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center. They  learned to speak Russian and attained proficiency with the experiments they would perform. The first American to live on board Mir reported feelings of loneliness and isolation, and steps were taken to prevent that happening to his successors. 
Astronaut Norman E. Thagard
Astronaut Norman E. Thagard in a cosmonaut space suit in the Training Simulator Facility at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (Star City)

These experiences have led to greater understanding of the psychological as well as the physical stresses of long-duration space flight.

Both United States and international microgravity science partners used the facilities aboard Mir to conduct investigations in fluid physics, combustion, biotechnology, and materials science. The microgravity facilities aboard the Mir space station included furnaces, a glovebox, and a system to isolate experiments from the station's vibration environment.

This Phase 1 Program maintained a continuous presence in space and developed the procedures and hardware required for international partnerships in space.

Astronaut Shannon Lucid Astronaut Shannon Lucid aboard the Shuttle Atlantis after her 6 months on board Mir
Crew of STS-79 Crew of STS-79 and Mir-22
The Shuttle-Mir Program sought to answer vital questions about the future of human life in space. Crews could experience real-life issues that might arise with more serious consequences aboard the International Space Station.
Designing, building, and staffing the International Space Station are big jobs. The Phase 1 participants drew from the experience and resources of many nations to make it happen. The Shuttle-Mir experience taught them how to work together and learn from one another.
Astronauts Shannon Lucid and John Blaha on Mir
Astronauts Shannon Lucid and John Blaha on Mir


Mir offered a unique opportunity for long-duration data gathering. Station designers are used Mir as a test site for space station hardware, materials, and construction methods. Mir astronauts conducted scientific investigations into biological and material studies in microgravity. NASA-Mir scientists sought to answer vital questions about how humans, animals and plants function in space, how our solar system originated and developed, how we can build better technology in space, and how we can build future space stations. 


Click here for some great animations of the Space Shuttle Discovery docking with the Mir and some 36- views of the Mir space station.

Click here for more on international cooperation in space flight.


"The most valuable contribution of Phase 1 has been the way it brought U.S. and Russian personnel together."

-Astronaut Frank Culbertson, Phase 1 Program Manager

In 1994-1995, Mir cosmonaut Valery Polyakov set the record for the longest space mission - 483 days.

Between 1992 and 1999, cosmonaut Sergei Avdeyev racked up 747 days on Mir in three missions - the longest total time a human has spent in space.

Mir cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyov made 16 spacewalks totaling 77 hours, another space record.


The crews of the Shuttle/Mir flights were:

Norman Thagard
Mir 18 crewmember
Launch - March 14, 1995 (Soyuz TM-21)
Landing - July 7, 1995 (STS-71)

Shannon Lucid
Mir 21 crewmember
Launch - March 22, 1996 (STS-76)
Landing - September 26, 1996 (STS-79)

Mike Foale
Mir 23/24 crewmember
Launch - May 15, 1997 (STS-84)
Landing - October 5, 1997 (STS-86)

Astronaut Mike Foale returns from Mir

Astronaut Mike Foale
returns from Mir

John Blaha
Mir 22 crewmember
Launch - September 16, 1996 (STS-79)
Landing - January 22, 1997 (STS-81)

Jerry Linenger
Mir 22/23 crewmember
Launch - January 12, 1997 (STS-81)
Landing - May 24, 1997 (STS-84)
Astronaut Dave Wolf
Astronaut Dave Wolf hands over to Astronaut Andy Thomas
David Wolf
Mir 24 crewmember
Launch - September 25, 1997 (STS-86)
Landing - January 31, 1998 (STS-89)

Andy Thomas
Mir 24/25 crewmember
Launch - January 22, 1998 (STS-89)
Landing - June 12, 1998 (STS-91)
The Soyuz spacecraft docked with Mir The Soyuz spacecraft docked with Mir Click here for an interview with Andy Thomas on board the Mir.

Read more stories by the astronauts and cosmonauts about the experience.

Check out the profiles of the Russian Mir commanders and flight engineers.

Click on any of the below links for many great videos from the Shuttle-Mir Phase 1 program.

STS-91 Videos

STS-81 Videos

Mir-24 Crew

Click to enlarge photo.

Cosmonaut Pavel V. Vinogradov, Mir-24 flight engineer; Cosmonaut Salizan S. Sharipov, Shuttle payload specialist representing the Russian Space Agency (RSA); Cosmonaut Anatoliy Y. Solovyev, Mir-24 commander - wearing the space helmet; and Astronaut Andrew S. W. Thomas

Click here to visit the S/MORE Shuttle/MIR Online Research Experience site. S/MORE is a K-12 project providing a behind-the-scenes look at the life sciences research conducted in space aboard the Mir station. Although S/MORE is no longer interactive, the archive is still available indefinitely.


Check out this video of Norm Thagaard on the Mir.  More videos from all the Mir flights (and from spaceflight history!)

When Mir launched on February 20, 1986, it was the ultimate symbol of the heroic success of the Soviet space program.  On March 23, 2001, Mir disintegrated in a flaming shower of debris as ground controllers forced the aging space station back to Earth.  

It cost the Russian Space Agency $4.2 billion to build and maintain and weighed about 143 tons. The station orbited the Earth more than 80,000 times, served as a base for 23,000 science experiments and hosted 104 people, including 42 cosmonauts; astronauts from the United States, Britian, France, Germany, and other countries.  Forty-six expeditions were carried out on Mir. 

Questions to think about:

  • The fire on board the Mir contributed a lot of smoke to the cabin before it was extinguished.  How could you train astronauts to be prepared for this kind of fire and smoke contingency?
  • The crash of the Progress vehicle into the Mir space station caused a cabin leak. Luckily, the crew had time to seal off the module from the rest of the space station  How would you train astronauts to be prepared for a sudden cabin leak contingency?
  • How would you design the modules of the space station to compensate for possible cabin leaks due to crashes or micrometeorite debris?

NEXT... Shuttle Triumphs and Tragedies (pg. 6 of 8)

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