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Russian Mir

Author:      cary chien
Could someone give the dimensions of the Russian Space Station Mir?  How big
is it?  Is it luxurious; comfortable?  When is the US building their
version of the Mir?

Response #:  1 of 1
Author:      samuel p bowen
Most of us do not have mir data accessible, so the thing to do is go to the
library and look up articles on this.  Or you could go to spacelink here on
Newton and get some data there.  Actually the most interesting question is
how you would design a space station and to decide what it would weigh.  How
much material for the walls, how much space and weight is needed for air,
water, food, clothing, computers people, sleeping space, energy, heat, etc. 
What kind of size and weight would you have in your design.  If you start
with a car sized object you are at about 2000 pounds?  This would be a good
project to do first before you compare with the real space stations.

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