30. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Jarrrr~~r, 1907 half. In the western provinces the precipitatlon was all snow, which in Columbia the amount in inany localities was considerable; even coast some localities was a few inches more than the usual quantity and in statious similar to New Westminbter report continuous sleighing thru- others a few inches less. In Ontario the precipitation was above the out the month, which is most unusual. I n the western Provinces, owing average amount in the Lake Superior region and in the Peninsula of to the long-continued cold weather, the snow which cobered the ground Ontario, and much below again in the eastern portion of the province, at the close of 1906, with the addition of that which fell in January, uow Kingston recording anegativedepartrire of 1.5 inches, Ottawa 1.1 inches, amounts to a depth of from 10 to over 30 inches, a marked contrast to and Rocliliffe 1.1 inches. In Quebec it was slightly in excess o f the the conditions prerailing in January last year, when in some localities average in the eastern portion and deficient elsewhere. In the Maritime. the ground was hare of snow and in others it was but lightly covered. Provinces it was everywhere below the average, except in one or two Iu Ontario, in the Lake Superior district, and in far northern localities, isolated localities, where it was slightly above; the chief positive de- the snow on the ground varies from 18 to 24 inches, elsewhere from 3 to partures were St. ,John, 1.6 inches, aud Fredericton, 1.3 inches. 1U inches. I n Queliec it varies from 18 to 21: inches in the western por- At the close of the month the whole Domiuioii was snow co\ ered, the tion, to 46 and 18 inches in the eastern portiou. In the Maritime Prov- depth on the ground differing inaterially with the districk Iu 13ritish iuws it is fmm 4 tlJ 11 iuches, aud very locally 18 inches. ___ ~ __ ~~~~ DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. By Mr. P. C. DAY, Assistant Chief, Division of Meteorological Records. Table I gives the data ordiuarily needed for climatologic,al studies for about 162 Weather Bureau stations making simul- taneous observations a t 8 a. m. and S 11. m., sevent,y-fiftli meridian time daily, and for about 36 others making only one observation. The altitudes of the instruments above ground are also given. Table I1 gives, for about 2800 stations occupied by coopera- tive observers, the absolute maximum and minimum tempera- tures of the month, the mean temperature deduced from the average of all the daily maxima and minima, or other readings, as indicated by the numeral following the name of the station, the total monthly precipitation, and the total depth in inches of any snow that may have fallen. When it is possible that there may have been snow of which no record has been made, that fact is indicated by leaders, thus (. . . .). Table I11 gives, for all regular stations, the four component directions and the direction resultant of the wind based on the twice-daily observations, taken at S a. iu. and 8 p. m., respectively, or upon a single observation at a lilnit,ed number of the less important stations, and without considering t,he velocity. Stations taking but a single observation daily are indicated in the table by appropriate references. The total wind moveiiient for the whole month, for each st,a- tion, is given in Table I. Table IV gives a record of precipitation the intensity of which a t some period of the storm’s continuance equaled or exceeded the following rates: Diiratiun, iuiuiites .._...._. ....._.___ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6lJ Eatrsperhonr (iuvhes) ..._........... 3.00 ].SO 1.40 1.20 1.05 1.00 0.94 11.90 0.8: (l.Q4 0.40 In cases where no storm of sufficient intensity to entitle i t to a place in the fill1 table has occurred, the greatest precipitu- tion of any single storm has been given, also the greatest hourly. fall during that storm. Table V gives, for about 30 stations of the Canadian lllet,e- orological Service, the means of pressure and temperature, total precipit#ation and depth of snowfall, and the respective departures from normal values, except in the case of snowfall. Table VI gives the heights of rivers referred to zeros of gages. These zeros are arbitrarily fiist. but, as (t rule, are set a t the plane of lowest water, if possible. The river gages are read once daily (8 a. m., seventy-fifth iiieridian time), and in times of emergency more freynently. The table shows tlie highest and lowest of all readings taken, the meane of the regular daily readings, ancl the absolute inon thly ranges. Chart I.-Hyclrographs for seven principal rivers of the United States. Chart 11, tracks of centers of high &rem, and Chart 111, tracks of centers of low areas. The roman numerals show number and chronological order of the centers. The figures within tlie circles show the clays of the month; the letters n and IJ incli- cate, respectively, the observations at S a. m. and S p. m., seventy-fifth meridian time. M’ithin each circle is also given (Chart 11) the highest barometric reading and (Chart 111) the lowest reading reportetl at or near the center a t that time, and in both cases as reduced to sea level ancl standard gravity. The scale of shades showing the depth is given on the chart. Where the monthly amounts are too small to justify shading, and over sections of the country 11 here the stations are too widely separated, or the topography is too diversified to warrant reasonable accuracy in shading, the actual depths are given for a liliiited number of representa- tive stations. hilolints less than 0.005 incli are indicated by tlie letter ‘‘ T,” and no precipitatiuu by 0. Chart V.-Percentage of clear sky between sunrise and sun- set. The average cloudiness at each Weather Bureau station is determined by niimerous personal observations between sun- rise am1 sunset. The difference between the observed cloucli- ness and 100 is assumed to represent the percentage of clear sky, and the values thus ohtaiuecl are the basis of this chart, which does not relate to the nighttime. Chart VI.-Isobars and isotherms at sea level and surface wind resultnnts. The prefisures have been reduced to sea level and standard gravity 1). the method described by Prof. Frank H. Bigelow on pages 13-16 of the RETIEW for January, 1902. The pressures have also been reduced to the mean of the twenty-four hours by the application of a suitable correction to the mean of the S a. m. and 8 1). m. readings, a t stations taking two observations daily. and to the 8 a. m. or 8 p. m. observation, respectively; at stations taking 1Jnt a single ob- servation. The diurnal corrections SO applied will be found in Table 27, Volume 11, Annual Report of the Chief of Weather Bureau, 1900-1901, 111). 140-16-1. The isotherms on the sea-level plane have been constructed by means of the data summarized in chapter S of the Annual Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau for 1900-1901, Volume 11. The correction to - t, or temperature on the sea- level plane minus the station temperature, as given by Table 48 of the above report, is added to the observed surface tempera- ture to obtain the atloptecl sea-level temperature. The surface wind direction resultants are computed from observations at S a. m. and S 11. m. daily, or froin observations tat but one of those hours at stations taking a single observa- tion only. The duration resultants are shown by figures at- tached to the arrows. This is based on the reports from regular and cooperative observers, ani1 shows the cleptli in inches ancl tenths of the F;nomfall during the month. I n general, the depth is shown by lilies indosing arem of equal mowfall. but in special cases figures are also given. Chiart YII1.-Depth of snow on groun(1 at the elid of month, erprest in inches and tenths. Chart 1V.-Total precipitation. Chart VIL-Total snowfnll. 31 J.~NUARY, 1907 MONTHI;P WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Climatological data for U. S. Weather Bicrenu stations, January, 1907'. _____ Elevation of 1 Pressure, inches. Precipitation, i n 1 Temperature of the air, i n degrees instnirnenta. Fahrenheit. i 6 1s 1 inches. Wind. ~~ Maximum 1 velocity. I- -~ Stations. 7G I 2 , i s 11 72 New &gland. Eastport.. ......... Port and, Me.. ..... Concord. ........... Buriinfton ......... North eld .......... Boston.. ........... Nantucket ......... Rlnck Island ....... I . 261 1 2. 97 - 0. 9 6. (15 1 + 1. 1 2.483 - 1.2 1.05 - 2.3 1.02 -n.8 l .4 $ I- 1 3 ........ ........ !I n5 1 IS i l 26 1 hlj 1- .... i 4 i 5 iI 77 H8 2.54 - 1.6 5.33 +l .6 3.3; I - I). 8 I 3.40 - 2.5 1 ~. 25 20 14 1 !I 18 "5 24 "G 21 2s 2 i 2!1 34 !!S ::A 35 39 4IJ 4s 21: 42 4* 42 16 48 ~~~~ Narrafanset.t, :: ...... .....I 9 I .. . Provicence ..... 160 57 67 Hartford.. .......... 1591122 1132 106 116 155 New Haven.. ...... .: Washington ........ 1121 59 76 Cape Henry ......... 18 11 1 58 Lynchburg .......... 681 83 . 88 Mount Weather.. ... 1,7251 10 57 Norfolk ............. 91 102 1111 Richmond ........... ~ 144 145 '153 Wytheville .......... 8. Aflanlic Slafcs. Aaheville ........... Charlotte. ............ Hatteras ............ 1 Raleigh ............. 376 Wilmington ........ 78' 81 91 Charleston .......... 46' 14 92 Columbia, 5. C .. .... Augusta .............. 18oi 89 , 97 Savannah ........... 65 81 1 89 Jacksonville.. ...... 43 101 1129 Jupiter .............. 28 IO -IS Key West.. ......... 22 10 1 53 SandKey ........... 1 25 41 il Tampa .............. 35 79 . 96 351 41 1 67 PloridaPrminaala. 1 1 29.4 + 0.6 26.1 '1 1.3 1 2 i .R 0 .3 "5.4 I+ n.:~ 56.2 t 3.4 22. 4 - IJ. S 24.2 + I . t i $2.2 I + 1 .i i sn. I; + IJ. 3 84.2 + 2 .2 2% 6 3R.0 !;'i:i' 36.2 + 1.8 ~ 36.6 , + 2. 5 :i i . 2 1 + 4. o 44.S ' t 4.6 ~ 43.1 + 6 .3 ~ :?2 4 1 .. ..... Jfi. 0 1 + 5. A 42.4 + 4,s $2. 2 +l0.1) 1 6 3 .0 I + 7.0 J!I. 5 4- n. 3 ~ 49. 6 i + 2. Y 5'2.2 t 5 .5 54. 7 + X. 1 59. 0 t a. 0 61.1 11 5 .9 68. 9 t 4. 2 ill. U + 1. 3 i l .4 + 1 7 i 1 .2 I ....:. 65.4 + 6.7 46.10 1 11.2 49.1 It 1 .3 2 .6 3 ........ 2.94 2.07 ' - 1.4 1.71 -1 .2 2.63 I t 0.4 3. 21: - u. s 2.61; - I . 0 2.1% - 0. i 3. 56 1L.iJ:Y 30.25 + 1\ 30.19 I + 110 30. 2.? + . 13 30.25 + 15 I 30.24 I + :I ; 30.21 + ,l - 30.24 + .13 30.26 1 + . I4 30. "3 + I I 130.13 29.22 29.31 ~ 30.13 20.24 :?o, I O ... i 4 73 i 6 i 3 i 2 -., I i) ... -. ' rb i ... _- 1.7 xfi 75 I , 9'' I.._ ...... 2.79 - 1. (1 2.6s - 1.2 ' 3. 14 ,- (1. 2 2.54 - 1 .0 11. 72 ' - 3.5 11.9s - 3.0 ' 2.64 ...... 1. (13 - ?. 8 1 .2 - l .i 11. 115 - 2. 1 0.76 - 3.4 0 .5 - 4. I 0.51 -4 .6 I . 23 - 2 .4 0. 92 - 3 .0 0. ae - 3. 1 1~.411 - :Lo 0. S i I- 3 .6 0.5s - 2 .i 1.4IJ - 4 .5 ... 42 81 SS 71; SR ' i 0 78 s3 , i 5 , s2 IS 65 16 24' :Is 33 $2 1 30.21 29.M 30. uti 1 30.19 30.21 1311.19 130.16 i 30. 211 3n.i:j 311.26 +.I 1 3 0 .3 + .0!I 30.26 + .I 1 30.26 + . 11 30 22 + .I 2 30.1s I + .os 30.16 I- .O f i , 30.24 + .I ? 1 3U.26 It .I 1 1 n. 14 - :i. 1 0: 46 - 2 :i 0. SI - 3. I n.11 -2 .0 22 F Y ' lil 10 ......... 11 65 63 29 ss , 54 0. 2d ....... 0. 46 - 2 .2 2.37 - 4.6 ~ 1 ,I, - 4. n Emf Gulf Slalrs. Atlanta. ............ 1,1748l'JO 1216 ~ 29.0n 1 30.26 + 1 1 Macon .......... ....' 370~ 55 66 29.86 30.2ti + :lO , Thomasville ........ 8 ' 57 29.96 30.21; 1 + . 10 i Pensacoln ........... '2 79 I 96 An 17 1 30.23 + .og S i . 4 t 9. 6 52. 11 + !I. 5 55. s 1 + 9. 6 59. 9 1 + !I. 2 GO. 5 + 8. 0 53. 2 +l l 5 54.2 :+ s:5 60.5 I-10.0 5 i .0 + 3.i 56. 2 + !I. 2 54.4 !+l l .l 63. 2 + 11. 4 66.8 +10.1 57.2 ~+1 1 .3 42. s ...... 48.0 1 1 1 .9 , ~- 50.4 1 % 9 .6 ' 71; I 141 SY ~ I S 1 261 ?2 .. 6701106 ,114 29 4n x0.12 .nn , ~ 31 , I I , 65 20 2fi 44 i 4 , IS fi6 9s 26 5s . . 20 48 1 53 1 3U. 10 1 30.12 t . 02 63. 8 C R R i.5 ' 19 69 ; :Xj 26 sn 1 13' 66 :s I 21; ~ SI 11 ;n 26 52 .I ~2 , 1x1 L:; '?I;! .IS 32 ~ 4 i 42 32 53 5o 31 ._.._. "5 , ... I ..:: ;; 1 . ....... 4!1 2s 56 31 .il 23 51 27 ' 53 22 1 5s ....... 1 .3 -1 .2 0. so - 2.4 4.05 - 0 .6 ; 3. IS - 2.u I 3. 9fi - 1. a Anniston ........... 741 9 1 58 ' 19:i7 Birmingham .... ..; 7001136 ' 1 4 4 ' "9 1A Mobile .............. 57l 98 '106 1 30: 16 Yont omery 2'23,100 '112 , 30.00 Yerianu .... ::::::::I 3751 84 193 129.53 30.38 + 1 i? 30.26 I + .I O 30.?2 i- .0 i 30.26 + ,10 30.23 1 + . 0 i 1 45 53 2. :I1 - 2.4 1. 34) - 3. 6 2. 2:; - 2. 9 1.69 - 3. R 2. 14 - 3.0 2.11 - I. 2 Vickeburg.. ......... 2471 62 74 29.93 30. 21 I + .06 New Orleans ........ 51 88 121 30 15 30 21 + .O S w88f Gulf d n f s r . 1 1 1 ' 1 ' :io , 52 35 .. 33 43 24 4 i R2 fiO 23 6n 23 , R:! 2s I .54 33 I .. . 30 , 46 36 1 43 32 47 33 45 34 !._. Shrewport:. y . ...... ., 2491 77 1 54 1 19. y 1 30: 18 1 + .n 4 I Bentonville. ....... I 1,303 11 44 28 73 30 I 6 + ,(I? Fort Smith.. ........ 4571 79 94 "9 65 30.14 .0 0 LittleRock ......... 1 357 93 1100 1 k :S 0 130.19 I + .04 1 o .n ~ - 2 .6 4.73 ..... 2.44 1 0.1 R. 2 i + 3. 4 (1.17 - 2. ti 10.51 - 1 .4 1.44 - 2 .2 1.13 - 3.2 (I.SII - O.!) 0.36 ..... 6.13 + 1.9 1.33 I - 4.5 1.29 I- 4.2 5i 4 + 9:: hlveston ........... I 54'106 liii I io,'ii ~ 3 0 .i i ' + :n i 62.1 I + 9.4 Palestine.. .......... 510' 73 1 79 I 29. (io I 30. I:? . + ,O I 5 i . i 8+13. g Ssn Antonio ......... 701 80 . 91 29. 36 XII. 11.1 I .nil ~ 60. 6 + 9. n Taylor.. ........... .I 6831 55 1 63 1 39.50 1 3u. I ? t . 01 11 9 8 Y 4s 50 $2 3s 44 42 3:v 29 x:! 2$ 24 31 31 1" I 1 5.5(lS fi,Sl9 14 ,.5S!I 4d.3 '+10.5 511. 2 ~+111.:3 44. s t 12. I; 40.4 I <.s 3'2 ... 30 . 31 XL' :?6 , 31; 3 i 1 31 51 1 32 35 I 35 41.0 't &!I 40.2 1 ....... 34.2 + 5.9 3s. 4 + 5. 9 33.5 I + a 1 34.7 + 4. 1 37.1 t 4 .3 27.9 ' + 5 .1 27.0 1 I 1.6 25.5 + I . 1. 12. 3 22.8 lI'i:i, 24. s + 0. 9 22.R ..... "I. 2 + 2.8 2% 5 + 3. x 29. 6 j 3. 1 2S.4 ' 2 .2 2li.0 i 1 .5 20.1 + _. 0 14.6 c 0. 6 18.1 I $0 .," a - 0. 4 7.4 19 511 4 26 x" ... s. i n ...... SR I 7.6s A 4 .7 i S 1 S.40 ' + 4.9 'iil 5. i s + 2.4 i 9 1 5.5s + 2.4 SI I 7.90 + 4.4 SI 8.S2 I + 5.0 85 4.18 I + 1.5 s5 4. 2:: + 1. " 2. I 2 ...... s 7 ' ~ 3.21 +0.S 83 2. ,4 - 0.4 .. 2 .5 s ...... 4.51 + 1.2 S6 3,s; + 1.9 84 2.66 + 0.6 s.5 1. 14 - I . 3 SI) 1.99 + n.4 S5 4.18 1 1.5 69 ' 191 44 0 ~ 27' 26 71 :I 47 I- 6 2 S 2s 71 19 46 - 1 27 27 44 25 4; 34 4s ' 24 21 31 21 19 46 ... .I . .. .?8 I 22 20 3s :.. ..... !' G ' 'ij 41 ' 25 ''2 50 2; 24 43 28 25 41 1;s ' l!l' 36 - 3 tj; 'I 37 -2 IM 1 !I :i6 - 2 fin ]:I ;;2 -2 i ::6 n .. I ..I .. ' 32 a m c * 02 $e- gz Q W 8; ;% F 9 h MONTHLY WEATKER REVZEW. TABLE I.--Climatologteal data jor U. 8. Weather Bureau s t a t i m , January, 1907-Continued. aT Z ! E l i o l a4 a0 :j JANUARY, 1997 784 963 1,324 11 78 98 Elevation of instruments. Prensure, in inches. P r e c i itstion, i n Lches. ~- - & 01 :I El: 01 El.: !{ 4 - 162 74 116 I20 61 I10 142 86 47 57 57 44 44 !08 79 87 78 58 79 101 17 77 93 64 45 92 09 !I7 84 95 104 47 89 a 21 w 64 75 67 57 44 45 56 34 w 64 36 48 51 36 86 47 54 86 47 54 49 57 57 110 39 44 56 46 42 63 20 56 43 110 56 51 58 86 51 M 10 79 56 29 !24 .20 57 06 57 - c) a * a M d ,z .o t -c - t L - nw. 11 W'. \\'. w . e . w. w . w. nw. IIW. IlW. w. 11. W. I I W . 11. 11w. I L W . I I W . ',\I.. nw. nw. 11. Il\V. Btatlons. - a r,. )a >0 .s 1 - SO 27 35 46 60 39 41 48 34 50 38 48 37 45 33 3% 36 38 2.3 26 30 43 5a - d t b' .- c - \v . Ye. PK. w. 55.. \v . w. w. IIW. 52. IlW. I I W . 11. !\'. U'. \v. w. n\v. IIW. I1W. w. IIW. \Y. 29.38 29.39 29.33 29.46 29.45 29.2i 29.43 29.47 28.89 29.18 2s. 35 38.52 28.09 ..... 29.25 29.39 89.05 29.08 29.51 29.27 29.44 29.51 29.81 29. 62 29.48 29.60 29.56 29.30 29.13 28.71 29.08 28.86 28.97 27.32 23. 93 28.46 28.76 28. s3 27. 40 27.53 25.74 26. R9 26 57 23. 57 24.51 23.71 27.11 24.62 25.20 28.64 27. .13 28.69 28 27 26.25 29.08 26.32 26.22 23.21 23.29 2s. a7 29.90 25.96 25.38 23.97 25.55 24.55 25.58 23.61 35.36 26.36 27.14 29.23 25.42 27.94 25.99 29 51 .... 2s. an ' / 3.74 I + 0.8.1 ?2 17,751 2.82 ...... 26 5,417 1 .i 6 I - 0.3 20 1 Y 075 16 1 $$24 ,? I: PO, 30.18 I + .12 30.16 I + .11 30.18 1 + : 12 30.19 + .1 6 30.19 + .U9 30.17 I + 13 3n.zn It .i 2 23.7 I- 0.1 14.2 1 - 1.8 27.8 17 4.4 15.2 + 1 0 2.8 1 - 7:3 1 2 .3 , ..... 23. 6 - 1. '3 I t . 4 2.9 32.4 1 + 3. 0 56 1 19' RO 1 GI) 191 311 -5 36 ~ 19 IS 1-21 34 31 14 1-20 59 71 34 - 3 38 1 3' 20 1-10 50 I 19 2i I - !I Houghton ......... Muquette. .......... Port Huron ........ h u l t Bte. Narie.. ... Chicago ............. Milwaukee.. ....... Green Bay.. ........ Duluth ............. North Dakota. Moorhead. .......... Bismarck ........... Devils Lake.. ....... Williston .......... nu^ Mis+ Valley. nnea 011s 8t. pau?. ... : : : :: 11 : La Crosse .......... Charles City ........ Davenport .......... Des Noines ......... Cairo ............... La Salle.. ........... Pmda .............. 8 ringfield, I l l .. .... Ifannibal ........... St. Louis ........... Miirsouri Valley. Columbia, 310. ...... Kansas City ........ Spriugdeld, No ..... 1018 ................. Topeka ............. Llncoln ............. Omaha. ............. Valentine .......... Sioux City .......... Pierre .............. Huron ............. Ysnkton ........... Nwlhcm Slope. EIavre .............. Miles City .......... Helena ............. Kalis 11 ............ RapiGit y .......... Cheyenne .......... Lander ............. Yellowstone Park.. . North Platte ........ Middle Slope. Denver ............. Pueblo.. ............ Coneordia .......... Dod e .............. Oklahoma .......... &ulhem Blope. Abilene ............ Amarillo.. .......... Del Rio ............ Roswell.. ........... $buthem Plateau. El Paso.. ........... Santa Fe ............ Flagstaff ........... Phoenix ............ Yuma .............. Inde ndence ...... &le plclteau. Reno. ............... Tonopah ............ Winnemuecs ...... Modena ............ Durango . ...I.. ..... Grand unction .... Northern Plateau. Baker City.. ........ Boise ............... Lewiston ........... Pocatello ........... Spokane ............ Walla Walla ....... N. Poo. Cbaai Reg. North Head.. ....... 1'01% Crencent ....... Seattle. ............. Tacoma ............. Tatoosh Island. ..... Portland Oreg.. .... Rosebur; ........... Madinon ............. DK"lUrg. ........... ............. Wichita ............ 9a1t Lake City ...... 3.06 t 1.0 2. % + n. 5 4-21 IC 2 .1 I I Y C "I 19 '10:t,62 15 I 8.648 IF, 7,571 1.3 110,644 2:n4 I + 0 .i 2. l i 1 + (I. 3 1.07 1 0.0 30. 17 30.20 + .11 + .l l !01 5 61 20' 7. 13 8 to, 71 121 121 5. ,113:2 1.18 I + 0.6 1.50 I + 0.k 1.01 + 0.4 1 .A i 1 ....... 1.113 +0 .4 30. ?R 1 + .14 311.26 I + .I S 30.24 I + .I ? 30.23 ,+ .12 3.46 t 1.7 0.41 - (1.2 U.!I3 I t 0. 1 12 1 5594 I I , , ':il ...... 30,21 l r "." 3lJ.21 I + .i n T .IO 30.20 I + .IO 30. "2 1 + .os 30.20 + .OR 30. 22 t . 0.q 30.25 I + .I 1 30.22 1 + .08 31). 21 + . 16 30.22 + 11 30.20 I + :OS 30.19 + .06 30.20 I + .07 30. IS + .n 4 .. , 11 5,341 10 I 7,0J? I;, 541 5,865 fi, 07' 5,405 5, :34i 7, i73 G , 203 6 740 1 I I W . 6, lil3 R.O;il 6:999 1 nw. 1.61 I + 0.3 l.8!1 +0 .2 1. 1x + 0. 1 0. n: 0. 5 1 .2 0. I) 5 .0 i + 3.4 7 .7 i + 4 .0 3.55 I + 1,s s 12 9 12 14 15 1 3 15 14 I6 16 13 21 1s I2 9 10 6 5 11 11 I 13 14 i n 4.46 l.'.... .. 5.39 1 . ...... 6.17 I + 4.1 5.17 +".!I 7.35 + 5 .2 2.21 I + 1.3 11. 9. se. nw. Lie. Il?. 11. 11. 11. 11w. nw. I l W . nw. 114. e . II \I.. w . c. w. ne. R . ire. ne. s. IlW. n. S P . ne. P. s. s. 20.8 It 0.6 35.0 30.0 l+'i;i 21.9 1 - n. 3 "0.3 I + 1 1 6,488 4 ,6 i 0 6,236 ,,G I 1 7, 055 7,3S1 O,3i4 6,310 !I 086 6: Yi2 8, 104 $, x41 30.16 t .n3 30.21 1 + .O A 30.15 + .01 30. IS 1 + .04 6.11 ....... il. 61 , 0. 0 I1.4I 0.2 0.85 1; 0 .3 3.0s I + 2.1 (I. 53 1 - 0.2 0. ;;G - n. 2 1.22 #I n. 7 0.60 1 0.0 0. 84 + 0.2 I. i8 I + 0.8 1. 'LS , t n. 7 1.29 1 - 0.1 0.31 1 n. o 0. -13 1 n. o 2 .4 4 1 ....... 2.01 ........ 0.48 + 0. 1 ............ 30.19 I $- .04 30.21 1 + .Mi 30.151 #+ .07 30.x i + .07 30.25 , + . 12 30. 26 + , 10 30.23 + .O i 14.6 1: 2 .3 15.0 1. 3 6.0 11 6 .7 4.2 1- 2 .8 12.8.1- 1.4 11.6 :- 6.9 - 8.3 17. 7 2.8 I: 7.8 36 1 liw. 23 rw. 36 1 sty. 49 ' nw. 39 SI!'. 39 U 28 , nw. 36 1 nw. 39 nw. 34 1 sw. 41 1 liw. JF, 1 n i ;a 4. 4,683 3,510 8 4% 5,433 2: 641; 6, 621; 6 .9 :-lo. L' 31). ii 1 ' 100 30.21 1 + .l l 30.00 - .05 31). 06 1 - . 06 30. 06 ' - . 08 11.8 1 ...... 12.4 - 7,s 28.3 i 3 3 19.4 1 - 0:5 5 I li 9 7 ti 8 J 14 R 9 9 5 G 14.8 1 31. 8 + 3.6 :?.9 -a. 8 + + ti 2: 2 G 31. G + 5. 0 S3.6 I + 3.0 41.7 + 4. 7 61.6 t 9 .2 53.0 +-lo. 2 41.: + 1 2 50.- I + 5:7 32.9 + 5 0 26.6 I i n 30.19 + .07 I 0.39 I- 0.1 1.02 1 + 0 .3 0.46 - 0.1 11.2s - n. 1 (I. 71 I + 0. 1 0.28 ' - n. 2 2.97 1 + 2.0 0.97 li 0.3 1.42 0.0 1.44 f 0.5 1.11 + 0.4 0.07 1 ...... I lis I I 5, LW2 5, S4!l 4 405 6,73? 1;: be2 2, (H3 6, GY5 6, 161) 4,51F, 9,467 231 45 4 23.4s 111 11 43 5 101 82 I Y 7, J'L i 50.02 .03 29.97 30.18 1; ::: 30.13 + .W2 30.17 I + .04 63 i 3 ti6 1 .w. 12 (+ .n i 30.10 I + .01 30.04 1 - .0 2 3o.w + 02 29. 99 1- 05 30.02 It . 01 311. 06 + . 0'2 3n. 02 I-. . n3 30. ns + . (12 yo. 05 .O(J 30.04 I- .os 30.02 ~ - .05 3Y I nw. 39 1 5w. SP. 4G 11\v. " l ' .>l ., ... 1 1 ... R I fi. 1145 SI.? + i. 9 29.0 ' t 0 9 53.8 1 - 0.4 33.6 - 4 .8 24.2 1:- 216 5 1 2 31s 3 1 4:026 3 1 4'237 1 $2 I e . 150 *w. I i 6 1 II\\'. 14 4e. 36 I PW. 36 ' I'IF. 54 I 44 sn I 30.13 ..... 30.04 1 - .I ? 30.05 - 05 30:07 1 + .0'2 30.00 I- . 06 30 03 1- : 1" 2i.2 I ...... '17. n I n.n .... , -- 24.0 - 5. 1 29.0 t 2 3 30.6 ~ t 2.7 35.0 I t i o 24.4 i- a.3 i 48.3 + 0.5 4!1 an. 2 1 + 2. a ~ 54 1 25.7 I-10.2 I 4!I 24.5 1 t 5.4 4Y 1 18. s 1 - 5. 7 36.1 I- 4 .1 ~ 1 38. 4 '- 2. 5 HI. Y 3. i 1 53 1 3:3. s 1~ 7. n 53 ~ 33. 6 4 .1 , 55 36.6 11 4.0 1 4Y 1 34.0 4 4 55 37.8 I= 2: 5 I 58 I 23.8 ,- 6 .7 ii s7 30.05 - .12 30.05 1 - 11 30.08 I- . 12 30.08 0.1 30.10 1: 05 30.07 1 - :on I 29.92 13 29.97 I: :02 29.99 -- .OS 29.97 1- .13 29.69 29.41 JANUARY, 1907. 34.06 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.- Climatological data for U. 8. Wepeather Bureau &tione, Janwty, 1907-Continued. 3 0 .1 2 +.0 9 74.2 ...... t .04 73.4 -- 1.8 .......................... .......................... 33 84 80 28 81 10 78 .......... .......... Ashville .................. Auburn .................. Bermuda ................. Bridgeport.. ................... Camphlll ....................... Cedar Bluff.. ................... Citmnelle ................ Clanton .................. Cordova .................. Daphne .................. Decatur .................. Eufau a ................. Flomaton ............... Florence ................. Qadsden ................. Qoodwater ............... Boligee ................... Demopolis ..................... Fort Deposit ............. Qreansboro.. ............. Quntersville ................... Hamilton ............... Hi6hland Home.. ........ Livin stou ............... Luc ..................... Lock 80.4 ............... 75 74 25 79 26 80 23 80 i 9 80 s1 79 74 80 78 77 90 80 i 7 781 78 75 76 81, T. ... 32 25 7 Bisbee .................... 64 Ronitn. ......................... Bowie. ................... 72 Buckeye ................. .I 76 Chlarsons Mill.. ......... ., 47 22 Oneonta ................. Opelika .................. Prettville ...................... Pushmataha ............ Riverton ................. Scottsboro ............... Selma. .................. ,pnn Hill.. .............,..... 'h;mfega ................ Thomaaville .............. Tuscaloosa ............... Tuscumbla ............... uniontown ............... Valleyhead ............... Vienna.. ....................... Wetumpka .............. ............ 76 80 84 76 74 81 . 82 78 79 76 81 78 so 77 S4 in inches I Temperature of the air, in degrees Fahrenheit. Elevation of instruments. A O d += g : :E 3 14 41 19 15 36 15 15 44 18 I8 36 28 6 40 21 13 43 16 6 39 30 15 46 11 21 39 29 2 44 28 2 46 23 6 41 37 Stations. - d E a ~ n. SQ. SW. 9. se. se. .... s. se. s. nw. se. ne. .... .... .... - d 3 .- z E - 33 28 34 27 31 36 28 38 30 35 35 30 62 63 ... ... - i i - 36 56 66 30 40 32 58 24 !B 33 24 .. 32 - Mid. poa. aaar Rug. Eureka ............. MountTamal a i s Point Re e8 l i g h t : : Red BluH ........... Bacramento ......... San Francisco ...... San Jose ............ Southeast Farallou.. s. m. cbadl &g. Fresno.. ............ 30.00 -.l o 46.4 + 0.4 30.02--.09 39.4 ...... 29.98 ! ....... I 47.6 45.7 I-1.1 -1.1 84 44 41 82 38 36 90 40 38 85 43 40 83 44 42 82 ........... 6.81 + 0.8 10.40 + 2.8 24 4,631 6.28 ....... 21 14,158 5.50 - 0.6 25 15,184 6.10 + 1.4 15 4.085 4.63 + 0.8 17 6,319 4.41 - 0.3 21 5,931 4.61 ....... 19 ...... 4.48 ...... 21 11,913 6.60 + a. 8 8.34 + 2.0 14 3,178 7.02 + 4.1 16 3,479 3.27 + 1.2 13 4.320 8.78 + 4.1 16 3,519 7.3 3 8 20 7.6 5 3 23 7.9 5 10 16 6.9 3 2 26 8.3 7 5 19 7.0 5 6 20 7.2 6 4 21 6.9 7 7 17 6.8 6.4 8 1 22 7.4 4 13 14 6.7 14 3 14 5.3 9 2 20 6.4 ............ 13 16 2 a.8 ............. ............. 29.93 27.51 29.46 29.66 29.97 29.87 29.89 29.99 49.70 29.69 29. Y6 29.85 30.11 29.98 ...... ...... 9. 8. se. nw. se. se. se. nw. e. ne. 8. 8 . I1Q. IIW. 69 I 221 48 fi9llOfi 1117 .... 1 ....I... .......... 79 44 40 81 46 41 72 48 45 78 46 44 85 11 6 20 821 48 1 90 24 68 ... 3OI 69 I 13 Qrand Turk ........ Ban Joan ........... Panama. Ancon .............. Naos ................ 2.77 ....... 20 ...... 3.64 + 0.7 22 10,512 ....................... ....................... .......... ......... .......... 67 ~ 64 ~ 73 .......... .......... !I 74 ........ 40 ........ I I ...... TABLE II.--Climatoloyical record of cooperative obaervsrs, January, 1907. Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. I (Fahrenheit. ) Temperature. Precipib (Fahrenheit.) 1 tion. ~ 1 - s - 0 22 38 M 0 12 21 20 9 ..,. .... .... .... .... 19 23 20 15 7 19 -1 10 M 23 (1 8 18 8 -2 23 22 18 9 22 7 22 12 18 9 21 17 23 10 6 10 13 21 10 -8 22 .... .... .... .... .... .... ~ 3 4 - 0 73 60 69 68 76 76 78 78 .... .... .... ... .... 79 77 78 77 74 79 75 69 75 78 73 72 76 76 75 76 79 75 76 77 76 78 77 74 76 78 72 79 73 69 76 78 52 76 73 77 .... .... .... .... .... .... Stations. --- Stations. stations. i 3 - 0 .... 53. 8 47.8 45.7 47.0 50. 2 24.5 48. 1 43.6 47,o 47,o 49.1 50. 2 27.0 40.1 45.3 34.9 54.3 45.6 29.6 41.3 38.8 41.0 33.3 42. 1 60. 4 52. 4 55.8 .... .... .... .... .... .... 45.9 43. I 51. 5 0 .1 55.0 .... .... 3 1 2 30.9 48.0 44.8 34.6 53.5 41.6 46.7 46.8 51.0 46.6 46.3 87.2 51.4 .... d d ~ 0 .... 60.9 55.2 57.2 57.2 .... .... .... 60.4 54.2 53.4 61.4 51.2 54.4 57. 3 52.8 53. 7 53.0 53.8 55.8 52.4 57.8 62.9 52.2 58. 7 49.6 55. R 51.4 55.6 56.6 49.2 51.6 57.2 55. 4 54.7 62.6 51.6 57. 4 56.2 56.2 49.5 57.0 22.7 19. 4 13. 0 27.4 15.0 34.6 .... .... .... .... .... .... IM. 1.18 1.91 2.14 2.20 2. (17 1.35 2. 69 2.30 2.47 2.16 2. 75 2.65 1.04 1.7s 1.83 2. 30 3. 24 2. 72 1.50 2.55 2.37 1. 04 1.77 1.75 3.54 2.54 1.12 2. 06 2.44 2.35 2. 13 2.1Y 2. 17 3.13 1.52 1.74 1. 13 3.00 2.23 2.17 1.57 1.31 2.05 1.87 2.67 2.32 2. 17 ..... 8. 88 I . 40 0.53 2.36 0.46 1.00 Ins. 2.52 1. 34 2.56 5.36 4.48 3.53 1.06 6.05 2.65 3.08 2.93 2. 05 2. 77 1.94 2. 6X 3.47 2. 15 4.80 1.60 1.83 2.46 3.30 4.14 3. Y8 1. w 15.96 2. 61) 1.14 3. 74 1.36 1.07 0.40 4. 27 1.58 3.11 0. 13 1.56 1.02 3.39 1.35 3.06 1.85 0.89 2.00 2. 52 2.46 1.27 3.07 2.02 1.56 1.52 1.45 3.38 2. 00 1.76 3. n i Arizona-Cont'd. Upper San Pedro. ........ Val1 6 .................. Walnut Grove. ........... Willcox .................. Yarnell .................. Young. ................... Arkanraa. Alicia. ................... 2 3 e i p h i a . 1: 1: : 1 : 1 : 1 Arkansas City.. .......... Batesville ................ Beebranch .............. Black Rock ............... Calico Brinkley.. Rock.. ............... ........... Camden ................. Center Point. ............ Clarendon. ............... Conway. ................. Corning ................. Dardanelle .............. Des Arc .................. Dodd City.. .............. Dutton .................. Earl.. ................... Eldorado ................ Eureka Springs.. ........ Fayetteville. ............. Forrest City.. ........... Fulton ................... Ina. 7.5 4.0 8.5 20.0 10.0 3.6 T. T. 7,o ..... 1.0 2. 0 0. 5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.3 0.5 0. 5 1.8 1.0 1.5 0. 8 3.0 1.7 I. n 1. 1 1.5 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.8 2.0 T. 1'. T. T. 9.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 1.0 T. 0 47. 6 46.9 43.4 27.8 .... .... Ins. 2.75 2.01 2.82 3.72 4.46 2.35 In& 3.2 3.5 6.0 14.0 10. 0 T. 44.0 3.0 3. 0 0. 7 1.0 7.0 0.0 2. 4 M.0 10. 0 1.0 10.0 7.0 29.0 4.0 3Y. 8 1.0 10.0 6.0 4.0 n. n 'r. .... .... .... 27 20 20 32 17 26 27 16 24 21 21 23 20 24 21 21 27 20 22 17 22 24 13 19 25 21 23 20 19 24 24 23 17 23 2 6 - 14 7 -4 ?2 ... .... .... .... .... .... 47.4 ' 6.57 52.2 8.66 51.7 7.58 2.38 .... 47.8 €4.1 55.0 53. 8 49.8 46.2 60.6 45.4 44.8 49.8 54.4 44.5 45.5 45. 7 46.3 43.63 53. a 54.4 50.4 48. Oc 54.2 47.4 54. 8 48.2 48. 0 44.5 ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 3.35 7.97 5.69 4.54 5.98 6.15 6.37 8.41 8.29 4 88 10.03 4.39 5.45 6. 80 4.05 5.48 4.82 5.06 6.43 7.29 4. 23 2.24 8.63 10.01 8.06 2.88 4.6Y 6.26 4.25 4.1s 11.80 5.23 7.87 2.73 3.29 1.95 3.86 9. 11 4. 13 6. 44 6.07 Hardy ................... Hamson.. .............. .................. 0.4 34.0 14.0 15.0 10.0 2.0 ..... ................ ....... I / Junction ................ La Croase.. ............... Lewisville. ............... Lutherville. ............. 9.5 6. 6 21.0 T. 2.9 T. 1.0 8.0 20.5 1.0 5.5 7.0 14. 8 1.0 Luxora. ................. Malvern.. ................ Mammoth Springs.. ...... Marked Tree ............. Marvel1 .................. Mena.. ................... Montrose ............... Mount Nebo. ............. Mossville. ................ New rt .................. Ozar!". ................... Pinebluff ................ Pocahontas. .............. Pond.. ................... Prescott ................. 52. 0 50.8 54.6 46.5 43.2 47.0 49.0 62.0 Alarka. Juneau .................. 13 Killisnoo ................ 36 Sitka.. ................... 44 Skagway ................. 40 Wood Island ............. 45 Loring.. ................. 34 5-5 46. 0 8.51 52. 8 1 4.87 51.5 I 7.00 34 ' alvwnia-cont'd. Newman ................. Nimshew.. ............... North Bloomfield.. ....... Oakland. ................. Ojai Valley.. ............. Orleans. ................. Droville (near). .......... Ozena ...................... MONTHLY WEA!l!HER REVJEW. TABLE I I .-~&g i c u l record of coopwatwc obeen~~ra-Continued. Burlington ............... Calllan ................... Canyou.. ................. Cascade ....................... Castlemck ................ JANUARY, 1907 65 58 66 64 Temperature. (Fahrenheit) Tempersturn (Fahrenheit ) Reefpito- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit) - 4 i - 0 53. 0 44.3 47.6 48.7 51.3 57. 1 5'2 4 50. 2 42.8 25.5 46. 2 46.5 4% 2 ,50. i 46.6 :?A. u 40.8 35. 1 23.5 29.6 s5.3 52.0 46. 1 24.9 4:3. 2 4% Y 44.5 37.3 43.6 44.2 32.0 44.0 45. u 44.0 51.4 46. 7 45.5 26.4 48.0 45.S .... .... .,.. .... .... 4n. IJ ... 4i:o 3R. ti 37.0 31. 4 45. 0 53.4 46.9 14.6 52. 7 3Y. 4 43.6 .... .... .... .... .... .... 46.8 31.0 46.0 48.2 34.2 46. 6 45. 7 32. 8 45.4 58.5 47. 1 M. 9 43.4 .... .... .... .... .... .... 46.6 43.6 43.0 37.4 33.5 40.3 33.6 45.0 50.7 37.4 44. 5 .... .... 7 ll I- - 4 i - 0 45.9 46.6 38. 0 36.0 48.2 49.5 45. 4 45. 0 44. 2 49. 6 41. 2 52, 6 48. 6 SO. 2 28.9 42. 0 48. 2 46. 6 48. 6 45.0 48.6 46.4 45. 2 45.5 4s. 4 57. Y 49.0 49. 2 49. 4 49. Y 51.0 47. 6 49.0 49.2 49. 7 45. 0 12.0 49. n 31.0 45. 8 12. 4 35. 2 45. 0 31. 1 25. 3 27. 6 13. 2 3;. 1 27.2 46. 1 42. 0 43. 8 41. 3 45.8 48.1 .... .... .... .... .... 44.2 .... .... .... .... .... 44. 1 43.4 44.8 29.8 3s. 2 29. 5 12. 2 30. s 20. 9 34. 2 20.9 27. 9 30.0 3h. 1 2s. 9 34.4 30. 2 28. 5 29.0 32.4 31.4 14. 0 23. 3 26.2 24.9' .... .... 3:. f .... .... 26. 0 - 3 0 2 d B m o - c1 H I t l d . - 0.5 19.5 2 7 3.5 60.1 2.1 20.0 65.2 120 2.0 8.6 43.0 4.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 21. 0 9.0 1. 0 4.0 19.5 1.0 9.0 5.0 2.0 17.4 12.6 2. 0 12. 0 7. 5 3 .O 17.2 5. 1 49. 5 5. 0 'I. 2.0 8.0 T. 3.0 19.8 T. 13. 0 70. 0 1.0 3.3 31.0 1.9 3.0 32.0 20 2.3 10.2 17. 5 13.0 15.8 22. 0 12.0 IO. 5 15.0 15.0 14. 0 13.5 20. 0 Y3.5 18.5 7. 4 1.5 4.5 1.3 5.0 2.0 6.6 T. ..... ..... ..... ..... - 8; 4 s - 0 77 74 78 71 77 a5 75 69 47 74 64 77 68 59 59 60 ti3 67 56 74 63 50 65 75 65 67 61 55 54 72 1?2 i0 78 65 68 72 5'' 72 64 68 64 60 54 65 XI 70 61 80 65 65 78 .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 70 55 70 69 53 66 64 51 62 .... .... ... 88 6F 75 68 ... ... .... 61 67 63 56 55 60 60 ... .... 63 76 67 63 - 2 - e s - 0 30 22 10 34 27 39 2s 26 35 18 12 29 26 4 27 2i 29 27 30 24 27 ?Y 30 31 54 24 25 28 38 3-1 2R ?!I 32 34 2 I; 24 31 5 28 ?3 12 31 27 10 -7 0 -14 10 -9 26 "3 2s' 19 2s 30 ... .... .... .... ... ... ... 2n ... ... ... 28 26 31 I 3 19 1 -34 -16 7 - :< -1 3 11 -4 6 0 iI -2 2 -1 -12 2' -3 -5 -10 ... ... ... 9 .... .... - 2 - s ~ 0 .... 1 6 13 0 3 -IO 1 -17 _. 3 -1 -- 2 7 -1 2 -1 2 7 6 -15 1 -1 2 -2 -I 2 - 12 -8 -27 4 0 -9 -2 7 -7 5 -1 R .... .... 0 .... - .... .... -If ; -I5 -2 -31 0 -5 -15 2 .... I .... .... -3 -25 -13 -13 .... .... - - 13 -6 -I1 -13 -13 -11 -15 .... .... .... .... R 8 8 3 8 10 39 3fi 49 30 40 43 31 35 38 42 33 40 54 40 - U 2 1 . -3g 9 8 d a .d - Ilia. 0. 04 1.47 0.63 0. 17 4.37 0. 18 1.42 5.30 I . 31 0. 10 0.63 0. 15 0.20 T. 0.36 0.09 1.44 0. 56 0. 10 0. 26 1.66 0. 12 0.53 I. 2fi 0.10 1.97 1.21 0. 12 1.20 I. 21 0.15 2.45 0. 32 4. 46 1. 16 T. 0. IO 1. CHI T. 0.21 1. 70 0.01 1.01 4. 79 0.03 0.05 0.21 0.09 2. 38 0. 16 0. 15 2.51 0.28 3.91 9 22 4.29 2.44 3.80 5.43 3. 71 2.93 3. ti4 3.95 3.57 3. 13 3.23 _. 75 2. Y3 2. 43 1.87 3. 26 1.28 2.82 2. 56 2. 91 1.86 1.18 0.36 1.32 0.31 0.05 1.79 0.10 0.47 0.81 0.31 0.08 2. a5 .... n.12 4. a5 $45 .... .... ~ c 0 5 ad -2 0 0 2 _- Inn. 'r 59. 1 47.0 1.. 2 0 2.5 6fi. 0 0.2 13.5 1. 0 61. S 17.2 T. T. 1.0 2.0 0.5 T. 3. 0 T. 19. 1 61. I) 1.0 93.0 T. 99, IJ 42.0 139.0 48.0 5\. 0 136 n 12. 5 7 . 0 i. 2 2.2 1.0 8.6 T. 97.5 2.0 1. 5 27.6 T. 29. 5 6 .2 92.0 4.0 2. 2 7.0 1.5 41.0 1.5 1'. T. 7.0 10. 2. , 1. 1 57. 5 4.9 21. 4 14.8 4.2 2. 0 - i ~ 0 .... 50 51 48 61 4 i 43 53 42 51 63 70 7' 65 S i 49 47 76 70 45 5i 51 50 51 54 50 52 50 54 55 45 46 72 51 58 56 4 3 65 52 47 68 58 43 62 56 3 Y 67 .... .... .... .... .... 50 .... .... .... 65 58 64 .... ra ... 65 CO 64 62 59 64 e? 57 .... .... .... .... 71 7i 75 66 71 76 74 84 Sli 79 67 88 79 85 83 Y2 80 78 83 91 - s - 0 21 -1 16 16 18 25 22 11 7 -8 2 i 27 30 34 1 24 12 7 20 18 32 2s 3 u 26 28 14 29 3u I2 21 2 i 22 '3 32 28 26 2 2' 28 'rn .... ._ .... .... .... .... .... .... 81 16 "3 4 25 28 26 6 30 18 23 .... .... .... .... .... .... 22 7 30 28 20 27 28 11 32 .... ..... .... 31 30 26 23 ..... ..... ..... 28 25 26 20 15 24 13 .... .... 29 23 12 29 stittons. stations. ~ A rkanana-COnt'd. Princeton. ............... Rogers ................... Russellville .............. 8 ielerville ............... d uttgart ................. Texarkana ............... Warren .................. W i t b S ringsg ........... &-*in. Alturas ................. Angiola .................. Auburn .................. Asilea.. .................. Bagdad .................. Bear Valley .............. Berkeley ................. Bishop .................. Blue Canyon.. .......... Bodie.. ................... Brauscomb ............... Brush Creek ............. Butte Valley ............. Calexico ................ Campbell. ................ Campo ................... Cedarville ................ Chico ................... Claremont.. ............. Cloverdale. ............... Colfalr .................... Crescent City ............ Crockera. ................ Cu a m m ............... Derta. .................... Diamond ................. Dobbins.. ................ Durham. .................. Elcejon .................. Electra. .................. Elmwood.. ............... Elsinore. ................. Escondido. ............... Folsom ................... Fordyce. ................. Fort Bragg. .............. Fort Ross ................ Gold uu ........ Qreenville. ............... Heber .................... Hollister ................. Idyllwild.. .............. Indio ................... Iowa H i l l .. .............. Isabella ................. Jameswwu ............... Johm .................... Kentfield ................ Pernville ............ King City ................ Laporte.. ................ Laytonville .............. Legraude ................. Lemoncove. .............. Lick Observatory ........ Livermore. .............. h d i ..................... Lone Pine. ............... Los Gatos ................ Lowe Observatory.. ...... Magalia ................ Mammoth. ............... Marysville ............... Mena .................... Merced. .................. Mercury ................. Mills College.. .......... Milo.. .................... Milton (near) ............ Mohave.. ................. Mokelumne Hill ........ Mono Ranch ............. Montague ................ Nouterio ................ Nonumental ............. Mountainview .......... Mount St. Helena ........ Napa ..................... Needles .................. Nevada City. ............. Newcastle.. .............. Wlggs ................... Blocksburg. .............. COlUEa ................... Emigrant Gap.. .......... &or etown .. : : : : : : ....... Kennedy Gold Mine ..... Ins. 9.62 3.55 3.97 3.51 5.36 2.50 4. 55 10.66 Ins. 3.5 (I. 5 T. T. 10. I1 9.0 1011. 0 T. 18.0 li. S 76. 11 13. 5 27. 5 5s. 5 0 64 64 52 66 62 7s 69 153 65 74 62 69 69 66 40 61 i 4 65 kO ... ... ... ... Ins. 3. 35 4.74 17.64 10.25 4.26 li.58 !I . 91 6. i l 11.58 5.31; 14.4u 15.11 8.13 3.19 3. 47 4. tii 11.80 11.89 s. 57 5. 90 4.74 6. 31 13.61 4. 08 4.w2 5.51 6.75 5. 48 6. 60 1. UI) 1;. 33 5.11 5. 75 s. 51 12.4fi 5. 01 8.22 7. 78 71 5: 57 3. Y8 18.65 12.9s 9.44 6.91 7. 36 24.63 3.94 2. i o 14.9s 13. SO 4. 19 1R.90 9. 45 8. Y5 4.06 6.67 8. 06 9.71 5.30 ?I. 95 6. 54 3. ti7 1.2. 00 !I. 38 11.01 4.67 4.54 18. 75 S. 15 11.96 4. 48 I?. 81 (1. n5 2. 60 'I' . 2.00 0. '" 1. 71 0. l i 0. IS 0. 5'2 0. 08 7.53 0. I U T. 0.38 1.33 (1.X 0.14 5.60 0.21 1.25 1. 25 0.23 0.14 rr . 0 .... 26.2 32. s 25.0" 32.8 28. 6 19. 9 32.4 18. o c 18. 2 29.8 32.4 35. Y 21. R 30. 4 21. 7 25.0 35. 2 33.3 32.6 26.7 25.4 30.9 26.6 30. 2 29. 2 26.6 23.0 32.6 30.2 23. 8 27. a 32.6 24.4 31. 8 27. 6 33. 61 21.2 31. 3 -30.8 20.0 35.6 32. 1 14.0 !Fl. 1 30.8 15.6 25.8 ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... 98. 9 23.0 27. 2 27.1 30. 2 ?2.8 27.0 26.4 25.4 37.6 26.8 22.7 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 37.0 39.0 40.6 33.0 37.8 35.6 60. 7 63.0 65.9 5Y. 4 65.6 66.4 59. 8 64. 9 63.8 63. 2 60.3 61.8 71.0 62.9 Cklorndo-Cou t'd Fowler.. ................ Frances ................. Garnett ................. Gladstoue. .............. Gothic ...... Grand Valley. ........... Grover .................. Qunnison ............... Hahns Peak ____. ____ ____ Holly ................... Holyuke (near) ......... Lake Moraine.. ......... Lamar .................. Laporte.. ................ Leroy .................. Longs Peak ....... Lujane ............ ntauassas. ............... Moraine. ................ Power trol;se.. .......... Kangely ................. Red hfouutnin ......... Eiver Portal.. ........... Silverton.. .... Stonewall ............... Vilas ................... Wagon Wheel.. ......... Waterdale .............. Waterbury .............. West Cornwall .......... !$'est SiIusblIry.. ........ Delaware. Delaware City . . Dover.. ......... Milford ................. Nillsboro.. .............. Newark ................. Seaford ................. Didricl of Colriniticr.. Florida. Apalachicola ............ Archer.. ................ Brooksville ............. De Funiak .............. Delaud .................. West Washington ....... Bonifay ................. Fort Meade.. ............ 1.35 3. (13 8. 35 11.36 0. YO 14.59 5 lY2 Ili.53 13. I8 1.35 1s.5s 16.21 11.9fi u. 24 4. i(; 5.24 1.99 6.28 a. 40 IO. 69 9.45 5. fi3 16 97 13.49 9.48 12.26 7. 56 10.54 6.45 4.35 7.47 3.60 4.80 14.35 4 96 .i . '25 12.11 6.60 15.04 8. YR 10.47 Y.57 9. 61; 13.37 0.11 5.75 7.30 0.69 11.52 3.26 7.82 7.90 6. 25 12.31 2 72 M, I S 17.25 12.50 4. M 5,04 9. 74 3.22 3. 94 2.21 8.36 12.83 23.5i 0.00 4.52 0.33 4.22 17.67 5.46 5.98 4.76 R. 07 7.61 20.48 1.22 6.50 22.55 4.80 19.95 6.50 0.21 10.21 7.09 1.90 64 7b 65 65 63 66 62 77 81 12 64 i 5 65 i 6 65 6Y 64 i l 4b 63 fili 53 64 65 61 54 4s ,5 50 70 63 66, 67 71 I !" ..... 3.0 29, 0 6. IJ 12. 2 36.0 6.0 90. 0 19.0 35. 0 1.0 9.0 2.11 3.0 LO?. 0 ..... .~ San San hfiguel Santa B Sauta Clara c w e y e .. .... .I Leandro.. ........... Ialnud ........ larbara. ........... . " I * Santa Cruz ..... 7.. ...... Santa Maria.. ............ Santa Nonica.. ........... Santa Rosa.. ............. Sausalito ................ Shasta. ................... Slerra Madre.. ........... Sissou. .................. Sonoina .................. ... T. 138.0 1. (I T. 20.0 43.0 54.0 3.0 3.5 T. 50.0 38.5 15.0 2.5 13.0 16.0 SO. 8 20.8 62. 5 3. 0 'I' . 19. 5 T. 59.2 T . 5.5 'I.. 10.0 0.4 2.0 11.0 36.0 0.5 43. 5 45. 0 2.5 30.0 1.0 JANUARY, 1907. FlWida-Cont'd. Fort Myers.. ............. Fodr;e%$g..... ........... GrPsmere ................. Huntington ............... Hypoluxo ................ Inverness ................ Jasper. ................... Johnstown ............... Kisslmmee ............... Lake City ................ Yacclenn y ............... Malabar. ................... Manatee.. ................ Marianna.. ............... Merritt Island., .......... Miami ................... Mddleburg .............. Mollno.. ................. Monticello. ............... Mount Pleasant. ......... New Smyrna ............. 0cala .................... Orange Cit.y .............. Orlando.. ................ Otter Creek.. ............. Rockwell. ................ at. Andrew .............. St. Leo ................... Switzerland .............. Tallahassee.. ............. Tarpon Spring8 .......... wausau .................. Georgia. Abbeville .................. Adaimville.. ............. Albany.. ................. Americus.. ............... Athens. .................. Bainhridge ................ Blakely .................. Camak. .................. Canton.. ................... Carlton ..................... Carrollton. ............... Clayton .................. Columbus ................ Cordele.. ................. Cuthbert ................. Dahlone a .............. Diamona ................ Dublin .................... Eastman ................. Eatonton.. ............... Elberton ................. Experimeut .............. Fitrgerald ............... Flemine ................. Fort Gaines.. ........... QUineEYilk ............... Qillsville ................. Glenville ................ Qreenbnsh ............... Greensboro. .............. Qrimn ................... Hawtinsville.. ........... Lisbon ................... Lost Mountain ........... Louisville. ............... Liim hin ................. Mars€ hri~~e. ............ Mauey.. .................. Yilledgeville ............. Millen .............. Moniezuma ............... Monticello ............... Morgan .................. Newnan ................. Oakdale .................... Point Peter .............. Putnam .................. Qnitman ................ Ramsey .................. Resaca .................... Rome .................... St. Qeorga.. ............. St. Marys.. ............... Screven .................. Statesboro. ............... Talbotton ............... Tallapoosa.. ............. Toccoa ................... v al d 0 8 t a ................. Valona ................... Wsshington .............. Way crosa ................ ........... MONTHLY WEATHER REVlEW. TABLE II.--cwnratO&&aZ *Bcord of cooperodias obeerac*s-Continued. /I Aurora.. .................. Beards town .............. ~. Benton ................... Bushuell ................. Cambridy ............... Carlinvil e ............... Carlyle.. ................ .I Carrollton.. ............. .I Charleston ............... Chester .................. Cisne .................... Cobden. .................. COlcheEter. ............... Decatur .................. Dixou. ................... Dwight.. ................. Elgin.. .................. .) Equality ................ .; Flora.. .................. .! Friendgrove ............. Qalva .................... ~ Qrafton .................. .I . Greenville. ............... Qri$soil!q ~ ~: ........... .I Hal way ............ Havana .................. , Henry .................. .! Hoopeston ............... Joliet ..................... Kishwaukee .............. La rnnge ................. Bloomington ............. Coatsburg ................ ................ ~a f a LanaX e .................. I Lincoln ................. .1 Loami ................... McLeansboro Martinsville. Martiuton.. Minouk .................. Yonmouth ............... Morrison ................. ............. ............. ............. 36 .- I Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit) Predpitp- tion. P r e d p i b tion. - d 3 - 0 55. a 52.6 51. 7 21.0 20.5 26. 8 29.2 24.2 1R.0 13.8 2'2. 7 2s. 4 29.3 15.8 %2, 4 31.4 19. 9 20. 1 11.4 19.8 20.2 16. S 11.2 20. 1 25.5 20.0 26, s 16.6 25. 4 26.2 24. s 19.2 24. 9 31. 0 14. 3 15.6 24.4 21. 5 13. 5 25.8 17. 8 ?2. 0 3% 0 25. 4 S'L. 2 22. 6 24.0 29.8 25.6 41). 3 ?a. 6 ?9. 0 26.8 34.3 33. 8 34.2 40. I) 3% 6 29. 4 39. 8 29.5 30.2 28. 1 28.6 24.6 41.8 36.6 .w. 0 24.6 34.7 32. R 3Y. 5 31. 5 2s. 0 36.4 30.9 2s. 8 23. 0 25.9 27.3 21.8 32. 8 3Y.2 33. s 2Y. 6 24.2 26.2 23. 8 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - 1 Fl - 0 33.8 38.2 40.4 37. 6 28 2 36.6 34. 1 32.0 31.6 30.0 3 2 0 41.2 23.1 36.5 23.3 31.0 25.6 39.4 27.5 33.4 23.2 38.6 26. 1 32. 0 31.0 36.0 26. 2 33.8 22.4 ?5.8 21.4 33.0 27. 7 26.2 3Y. 9 3.8 ?X. 1 37.2 31. 6 36. 2 35.0 33. 2 29.8 28.0 34.8 35.9 32.8 30.3 3G. 0 34.8 36.4 ?7.4 30.6 29. 8 32.8 ?7. 0 26.3 30.2 39.8 40.0 31.8 30. 6 33.9 36.4 39. 8 31.5 38. 2 39.6 30.8 34.0 30.6 33.6 43.2 33.0 38.7 40.5 39.2 34.5 26.7 28.2 36.4 34. 2 42. 2 36. 2 37. 2 z5.0 4s. 1 45.5 43.0 .... .... ?1.5 30.2 29. 1 .... 47. n - LI 0 s 26 E 8 a g IM. - 1.6 3.0 2.5 1.4 1.1 6.2 1. 6 1.2 14. 0 9.2 2.5 13.8 1.5 8.0 11.7 3.5 9.0 1.0 9. 0 2.5 8.0 4. 0 5.5 8.7 3.4 1.8 13. 0 6. 1 11. 5 7.3 14.6 4.0 6.0 3.6 2.0 2.8 5.8 IS. 0 2.0 3.0 7.8 6.9 2.5 2.0 3.0 12.0 12.9 6.3 9. 4 6.5 6.3 9. 1 4.0 4.0 8.2 4.0 7. 5 7.0 4.2 2.2 3.0 7.5 2.6 5.6 5.0 8. 7 5. 1 8.4 2.0 4.8 3.3 3.3 3. 1 1.6 11.0 9.0 1.8 5.0 3.5 1.0 I . 2 2.0 .... .... .... ..... ..... 'r . ..... .... ..... T. '1'. l h I- - # d s - 0 25 24 2:! -I? -15 0 0 -2 -3! -1 -Y S 1 -18 11 Y -8 -7 -14 -5 - 3 -16 -IS -s -9 -3 0 -12 -4 3 -5 -1 2 -1 5 -20 -4 -20 -7 -22 3 -8 .... .... .... .... -10 2 -6 1 - 2' - -2 -5 4 -2 4 -6 3 2 2 7 -3 .... .... 9 -; 0 -8 -3 -G 6 4, 2 7 4 0 4 0 -5 3 -2 -3 -3 -4 -5 -10 0 4 2 - 3 -5 -5 -8 - .... .... - # 8 .- - 0 70 68 7% 67 58 67 65 6s. 64 65 65 71 47 158 49 69 48 68 60 66 50 77 55 64 64 67 33 65 4s 55 47 66 65 62 71 68 57 70 67 73 69 64 66 65 68 77t 65 63 69 61; 69 59 6.4 75 63 67 66 6% 61 65 71 71 65 66 67 65 66 66 71 63 70 65 67 60 67 73 65 71 71 70 67 1;5 59 68 67 70 70 69 69 78 75 80 75 ... ... ... - g d s - 0 2 2 2 3 - .3 1 2 0 1 -3 -1 2 -7 1 - 5' -1 -5 2 -3 1 -7 3 -7 1 0 5 -4 3 -3 -5 -11 -1 -6 -7 0 1 -5 -2 3 -3 -2 - 1' -2 -2 1 1' -1 -3 -1 0 -3 -4 -3 4 -2 -3 -1 -2 -4 -1 1 -1 -3 -t i -4 -4 3 -4 -2 -3 4 -3 -1 -2 0 5 -2 -6 2 -1 -2 -4 -4 4 0 -1 4 2 2' 18 I t i 18 12 .... .... .... - g .-I 3 - 0 49 51 36 45 50 42 35 52 35 35 30 45 30 51 51 33 25 33 31 42 40 37 44 34 38 35 38 42 3s 34 41 2s 10 31 28 26 27 26 ?2 .... .... .... .... .... 20 21 28 29 27 21 17 26 28 25 23 25 28 28 27 26 25 30 19 23 24 25 IS 20 26 2'2 25 29 24 22 26 30 22 1 Y 26 30 19 20 30 34 ?S 28 24 19 23 31 30 26 32 .... ... .... ... - 2 1 . at a a m m 1 Ins. I . 3a 0.4a 0.81 0.38 1.39 0.45 0. 73 0.57 0. 10 0.47 0. 36 0.65 0. 36 0.35 1.48 0.37 2.87 1. i 2 0. 12 0. Uo 0. xs T. 0.0' 0. 15 0.86 2.35 0. 14 0.34 0. 41 1.211 0.30 1.95 1.SY 0.62 2. .FA 2.30 1. "I 0. $6 0.57 1.47 1.27 0.64 1.90 0. 96 2.18 1. 68 1.56 1.02 1.24 1. 19 1.39 1. as 3.06 0.74 0.77 1.15 0.45 1.4s 0.74 0. 94 0.69 0. 81) 2. 10 1.39 2. 15 1 .w 1.0s 1.39 1.81 1.75 1.32 1.10 0. 86 1.52 2.02 2. 24 1.34 0. 73 2.40 0. A0 1.24 0. so 1.v2 0.34 0. I 1 0.15 2. 1G 0. 78 0.86 0. 10 0.47 2.28 0. ti5 ..... .... (J. 75 1. 50 P 1 . e t 9 8 4 r F4 ~ Ilks. 1.26 1.94 1.97 1.57 1.37 11.97 0.9Y 3. 64 I). 60 5.17 3. 30 I.GB 1.34 2.68 0. 98 1.0Y 1.28 3. sx 4.60 5.3u 8. ?A 5.28 2.57 1.3' 5. 77 2. 55 4. 88 1.57 3.20 1.54 4. 34 3.50 0. 96 1.lJ 2. 18 3. a2 0. 94 5. 25 2. 43 0.54 1.6.j 1.54 3.55 2.59 8.65 4.10 5.26 3. 80 4.13 6.04 3. G9 4. 76 i. 05 5. I * 3.53 3.69 5.57 6.51 5. a2 4. 72 5 56 7. 3Y 5.42 5. A2 4.@2 7. 4 i 3.43 5.38 4.49 10. YO 7.59 9.17 3.24 5.52 6.18 5.38 8.26 6.79 5. hS 4.89 5. s9 5. 70 3.55 5.17 7.62 2.67 5.59 7. ,2 7 5 i 4.57 3.99 2.72 0 .9 s 2. a5 ..... 6.4,5 0 9 -9 %6 * ~ Ins. 18.0 9. 5 20.3 13.5 47.1 33.0 16.6 5. 0 26.8 5.5 18.0 39.5 46. 0 43.0 89.1 55. 2 22.0 12.0 13. 7 41.6 13.0 75.0 16.0 19.0 15.0 50.5 40.4 7.5 10. 1 39.5 34. 0 9.1 46.0 24.3 9.7 ?Y. 7 14.0 35.5 31. 5 2.0 12.0 4.5 9.5 I?. 0 7.3 8.6 2.0 . 3.0 9.9 3.7 11.0 3.0 2. 1 2.6 1. 2 3. 0 0.5 8.0 2.0 6. U 11.9 3.0 0.2 1.4 11.3 1.5 1.5 2.5 5.5 11.0 0.6 12.7 3.1 9.9 11.0 3. 5 1.0 6.5 1.9 0.2 G. 5 10.5 12. 7 10.2 ..... ..... ..... ..... T. ..... .... 8. ~i Stations. d ; - 0 66. C 68. t 62. f 63.2 70.2 62.6 60.3 60. E 6%. 6 62. a 59.9 65. 1 56.4 66.1 70.2 58.8 5s. 2 60. 4 62.7 65.2 64.4 G'L. 9 B4.0 60.9 6?. 0 51. 8 62.2 B4.6 61.1 60.6 63. 8 60. G 60. S 5s. 7 54.6 50. 8 58. 3 58.0 54.0 .... .... .... .... .... 51.3 4s. 3 55.8 56.6 57. 9 50.2 4s. 6 56.8 56.4 54. 3 52. 7 54. 1 57.6 58.8 57.2 47. 2 4Y. 7 56.8 50.0 52. 8 53. 7 55.3 51.4 52.0 56.6 56.4 56.4 50.0 53.4 55.2 53.5 56.8 51.6 51.3 56. 1 i9.2 53. 1 50. 5 51.6 59.4 2% 4 57.8 55.0 19.6 49. ti 60.2 59.0 52. 0 5!1. 6 .... .... .... .... 11u. 5.68 Y. 39 8. 15 9.97 7.53 5.25 6.65 6. 18 5.26 7. 60 5.62 5.69 8. 90 3.67 8.09 3.18 5.86 4. 17 6.47 5.64 5.64 3.88 6.13 4.47 5.87 6.09 6.82 3.97 5. 15 4. 99 3.68 3.68 2.75 6.40 4.01 4.35 6.70 9.74 6.21 11.83 6.77 7.88 7.62 7.00 3. 17 7. 16 7.27 6. 13 5.85 7.91 8.34 3. 10 5.57 11.33 4.17 5.59 7.14 3.60 2.94 4.60 8.45 11.01 7.01 5.40 3.05 8. 71 9.26 5. 54 10.19 3. 13 9.35 4.83 7.29 4. 80 5.30 11.07 6.12 IO. 60 9.85 6.57 3.42 4.38 7.16 6.44 9.30 8.21 8.62 8.17 2. 46 5.09 1.70 1.28 2.79 ..... ..... ..... 0 81 79 81 79 81 84 80 80 w2 81 e0 85 81 80 82 79 81 76 80 87 a4 84 55 81' 75 82 88 $2 76 w 81 .... ... n8 ... 74 7Y 7Y 72 81 SI 79 ... ... 77 75 781 78 so 72 70 78 7Y 7Y 75 76 78 $3 83 ti9 74 76 73 78 77 SI 80 75 80 78 80 83 16 81 i d 78 76 75 78 76 76 77 78 80 82 84 7s 78 76 81 84 74 81 ... ... ... .... 0 77 79 75 46 43 Sll 56 53 49 43 4s 51 I 55 56 58 61 45 45 38 .13 44 42 42 42 51 41 53 40 51, 46 44 43 54 55 42 39 4s 41; 45 53 38 4s G9 51 ti5 .I9( 51 70 55 65 67 69 54 6!1 il 65 70 70 70 66 6Y 67 50 62 47 73 67,' 68 55 67 69 C!I 67 54 69 63 60 49 56 70 50 70 69 65 63' 64 ti1 4s ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I7linois-Cont'd. Morriaonville ........... Yount Carmel.. .......... Mount Vernon ........... Oluey .................... Ottawa ................... Philo.. ................... Raum .................... Robinson. ........... Rockford ................. Roshville ................ St. Charles ............... St. John. ................. Streator. ................. Sullivan ................. Riley.. ............... Beorgio-Cont'd. I Dent ..................... Dewey.. .................. Ellerslie. ................ .I Meadows ................. Milner ................... , uoscow Mountai Murray .................. ~ Miirt.augh ................ Nevens Ranch ............ Oakley .................. .I Payette.. ................. Pollock.. ................. Poplar#. ................... Porthill .................. Roqaevelt ................. Rupert. ................. ................... Tiskilwa ................. Tuscola ................. Urbana. .................. Vernon .................. Walnut ................. Warsaw .................. Windsor. ................. Wiunehago.. ............. Yorkville ................ Zion. ..................... Indiana. Anderson ................ Angola.. ................. Au urn .................. Redford .................. Rlooiuington ............. Rlutttun ................. But lerville ............... Cambridge City .......... Columbus ................ Couneraville ............ Salmon ................. .I Standrod.. ............... ' Twin Falls. .............. 1 Crawfordsville ........... Del hi ................. Elkg a r t .. ............... Vernon ................. .I /I \veston.. ............... .~ Illinois. T. T. T. T. T. Eminencr ................ Farmland ............... Farmeraburg ............ .............. ............... ............ ............ Northfield. ............... Paoli .................... Rensselaer ............... Richmond. ...... Rochester ....... Rockville ............... 3aIem .................... 3cottsburg. ............... 9yruour. ................ Shelbyville.. ............. 3outh Bend .............. Syracuse ............. Terre Haute ......... Veedersburg ............. Vevay ................... Vincennes. .............. Calvin ................... Chickasha. ............... Durant.. ................. Fairland ................. Albion.. ................ .I Aledo .................... Alexander ............... Antioch .................. Ashton.. ................. Astoria.. ................. ~ c 0 3 a? 5 8 3 0 0 Ina. 10.8 3.7 7. 8 6. 8 5.0 5.4 Y.8 4.0 a. 0 4.5 7.0 4.8 13.2 5.5 11.5 9.0 3.7 6. 1 4.8 14.5 8.7 3. 2 5.0 8. 2 6. 1 1 4.0 1 4. 3 2. 0 0. 5 7.0 6.0 3.0 1.2 2. 5 1.0 3. 0 2. 5 1 .2 i 2. 0 , T. , T. 0. 7 1. 0. 1 0.5 4. 7 1.0 I . 0 2.4 1.4 3. u ..... rr . rr . '1'. 'r . T. 1. 0 ' Lamed.. ................. Lebanou ....................... Lebo ..................... Liudshorg ...................... McPherson ............... Macksville ............... Madison .................. Manhattanc. ............. Minneapolis .............. Moran.. .................. Neosho Rapids ............... Ness City. ................ Newton.. ............... Norton ................... 56 72 59 67 73 53 50 72 58 66 59 MON!J!HIlY WEB- REVIEW. TABLB II.--c#IMtdoglaol rseo*d of coqpcradirrc obeerrme-Continued. JANUAEY, 1907 Ti!" I1 Temperature. (Fahrenheit) Temperature. (Fahrenheit ) P r e d p i b tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit) - i H - 0 24.2 21.6 23. 1 19.8 14.0 15.6 14. 5 8.0 17.8 22.6 12.2 9. 4 24.0 12. Y 25. 8 13. 6 20.2 22. 6 23.2 19. 8 25.3 22.9 15.6 l i . 8 20.2 17. 1 18.7 14.2 17.7 24. 1 21.8 23.4 12. 8 25.0 29.0 27.5 35.0 29. 9 31.9 27.2 26.2 34.5 39.3 30. s 31.4 33. 0 26. 8 35.0 29. 4 27.2 31,s 36. 7 29.6 29.3 37. 0 2s. 6 36.8 27.4 36.4 31. 6 33.7 26.6 a2 1 35.4 25. 6 23.4 27.4 26.6 35.4 32.3 35.8 32. 2 25.6 28. 2 31.0 28.4 32. 1 30. 0 31.3 32. 1 29.4 27.8 36.3 29.4 31. 1 24.4 34. 1 32.2 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - 1 ! l e :s ; - iw. 2.5 4.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 0. 5 1.0 0. 6 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 1.0 3.0 6.0 7. 0 1.0 6.5 3.2 5.5 8.2 0.5 4.5 6.0 1.0 4.0 4.2 1.5 5.0 4.0 5.8 5.0 6. b: 5.0 8.0 6. 0 0.5 8.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 3.0 8.0 4.0 8. 0 3.0 ' 6.5 4.0 4. 1 4.0 10.0 2.5 8.0 R. 0 6.0 1.1 6. 2 r. T. 'I' . .... T. T. T. T. - 1 z - 0 .... 48.0 48.0 44.2 45.0 44.6 44 4 47.2 49. 4 41.6 43.8 46.0 20.8 21.4 13.5 24.4 13. 6 14 8 21.7 19.0 21.3 19.8 19.6 22.6 20.3 25. 1 25.8 13.9 25.8 16.0 19.4 23.0 2'2. 2 14.6 24. 4 24.0 25. 2 21.9 24.5 20.4 14.8 18.0 18.8 20.7 15.8 20.2 18.3 21.6 10.8 16.4 11.8 15.6 15.4 15.8 19.4 19. 3 20.2 15.0 21.4 19. 6 17. 7 21. 4 11. 6 20. s 16.7 24. 8 14.4 14.3 22.3 24.2 19.6 19. 4 17.9 16.5 20. 5 23.4 25.8 20. 1 22.1 14.0 13.0 17.4 19.0 27.7 19.3 14. ? 2 2 4 .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... I- ~ d J - 0 31.8 39.3 32. 2 33.2 35.4 35.4 32.2 24.8 36.6 17. 3 18. 7 $0.6 36.0 29.2 27. 2 29.0 37.0 36.8 36.2 49.8 40.6 42.4 43.2 41.6 14. 7 43.0 45.8 46. 8 413. 2 44.2 40.2 41.4 44.9 42. ti 42. 3 42. 6 46.9 .... .... .... 43. a 43. a .... 45. c 46.4 42.6 45.7 46.6 44.6 43. E 39.0 47.4 41.1 41.2 39. i 44. s 46. 1 43.2 40.3 3s. 1 39. E 46.2 $8. I 63.1 60.3 60.3 6'. E 62. i 61.8 61. E 61.C 60. E 61.4 64. ( 59. ( 63.2 63. ( 61.2 62.4 62.2 62. E 60. E 58. 1 59. ( 60.6 64.1 53. e 55. E 42. a 41. e .... .... .... 56. a .... 63. a - 1 B - 0 ..... 17 16 17 12 12 16 15 19 16 10 12 -6 -8 -19 -4 -16 -16 -6 -13 -7 -12 -12 -8 -9 -1 -4 -20 -3 -15 -7 -6 -3 -!a -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -6 -16 -12 -13 -1 0 -18 -9 -17 -7 -19 -13 -22 -15 -1 7 -15 -11 -1 3 -13 -16 -8 -11 -181 -6 - '7' -8 -13 -2 -16 -17 -8 -3 -12c -10 -1 1 -17 -1 0 -4 -5 -10 -5 .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... -16 -21 -13 -13 7 -10 -20 -6 - - i .d i - 0 -4 -5 -6 -12 -18 -16 -18 -16 -15 -6 -21 -16 -18 -4 -21 -11 -5 -5 -9 -2 -1 -!XI -14 -9 -15 -16 -17 -15 -7 -7 -7 -11 --I .... -4 4 -2 .... .... .... 3 6 6 4 1 10 11) 5 2 9 1 1 6 -7 6 I 3 5 6 3 -2 5 3 4. ... 1 A 8 6 2 -1 -1 1 9 8 12 3 1 4 7 1 3 7 6 -5 5 4 4 1 2 1 10 6 ... .... ... .... ~ i - ! x - 0 69c 72 73 71 56 69 63 52 72 53 55 64 75 60 60 70 71 70 73 72 7' 73 74 73 71 70 75 74 74 73 70 7:: 7" 70 73 71 75 a2 75 72 72 72 A3 76 74 70 73 74 69 73 68 72 73 73 71 76 70 72 i l 75 69 ?+I 84 41 8.4 81 76 a2 81 x3 SI I 85 85 83 8' 30 81 89 8" a2 84 81 81 81 81 83 80 SI .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ~ 1 - El 3 - 0 5' 10 5 5 1 9 s 0 10 3 6 2 0 3 1 1 3 10 -- 1 13 -7 -3 5 -3 -4 4 1 6 3 3 3 3 -2 3 -5 -1 2 -6 1 1 12 -3 -10 5 1 3 -4 -6 -3 7 -I S 2 -2 -2 -1 - li -6 -7 -11 -3 31 28 28 31 31 31 31 30 3' 31 34 26 31 33 31 34 30 34 38 25 29 25 28 37 23 33 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 20 - il e! 9 % B 8 . B - hs. 2.87 3.37 2.95 5.26 0. 36 6.64 1. 38 0. 75 4.67 1.05 1. 61 0.21 7.05 0.50 4. 09 0.34 0.40 0. 19 6.34 4.67 7. 16 3.00 .O. 60 9.40 6. 40 8.83 7.48 11. 13 5. 77 3.46 7.90 LO. 79 6. 78 9.83 5.90 4.62 7.76 9. 20 IO. 37 3.5'2 5.68 7.50 5.70 LO. 37 5.44 9.02 10.64 7. 76 3.36 12.48 7.35 2.83 IO. 65 12.73 10.25 IO. 87 9.98 5.66 LO. 34 9.45 6.93 9.84 11.31 1. 61 7.39 1.70 I). 91 1. 88 2.11 1.49 2.50 0. 64 2.15 2.80 1. 71 1.03 1.47 2.12 1.74 2.26 1.6fi 1.98 1.20 0.58 2. 73 1.63 2. 06 0. no 1.75 1.66 2.50 1.50 1.95 4.03 0.93 1.20 - 4 z - 0 .... 76 78 78 73 74 74 57 76 76 75 79 45 50 3Y .so 40 40 46 47 50 44 48 49 44 51 57 40 56 45 49 50 53 40 43 51 47 45 50 49 14 44 45 50 43 48 46 49 40 43 40 43 42 44 47 44 45 46 47 42 48 41 49 40 54 41 40 46 47 45 44 44 40 52 62 52 46 48 35 39 42 43 45 50 36 49 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Shttona Btations. - Indian !?%mtory-Cont'd. Fort Gibson.. ........... Hartshorn!. ............. Healdtoq.. .............. Holdenville ............. Marlow ................. Muskogw ............... Okmul e ........... Ravia ................... Wa oner ................ We!bers Falls. .......... Iowa. A h n .................. Albir.. .................. h U h $alley 1.. ......... 'hh ................... Mgrnl; ................ ................ Alta .................... Alton.. .................. Amana.. ................ Amea .................. A t l ~t i ~ ................ Audubon. ............... Bsxter .................. Bedford. ................ Belleplaine .............. Bloomfield. .............. Bonaparte .............. Britt .................... Buckingham.. ........... Burlington .............. C a m l l .................. Cedar Rapids. ........... Chariton ................ Clarinda ................ Clearlake.. .............. Clinton.. ................ College Springe.. ........ Columbus Junction ..... Corning. ................ Corydon ................ Creston ................. Cuiuberland. ............ Decorah. ................ Delaware. ............... Denison. ................ Desoto .................. Dows.. .................. Earlham ............... Elkader ................. Elliott.. ................. Estherville .............. Fayett.e.. ................ Forest City.. ............ Fort Dodge ............. Fort Madison ........... Galva ................... Gilman ................. Grand Meadow.. ........ Grinnell near) ......... Grundy keuter .......... Quthrie Center.. ........ Hampton.. .............. Hancock ................ Harlan .................. Humbolt.. .............. Independence ........... Indianola ............... Iuwood ................. Iowa C5t .............. Iowa Fa&.. ............. Keosauqus .............. Lacona ................. Larrabee ................ Leclaire.. .............. Lemars. ................. Lenox.. ................. Leon .................... Little Sioux.. ........... Logan .................. Naple Valley.. .......... Marshalltown ........... Massena. ................ Mountag ............... Mount leasant.. ....... Mount Vernon .......... Mason c i t y ............. Ins. 3.47 3.90 4.58 2.20 2.82 a. 57 3. 80 1.64 3.29 2.93 3. YO 1. 25 2. 19 0.69 2. 79 0.61 0.35 2. 68 0. 7Y 0. 10 0.38 1.07 1.46 2.67 3.56 4.88 0.75 0. 85 5.30 0.39 2. 57 2. 52 1. ou 0. 81 3. 76 0.84 3. 45 1.57 2.21 1. 71 0. 73 1.47 1.51 0. 12 0.52 0.84 1.49 1.67 0. 29 0. 72 2.06 0.95 0. 70 4. 02 0.32 1.96 1.74 2.40 0. 70 1.63 0.18 0. 60 0. 16 0.52 2.01 0.79 2. 12 1.05 4.62 2.66 0. 51 3.34 0. 20 1.50 1.84 0. 21 0.50 0. 78 (1.90 1.29 0.56 1.96 4.65 2 63 1.26 3. 77 0. BY 1.49 1.35 0.34 0.63 4. 62 0.38 1.31 1.93 0.411 IUS. 0. 7 'r . T. T. T. 1.0 0.5 0.5 5.0 9.5 7.3 9.9 4.8 3.5 i. 4 4.0 1.0 2. 3 5.5 5. 7 9.5 9. 7 12.5 6. 3 12.0 1.0 5.6 7.0 4. 6 6.2 Y. 6 4. 1 15.5 4.3 9. 3 6.0 3. 0 10.0 2. 7 1.2 2.5 3. 2 6.5 6.5 2 5 8.0 5.0 7. 5 3.5 9.5 3. 2 6.7 8. 0 2.0 2.3 6.5 2. 0 1.8 4.0 4.0 6.5 6.2 8.5 4.7 10. 0 7.0 4.0 13.2 2.5 4.3 4.2 1.0 6.0 6.6 2.4 4.7 3.5 9.0 1% 1 10. 7 9.2 4.6 4.0 10.6 3.2 3.0 11.8 2.0 4.9 8.8 ..... ..... ..... ZM. 3. 10 0.62 2.46 1. 18 0.50 0.55 2. 78 0. 40 0. .w 1.87 0.83 0. 6 i 1. YY 0.55 3. so 0. 89 0. 58 0. 58 2.43 1. 17 3. 95 3. "9 0.53 1.43 1. 77 :.4 3 0.76 0. GZ 1.65 2.75 1.68 1. I8 0. 70 1.40 1. 17 1. 44 3. 24 1.59 1.05 1.01 4. i S 1.95 0. 30 1.60 0. IS 1.04 3. 73 0.05 3. 06 1.85 0.16 3. ti2 1. 15 1.07 2. tlY 1.01 1. 47 3.06 4. 21 6.43 0. 31 5. :%I I . (li 5.60 0.15 6.74 0. 57 5. 69 0. i 7 0. 72 0. 64 1.83 0. 75 1.57 3. 78 0. 49 1. 1s 0. 70 0.72 0. 76 4. 14 0.13 2. 23 1. IO 4. n9 1.59 0. 91 5.71 3. 10 0.77 1.60 0. 22 3.07 0.30 4.71 ..... 0. 01 KanaeCont'd. Osage Cit.y ............. Oswego.. ................ 0t.tawa .................. Paola.. .................. Phillipsburg. ............ Pleasanton .............. P r a t t .. ................. Republic ............... Rome ................... Russell. ................ Salina.. ................. Scott .................... Toronto ......... Ulysses.. ............... Valley Falls. ............ Wakeeney.. ............. Wakeeuey (near). ....... Wallace ................ Walnut. ................ Winfield ................ Tates Center.. .......... Kentucky. Bardstowu .............. Beattyville .............. Beaver Dam.. ........... Berea.. .................. Blaudville. .............. Bowlin Green Cadiz Burnsife ..... 1: :: :: 1: 1: Earlington .............. Edmonton .............. Eubanks ................ Falmooth ...... Farmers. ............... Frankfort ............... Franklin ................ High Bridge. ........... Irviug~on ............... Jackson ................. Leitchfield .............. Loretto ............ Lyiinville ......... nlauchester .............. hlarion. ................. hfa sville .............. hlitheshoro ............ Mount Sterling ......... Owenshoro .............. Owenton ............... ................... Greensburg ............. Hoykinaville ............ St. John. ................ Scott ........... Shelby City .... Sbelbyville.. ... Taylorsville. ............ Williamshurg ........... Williamstown Louisinnn. Ablxville .............. Alexandria ............. Amite .................. Baton Rouge.. .......... Burnside ................ Calhoun ............... Cameron ................ Cheneyville ............. Clinton ................. Covington. .............. Crowley.. ............... Donaldsonville .......... Farmerville ............. Franklin ............... Grand Coteau ........... Houma.. ................ Jennings.. .............. Lafayette ............... Lake Charles ............ Lakeside ................ Lawrence. ............... Libertyhill.. ............ Lo ansport .............. Me'ville ................ hIinden ................. Monroe ................. Morgan City ............ New Iberia. ............. 0 elonsaa ............... P E n Dealing. .......... Rayne. .................. Zowa-Cont'd. 3ttumwa. ............... Pacific Junction. ......... Pella.. ................... Perry .................... Plover ................... Pocahontas. .............. po:mv;yfdi ............. Rockwelr.. ............... ............. 3t. Charles ............... Sheldon .................. 3ibley ................... 3igourney.. .............. 3ioux Center.. .......... Stockport ................ 3toriu Lake .............. Stuart. ................... r h u m a n .. ............... Ti ton ................... Toyedo ................... Wapello .................. Washington .............. Washta. .................. Waterloo. ................ Waukee .................. Waverly.. ................ Webster City ............. Westbeud ................ Whitten. ................. Wilton Junction ......... Winterset. ............... Woodburn .............. Zearing ................ Kana,. Abilene .................. Alton .................... Anthony. ................. Atchison ................. Raker.. .................. ~~ Beloit.. ................. Burlington. .............. Blue Rapids.. ........... Chapman. ................ Cimarion.. ............. .I Clav Center. ............. colby ................... Coldwater.. .............. Columbus ................ Coolidge. ................ Cottonwood Falls. ........ Cunningham.. ........... Dresden .................. Eldorado. ................ Ellinwood. ............... Ellsworth ................ Empcp ................. wood ............... Efergris,e. ............... Eskri 2e ............... El weka.. ................... Liver.. iworth .............. ~~ ~ .............. ..... Fall R Farm Fort bcow.. ............. .I Frankfort. ............... Fredonia. ................ Gardeu City ............ Garnett .................. Gove 1 .................. tireensburg ............. Grenola .................. Hanover ................. Hamson.. ............... Hays.. ................... Horton .................. Hugoton ............... Hotchinson .............. Independence. ........... Jetmore.. ................ Jewell. ................... La Crosse.. ............... Lakin.. .................. Murray .................. Muscatine. .............. Nevada.. ................ New Hampton. .......... Northwood.. ............ Odebolt ................. Ofde?. .................. 0 in ................... Onawa .................. Osage ................... Oskaloosa.. .............. Norwiah ................. 68 OLerlin ......................... Dlathe. .................. .I 72 JANUARY, 1907. Loubiana-Cont'd. Robeline ................. 8t. Francisville ........... Scbriever. ................ Simmesport ............... Routhern University ...... Sugar Experiment Station. Sugartown ............... Mahe. Bar Harbor.. ............. Cornish .................. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--climcrta&~ r m d of coopera.tivc obsavera- Continued. . Concord .................. Fallriver.. ............... Fitchbur ............... Framingfam.. ........... Groton .................. Hyanuis.. ..................... Jefferson ...................... Lawrence ................ Leominster .................... Lowell.. .................. Middleboro .............. 37 56 59 54 54 53 55 52 61 Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Monson ................. Princeton ................... Provincetown ............ Plymouth ................ 58 56 60 Saleru ......................... Somerset ................ Sterling.. ..................... Tauoton ................ Wehster ....................... Westboro ................. Weston.. ................. Williamstown ........... Winchendon .................. Worcester ................ 62 60 55 51; 52 56 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) 'recipita- tion Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) - i - 0 57.0 1%. 1 62. 4 .... .... 62.7 60. 3 19. 2 16.5 .... 13. x 12. 0 11.5 15.8 6. 6 14. s 10.4 s. 6 15.6 13.0 s. 2 12.3 2.4 11,s 36. 2 33.2 3s. 4 31;. 2 35.4 22. 6 3'2. :: 31;. (I 35.8 32. 4 32. Y 31.4 37.0 37. S 33.4 34.0 32. 0 36. 0 32.6 37.0 34.2 34.2 34. 8 34.3 34. 2 34.8 42.4 40. ti 39. 2 39.6 37. 6 35. 5 34.4 34.0 34. S 34.6 36. 4 22. 2 23. 6 24. 2 26.0 "2.2 27. .7 "'2. Y 23. 2 20. s 22.6 24.2 27. 2 23.6 28. 6 32. 5 26.8 26.0 24.4 23.2 22. 5 24.2 .... .... .... .... 41.0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... a- 11 - d d - 0 -2. a 5.3 13. i 6.9 -5. 1 -6.0 10.8 7.9 7.4 1.s 7. 4 10. 6 .11.4 4.0 -2.5 0.8 0.3 10.6 6.4 5.4 1.8 1.6 7. 3 4.4 3.0 1.7 1.0 1.5 11.3 8.8 -2.6 -2.0 7.8 -1.2 8.0 10.6 4.0 1. 6 8. 6 -0.4 9. s 6. 8 11.6 -2.8 9.0 IO. 7 7.2 10. 6 53. fi 54.5 53. 7 53. fi BO. 8 55.2 62. 0 51.6 56.2 57. s 53. 2 56.7 53.9 58.4 58. I 55. 6 55.0 58. 2 5 i . 6 49. 4 48.4 53.6 56.9 55.4 56.0 58. 5 57.8 59. 4 56. 4 62. 6 54.0 57.2 GO. 1 58.7 51.4 61. 3 62.3 5?. 1 .... .... .... .... .... .... 4s. n .... ..... ..... .... __ I - 5 - 0 25 33 29 ... ... 37 31 -19 -21 -25 -34 -30 -41 -28 -24 -36 -32 -25 -4 -33 -33 -36 -36 11 -3 9 S -6 4 8 5 -1 4 -17 3 9 5 4 -10 G 0 10 -2 6 5 5 7 -19 13 10 I? S 8 I 3 6 7 ... ... I .... .... .... ; 1 S -24 -10 -12 -9 -12 -9 -I0 -17 -12 .... ... -12 -10 -1 2 -22 -8 7 -18 -16 -14 -11 -15 -10 .... .... .... .... .... .... - d 2 8 . i f i? d g la d __ Ins. 0.55 1.50 4. 16 0.94 2.62 2. 29 4.45 3.00 3. 04 2. i i 2. 85 3. 151 2. 34 3.12 1.90 2. 45 2.38 3.24 1.90 4. 01 1.01) 1.67 1. i 8 2.80 2. 160 3. 75 4. 28 1.94 2. :?n 2.71 3. 33 :;. 30 3. 19 2. 15 3.98 2.92 7.00 2.04 1.93 3. 2u 3. 26 5.85 6. 5G 1.Y5 4.09 3. 55 2. 27 2.53 2.90 3. 15 8 28 3. 06 3.80 6. 65 2. 25 1.34 1.98 1.4; 1.84 2.83 2. 40 2. !I6 3.2; 4. 46 2. 62 2. 73 2. BY 3.76 3. so 3. 03 3.13 2. 69 3 .z 2.37 4. O i 2. 95 2. 37 2. 5') 2. i 7 3.09 2.80 4. 11 2. 64 4. 20 2. 76 4.23 2. 61 3.37 4.80 3. 41 3. SS 2. 24 2. 50 2.69 .... I ~ 1 .- 4 - 0 36 36 36 36 33 35 38 34 3Y 36 38 40 31 34 32 33 35 38 40 35 31 36 35 38 34 36 43 35 44 37 35 34 37 34 37 44 37 35 36 35 40 40 42 35 33 40 35 36 SO 50 i G 80 79 78 79 74 YO 81 81 74 79 80 Y2 81 a0 S3 s2 SO 76 74 74 80 80 81 so S2 86 81 80 80 79 80 81 7\ 7Y , b ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ZY __ 4 .- la s - 0 -35 -26 -15 -19 -32 -40 -20 -27 - 25 -25 -22 -21 -42 -31 -39 -24 -31 -15 -43 -27 -32 -26 --22 - 24 -3 2 -26 -37 -26 -24 -22 -33 -351 -1; -3s --?2 --?ti -26 -37 -25 -44 -32 - 2g -24 -37 -21 -18 -19 -23 19 19 21 20 33 20 34 1s 25 21 ... ... ... .... ... .... I8 23 1 Y 23 25 .... .... 5; 24 24 16 16 21 ?3 20 21 28 25 27 20 2s 21 31 2s 26 20 29 33 19 .... .... ~ a 5 k :e a 3 . 1 - rna. 0. 30 0.71 1.56 2.45 1.80 0.66 I). 85 0.74 1.47 1.06 0.70 1.36 I . 73 2. 35 1.40 0.40 0.72 0.38 0.99 0.96 1.54 1.35 1.01 1.06 1. 28 1.25 2.70 0.94 1.75 2.25 2. 2s 1.01 0.14 I. 00 1.20 0. 88 1.59 0.68 1.03 1.15 1.00 0. 70 1.50 1.44 0. 80 0.58 ..... .... .... .... 1. no .... 1.12 1.44 2.85 2.97 1. 61 2.12 0.60 1. Rli 2.19 1.51 4. 15 2. 10 0. 99 4.46 0.92 3.36 1.64 2.60 0. 15 0.34 2.03 3. 80 2. 04 0.92 2. 13 4. 19 1. 72 6.52 1.92 2. 75 1.74 2.00 1.74 1.92 2. 45 1.16 2. 73 1.52 1.75 3.40 0. xs 1. 77 2.05 3. 06 .... ~ a 0 3 d -0 a a' I,I.T. 3.65 3. 97 4. 61 4. tx 5.11 4. $15 1.01) 2.95 2. i 5 3. 79 ::. 91 2.54 5. s7 4.05 Y. I!I 4. 40 2. 43 3. 9s 3.;:; :. 13 .3. 3s Y.i6 3. 4s 4. 3; 2 % - ..... ;;. i3 3. Ri 3. (15 :i. 24 4. $2 3. 50 6.15 1. OF, 4.47 2.34 4.33 ::. 78 4.91 3.9:; 0.65 1.05 2.511 2.6U il I 16 52 05 69 4. i 0 ..... H. i o ..... 9. lill 2. 45 2.SI 3. IO 2. 7 3 2. 63 2.03 1. 56 4. 4Y I). 90 4.20 2. 1!1 4. :?i 0. 87 3.00 5. 20 3. 30 4.3s 5. 50 2.27 !. 3 i .3. 76 5.93 3. 10 6.41 3.66 6. 00 3.56 4. 95 2. !I0 4. 85 3. 15 3. 87 0. 92 0. a3 0. DII 1. ti2 1. vn ..... ..... __ > : at' 'E Y O - 'N. 8.0 6.4 9.5 26.0 18.0 8.0 7. 1 10.0 14.5 10. 6 29.0 13.0 14.5 23. 5 21.1 4.0 9.5 10.0 13.5 11.8 13.5 13.5 8. 5 13.5 13.0 14.0 27.0 12.0 16.0 22.5 22.8 13.5 1.4 11.8 12.0 20.0 .... ..... ..... ..... 7 .2 13. 7 11.5 10.0 25.5 11.0 14.8 9.8 7.7 ..... ..... .... ..... T. T. T. 0.5 0.5 r r . T. T. T. 0.8 T. j E 0 25. 6 23.2 YO. 7 "4.4 23, 2 2:x. 1 13.4 25, 2 21.5 "'2. 5 "'2, 2 20. 4 .I .8 .o 11.2 26.2 1s. 7 28. 6 12. 5 14. 8 25.0 17. R 24. 7 15.6 26. 8 13. 6 19. ti 24.4 21.3 52.2 27. s 24.4 17. 5 24. Y 23. ti 1X.!I 20. li 21.6 24. 7 24. 2 2l.!i i .O 1 .... 17. S 26. IJ 23. 0 25.5 23. 9 23.0 15. 1; 14.4 1s. 4 24.4 11.5 ]!I. !I 16. 2 22. x 23. S 20. 8 "'2. i 9.9 211. 6 23. 5 19. 5 21. 6 211. 4 25.1 24.0 21. i 12. 1 19.4 23.4 22. 4 27. R 92. 5 ?El. 4 21. IJ 4. Y 26. 7 21. I 23. 8 26.0 23.0 11.1; 15.11 15.; 24. 4 9. 9 1.0 -7. 4 -5. 4 2. u ',., 0 I-. - 4 $ - 0 82 84 5 i .... .... SO 80 50 48 48 45 45 52 45 47 44 45 48 47 42 46 43 47 66 6s 76 i 4 61; 6Y 73 71 ,I ? 69 71 60 i d i o 71 73 64 76 71 i 4 i 9 7? 75 71 70 67 66 69 71 71 i 3 79 71 75 70 69 69 71 Amherst. ............... 1 54 .... .... -. .... .... .... 0 -9 -11 -I3 -s -10 -26 -10 -; -2 -11 -1 2 -Y -14 0 -11: -4 - ..... 12. 6 Y. 4 16.3 9. 4 -10.2 5.2 13.5 17 9 --.. I.. Y .......... -30 1 4.6 -29 11.6 -12 15.(1 -44 -a -9." -30 I-. 4 0 -5.2 -12 1.ib:i -30 1.ii;i ..... 3.99 Palmer ............. Palmyra*l.. ......... Pawnee City ........ ......... -26 11.2 -z:, 1 1;. 6 -29 I 1o.u Purdum. ............. Ravenns ............. Kedcluud .......... Riilo ................ Yt. P a n l . ............ Santee ............. Seward ............. Stanton .............. Strang.. ............. Ytratton ............. Superior ............. Syracuse.. ........... Tablerock ........... Tecumseh .......... Tekamah ............ .......... ............. .......... 14. 2 14.2 17. 7 33, 4 20.4 .... .... .... 21. 7 13. 0 24.9 21.3 24. 8 25 6 22.0 20.4 12.2 .... -34 -15 -12 -I2 0 .... .... .... -7 -18 ..... -3 - - ; .- 9 -1 1 -20 o r e on .................. Rolfa ................... 8t. Charles .............. St. Joseph.. ............. 51 72 ..... Sarcoxie ................ Sedalia.. ................ Seymour.. ............... Sikeston. ................ 43.4 30. Y 27. 2 28. 2 ?A. 5 36. 1 34.8 33.0 37. 1 43.1 35.3 .... .... 12.8 4. n 8. Y1 5. 90 4.30 3.93 5.75 9.45 8. 99 5, A6 6.57 5.02 4.09 0. 50 0.99 2. 10 ..... Turlington .......... Uuiversity Farm.. .. Wahoo .............. I Wakeileld ........... Steffenville ............. Sublett. ................ Trenton ................ Unionville .............. ..... IS. 3 .......... ......... - 5 I 20.4 ..... 1 ..... .......... .......... - !I 1 18.2 ......... - 4 , ?"..I 0 22. 9 - 9 19.7 Watertown. ....... Wauneta ............ Weeping Water ...... Westpoiu t. ........... Wilber.. ............. Wilsonville .......... Wiunebago. .......... Wisuer. .............. Wymore ............. Ywk ............... Aiuoa ................ Nctiaifn. Versailles ............... Warreusburg. ........... Warrentou .............. JANUARY, 1907. Nbvada-Cont'd. Aura.. ............. Austin ................... Battle Mountain.. ....... Carlin*l.. ............... Carson Dam .............. Clover Valley. ............ Columbia ................ Fallon .................... Gardnerville. ........... Golconda. ................ Halleck 6 .. ............... Hamilton ................ Haeen ................... Humboldt.. .. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--cuIMtologkal record of cooperdiae obee*ae*gCbntinued. ' Nm Fork-Cont'd. Gansevoort .................... Glens Falls.. ............. Qloversville ............. Greenfield ................ Greenwich ............... Qriffin Corners.. ......... Earkneas ................ Haskinrille ................... Hemlock ................. 0 45 46 48 50 51 46 52 San Jacinto .............. Squaw Valley ............ Tecoma .................. Wabuska ................ Wadsworth.. ............ New Hanipahire. Alstead .................. Bartlett ................. Bethlehem ............... Durham ................. Franklin Falls. .......... Groveton ................. Hanover ................. Keene ................... Nashua ................. Newton .................. North Woodstock ......... Plymouth ................ New Jsrrey. Asbury Park. ............ Bergen Point.. ........... Beverly .................. Bridgeton ................ Canton.. ................. Cape Yay C. H.. ......... Charlotteburg ............ Dover ................... Elizabeth.. ............... Flemington .............. Friesbnrg ................ HI htatown .............. Indian Mills.. ............ Jerney City ............... Lakewood ............... Lambertville ............ Layton .................. Moorestown .............. Newark .................. New Brnnswick. ......... Newton .................. Oceanic .................. Paterson ................. Philli sburg ........... Plainleld ... 1: ........... Pleaaantville .............. R ~~c o c M .. ............... Rivervale. ................ 8omerville ............... Englewood ............... ImFaystown .............. Ogdensburg .............. Oneonta.. ................ Otto. .................... PerryCity. ............... Port Jervis ............... Romulus ................. Scarfdale.. ............... Setaotet.. ................ Shortsville ............... Skaneateles ............... Southampton. ............ South Cauisteo ........... Spier Falls.. ............. Volosla. .................. Wading River. .......... Plattsburg ............... ;;;;;g;;;gn :: 1::: :: :: 1: : Beaufort.. ................ Brevard. ................. Brewera. ................. Buck Springs.. ........... Caroleen ............ ChalybeateSprings.. Chapelhill. ............... Cliuton ................. Eagleto wn ............... Edentou ................. Fa etteville .............. Greensboro Greenville. ................ Henderson ............... Henderaonville.. ......... Gordsooro ................ Lincolnton ............... Trenton.. ................ Tuckerton.. ............. Vineland ................ Woodbine ............... New Mexico. Alamagordo ............. Albert.. .................. Albuquerque. ............ Alto.. ..................... Artesia. ................. Bellranch ................ Temperrturn I (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Pn3cipIta- tlon. ~ d 4 - 0 23. 7 27.4 28. 2 24.5 30.8 24. 1 2i. 0 20. 5 25. 0 25. 7 25. 9 YO. 7 24. 4 23. s 23.4 33. 6 2s. !! 31.4 29.3 4.5. 6 28.5 25.4 55. 0 19. 9 22.8 22. 8 18.8 31. 2 39.7 17.8 13. 4 23. 5 19.4 17.2 14.8 19. 6 20.2 17.8 34. 2 31.1 28.4 31.2 31.7 35.2 36.4 29. 4 33. 4 30. 5 26. 8 32.6 30. 0 30. 3 34.0 31.0 31.8 34.0 32.1 *?A. 0 31.4 25.6 32 6 31.1 RV. 7 li. 2 36.5 32.2 28.9 30.4 28.3' 30.4 29.9 27. 0 34. I, 34.0 35.1 34. 0 35.6 47.2 43.8 47. 4 48. 8 4%. 4 36.0 49.4 .... .... .... .... 2n. 6 .... .... .... .... .... ..... - d 4 ~ 0 25.. 36.i $2. 8 31. f 35.2 4s. I 2s. i 36.. 25. : 46. t 25. t 43. : 37. L 36. : 36. i 41. ( w. I 34. t YY. I 3s. : 35. ( 42. I 45. : 45. 36. ; 41. < 3'1. I 46. : 27. E 31.: 38. ( 46.1 48.f 37. I 41.4 46.F 24. ( 46. F 35.1 3s. 2 43. € 36.4 .1p E 36. E 33.3 24.1 44. 6 33. 2 28. 3 26. 4 2n. 3 24. a 25. i; 21. 1 23.6 24.4 23. 7 24.4 23.1 19. ti 28.0 25.4 18.9 25.6 17. 2 2-1.6 16. 4 23. 7 13. 7 22. 4 30. 1 20.0 22.2 31.2 i3.6 21.4 23.7 5 .4 14.4 ?2. 8 22.9 22.9 13.8 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 22. a .... .... .... I- - d 4 - 0 .... 19.5 IS. t 19 i 19. 5 21.t 15.4 25. I 26. 15. 5 24. : 2i. : ?2. : 16. E 1s. c 23. I 21.: 19.1 24. E 17.4 24. E 26. € 24. F 13. C 28. i 20.6 16.4 24.3 14.c 24. E 24. I 23. E 30. f 23. 1 16.: 26. I 25. i 22. (i 13.4 29. 1 31. E "4. E 32. 2 34. € 16. i 20 I 18. c 25. i 23. 5 1s. 8 26.1 23.4 20 6 36. e 23.4 24.2 50. h 46.5 46.8 40.1 51.2 47.9 46.4 52.2 47.2 48.6 51.4 47. 8 48. 7 46.4 46.3 17.9 19.4 51.4 15. s 46.5 48. fi 17 4 49.5 48.3 16.2 48.4 19. 0 17. u 14.3 17.9 19.9 L4.2 .... .... .... .... 30.2 .... .... .... ... - a : $5 B 1 5 h. 14.5 12.0 13.0 5.5 14.0 6.0 13.0 4. 8 9.5 46. 0 12.7 16.5 19.0 12.7 10. 6 7.0 11.0 13.0 21.0 16. 5 18.0 15.0 11.5 19.0 15.0 20.0 18.0 5.9 12.0 7.6 19.3 13.0 11.1 7.5 18. 0 13.5 11.5 8.0 11.4 10.0 4.6 9. 5 18.5 11.0 I?. 2 14.5 23. 0 14.0 18.0 16.0 9.0 IS. 5 13.5 11.0 20.0 14.3 10.0 6.0 - ..... .... .... .... .... T 7 3 . '1'. O .? 2.0 1.6 1.0 er. T. 2. n n. s 2.0 ?. 0 0. 1 1 5 T. ir . .... '1'. 0.6 0.6 1.5 1.3 T. - ij - 54 - 0 -s 5 8 -8 5 -10 5 -12 0 0 -3 -2 1 -12 -10 12 -12 5 1 27 4 -8 -5 -15 -25 -14 1 2 -18 - 26 -1 8 -24 -1s -33 -28 -26 -13 -1s -1s 1 0 -4 1 1 5 2 - 7' 3 -3 -3 2 -3 0 3 -1 0 2' 1 1 1 -19 0 -1 -2 -11 3 2 -2 -1 .... .... -26 .... .... .... ..... ..... -10. -1 0 -8 0 -1 2 2 1 21 15 19 21 12 6 19 .... ..... - 2 1 a . 5 : :E TW. 6.70 1. 74 1. 10 1.22 1.55 0. 65 1.25 2. 50 4.70 0.21 :;. 55 0. 30 n. -12 4.60 1.35 1.30 0. 28 8. i 0 2. 36 0.42 8. 90 1. fii 3. (hs 0.80 1. 70 1.13 2. !nJ 0. 08 0.95 1.87 2. 14 1.40 1. s5 2.30 3. 31 2.35 1.49 1.99 2.39 a. 94 3.42 2.03 3.60 3. 55 3.99 4. 1)5 3.54 2. s9 2.40 1.93 3.83 2.55 3.44 3.60 3.49 3.39 3. s5 a. 83 4. 24 4.44 3.13 3.52 5.95 3. 78 3.55 2.93 4.93 3.97 3.35 3.45 3.47 3. 70 3.57 2.36 3. 24 5.40 3.94 3.24 2.51 4.42 4.30 3. 11 2.30 1.97 1.45 0.91 2. 25 0. 14 0. 73 0.53 0. 10 0. 65 .... 0.06 .... - a d - z . *E 9 8 2 El .- ~ IW. 2.0: 0.3i 2. 51 6. 3: 0.9f 1.45 1.8; 0.3: 0.9( 0. 2: 2. ir 0. zc 0.41 I). 6C 3.3: 0.2: 0. se 1.3$ 2. 6: 0. 1'; 1.41 0.1': 0.62 0. 0s 0. 8i 0. SI- 1.46 1.57 2.5? 0. 76 1.76 1. 7i 0. 81 1.26 0. 74 2.42 1.6; 0. 9s 1. 38 0 .C 2. 44 1.79 1. I? 0. tis 0. 4:3 0. 87 0. 50 1.36 1. 05 0.66 0.5c 1.42 1.52 0.24 T. 0.21 3.9H ..... 1.2: ..... 2.20 2. 27 2.27 2.37 4. 52 I . 85 3. (16 2.3s 2. 11 2.53 4.35 2. 25 2.40 2.55 3.83 3.13 3. '22 2.55 :i. 68 2. 13 2.12 1.25 1. i o 4. I3 3.04 3.50 4.29 1.26 3.19 1.42 3.04 2. 45 1.40 2.69 3. 58 3.19 1.19 ~ a z 9 .- S -- 0 .... -19 - 24 -2fi -27 -m - p1 -11 -2 I - 3.5 -10 -17 - 34 -21 --"2 -12 -1s -1e -8 .... -.>Q -- .... -18 -6 -14 -3 -5 -26 -35 -19 -1B -20 -10 -3 -2 -24 -14 -12 -20 -28 -6 0 -1s 1 -21 -28 -25 -22 -8 -4 -15 -22 -22 -1 1 -28 -9 -4 -26 .... -20 .... .... .... 25 15 16 5 17 12 13 18 14 17 17 17 13 11 16 19 18 17 11 7 15 13 18 17 19 15 12 15 12 13 20 16 .... ... - z 1 . a: %8 2 c. - El .* - IW. 2.85 2.93 3.75 4.97 2.00 2.67 0.99 3. 16 1.61 2.70 4.60 2.68 4.17 3.22 2.58 2. fig 2.68 3.70 2.60 2.31 2.17 4.75 3. 14 4.34 2. I8 3.86 2. 74 2.57 5.28 3.53 1.09 2. so 2.39 3.68 4.27 2.54 1. 10 3.26 2.24 4.27 1.16 3.60 3. 74 2. 16 3.28 5. 15 3.25 2.41 3. 62 2.28 4.60 3.86 3.68 3. 00 2. 01 3. 16 2.30 1.96 5. Ili 2. 33 1. s7 2.62 1.71 0.22 0 42 0.08 0.05 0.67 0.95 1.10 0. n!! IJ. 40 1.46 0. 50 1.04 0 95 0.39 I. 56 0. 2s 1. I3 0.40 0.21 I. 14 0.37 0. 44 0.26 0.79 0.24 0.48 0. 40 0. 28 1.49 ..... n. 78 .... n. 94 0.28 k 0 c *s R - c a s 4 9 ~ 0 -1: 2 14 -1 -e 2:: - 2; I -1 1 2( -1: 1:: 1; R 11 15 1 2 -3 19 l? 12 y 11 -2 2 IO -12 I? 19 I .... .... .... .... .... ... 20 -2 14 1s -s 16 4 I I 16 1 12 3 -5 -17 I X 3 -1 -26 -19 -17 -2s -2 -30 -12 ... .... .... .... -4.) _I .... -15 - 14 -18 -26 -8 -26 -26 -5 -1 1 -I? -2s - 16 -311 -12 -1 -27 -27 0 -23 -27 -10 -15 -3 2 - "0 -20 -30 .-32' .... .... '.- -I /~- IIM. 23.5 3.5 24.2 1.0 1s. 0 4.0 11.0 0 4f 5: 61 4c 5E 4s 50 41 :3 r 45 4s 64 51 63 .... 50 sa 5n 46 59 67 54 5.i 43 41 46 52 4s 60 73 49 SO 5fi 52 48 42 47 51 53 53 46 69 64 55 62 65 70 71 63 66 62 60 61 64 62 69 65 67 70 63 70 59 64 67 65 62 64 68 67 58 61 .... .... .... .... .... .... 67 60 63 63 75 65 68 69 63 63 70 68 73 71 60 76 .... .... I?M. 67. 0 18.5 11.11 T. 15. 0 15. 5 6.5 12.5 25.0 50.0 0. 7 21.0 5.0 4.2 46.0 2.3 8.0 2.5 2 i . 0 4.0 89. 0 2 i . 0 10.5 17.0 11.1 29. 0 0. 8 9. 5 20. 0 19.0 9.5 13.5 20. 5 15. 0 19. 2 14.7 14. 0 16.8 9.0 11.4 10.3 IO. 7 11.3 13.2 11.0 6.3 5.0 7. 3 14.0 4.3 10. fi 11.0 14.0 12. 8 8. 5 4.3 11.2 8. 5 6.0 10. fi 8.0 10.5 8 . S 14. 7 13.0 15. 5 8.0 10.5 12. 7 13.2 8.2 21.5 13.0 9.5 22.0 12. 0 8.0 6.2 5. 3 3.0 ..... 0. o ..... ..... 2:. 3 ..... T. .... 8.5 0.2 Hunt.. .............. Iudian Lake.. ....... ..... ..... ..... .... I ..... ..... ..... 1.0 2.5 7. 5 6.0 1.2 rr . T. T. 1.0 5. 5 6.0 n. 7 44 58 62 51 51 45 56 55 52 60 51 53 6% 58 55 67 51 45 49 4s 56 74 52 63 57 46 64 53 60 4:: 64 64 54 Ithaca.. ............. Jamestown ......... Jeffersonville.. ...... Keene Valley ....... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Lake George. ........ Le ROY .............. Liherty ............ Littlefalla City Res.. Lowville ., .......... Lyndouville. ........ Lockport .I. .......... ... Lyons.. ............. Middletown ......... Nohonk Lake. ...... Moira ............... Mount Hope.. ....... Newark Valley ...... New Lfsbon ......... North Lake ......... Norwich ............ ... .... 'I' . 1'. 7. 0 3.0 8.0 6.0 3. 0 T. 25.0 T. 4.0 2.2 3.5 4.0 1'. 3. 2 15.5 '1'. .... .... 3. 2 13. 5 10. 3 14.0 2.9 21.9 12. 5 14.6 11.6 13.0 7. 5 15.0 6. 7 7.8 14.5 16.5 16. 5 13. 0 10.0 13.0 12. 0 8.0 8.5 la. 0 5.4 13.0 19.5 7.7 9.0 13. 0 8. 1 11.5 13.0 12. 0 14. 2 9. n SJ. 4 10.4 I .... 60 63 4s 52 42 58 68 62 57 67 56 56 62 64 56 .... .... 73 74 76 65 80 so 80 82 79 74 81 78 7s 77 74 69 74 80 79 78 77 7E EO 77 73 SO 78 76 75 31 N J 72 .... ..... Athens.. ...... Blue Mount.ain Bolivar.. ...... Bouckville ... South Orange ............ Sussex ................... Toms River.. ............. Marion ................... Marshall. ................ Dloucure ................. Monroe .................. Morganton ............... Mount Hollv .............. Mountairy ................ Bloomfield ............... Carlsbad ................. Cambray. ................. Nashville . .: ............. Newbern ............ .I Pattemon*b. .............. Btstlons. Nwth Cbrolina-Cont'd. Pinehurst ................ Pink Beds. ............... Reidsville ................ Rockingham ............. tjalem.. .................. Salisbury ................ Sapphire ................. Saxon.. .................. Scotland Neck. ........... Selma.. .................. Settle .................... Sloan. ................... Snowhill.. ............... Southern Pines.. ......... gouthport ................ Stateeville ................ Tarboro .................. Vade Mecum ............. Washin on ......... Wa nesville ............. WeTdon .................. North Dakota. Ameuia.. ................ Aplin ......................... h t t i n e a u ................ Buford.. ................. Cando .................... Coalharbor .............. Diekinson ................ Donnybrook ............. Edgeley .................. Edmore ...................... Fargo. ................... Forman .................. Fort Yates ........... Wash dads ................. - 4 - ! z! 79 69 77 82 78 79 69 77 80 79 78 80 79 84 70 SO s1 77 81 76 80 31 19 28 22 24 35 25 31 35 31 4 .0 4 .2 12.5 11.5 -1.5 6.11 Talnga ................... Teiiiple ................. Vinita ................... \Vaukomis. .............. Weatherford ........... Whiteagle. .............. 4. I1 12.0 I OWg071. Allva ..................... T. 0. R 1. 5 0 .5 T. 1. 5 14.5 13.0 9.0 14.5 8.0 7.5 4.2 19.0 14.0 7.8 2s. 2 14.0 10. 7 12. IJ 9.5 12.2 12.4 18. 1 34.5 22.0 >a. 0 18. 5 7. 8 25.0 13.7 11.0 14.2 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... X. 6 1:;. 0 17.3 20.0 19.5 15. 0 111. 5 6.0 13.0 10.0 15. 0 11.5 10.0 16. 0 9. 5 9.5 10.5 9.5 4.0 9. 7 13.0 7. 0 13. 0 15.4 8. 0 2.1 12.0 5.7 9. 7 i. 0 13.2 4.6 16.0 5.6 15.0 7. 3 13.0 ..... ..... 1 16.5 8.0 G.0 3.1 5.0 Drain ................... Echo ..................... Ella ..................... Eugene .................. Fairview ............... Follerton ................ Gladys. .................. Glenulliu ................ Qraftou .................. Granville ................. HanIilton ................. Hillsboro. ................ Jamestown .............. Kulm .................. Lakota. ................. Langdou ................. Lisbon ................... McKinney ............... Manfred .................. M a ville ................. Megina.. ................ Medora.. ..................... Melville ................ Minot.. Minto. ................... Moyersville ............. Napoleon ................. New England. ........... New Salem ............... Oakdale .................. Onska ................... Park River. .............. Pemblna. ................ Portal .................. Power. ................... P r a t t ..................... Steele.. ................... Valley City .............. Wahpeton ................ Walhalla ................ Willow City.. ............ Wishek.. ...................... Ohio. Akron.. .................. Amesville ................ Atwater. ................. Bangorville .............. Bellefontaine ............. Benton Ridge.. .......... Bladensbnrg ............. Bowling Green.. ......... Buc run ................ Cad% .. : :. ............... Cambrldge ............... Cam Dennison .......... Cana? Dover. ............. Canton ................... Cardington.. ............. Circlevllle ................ Clarington ............... Clarksville ............... Cleveland b.. ............. Da ton... ................ Deiance .................. Delaware ................. Demos ................... .................. 23 33 30 17 26 32 B I 33 23 28 33 21 31 23 30 21 23 29 21 2S 33 32 44 31 25 29 20 33 22 25 32 36 31 18 68 71 62 64 65 65 67 65 66 66 69 70 66 65 65 70 71 68 65 68 64 66 66 5.5 4 .0 9. 0 16.0 5. 1 1u. 5 10. 2 R. 1 7. (I 7.2 12.4 7.5 7. 2 5. 7 12.!> 11.9 5. s 2. 5 10. 5 3.0 11). 5 8.5 1.0 0.5 2.5 10.2 ..... 7. n T T T 1. 1 ..... 1. rr . 'r . 0. 5 'I' . 0.6 0. 5 1.0 I). 2 'I' . T. 0. 5 T. 1 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--climatob~l r m d of wopmdtw obaeraare-Continued. JANUARY, 1907 Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. - i J - 0 51.0 41.11 47. 6 50. 8 47.0 48.6 45.6 46.6 49. 1 48. 6 47. 7 52. 8 50. 4 51.9 52. 2 47. 3 4s. 0 45. 1 51.0 46. i 45.4 -5.6 -8.4 -6.4 -11.2 -7.2 -3.4 -8.8 4 .1 -3.4 -0. 8 -7.6 -0. 2 -1.7 -9.0 -1.5 -9.2 4 .6 10.4 -4. 6 -2. 8 -3.1 -11.2 -9.1 -2.8 -10.4 -4. 2 -10.6 -1.2 -7.4 -6.9 -6 .6 -6.4 -6.2 -0.2 -2.8 -0.2 -3.4 -7.6 -14. 1 -10.6 -3.8 -9.4 -2. 4 -3.3 -0.8 -8. 4 -11.0 28.7 36. 0 27. 9 30 6 31. 3 31. 3 30. ti 28. 2 31.4 33.5 33.6 37.4 30.2 31.6 31.0 35.0 35.6 36.2 29.2 34.7 29.2 32.0 33. 3 .... .... .... .... .... ~ d d - 0 40.0 40.8, 41.3 41.4 43.6 44.7 46.0 40.5 39.0 47.1 41.0 41. 4 41.6 40. I .... 36.2 37.4 37.6 34.2 38.8 25.3 32.6 26.9 37.9 3'2.5 23.2 33.3 z!!. 1 35.4 30.0 31. 4 37.3 25.0 23. 5 35. 7 43.4 32. 8 32.8 41.1 37. 8 32.3 43. 7 25.2 21.6 3s.2 24.4 26.2 24.5 26.5 27.6 37.0 19.9 26. 3 23.8 25. 8 30.7 34 6 4% 3 .W.6 25.8 34.0 24.2 35.6 42.4 22.9 27. 0 24.4 41.2 24.6 28.2 27.6 35.8 1s. 2 25.2 33.9 27. 1 38.5 25. 6 26. 3 18. 6 25.2 22.2 37.4 .... .... ..... .... .... .... 34. n 28.6 29.4 29.8 36. I .... .... - * 0 2 a6 0 9 I 0 0 3 3 - h a . T. 1'. 1'. T. 0.5 0. 2 0. 5 0.5 0.5 0.1 T. ..... ..... 5.8 4.0 6.2 36.0 13.9 9.3 7.5 1s. 0 4.5 48.0 1.5 3.0 1.3 3.0 17.1 2.6 15.5 1%. 0 0.5 7.5 4.3 6.0 1.0 2 2 0 11.4 58.0 2. 2 13.2 5. 7 11.5 14.0 43.0 18. 0 4.5 11.0 11.5 23.0 5.0 4.2 6. 8 0.1 12.5 2.5 65.8 6.2 2.0 T. 26.0 13.5 12.0 7.0 3.5 ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ~ a' 3 d iz - 0 16 9 13 20) 6 14 14 4 16 18 11 18' 14 15 23 14 16 5 16 14 14 -33 -3s -4s -42 -38 -35 -35 -31 -27 - 29 -42 -31 -29 -41 -32 -38 -39 -42 -3'2 -33 -30 -41 -37 -31 - 41 -35 --351 -31 -31' -35 -33 -a7 -35 -33 -35 - 33 -30 -33 4 3 4 3 -34 4 2 -37 -31 -32 -38 -45 -7 -2 1 -1 2 -6 -5 -5 -20 -10 -IO -2 -20 -5 -20 -8 -12 - 91 -5 -9 -3 -1 -4 -10 -6 .... .... .... .... .... ~~ a .I 4 e B .C - 0 2 -17 -4 -20 -~l R --I6 -9 -23 -3 -3 -1:r -4 0 -3 -3 ~~ 9 --Is _. .a -1 1 -5 -5 -]!I -1 1 -r2 ~~ 32 -3 -5 -I 1 -10 -3 -2 --?I) -2 --s ~ 12 -12 -7 -19 -5 -l? -6 ~~ 9 1 11 -16 -5 - !I -1 -2 -15 .-?O --I0 -4 -2 -7 -8 -11 -16 ~~ 6 -1 2 -4 -15 -16 ~-1 4 .... - ... .... .... 12 14 12 10 11 15 10 15 15 14 8 ?lJ 19 13 15 16 11 1 3 15 115 12 12 1 0 16 "2 12 15 16 ~ 2 z . a: - - n n e 5: Ins. 6. 15 6. 71 5.44 5.13 5. 74 5. 37 tl. 55 5. s5 7.24 5. 54 5. 26 5 .4 7 7. I l i s. 54 5. 36 I;. i 7 1;. 45 5. 811 5. SF 7. 75 7. s i 5. 01 5. 25 ti. .&I 5.95 d m .e ~ ~ 4 4 .- _- 0 73 76 77 73 75 74 72 75 66 74 75 74 70 i 3 .... 59 57 52 54 71 56 50 51 56 49 47 53 50 52 56 51 60 56 56 54 65 52 54 5s 54 50 59 53 56 59 42 53 55 51 57 fi3 45 5s 46 46 4s 54 65 57 53 52 47 5s 62 52 fi2 51 57 47 56 56 52 5s 49 57 53 53 66 56 52 53 56 59 6Y 63 e2 66 72 ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ~ $ : 3 - 0 13 lil 13 13 12 I6 17 15 15 17 10 16 12 14 .... 10 17 IS 8 12 -19 0 0 19 10 -M 6 5 7 -4 4 11 1 -10 10 26 9 4 20 21 5 26 -4 -14 20 -14 .... .... -1: - .... -5 -2 16 -10 -3 -2 -7 0 11 24 10 -13 10 -5 8 16 -5 -9 -8 30 -20 0 -4 12 -19 3 6 -4 14 -5 -8 -IS -19 -8 14 -15 -1:3 -13 -14 -4 .... .... .... .... .... ~ $ z - 0 30.4 37. 0 30.1 28. i 3'2. 8 32. 2 JCJ. 6 29. IJ 32. Y 4 < ti :I44 KO. ? :31. i 35. I) 31. 2 35. 2 3s. 3 31. 2 2s. 2 3u. 5 35. 1 30. I 211. 4 31. 9 33. 6 .I ? .4 :w. 6 32.3 28. 2 29. 9 29.8 33. 0 28.6 30.6 3'2. 6 34. 5 34. 3 35. 8 :14.9 36.4 29. 6 28. 9 39. 2 32. !I 35. 2 30.0 :34.0 41.1 30. 6 28.0 31.6 31. !I 2s. s 29. 4 26. 8 3 i . 1 31.9 30.4 37.9 , .... .- .... .... 38.4 41.6 118. 6 44.3 44. 2 45.5 3s. 8 45. fi 38.4 45. 8 39.9 47. 4 47. 0 37.13 35. 4 -13. 6 37. 8 37.6 $2. R 44.4 :is. 6 40.8 39.7 $2. 6 4s. 4 47.4' 42.6 45.2 Stations. Inr. 0.97 0. 34 0.55 0.32 0. 32 0. I 1 0.21 1.28 1.15 0.05 0.95 0.48 0. 46 2 5s 0. 115 1.01 0.37 1.97 0. 70 I. P 1.45 1.30 1. 05 0. 90 0.58 1.45 0. i5 1.90 0.34 1.40 0.30 0. 74 2. 52 1.23 1.07 1.20 1.02 1.19 1.24 1. SI 3. 26 3.94 2. 00 1. $5 2. 50 1.37 1.10 1. J2 1.91 0. 80 1.30 1,:;fi 2.00 1.95 1.50 1.95 0.60 1.30 1.00 I . 50 1.15 0.61 o.ai n. (io n. 42 .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... 1.00 1.60 4.41 6. SS 6.04 7. 74 6. 77 5. 70 4. 49 3.43 6. 70 5.43 5. 50 8.S0 5. 83 5. 95 7. 12 6.69 6.55 x. 47 5.31 8. 16 4.12 6. 89 5.92 0 66 68 6ti 65 6 i 615 i8 lis 6 i 64 66 6.: i S 1;s (; 4 72 i 3 6S i 1 ti9 67 65 65 69 155 63 I ;!I Ij ?I 64 ti5 i 0 ti5 l;i 64 I;4 fi7 68 63 66 6S 1;s 66 6 i 71 tic 65 65 65 li7 61; 67 69 72 65 64 66 67 fii 1;.5 C-1 71 l i 6.5 i 0 6 i .... ..... ..... ...... 71 711 74' 75 1 1 i 6 60 73 75 68 72c 75 77 68 60 i5 67 72 I -., ($8 I! ,- 7 2 i? 71 7 2 io' 79 72 Ins. 6.0 8.0 10. n Oklnhmiin-Con t'd. Newkirk ................ Okeene ................. Pawhoska. ............... Ins. 5. as 4-39 2. 44 3.18 1. i5 1.79 1.40 2.62 4.35 1.19 3.47 3.72 1.52 4.41 1.62 7.54 2.87 13.54 6.75 11.93 6.34 3. 20 14.62 12.52 2. on i. 95 11.9s 12. I9 8.97 2.77 0. 96 8.03 10.98 1.81 1.4.5 7. 91 13. IO 16.31 8.11 13.24 11.08 17.57 18. 43 10.75 1.62 8.04 2. 65 1.92 2.25 2.14 5.97 1.95 4.94 1.63 1.64 3.39 1.11 12.81 7.54 13.46 6.02 1.60 13.34 8.61 13.88 9.50 4. 76 1.92 1.03 1.99 18.56 1. 14 0. 71 0.60 8.01 1.11 0. R5 8.01 3.92 11.21 1.79 3.63 1.30 1.99 3. 31 4.96 7.52 7.03 5.31 2.85 6. a3 5.00 3. 72 5.03 ..... ..... Ohio--Cont'd. Findlap.. ................ Frank ort ................ Fremont ..... Garrettsville . Granville ................ Hiram ............... Ironton .............. Lancaster ................ ~. .................... .... ................. .................. ............... Alhany.. ............... Ashland. ................ Lima.. ................... McConnelsville .......... Mansfield.. .............. ..... !1. iI 10. 2 11. 0 12. 5 4. 0 5.24 I : .>L1 I ?! ..................... Aurora (near) ........... Bay City ................ Bend.. .................. Beulah .................. Blalock ................. Buckhorn .............. Bullrou ................. ~~ ~ hiarietta ................. Marion .................. New Alexandria ......... New Berlin .............. New Breinen ............. New Richmond .......... New Waterford .......... North Lewishnrg.. ....... North Royalton .......... Norwalk ................ Oberlin .... ....... Ohio State Universitv.. .. <,.LO 5.13 3.58 0." I l t5urnLa ................... 11.5 Carlton .................. 19.0 Cascade Locks. .......... 9.0 I1 Coooille ................ 5.40 6.65 x. 00 5.63 7. 15 5. 45 4.57 4. SI 5.29 2. 46 5.4s 6. i l 5.01 6. 7(J 7. 14 ............... ..................... ................ ............... Oraogeville .............. Ottawa.. ................. Pataskala ............... ................... ............... Philo.. Plattsbnrg Pomeroy ................. Pnrtsmonth .............. s. 01 9 93 6 .E 4.47 6. 05 7.41 4. 167 5. 70 7. 49 5.4u 6. 6: 5. 50 4.63 4. 97 6.40 5.75 4. 01 8. 4 i 7. S I 7.26 5. 13 4. (I6 Y. 67 6. 92 5. 01 Gold Beach. ............ Government Cauip ....... (iranite ................. (:rass Valley.. ......... Heisler. ...... Herniiston ... Hood River .............. Huntington ............. Jacksonville.. .. Joseph .................. La eview ............ Lost River .............. NcKeneie Bridge ....... hlcbfinnville.. ........... hfarsbfield Mill City.. Mitchell. ................ Monroe ................. Mountain Park.. ....... Mount Angel.. .......... Nebalem ..... Lae;rande ::: ............ Pendleton ............... Port Oxford. ............. Priueville .............. Richlanal. ................ Riverside.. ............... Salem ................... Silver Lake. ............. Sidney ................... Springfield ............... Snmmerfield ............. Thurman.. :I Somerset South Lorai Tiffin .................... Toledo (St. Johns College) Upper Sandusky ......... Urbana.. ................. Vickery .................. Warren ................. Waiiseon ................. Waverly ................. Wa nesville ............. ~e h n g t o n ............... Willoughby ............. Wilson .................. Wooater ................. Zanesville Oklahonia. A h . ... ............... ... AraDabo 2.90 3. 02 1.74 2.05 1.hO 1. 15 2.84 1.7u 4.84 2.92 0. 164 (I. i 3 2. ?(I 3. u.5 2, 62 4. S4 :i. 3i 4.01 2. !?I 0. 50 1.75 I I .2 i .... Beaver.. ................. Cache .................... Chandler.. .............. Chattanooga. ............. Dacoma ................. Eldorado ................. Enid ..................... ..... 7.0 3.5 28.5 4.4 I. 7 11.6 14.0 21.0 15.0 32.0 2.0 15.0 2.9 10. 2 23.0 12.2 ..... ..... Erick. ................... Fort Reno.. ............ .I Fort Sill.. ................ Frederivk ............... .I Hparta .................. Stafford ................ The Dallea ............... Toledo .................. Umatilla ................. V d e ..................... Van ..................... Wallowa ................ Warm Spring ........... Werton. .................. Williams. ................ Pennr yltrania. Aleppo .................. Altoona ................. Baldwin. ................ Beaver Dam.. ........... Bellefontc ................ Browers Lock ........... California .............. Gage ..................... Grand.. .................. Qnthrie .................. Harrington .............. Helena.. ................. Hobart.. ................. Kenton .................. Kingfisher .............. hrccomh.. ............... Mangulu ................. Meeker. .................. Neola.. .................. 2. 54 1. 64 2. s5 1.80 1.68 JANUARY, 1907. ?enMyluania--Cont'd. Cassandra.. ............. Centerhall ............... Clarion ....................... Claysville ................ ClearEeld. .................... Coatavllle ................ Contluence .................... Caraopolin ................... Davis Island Dam.. ........... MONTHLY W'EATmR REVIEW. TABLE II.-(?lhddogicd rseo*d of cooperatlrre obesracrbC!ontinued. O 60 61 68 70 41 1718. 14.0 9.0 13.3 12.s 18.0 - Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) 8oiAh Chrolinn-Cont'd. O i'alawba ...................... Chappells.. ................... Cheraw .................. i Y Clarks Hill ............... 1 ii Camden ................. .~ 7 i Heat.h Yyring~. .......... Kin gst ree ................ 2;; ?&;;; Newbcrry ................ St. George.. .............. Pdzer. .................... Ht Matthews ............. 1 Florence ................ Frankliu ............... Harrimau ................ Hobenwald .............. Iron City ................ 15.5 13.4 10.0 6.0 27. 0 10. fi 8.0 4.3 21. 1 13.6 11.0 11.5 11.5 5.0 9.0 14. 0 17.4 6.0 15.0 20.0 11.0 7.5 10.0 3.0 7 .7 11.0 16.4 3. 2 23.0 5. Y 6.5 19.0 26.6 12.0 11.0 6.7 12.0 12.0 10. 6 8. 1 lU.5 16.4 9.5 5.0 5.0 15. 9 9. 7 a. 5 .... .... u.n .... .... in. o I ! ! ~ I , Hamburg ................ Hanover ................. Herrs Island Dam.. ........... 55 70 Irwin. ................... Johnstown ............... 75 63 \Valhalla. ................ Walterhoro .............. Temassee ................ Soioalh Dakola. Aberdeen ........ Academ~, ........ Aleran ria .............. Armour.. ................ Ashcroft .................. Bowdle.. ................. Brooking6 ............... Can ton .................. Cllst.lewood.. ............. Ceuterville ............. Chamberlain ............. Cherry Creek ........... Saltsburg.. .................... Seisholteville. ................. Selinsgrove .............. 54 Towauda.. .............. Tmotriin ..................... Uniontown .............. Warren .................. 66 70 64 Providence ............... South Chrolitin. Aiken.. .................. Allendale ................ Anderson .............. Bateshurg ................ Beaufort ................. Bennettsville ............. Blackville ................ Blairs ......................... BowNan ................. Calhoun Falls.. ............... 62 76 77 76 77 57 83 79 79 Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) Temperatiire. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. II - d t z - 51.6 .... .... 46.8 -14. 4 47. 1 48. 2 47. 3 .... ... .... 46. s 48.0 49. 3 4s.4 4s. 4 4s. 8 4s. 0 45. !I 49. 5 4i. Y 47.2 47.6 50. 4 511. S 4s. 9 44. 4 47. 6 4s. 2 49.7 A i . R .... .... .... .... .... 5n. o 49. 6 47. 4 49.8 4s. 2 4Y. 2 46. li 46.0 49. 8 4s. 4 4i. 8 42.4 48. 7 4s. x 4s. 2 51.3 46.6 4s. 2 4Y. 5 46. 3 49.4 50. 4 4!I. 4 49. s 51.4 .... .... .... 59. 2 57. 0 49. 4 6 3 . 1 52. 6 56. 7 57.6 53.0 51.2 59. 9 65. 4 55.0 41.4 42. Y 4s. 3 r2.2 39.8 54. 4 55.2 61. 0 53.6 56.0 59. s 49. Y 58.8 53. 4 45.6 60.6 52. 0 .... .... .... .... - I 0 s cp' a z 0 0 - 6. m 0 * - Itis. T. 'I . 0.5 0. 2 1.5 2.0 0.6 5 .5 T. s. 5 1.3 2.0 0.1 1. (I 3. 0 5.0 3.0 2.0 0.2 2.5 0.5 0.5 1.2 2. R 4.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.4 0. 7 1. (I 0. 3 1.0 1.0 2.5 '1.0 2.0 0.5 5.0 1.5 1.0 0. 5 4 0 3.2 1.3 3.0 2.5 1.5 3.0 T. T. 1 T. .... 0. 8 T. T. 1' T T. .... ~ $ 3 s - 0 -10 -12 -I7 1 .... .... .... .... .... -1s -14 -6 -I ~ 20 -3 .... .... - .... -I8 -I4 0 -1 -I3 -I6 -2 2 -Y -It1 -9 -1 4 -10 2 -20 -4 -I I -21 -12 -Y 0 -I3 -12 -17 -IO .... .... --?n .... .... .... .... .... .... 5 -23 .... .... -1 -21 -16 .... .... .... -I 1 -16 -14 -10 .... .... .... .... -10 -I9 -7 -17 - 23 1 -5 -3 -9 -5 -9 -1 -6 25 28 23 20 29 20 25 24 .... .... .... .... - a s d a . a: 9 2 2 El - - Ins. 3.92 2. I 4 5. 28 3.92 4. 88 3.41 9.69 4. 74 5.32 5.46 4.81 3. 50 3. 169 3. 40 5.52 4. tis 3.m :j. i Y 3. i 4 4. s4 6.67 4. 12 3.17 4.66 3. $9 7. 60 6. 18 4.51 3. 20 2. 51 5.2i 4. 51 5.28 5. 18 6.49 7. "9 3. i d 3.32 3.36 3. 70 2.97 3.40 3.97 5.50 6.85 3.89 4.32 4. 15 4.07 4.03 3.70 3.48 4.40 3.21 3.21 3.67 3.55 3.62 3.74 5.29 3.64 5. 66 3.49 3. 26 2. !li 3.50 7. 77 2.64 5.87 3.39 3. S'L 2. so 3.26 6.52 4.71 2.35 4. 16 3. 13 2.86 3.38 3. 17 4. I1 7.57 3.4u 1.35 0.54 0.62 0. Mj 0.66 0. 41 0.74 0. 36 1.67 0.55 .... 6. 0s ~ a B - 2 . "3: z rji3. El0 d m El .* ~ 0. 67 '1'. 0. 7 i I). 47 1. 5 i 1. 16 0. 85 0. $2 0. 27 1. E 0. i f i 0. 51 U.2fi l.!Il 0. 3s 0. S6 u. Sti 0. i 6 0. 71 1. DO 0. 56 1.23 0. 83 I . @.I 0. SI (1. 50 11.25 (1. 44 0.38 0. 79 0.95 1. 07 0.5s u. 94 1. i o I). 35 1.37 1.55 1. 10 1.60 0.60 2. i 0 1.06 0. 81) 0.43 1.94 0. 64 1.36 1.10 1.30 1.09 0. 44 0.90 1.40 0. s7 1.74 0.60 1.57 2.00 1. 55 0. i 5 1.00 0. 25 0.W 1. 78 2. 18 1.2'2 1.59 2.9s 0.54 0.65 2. 50 1.05 1.20 1 . no 0.91 0.6i 1.21 1.19 1.09 1.01 0.1;s 1. 01) 0.95 0.50 0.50 1.85 0. !Y7 0.87 1.47 2. 29 n. 44 0. 82 .... n. $3 .... - 4 .d 3 - 19 .... .... 14 5 I ? 10 3 .... .... .... 3 14 15 < 5 1 1 10 IS 12 I5 14 10 11 12 4 I6 8 5 14 I5 I I 15 IS 12 2, 11 1 4 12 1 t j 12 6 1 I) -5 1 19 12 9 14 7 8 15 13 15 li .... .... .... ... .... .... ... ... 26 17 22 33 23 22 33 20 17 2s 42 22 12 13 17 21 12 23 20 35 21 "5 40 2Y 31 23 13 31 1s ... .... .... .... ~ a B d 3 . at 4 E l E l m m P; It&& 1.17 1.12 1.50 2. 12 1.92 3.69 3. s4 2.4fi 4. i 4 2. 13 1.24 4.25 1. 51 3. 40 1.08 1.89 3. 24 4. 46 5.9(1 3. I? 2. 95 2.39 1.30 3. 12 3.20 2.6Y 2. YY 1.55 5.41 1. i 5 3. 1% 1.93 I . 15 2.20 0. 45 2. rs 1.45 0. 90 1.77 2. HO 3. i:! 1 .G I 2.26 3. 74 1. 15 2. (15 1.64 I . 31 1.40 3. 99 1. c2 I . 92 2. 12 4.55 I . 93 8.20 4. OS 4.29 2. 84 2. 36 2. 36 4. 10 11.41 0. '15 0.00 0.69 I). 55 0.17 0. 78 0.20 1.81 2. 15 T. 1.55 0.10 0.75 1.03 1.31 2. 55 1.35 0. 00 0.50 1.16 0. 21 1.23 0 .E 0.57 1.54 0.84 1.07 0. 87 5.96 0. IO ~ n. 46 ..... ..... ..... ~ .- 2 z - 75 ... ... 76 67 73 74 75 ... ... ... 75 75 76 i 6 79 76 71 72 74 74 74 76 I I, 76 7s 76 i 6 75 73 .... .... r. -- ... .... .... ,.- ,n 74 73 t l l i 4 i R 72 72 76 76 69 64 i 3 7.5 79 76 69 I O 73 i 6 77 i 5 72 73 81 -. .... L . .... .... so 81 75 84 78 S2 i R su R1 83 ill S6 73 i d 73 78 70 i 7 82 80 83 79 78 81 80 so 76 84 so .... .... .... .... Stations. 0 90 ... ... "I "I 21 22' 18 1s 24 .... .... 2'2 2'5 L'I I 21 '10 28 22 "2 "1 47 "4 19 13 .... .... .... "', ... 19 Td 26 23 "3 23 27 ?'2 20 27 -27 0 s2.3 .... ..... 49.4 53. 4 52. I 52. 8 51. R 51. 6 s2. 2 rns. T. Tcntwm-Cont'd. Benton.. ................. Birds Bridge ............ Bluff City ................ Bolivar ................. Bristol ................... Rrownsville ............. Byrdstown ............... Carthag. .: .............. Cedar 111 .............. (lelina. .................. Charle~ton ............... Clarksville .............. 0 30.0 26. 6 33. s 31.5 .... ..... ...... ...... ..... 33. s 27.8 2s. Y 30.4 27. 2 30.0 29.0 33.1 31.6 31.5 27.2 29.0 30. U 29.8 34.0 33. 1 31.6 85.5 33.0 32. 2 26. 7 30.3 25.3 2s. 1 ..... ...... , .... ..... ..... 30. 1 ...... 31.4 28. 7 25. 8 23. S 31.0 ..... ..... ..... 31. R 23.7 31.1 27.7 21. s ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 29.6 29. 6j 29.4 2s. 6 ..... ..... ..... ..... 29.0 26.6 33.6 27. 8 26.0 32. 1 26.2 9 .4 29. 1 29.2 27.2 29.2 28.4 53. R 55.4 51.2 Y2.4 57. 7 50.0 55.0 53.5 ..... ..... ...... ..... ........ 73 .... Darliogton.. ............ .I 81 .................... SI ................. 75 ................. .I 89 ..... 14. 7 15.2 11.5 8. 0 22. 9 6. 7 14.5 11.0 9.9 9. 3 13.2 21.5 13.0 9.0 15. 0 b. 6 11. 8 9. 0 11. s IO. 5 10. 0 9. 5 13.3 11.2 12. 0 IS. I) 7.6 l i .6 14.2 16.5 8. 7 14.d 12.0 15.0 13.5 15.3 24.0 12.0 9. 4 7.6 15.0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 9. 4 20.0 16. 5 17.0 8.5 12.5 ..... .... .... S9 71; 75 ..... 51. Y 54. :; 47. 2 50.8 51. il 56. 2 S I . 3 52. 4 51.8 56.2 T2. B 52. 3 5u. 7 50. 4 4Y. x 54. s 56.8 T2.6 55. 5 52.i 54.7 53. 3 51.0 55.0 -0.6 4.0 11.8 9. G 1. s 4.8 I?. 4 3. 2 12.5 4.2 1.2 2. 4 5.2 4. 2 15.4 8.0 1.6 6.6 3. 7 11.6 0.2 5.6 13.5 4.0 4.8 2.4 -1.5 8.4 -0.5 6.3 -0.6 IU.4 0. 8 IO. 6 0.5 6.0 -0. 8 12.0 10.2 17.4 1.0 8. 6 16.8 10. 1 16.6 (1. 8 2. 2 6. 2 I . 2 ...... ...... ..... IO. n 8. 6 ..... ..... ..... 3. 2 Clinton .................. Covinqtou ................ tlandrr*lge.. .............. Decatur .................. Dickson .................. Dover.. .................. Dyershurg ............... Elieahethton ............ 1 1 Erasmiis ............. 7' i 6 74 7s 7x r- .... 76 76 77 77 76 79 i 4 HO 74 73 80 83 78 78 77 ss 46 .... .... .Tackson .................. Johnsonville ............. Jonesboro ............... Keuton .................. Kingston.. ............... Lafayette ................ Lewisburg ............... Loudon ................. Lynnville ............ hIcGee ............... hfcnlinnville ............. hiaryville ............ Palmet to ................. Pinewood ................ Pope .................... Rugby.. .................. Savaunah ................ Sewanee.. ................ Silver Lake. .............. Spart,a. ................... Springdale ............... Springville .............. Taeewell ................. Tellico Plains ............ Tracy City ............... Trenton ................. Tullahoma ............... Uuion City ............... Watertown.. ............. Wayneshoro ............ Wildersville.. ....... Yukon ............. !relob. Albany.. ................. Alvin .................... Arthur ........ Austin ........ Ballinger ................. Newport ............. Bonham. ................. Booth .................... Bilwie ................... Brenham ................ Brighton ................. Browowovd .............. Can ad ian ................. Chauniug ................ Childress ................. Claude ................... Claytouville.. ............ Coleman. ............... College. .............. Colorado ............. Coliimbus ................ Crockett ................. Cuero .................... Dallas.. .................. Dalhart .................. Dan e v a n g ........... Decatur ............. Denison.. ................ -1s -2 1 -2-2 -23 -27 -32 -25 - "5 -23 - 20 -25 -24 ~ 2:! -28 --L'? - "2 -25 -21 -2s -23 -32 -2 I -20 -2i -211 - 29 -28 -Z8 - 33 -I7 -2Y -20 -29 -2 1 -27 -20 -30 -4 I -28 -15 -2'1 -27 -21 -23 -2:s -21 -19 -2; -23 -21 -29 -r)- -I .... .... .... 8 40 $2 46 30 39 40 36 40 41; 40 x2 35 .>,I .,. Dolan ........... Fairfax ......... Faiilkton. ....... Elkpoint ........ ..r .,. v 4 t; 41) 37 S i 3s 60 85 ::9 54 41 36 :19 36 3Y 35 *2 3:: 41 3s 4'3 3Y 45 31 45 50 52 36 35 39 58 40 411 53 35 35 39 3s ... ... ... 75 .......... ......... I .......... ......... , ......... , ........ ........ .......... ::::::::I.. ......... ......... ......... ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... , Flaudreau ...... Forestburg.. .... Fort Neade.. .... Frederick ....... (iannvalley.. ... tiregory ......... H e m o s a .. ...... Highmore. ...... Howard ........ Howell,. ........ Ipswicb ......... Kenuebec ....... Kidder.. ........ 6 i m ball. ........ Lit.tlc Eagle. .... niarion .......... Mellette ......... ..... ..... 20.4 12.0 9. 7 12.2 14.6 18. 1 12. 0 21.7 ..... ~ Wellsboro ............... 64 Westchester ............. 68 West Newton ................ 14. 2 9.5 11.0 19.0 16.0 10.0 12.0 13. 5 16.5 ..... Meuuo ............. Milhsnk ................ Redfield. ........ Roslyn ................... Stephan .................. Tyndall ............ Vermillion ......... Warnecke .......... Watertown. .............. Woolsey ................ Ashwood .......... Whitehaven .............. 59 Wilkesbarre .............. 61 Williamsport ............. 54 Rhoda Ialarid. ~ .-. ~ Bristol ................... 57 Kingston ................ 61 Pawtucket ............... 61 43.3 42 . MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JANUARY, 1907 ~~~~~~ Utah-Cont'd. Ihapah ................. .I :8 ~ p6 Keltoii ............................... ................ 4 t i c - 1, ................ 45 4 Loa ....................... 4' . 0 Logan .................... 4; i -15 1 Manti.. .. 47 5 TABLE II.-Cl&mat.ologicaZ record of moperatime obemer+Continued. 30 ~~ Pmiplta- [( tion. t2. F 40.4 fi3. €3 ~~ 1 Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) Nokesville(near). ........ Peteraburg ............... Temperature. tion. I (Fahrenheit.) -. 13 Y iX 13 Shenandoah ......................... Speers Ferry. ....................... Lost City. ................ Lost Creek. .............. Madison.. ................ Martins urg ............ Moorefield ............... A1annine;ton. :. ........... Woahir>on. Aberdeen ................ Auacortes ................ 51 . 12 43'1 10 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. ~ 1 .* 4 - 0 79 79 92 84 90 79c 78' 80 32 83 90 79 $3 R? 79 80 83 SO $9 sov 33 79 SO SI 79 80 83 S? 85 .... .... .... .... .... .... 78 %? 42 80 73 72 70 89 7s 85 73 80 73 s2 73 R t i 61 s3 78 80 53 35 81 911 83 42 81 7Y 70 83 79 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 56 66 47 4Y 48 51 50 45 50 66 48 57 -12 e2 49 46 57 46 50 59 .... .... ... ... - E 4 - 0 5i. 2 5s. 9 tio. 0 GO. 6 67.2 57.0 57.3 58.0 52.2 53. ti 53. 4 63.4 SU. 4 45. 3 55.3 S9. 8 til. 6 55. 5 58.2 GO. 0 55.2 54. 9 55. 2 53.0 54. 6 55. 2 62. 4 58. ti 5n. -1 .... .... .... .... .... .... 55. R 60. 4 SI;. 1 42. 6 46. I; 44.4 tin. o .... ~ E I E ~ 0 .... 27.2 33.4 32.2 32.6 20.4 23.2 32.9 16.0 32.2 14.5 9.4 32.4 16. G 31.2 11.2 16.3 22. 2 24.0 1Y. 2 38. 4 22.6 23.6 3?. Y 32. 14. 1 26.1 23. 6 26. f 31.1 18.3 12. 4 16.2 31.5 33. 1 24.8 26. 1 33. a 19.3 32. 1 18.2 23. 1 .... .... .... 11. e .... .... 18. e 10.0 29.2 23.4 30.5 29.2 19.4 14. f 21.4 5.4 32. 9 34.5 12. 2 16.4 12. E 33. E 26.9 38. fi 3. 2 40.4 36. i 37.2 41.c 34.5 36. S 45. 2 3s. 4 39. fl 45. e 37.2 3R. fi 41.1 38.6 40. 4 52.7 39. 2 40. a 40. 2 46. 5 37. 6 39. 0 36. 3 36.6 32. 8 36.3 .... 2i.a 39. a .... - > : ' 8 a ; r1u. 33.1 14 0 7.5 11.3 2.9 18.5 16. 0 IO. 0 63.5 19. 2 10. 6 4.0 32. 0 96.0 5. 0 21.2 10. I) 24.4 15.3 5. 3 12.5 12.0 12.0 11.0 13.5 35.5 36.0 33.7 9.2 6.0 12.5 29.5 2.0 2.6 46.4 20.8 7.5 33.4 14.4 16.5 32. 0 18.7 I?. 5 14 8 Ifi. 1 8.3 18.0 10.2 28.4 63.3 27. 0 10.5 14.0 17. 0 3. 7 11.0 11.0 29.8 14.0 25.5 19.9 3.0 12.0 6.0 7.6 7.0 6.0 5.2 2.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 2.5 4.0 6.0 1.0 s. 0 1.8 2.2 1.2 3.0 3.5 3.0 7.2 13.5 6.0 :$ .... .... .... ... .... .... 7. 0 .... .... ____ a J - B . -E 9 s 2 0 .* ____ Ins. 2. SI 1. i o 0. 61) 3.04 4. s5 1.65 3. S!l 0. 33 3. 10 3.68 3.03 1. IS 2. S8 1.23 2. "i 1.P2 1.40 4 .3 0 0. $0 I . IS IO. 9ti .?. SI 2. fi:: 1. (111 3, ?,u 6. I:!! 0. 4:3 1.40 2.42 2.41 2. XY 2.65 0 . 85 1.3U 3.w I . si 3. til) 1. 45 2. 75 0.Til 1.00 1.85 1.05 1. s4 1.35 2.22 2. s9 1.65 2.60 1.59 2.04 1.77 1.07 0. s3 1.57 2. 12 1.97 1.61 1.93 1. 79 1. 7 i 1.69 2. 02 1. 0G 1. SG 2.71 3.09 0. 59 I . 38 3.33 1.29 3.36 1. 14 1.93 1. 91 2. 13 0.8'2 2.34 1.64 I). .30 3.65 U. BS (I. 76 1. 5:; 2. 64 2. 31 1.68 2. 74 2.00 0. 60 2. 43 11.40 1.40 0. on n. ti6 - 1 .* ! E ~ 0 .... 46 50 52 49 52 47 48 46 46 45 40 53 42 49 43 48 50 55 49 58 53 53 tis 55 41 50 37 42 5s 56 50 41 43 47 53 45 49 52 46 46 47 45 .... .... .... .... .... 46 39 45 53 50 49 46 44 53 38 57 51 51 44 46 3$ 32 55 73 ti7 71 70 70 70 69 75 il 72 70 73 ti9 70 68 74 75 7 2 68 72 ti5 70 74 66 73 74 io 71 71 .... .... - a s .d z ~ 0 .... -1 10 11 3 1 4 13 -16 -12 -23 -21 11 -14 4 -23 -9 -4 -13 -13 14 -4 -5 c 4 -3 2 -1 1 1 1 4 -17 - 22 -12 13 6 -9 3 15 -R .... .... .... - 1: k .... .... -7 -16 3 -6 1 4 -7 0 -11 -28 5 13 -8 -13 -5 - 19 9 2 0 -10 -9 8 4 4 - 1'3 -14 5 -9 .... - -I$ -7 4 .- (j -3 0 li 3 6 -2 5 8 -8 -1 -12 4 0 .... ~ W B ;. e t 9 8 l * h. 3.21 6.81 5.43 5. 71 4.67 4. 66 6.66 1.85 4.67 6.59 4.69 2.67 1.92 0.75 1.37 2.23 11.30 4.29 2. w 1.00 3.86 1.26 12.81 1.25 1.55 B. 96 7.47 1.02 7.50 2. 60 2.40 1. SI 7. 65 1.40 2.95 1.40 2.29 7.32 6.66 2. 21 2. 08 4.32 14.85 2. 65 2.94 2. 30 1.52 2. 03 1.14 3.32 2.98 3. 42 5.12 3.98 1.3Y 1.93 1. 16 6.55 4.11 1.52 1.39 1 ' 1 14 2.63 7. 13 9.42 7.01 Y. 36 2.68 2.65 3.40 10.42 7.94 5. I2 7.29 6.31 3.33 3. 42 7.45 7. 70 6.42 2.05 0.01 ti. 56 3. 81 6.34 2. 35 8.04 8.33 3.00 2.90 .... 1. 90 I. l a 2. io 7.70 ..... .... ~~ d d - 0 24.2 28.4 27. s 22. li 29.0 .... 20. s .... :c7.4 2;. 4 311. I1 29. IJ 2s. 1 I iJ .... 0 2s. 0 21;. 7 ?!I. 4 2:3.2 .... 28.2 2s. 4 30. I) 19.0 2s. X 24. I ; 23. !I 2:;. ti 20." 18.2 11.4 13.2 13. s 21. 2 20.0 14.8 I?. s 17.0 13. 3 42. R 41. 0 41.4 44. 7 40.8 40.4 43.9 40.9 41.6 3s. 5 44.3 43. 9 44. 4 3s. s 42.3 45. 7 39. 5 40. 8 33. Y 43. 4 45. 2 36.4 %P i . 0 .... .... 1i.n 17. n .... .... .... ?5.6 .... .... .... 47. 1 45. 2 45.2 42. 1 35.8 40. 2 37. n 34. 8 31.6 .... .... ~ s 0 A c . 0 0 ab -2 - + s ____ 1116. 33. 4 17. 0 6. 0 24.3 ..... ..... 43.5 33. 2 31.5 16. u 2.0 :i3. 8 10. s 18.1) 24. 0 IS. 1) 39.3 8. 0 10. 3 I@J. 6 3% 0 IIl.:i 24.0 10.5 5. ii 19. n ..... ..... ..... 26. 0 S. ;> 13.11 :;s. 0 36.0 18. 5 5. 1 IO. 0 15.4 14. 7 14.0 !I. 0 8. 6 32. 3 10.5 14. 0 15.4 6. 5 17. 0 2 0 2. 5 1.5 3. !I 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.7 2. 0 2.0 I .? 3.0 1.5 0. 2 2. 8 ..... ..... -1. (I 1. i 2. 0 2. 5 2. s 2. s 3.2 1.0 -1. n 2. 0 1. il 1;. 0 1.5 3. 0 4.5 5.0 1.0 - .- 3 - 0 26 26 30 34 32 23, 20 23 25 13 21 22 31 18 10 2:: 30 ?.4 24 30' 28 24 22 26 21 21 L ? :Y) 24 ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 29 2s 25 1 li 15 15 ... st.tlons. Stations. I9W. 1.38 0.46 (I. 25 0.05 0.60 0.47 1.59 2. 52 0. ti2 0.49 0.G 1. s1 a ?!I I). 20 0. 25 0.90 2.33 3.55 1.19 (1. 40 1.76 u. 90 I . 72 1. .MI 1. 20 I). 1;4 T. 1.04 'I' . 0. .sa 0. 47 0. 61 0.4n 1 .1 1 3. 23 1.12 0. ti7 0. 76 1.33 1.63 2. 96 1.31 0. 24 0.50 3. fi0 2.56 0. 94 1.00 2. 4s 1.OI 0.96 0.00 0.25 0.90 0.45 0. 70 0.12 0.42 1. 37 1.21 0.35 0. 40 0. 57 1.54 1.37 0.63 1.19 3.14 1.47 1.87 0. 55 1. 20 1. s5 0.00 1.92 0.93 1.50 1. ti6 1.10 3. 27 2. 90 3. 43 I . 67 0. 50 1. 12 0. ti4 2. IN 1.45 2.60 3.00 3.35 0.53 4.31 I . !JB n. s i 0. 94 ..... I?&& 'T. ..... 2 .S 'I' . 1.0 T. IO. 0 12.0 14, 2 28.0 7. 8 IS. 0 li. 0 11.0 39.0 14.0 34.2 5.0 5.0 %. S 4. 0 48.0 29. 5 T. 49.0 ..... .... Washi?~glm-Cont'd. I Colville ................... Coupeville ............... Crescent. ................. Couconully .............. 1 . i .............. .............. .............. Lester.. .................. Luccru .................. hlottiu er 1:anc.h.. ....... hlount h e i s a n t .......... Port Townsend. Tsura--Cont'd. Dialville.. ............... Duval .................. Eagle Pass .............. Fort Clark.. ............. Fort McIntosh .......... Fredericksburg ......... Qainesville .......... Gatesville ........... Qeorgetown ............. Gonzales ................ Graham. ............... Grapevine .............. Qreenville. .............. Hebbronville ............ Hallettsville ............ Hillsboro ............... Hondo.. ................. Houston.. .............. Hubbard .............. Huntsville. ............. Jewett .................. Kaufnlan ............... Eeene. .................. Kent.. .................. Kopperl ................. Lampasas ............... Liberty ................. Llano.. ................. Longlake.. .............. Lone Star Ranch.. ..... Longview ............... Lufkin.. ................ Luling .................. Meria.. ................. Miami. .................. Mount Blanco. ......... Nacogdoches ............ Nazareth. ............... New Braunfels.. ........ Paris.. .................. Pierce. .................. Plemons.. ............... Port Lavaca ............. Rhineland .............. Riverside ............... Rockisland. ............. Rockland. ............... Rockport. ............... Sabinai ................. 8an Jlarcos.. ............ 8an Saba ................ Seymour.. .............. Shermnn ................ Ronora .................. Sulphur Springs. ........ Temple ................. Tilden ................. Valley Junction.. ....... Victoria. ................ Wac0 ................... Warahachie ........... Weatherford ............ Wichita Falls ........... Willis.. ................. Willspoint. .............. Utah. Alpine .................. Aneth.. ................. Beaver .................. Blackrock. .............. Castledale ............... Castle Rock. ............ Cedar City.. ............ Carinne ................. Deseret.. ................ Emery .................. Enterprise. ......... Escalante ........ Experiment Farin Farmington ............. Fillmore ................ Fort Diichesne .......... Frisco. .................. Garrison ................ Qovernment Creek.. .... Grantsville .............. Grayson. ................ Heber ................... Henefer ................. Hite .................... Huntsrille .............. .............. 44 5 Scipio .................... 51) - S I1 Snowville ................ 1 47 -1s Piillman ................. Quiniault.. .............. Rattlesnake .............. Rrx Creek ............... Hitzville ................... Rock Lake ................. Sedro .................... Risprong. ................ Snohomish ............. Steliekiu ................. ~ Snoqualmie .............. Twisp .................... Vancouver ............ .I Vaehou ................... Wahlake ................. Waterville ............... Wenatchee (near) ........ Wilbur .................. Bluefield ....... Creston .................. Cuba.. ................... Elkhorn. ................. Fairwont.. ............... Franklin ................. Glenville 14 13 30 42 28 27 19 1s 21 20 22 23 2 0 33 26 23 19 20 31 23 12 14 -6 0 6 -10 -4 1 1 21 4 7 -15 5 -5 -4 11 -10 -15 23 4n ... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... 50. 0 62. 1 62. I) 60. 5 59.0 55.6 4Y. 0 53. li 54.9 55.2 55.9 66. 1 63. 4 5s. 4 53. 6 51.3 44.8 62. 0 56.0 38. 3 42.2 23. 7 21.4 32. 0 24. 0 29. 7 2s. 5 29.3 40. 2 29. 4 33. 3 18.2 32. 0 26.8 26. 7 33.4 24. ti 24.8 40.4 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - Ij i 4 3 -s G D Y Ii 2 0 .... .... Grafton .................. Green Sulphur Springs.. . Harpers Ferry ............ JANUARY, 1907. I I Ifi/oll~i7lg- Cou t'd . 1 Clark.'. ................... Clear Creek Cabin ...... Cody.. ................... Daniel ................... Dubuia .................... Elk Mountain ........... Embar.. ................. Evanoton ................ Fout.enelle f . ............. Fort Laramie.. ........... Fort Washakie.. ......... Ciranite Cauyou.. ........ Granite Springs.. ........ Greeu River.. ............ Griggs.. ................. Hatton.. ....... .... Hyattville.. .............. Jackson .................. Kirtley .................. Laramie.. ................ Leo.. ..................... Little hfediciue.. ......... Lolabama Rauch.. ....... JIoorcroft ................ hloore.. .................. New Castle. .............. Pathiiuder ............... l Lusk ..................... Pinedale ................ Rawlins. ...... Sharidaii ...... Shoshoue Cauyou ....... South Pass City .......... Wella.. ................... Wheatland ............... Wolf. ... ....... Wyncote ....... Tellowstoue Pk. (F'taiu). Tellowstoue Pk.(Ci'd '31.) Yellowstone Pk.(Lake) . . Yellowstoue Pk. (Norris). Tellowstone Pk (.Riv'Side) Yellowst.oue Pk(Hoake R) YellowjtoncPk(Soda B). . Porlo RLco. Adjunt.as. ................ Areciho .................. Barrus ................. Bayamon.. ........... Cag11as.. ................ Cauovauas ............... Cayey.. .................. Cidra. ................. Fajardo .................. Gnuuica.. ............... ' H:iciruda Culosa ........ Haiuacno. ................ Isolin a. ................. (;rlnysma.. ................ !I . h a h e l . ................... Lares ................... Las hlarias.. ............. Manati .................. hf an n abo ................. Ria Piedra8 ............. ! Yau Loreuzo .............. San Salvador ............. Santa Isabel ............ Vieques ................ Tauco .................... N m Br~rtr~tcirk. 1 St. John .................. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--climdOIogieal reun-d of cooperative obsavera-Continued. Late rep& fur December, 1906. 20.5 13.2 :E, 0 5.0 13. 0 6.6 4.0 5.5 ..... 43 1 -- Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Fnirhaolrs ................ Fort Eylbert. ............ F*Drt l;itll>on.. ............ Vort. Liscuiri .............. 30 34 19 40 ......... .......... 1 6 3 18 .......... 46. 0 ........ 50.H hiouut Veruoti ................ Sey inour ..................... ~lfo,ll~rl~~f. .......... .......... .......... -22 .......... .......... 18.4 -27 ......... 5' 9 24 7.5 26.0 33.1 52.1 .......... 13 17 .......... 28.8 x'2.3 '7;; California, Marysville, tuake total precipitation 9.63. C'olorad*i. Gothic, iuske i n ~n n t v m p r a t u r r 21.2O. Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Precipfta- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) -. i : ~- 0 ..... 36.6 36.6 32.2 37.2 35.0 45.0 36.3 x i . 8 36.0 40.3 44.8 40.0 34. 6 40.4 40.2 37. 0 39.4 3% 5 39.0 37.8 41.9 32. 4 37. 8 40.0 45. 1 12.4 10.4 16.4 13. 2 5. 0 5.11 24. 0 21.1 16. 4 5.4 16.4 111. 4 9.3 17. 2 12. 1 5.2 13. 3 4. G 13.8 11.4 IY. 0 18. ti 15. 6 I?. 1 11.0 S.G 7.5 17.2 9. 4 14. 5 Y. 4 16. 1 ti. 6 14. 7 14.2 16. 8 13.3 13. 1 6. 1 24, 0 20.4 -1.2 5. 6 8. 8 !). 2 17.5 13.0 14.3 18.0 14.3 11. 6 7.8 12. 1 18. 4 22.0 17.6 17.8 16.4 15.3 27.4 .... .... .... .... .... .... 'Lo. 4 .... .... .... - i 3 - 0 17. 1 15. 8 14.0 8. 7 .... .... 15. !I 21. 1; 13. 1 22. 1 20. 6 26. tl 29.4 IS. 8 19.1 17.4 14. 2 19. ti 44. 7 24. 2 19. G 16. 8 19. 5 14. Y 28. 2 16. I) 24. 7 26. 0 24.0 11.4 23.0 28.0 10. 3 17.9 10. 7 8.G 26.3 18.4 22.7 15.4 8. 8 13. 6 14. 5 13. 1 11.8 13. 6 68. 2 75. 0 66. !! 75.4 68. s 65. Ij io. 2 6s. ti 73. s c4. s li5.4 7i. 0 71. 6 70. 8 .... .... - g .- n 2 - 0 .... 69 71 68 70 65 71 74 71 65 74 74 64 G9 73 72 5'2 76 64 G5 70 73 6.5 73 77 69 41 3.5 47 -I3 36 36 49 48 45 35 48 .... .... "40 33 47 40 36 44 36 47 38 48 49 46 41 41 31 34 48 40 3Y 43 46 3!i 45 44 46 50 47 39 49 49 48 38 38 40 40 41 41 41 50 44 38 36 41 45 50 44 43 45 53 .... .... .... .... .... 60 - 8 2 ." 2 El - 0 .... - -1 2 -13 -5 4 -2 -5 -8 -6 -2 4 -2 3 -1 1 -5 -12 -2 -1 1 4 -7 3 -6 -2 2 4 -25 -21; -17 - 24 -!!ti -34 -3 - 11 -1; -35 -I i -23 -32 -19 -26 -:&I -26 -40 - 34 -13 -12 -24 -.) - -3 -26 -36 -a -1; -2E -21 -26 -15 -39 --I 9 -1F -1.4 -3; -a -IC -12 -3; -32 -3c -27 -15 -20 .... .... .... .... -0i -I .... .... -2a - -;; - .... - 24 -22 - 34 - 3( -I€ .... -E -I ! -: -2( -2' .... -. ~ I 0 5 ak -s ;r r~ 0 0 - c ~ 6.0 8.0 12. 0 11.0 8.5 5.0 4.0 2.0 ti. 2 ti. 0 5.0 4.0 ti. 0 10.0 4. ti 6.5 3.5 5.0 4. n 13. 9 3.0 4.0 4.5 ?I . 5 5.5 R. 0 3. 3 17. 5 4.5 14.5 11 7 1Y. 2 13.0 5.5 10. 0 18.0 17.5 13. 0 13.5 22. 0 11.6 10. 0 12.0 IS. 0 14.0 13. 0 17.0 4. 1 7. 0 11.2 11.5 13.0 7.0 10.2 11.2 i. 0 4. 5 12.0 1s.0 12.0 21.0 16. 1 6.5 12. s $1. 0 12. 5 i .O 5. 8 17.5 3.0 16. 5 18.2 12.2 14.0 29.0 10. 3 10.0 11.0 3. n h. n 13. 0 ..... stations. a - i 18 hl.8. 7.YH 7.51 5.7i 4.84 fi. 69 4.94 6. i d 8.33 9.08 11.51 1;. 96 5.74 5. s5 4.34 LO. 117 7.66 Y. 19 e. 44 ti. 69 Y. 20 7. 2s 3.34 2.51 6. .33 3. 41 4.22 6. 6!l 2.10 0 44 2. 05 1.73 1.12 1. :(I1 2. ii 3.13 1. $15 1.80 3.35 1.35 1.85 2.4s 2. 27 1.113 2.96 1. SI) 2. 65 1.33 4.05 2.01) 2. 73 1.25 2. 1Y I . *2 0. 50 2.84 1.50 0. 72 2.29 2.15 2.51 3. 69 1.39 1.81 2.56 1.75 3. M) 1. %I 1.46 2. 99 2. 32 I . ti6 1.31 2.02 2.5s 2.83 2.37 1. Y3 2. 83 2. 15 2.53 1.59 1. 05 1.40 0.19 2.58 2.91 2.20 I . 19 0.20 0. 115 11. 55 ..... 2.04 2. i n .) -- I. ,I ..... Ins. 0. i 0 0. 76 ti. e5 2.05 1. 32 1.e 0.50 1.35 0.5s (1. 40 0. 52 0.14 0.35 0. 211 0. 1% 1. Sfi 0.29 0.29 0.55 1.85 1.50 0. 40 ..... ..... Ins. 1) Late reports for December. 1906. , ........... ........... 47 -15 4s - 4 3s -17 ti0 ' -20 51 -16 lvut Vir inia-Cont'd. Mooresvilfe.. ............ Morgautown ............ Moundaville. ............ New Cumberland ....... New Martinsville ....... Nuttallburg ............ Oceana.. ................ Parsons .................. Phllippi .................. Pickens .................. Point Pleasant.. ........ Powellton.. ............. Princeton ............... Romneg.. ............... Rowles urg ............. Ryan.. .................. Smithfield. .............. Southside ................ Spencer ................. Sutton ................... Terra Alta. ............. Union.. ................. U ertract .............. \&L r springs.. .... Wellsburg. ........... Williamson.. ............ mCWrif8. Amherst ............. Antigo.. .......... Appleton ................ Appleton Marsh.. ....... Ashland. ................ Barron .................. Beluit ................... Brodhead ............... Burnett ................. Butternut.. ............. Chilton ................. Food do Lar ............ Grand Rapids. .......... Grand River Locks.. .... Grautshurg. ............. Laucaster ............... Manitowoc .............. hfauston.. ............... Meadow Valley ......... Medford. ................ Menasha ................ hferrill.. ................ hfinocqua .......... Mount Horeb ........... Neillsville .............. New London ............ New Richmoud ......... Oconto .................. Osceola .................. Oshkosh ................ Pine River.. ............ 10.0 1 1 - Ttu. 18.0 9.5 2.2 6.0 11.5 1.0 2.7 63.5 75.0 10.0 3.0 39. 0 25. 5 6.2 29.0 3.5 3.0 0.5 ..... ..... 8.0 9s. 5 9. I1 T. 0.2 3.0 0. I 7.0 14.5 0. 5 0.5 2.05 rr. ..... ..... 9. 0 ..... ..... 24.0 7.5 44.0 I. 0 ~ ~ Ins. 1.80 0.75 2. 87 0.35 5. 76 1. 15 0.07 0.37 6. 75 1. 16 0.20 8.56 2.30 0.36 2.90 3. 20 2. 99 7.09 4.22 5.35 10.10 5.22 2.56 3.79 1.32 1.23 1.38 1. 06 2.10 4.24 0.70 1.45 0. 60 2.91 3. 30 ..... ..... 0.90 7. 51 10.21 2. $15 2. 16 2. 19 6. 011 0.95 13.26 .... ~~ 0 -7. 0 -25.2 30.2 -16.6 35. 1 -16.7 -15.8 -19.1 20. 8 :30. 3 10. 5 -23.2 26.2 10.2 -G. 6 7. 7 30.6 I .... 0 -35 4 0 12 -46 23 -46 - 55 -48 3 2 -26 -54 12 -15 -31 -17 14 53 0 5s 3 43 -11 5Y -1:) .... 1 ...... 55 -21) 3s 28 67 I 7 1 5 Teikhill .................. 38 \vortmnus ................ 37 \\'ood Ixlaud ........... 44 ..... R n /I ~4rizc,,,u. I ................ ................. .... f3ilifijrn i r r . f )z r u a .. ................ .I . Suetldin ................ .I , :: :: Sumniit ..................... 4.0 11.5 7.5 s.11 ii r)e<.nturviile. ........... .I . .... Kidder.. .................... 12.U ............... ,lf;as,rrf r i . 0. 50 v. 36 1. 15 0. 24 0. 70 u. R0 0.94 0. 29 0.75 1. SO 0.82 5. 30 2.52 1.34 4 i 1 -16 47 -13 69 - k :3s 6 4 ~-7 -21 Gcrrrgin. I I Adairville ................ 6Y' 4 n !-2 CY ' 3 54 -27 55 -17 :(o 5 i 60 61) J:! 3 ti :E 42 39 3s 3s 80 93 87 97 83 i 6 82 88 81 8:: 7s SS 89 94 84 85 7s YlJ S3 81 $6 83 SI; s9 89 45 81 8;' 86 S8 46 ...... ..... ..... ...... ;A:: 1 1 29. 0 .......... ..... ~ ..... .......... .......... .......... -40 -12 -23 -18 -15 -30 -1b - 24 -23 -26 -26 54 57 47 5s so 4s 54 51 64 46 48 60 55 54 57 6U 51; 61 55 51 58 57 62 55 57 48 54 5 i 67 52 -17 ... ... ..... 6 .3 11 ..... 11.63 3.34 4.09 1. YI; 3.05 0. ?I? 0.88 0. 19 2. i h 0. 53 3. ?!I 7.67 4. 3Y 3. IIU 4. 45 2.34 ..... ..... :{. in ... 3.4s 0. 05 0. 02 0. $12 u, 1s 3. 73 5.50 71.4 74.0 65.2 75.4 69. 2 tO.4 I 0.63 ' ' 1 YJ. 1 3.26 ~ ~~ Porta$ .................. Port aahmgton ........ Prairie da Chien.. ...... EXPLANATION OF SIQNY. Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral followin the name of a station indicates the hours of observation ham which the mean temperature wan obtained thus: 1hIeau'of7a. u1. +2 p . m .+9 p .m .+9 p .m . +4. Wean of 8 a. u1. + 8 p. m. + 2. 8Meau of 7 a. IU. + 7 n. m. + 2. 71.7 1 5.59 75.4 I 1.DS 73. I 0.26 27. 7 2. x2 ,3. 2' 0. 2s 75. 3 , 1.03 Prentice. ................ Racine .................. Sheboygan .............. Shullsburg .............. Solou Springs.. ......... Rpooner ................. Stevens Point ........... Sturgeon Bay ........... Valley Junction.. ....... Viroqua. ................ Watertown.. ............ Waukesha. .............. Waupaca ................ Wailsail.. ............... Weyerhauser. .......... Whitehall .............. Wyonbing. Afton .................. Barnum. ............... Barret Creek. ...... Bedford. ........... Buffalo .................. Cheyenne ............ Cbugwater .............. cfilean of 6 a. IU. t 6 b. m. + 2. 6Meau of 7 a m. + 2 p. m. + 2. a Mean of readin s at various hours reduced to true daily mean hy special taglea. The absence of a numeral iudicates t h a t the mean tem- perature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. An italic letter following the name of a station as "Liv- iugstou a '' " Livingston b '' indicates that two 0; more oh- servers, & the rase may bh, are r e orting from the name station. A small roman letter fo%owing the name of a station, or i n figure columus, indicates the number of days missing from the record; furinstance, "n" denotes 14 days misying. No note is made of breaks i u the continuity of tempera- tore records when the same do not exceed two days. All known breaks of whatever duration, i n the precipltatlon record receive appropriate notice. 24. ti CORRECTIONS. o< /<,her. IPOI:. W'iscon\iu, Nvill.rille, iiiake ninsiruuni trniprrature SOo aud ineair temperature 43.3O. 5.5 1 1 44 Ncrc lhglmd. Esat rt Me .......................... onc cord.'^. H. t ., .................... Burlington, Vt. t... ................... Northfield. Vt ........................ P o r t c n b Me .......................... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Hourr. 23 31 17 10 JANUARY, 1907 North Dakota. Moorhead Minn ..................... Bismarck' N. Dak ................. Devils Lake N Dak ................. Upper Miarisui Valley. Mlnnea olis, Minn p. ............. La Crosee \Vis.+. ................... Madiaou h i s ..................... Charle- h t v . l o w s .................. Williaton, Id. Dak. ................... St. Pauf Minn.. . .I.. ................ TABLE 111.- Wind resultante, from obeeruatwna at 8 a. nt. and 8 p . m., daily, during the nwnth of January, 1307. Hi Redultant. 1 1 1 Component direction from- 7 21 18 14 13 22 I 7 11 11 11 I Component direction *om- Keokuk Iowa ....................... Cairo, ~h ............................ La SalIe, 1 I I .t ....................... Peoria, Ill ......................... 5 ringfield Ill ....................... I!annibal, k o . t ..................... St. Louis Mo ........................ Columbia Mo. ..................... Kansas d t v . MO ..................... h o u r i ~h l l s y . Resultant. ~ W. Stations. q tion. stations. - ,Urn- ion. 8. E. 1 W. 8. E. 'irection from- lirection from- rows. 11 8 4 7 27 10 13 14 7 13 9 I8 5 11 11 15 19 13 15 14 16 24 24 23 22 S 21 26 15 22 20 20 14 14 16 16 14 6 J 18 7 21 5 33 26 23 25 27 31 23 33 15 17 27 27 31 2.1 3E 3F 1E 31 20 31 2: I: ?I I 1t I > 1: 2: l! 1: t 2: 2( I f 2i 21 11 11 1- 1- 11 11 1' 21 1: l ! 1: I : *, i , 7 0 ~8 . Hours. 6 ~ 33 34 0 n. 66 w. n. 54 w. n. 9 w. 11. 53 e. 11. 6'2 w. n. 63 w. n. 51 w. n. 49 w. n. 39 w. n. 24 w. 0. 34.e. n. 55 w. 11. 20 W. n. 12 w. u. 77 w. u. 3s w. u. 28 w. 0. 39 w. 8. 5 e. s. 45 w. s. 79 e. u. 63 e. u. 77 w. u. 63 u'. n. 6 e. b. 62 w. n. 63 w. n. 79 w. 11. IS w. n. 60 w. s. 7 i w. 1 1 . 41 e. s. X4 e. 11. 59 e. n. 22 t.. s. 41 w. u. 72 w. P. S3 e. u. 54 e. s. 25 e. s. 3 i e. e. 8. 4s e. s. l i e . s. 41 e. S. ii e . U. 45 N. U. 3* e. s. s. 39 e. s. I 6 e. s. 38 e. s. 75 e. 8. 8 w. 8. 76 e. s. 15 e. s. 57 e. s. 36 e. 8. 6:; e. w. 8. 22 e. s. ?i w. 9. 24 w. u. 3Y e. s. 34 w. n. 7 2 r. s. 56 w. 11. 77w. n. 59 w. 5. X3 w. u. 85 w. n. 31 w. s. 30 w. s. 56 w. u. 7 2 w. s. 45 U'. 8. 15a. 8. .?I6 w. 9. 81 w. S w. u. 81 u.. 11. 55 15,. n. 31 e. 0. 11 t'. u. 45 w. 9. 75w. 6. 54 w. ?;. i!l P. u. 74 71'. 11. 1;s w. 11. 56. w S. i n w. Hours. 30 39 la 5 32 16 19 32 2s mr:. 26 25 1s 22 roura. 16 I4 15 14 5 I1 6 11 13 13 15 11 16 24 ti 21 19 9 21 10 19 26 10 9 15 15 15 7 13 18 6 4 1X 11 5 11 20 24 40 20 li 17 19 19 21) 31 3 i 37 S 24 2 15 21 12 9 22 26 33 17 15 29 11 15 :::I 93 4 3s 16 41 14 10 19 17 9 a2 25 38 26 2'2 2s 25 16 15 16 9 10 17 9 4 oura. 11 1s 16 15 7 15 6 14 21 20 21 16 14 15 7 14 15 5 20 12 21 21 15 12 18 18 11 !) 26 14 x 23 20 3 1 22 4 20 3 22 14 17 15 22 23 9 9 15 19 S 9 2 i 6 28 18 9 17 27 21 7 2 2 15 11 22 25 21 25 c 3F 1s 23 24 4: 31 12 13 21 le 23 14 11 1 I. ,J 26 2; l i 11 4c 2; burr. 21 20 37 0 0. 45 w. n. 10 w. n. 32 w. n. 5s w. n. 51 w. u. 17 w. n. 36 w. n. 11 e. n. 9e. u. 17 e. u. 25 w. n. 22 w. e. n. 30 w. n. 68 w. n. 76 w. n. u. 79 e. e. n. 67 e. 8. 51 e. 8. 34 e. n. 76 e. n. 31 e. n. 18e. n. 39 w. n. 38 e. u. 11 w. W. U. 9. n. 16 w. u. 39 e. 11. 83 w. n. 17 w. n. 4e. s. 79 w. s. 27 e. 8. 31 w. 9. 79 e. u. 11 w. 11. 50 w. u. GO e. u. 65 e. n. GX e. s. 18 e. 8. 9. 11 e. e. 8. 6% w. n. 54 w. n. 55 e. 3. 70 w. s. 50 e. 11. 13 e. u. 63 w. 7. s. 1s e. s. R1 w. 5. 25 e . u. 67 w. u. 73 w. R. 1 1 w, 8. 6 e. s. 83 e. s. 7 e. n. 63 e. s. 23 w. n. 88 e. s. 5.3 e. u. 6s e. u. 69 e. s. 63 e. s. 32 w, s. 6 w, 8. 5 e. u. i 9 w. R. 52 e. 8. 11 w. a. 13 e. 11. 85 e . u. 30 e. u. 34 w u. 73 w W. E. 84 e. u. SO e. II. 88 C. ~~ lourr. 14 11 11 9 9 14 10 19 10 13 10 17 11 1 8 5 4 4 10 5 Y 13 9 4 18 13 14 6 16 10 1 15 6 38 43 13 32 9 31 5 10 8 S 14 16 10 21 26 14 16 39 21 33 8 23 9 17 9 5 9Y 19 36 14 20 9 23 31 1s 40 28 14 22 14 37 22 9 28 12 5 16 5 12 9 11 14 19 10 46 21 Y 8 10 33 2s 27 32 23 22 19 29 22 IS 26 18 2 2 11 %I 24 11 13 40 l i 20 IS 25 21 2 2 22 27 25 16 11 1 Ij "5 13 11 4 R 13 5 I ? I ? 10 2 I 6 14 11 0 13 e 5 3 1 4 3c 11 21 11 1 C I' 21 l .).. -0 ;: 2! It ?I 3( 1: 1% 3: 2: 26 21 I t 2t 2 3( 3: 2: 21 li 3: ?I 1: 2: 2! 2! 3: I 12 10 5 15 12 R 5 11 8 13 12 l b 15 13 10 10 13 16 16 15 $1 ' 20 15 26 y 25 19 1s 18 23 18 14 11 19 19 9 10 7 14 11 6 S 9 14 20 9 16 16 S 27 16 41 43 21 35 1G 19 l i 16 23 s 9 P ti 9 1; 2: 41 1c Si Y' 1: 1; 1; 1: 2t 4; 1' 3: 21 1t "I 1: 2: 11 I I ( 1: I! ?( 2 11 l! 1 I I! >I 2. 2 t ~ 27 25 20 26 2s 35 34 29 11 23 23 29 30 30 25 "5 13 16 "2 23 15 24 10 25 15 25 21 li 22 14 23 13 29 29 11 10 15 13 I4 14 Td 17 17 15 18 I 3 Y g 18 1Y 17 15 14 13 8 15 ?O 15 14 6 18 13 1Y 17 17 23 25 1G 13 11 15 6 1 6 11 11 4 1G 11 1; 24 1 6 2( 1f 13 I 4 li. 1s I F 2( .,.> __ i o 10 20 I6 36 23 26 "5 26 26 24 13 23 20 13 2:; 117 2 18 9 10 30 27 26 1 3 26 28 5 18 23 1!1 13 24 14 16 13 I9 4; ?? 23 2.5 26 22 11; 12 S 19 25 si 11 5 31 2E $1 5 1; 1': 2: 1' 1: 14 I 4 21 4 1; 2; 2: 1: 1: I 14 2: 15 2( I t 1; 21 ?t 2( 1: 1 Boston M~ias ................... Block Island, R. I ......... Nantubet, Mass.. ............. Jacksonville Fla ..................... R k i a Pen i n s t i /u . Atlanta, On.. ....................... Macon, G8.t .......................... Meridian, Mia?; ....................... Vicksborg, Miss ...................... New Orleann, L a .. ................... Wesfenr Qtdf Shrlea. Bhreveport, La.. ...................... Bentonville A r k .t .. .................. Fort Smith ' A r k .. .................... Little Rock; Ark.. ................ Corpus Christi, Tex.. ...... Fort Worth T e r . .......... Galveston +ex ............ Palestine,'Tnx ............. San Antonio, T e r . ................... Taylor, Tex. t ........................ Ohio Vulley atid Tell IIVS.WP. Pittsburg Pa ......................... ParkernbGr W Va .................. h r Lake Region. Elkins, W. q a .:. .................... ............ ........... ............ .................... .................... I ................... Des Moinea, Iowa .......... .................... ...................... ...................... ....................... 11 20 20 12 11 17 21 13 16 22 36 42 24 19 4 23 15 l i 19 "5 21 15 ?4 24 23 X 30 18 30 11 37 14 R'? s 14 s IS 14 i 11; 1U 17 23 19 H 11 3 IS 10 l ? 13 li I ? l i 7 IS 16 11 11 25 22 9 11 1: $3 16 11 l? 1:: .................... ................. ........................ Northern Slope. ................. 5 ................... ........................ ................... .................... ............. North Platte, Nebr .................. Middle 8lope. ......................... ..................... ......................... ....................... ..................... SoulhGT7k SZoac. Abilene, Tex ........................ Amanllo, Tex ....................... ................. ................ Soulhem Plakaa. 2; 1 1 El Paao' Tex.. ...................... .1 1 X I Saut?.F)e. N. Mex .................... s t a e Arie ....................... . Aris ....................... Tuma A r i ~ .......................... Iudep&deuce Cal.. ................. midtila Ptatcarc. 15 :E 1 1 Reno, Nev ........................... 9 Tonouah. Nev. ....................... Wikc 77 205 197 135 23 32 64 177 114 73 29 17 36 59 15 161 119 81 40 10 70 20 71 :IS 213 153 58 110 30 77 2Y7 254 117 65 171 75 518 383 308 193 126 44 156 52 35 165 103 144 46 17 1s 635 590 556 462 402 349 256 226 95 966 956 925 875 785 703 660 651 612 559 499 413 367 184 148 - 11.1 14 1 16.5 26.9 2'2.6 23.6 34.7 - 0 M . O M 0 0 2s O E l r( - W t . 14 19 1s 14 11 10 7 14 15 20 20 27 14 10 23 18 25 18 28 14 25 25 M 20 14 14 30 17 25 18 24 30 17 31 16 15 50 45 40 40 42 20 20 25 15 8 14 6 I? 21) 22 12 25 25 33 24 31 16 26 21 22 25 27 36 86 39 50 50 60 50 50 46 28 35 35 Pine Bluff Ark. .......... lkmo River. Greeuwood Miss .......... Yneoo City: nliss. ......... Olmchila Riser. Caiuden, Ark .............. - d M i. g .~ Feet. 4. i 2.4 21.2 15. 7 13. 3 4. :? 4. 3 4. 1 5. 6 6.7 11.1 15. 1 4. s :. R 6.4 2. 4 1s. 5 12.9 16.0 4. 0 17. 2 15.6 5. 7, fi. 1 2. 5 4.0 10.5 7.9 12. :; 6.0 8. 0 5. ti 1.5.3 12. Y 16. i 21.5 15. s 15. 2 14. 4 20. 7 26. 1 2. 4 1. 6 8. 1 9. I1 2. 0 3. 1 0.5 2.0 4. F, 3. 6 3. 5 4. , 7.9 6.0 11). 4 6. i 11.1 14. 6 3. 1 131 175 80 304 - & z s ;0 U M o a ~ Feet 40 45 17 22 10 20 22 10 12 15 1s 26 30 10 16 23 22 21 23 23 25 39 40 22 27 28 29 33 1u 14 12 12 18 18 10 15 16 8 15 1R 13 23 30 30 28 34 33 33 42 42 42 45 46 35 28 16 33 31 8 11 7 .... ... 6 13 10 8 34 12 Y 16 15 6 12 15 .... 20 14 12 9 Gallaud, Iowa ............. Iieokuk, Iowa.. ........... - - 0 a s z Feel. 38.8 42. 8 19.1 3.3 2.4 7. 1 13.9 3.3 21. 4 8.5 11.7 94.1 31.0 ~~ 1.472 1,463 Qreeuville, Ivfi'ss.. ......... Natchee, Miss. ............. Baton Rouge. La ............ Vickflbarg, bfiEE.. ......... 595 474 373 240 Doualdsoniille La ........ New Orleans, La.. ......... Alchnfalaya River. Bimmesport, La. .......... Melville, La .............. _, Morgan City, La .......... Grand River. (:rand Rapids Ivlich.. ..... Silnilusk~ Ritw-. 188 108 ............. ............ 20 4.8 Winsl~vw, Ma.. ............ Merrinrtic Riiwr. FrankliuJunctiuo, N. H(*) c'uocoril, N. H. (3 ' ). ........ Rlwucllester. N. H .. ........ Cnn iiecliciLI River. Whiteriver Junctiou Vt.(al) Wells River,Vt. (31). ...... A - n e r M O * a 2 z Feet. 21. 9 22.9 2.2 17.5 13.1 20.2 13. 7 2.5 10.0 12.9 13. 7 10. 1 3.9 2.7 9. 7 14.4 14.5 12.6 10.0 11.1 5.9 2.4 32. 0 9. 2 3.5 4.9 9.5 8.1 9.9 -_ ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 4.0 4.1 4.0 5.9 5.6 7.9 11. 7 21.2 18.5 19.6 16.9 18.5 17.9 16.9 12.9 12.5 11.0 9.6 7.0 5.6 3.6 6.9 4.2 1. 7 15.8 5.7 ..... Hlghest rater. Lowest rater. Highest water. Lowest water. __ [eight -~ Feet. 6.2 2.5 ?$. 6 20.4 I.?. 3 7.0 11.0 7.2 9. 1 9.5 17. 7 22. 3 10.0 13.4 15. 5 12. 0 30. 7 31.0 36.6 8.4 25.3 23.3 21.2 22.0 - Date. ~ Date. stations. ~. Date. [eight Ieight Ieight. Date. ~ ~ 21 1-5 21 24,25 ",30 9,20 14 9 9 Y 21) 20 18 19 19 9 17 18 18 20 "I ?1,22 9 13 9 17,15 I Y 4 17 20 1s 20 21 21 23 2s 18 1 2 4 5 20 19 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 6 20 20 20 20 21 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24,25 27 a 3 ,4 19,zo ~~ Feel 2. 6 0. 2 12. 1 8.8 i.9 4.2 s. 2 5. s 6. 7 5.3 lZ!. I1 12. c j 7. 5 11.6 14.0 11. s 15.4 23. 1 21. s 6. s 14. !I 14. i 20.4 1% 0 2.3 5. 0 24. 7 15.3 2;. 5 9. 0 15. S 27. 1 IS. 2 22. 5 16. s 14.2 5 .0 2s. 4 27. 9 24. 4 37. 9 i .1 1 5. I) 1u. 1 2.0 3. 1 2. 7 2. 7 2. 3 ".. s s. 1 5.9 6 . 1 x. 9 15.4 I?. !I 16. 7 10. 3 lti.9 15.U 19.5 1s. 0 25. 5 2% 3 31.6 39. !I 43. 5 16.11 15.0 1Y. 1 13. 2 84. G 32. 2 24.5 27.8 ' _- Feet. 3.6 2. 3 16.5 11.6 10. 4 9. 8 2.3 1. 7 2. 4 4. 2 5. 7 !I. i 2, 5 1. s 1.5 0. 2 ,.!I 8.1 1. 6 10.4 s. 6 0. R 3. 0 1.6 2. 5 4. c j 3. 5 3.0 3.0 5. 4 1.4 10. 5 i. 1 12.3 1;:: 3. 5 li. 1 5. 3 11. 1 14. 1 1.0 0. 5 5. 4 1.3 1. 3 2.3 0.1 1.4 3. 7 2. 4 2. 0 2. 4 3.0 5. 1 3 .4 1;. 5 3. 7 6.4 9. 1 3. 7 5.4 8.2 7. 6 8. 5 10.3 14.5 14. 0 16. 0 17. 2 22.0 22. 1 9. 2 21.7 20. 9 Feet. 45. 7 50.4 19.8 IS. 4 13.4 21. 0 2'2. 0 5.0 26. 0 17. 5 20.5 28.5 32. 5 2. 7 12. 4 19. 4 18. 6 17. 6 19. 0 21.0 20.4 24. 3 42. 0 3k. 5 5.2 12.4 22.0 16.2 2:t 0 Feel. 23. S 27.5 17.6 0.9 0.3 0. 8 s. 8 2.5 16. 0 4. 6 6. s 18.4 25. 6 0.0 3. 7 5.0 4. 1 5.1) $I. 11 9.9 23. 5 21.9 10.0 29. 3 1. i i. 5 12. 5 4. 1 13. 1 Red Cbdar River. Cedar Rapids, Iowa ....... Dsa Afoincr Riuer. Des Moinns Iowa (e).. ..... Ill&# River. LaSalle I11 ............... Beardstown, Ill.. .......... Clarion River. Clarion, P a ............... (Imanaugh River. Johnstown, Pa .......... dllegheny Riwr Warren Pa ............... Frank&, Pa .............. Parker Pa.(4). ............. Springdaje Pa ............. C&t River. Youghio&ny River. Confluence P a ............. Weat Newtbn,Pa. ......... Nomn ahela River. Weston. S .va. ........... Fairmont. W. Va. ......... Lock No. 4 Pa.. ........... Be&r River. Ellwood Junction. Pa. (". . Aftakingtm River. Zanesville, Ohio.. ......... Beverly, Ohio.. ........ Little Eanawha Riilei Glenville W. V s .......... Nac-&al Eanawha River. Badford Va ............... Hinton,'W. Va.. ... Charleston, W. Va.. Bdofo River. Columbus, Ohio. .......... Lickin River Falmouth, F!y. ... :. ...... Miami River. Ecntucky River. Jackson. Ky.. ............. Beattyville, Ky ........... High Bridge Ky ......... Frankfort, K'y ............. Wabash River. Tcrre Haute, Ind .......... Mount Carmel, 111.. Bomside, Ky. ............. Celina, Tenn.. ........... Tenn.. .......... kE% Tenn ........... Clarksvilfe, Tenn. ......... Powell River. Clinch River. CPi nton. Ten; ............. South Fork Hol6ton Riiwr. Bluff City, Tenn. ...... Bolslon River. Nendota Va .............. Rogernrihe. Tenn. ......... Rench Broad River. Ashevil1e.N. C.. ........... Daudridge. Tenn.. ........ Lilllc Tcnnedscc River. McGhee, Tenn ............. Hiwassee River. Charleston, Tenn ......... !lknncaaec River. Peoria. h.. ............... Freepod Pa ............... Rowlesburg W. Va. (4 ). ... Qreenshoro, Pa. (I ). ....... Creston tv. V a .(a ). ....... Dayton, Ohio.. ............ Tazewell, Tenn ............ S eersFerry V a ........... Guuteraville, Ala.. ... Florence, Ala ......... Riverton Ala ............. Johnsondille. Tenn.. ...... Ohio River. Pittaburg Pa .............. Dam No. b, Pa.. ........... Beaver Dam, Pa ........... Wheeling W. Va .......... Parkerubdrg W.Va ........ Point Pleasah. W. Va.. ... Mount Vernon, Ind ....... 19 l(c25 1 1 1-6 30,31 30, 3 1 30,31 31 13 31 ?!I, 31 1 28-31 :* - reef. 1.7 7.0 5.6 3.8 11.2 5. 6 7.9 13.7 15.4 14.4 11.6 21.0 18. 1 21.1 22.0 32.5 5. 7 7.9 23.2 5.4 10.0 14.0 7.8 7.2 4.0 17.0 5.4 1. s 1.7 12.6 21.2 16. 1 0. 2 0.9 0. 3 5.0 0. a 0. 2 0.6 0.6 0. I 0.5 .... 3.2 3.0 2. 0 6. 1 22.6 18.5 11.6 .... 9.8 15. 8 17.7 3. 0 2.4 3. 5 3.4 4.8 6.2 - Sacramento. Cal ............ M Rio Vista, Cal.(n). ........ 26 Pollasky, Cal. ............. 203 Son Jougriin River. - - f 11 :: z %I . 4. i 4. 2 5.5 2.0 5 4 4.6 3.1 5 9 4.9 5.0 A. 2 I O s ?h A. 0 - 5 .2 6 ' 4 4. Y I 6. x 0. 0 5. h I; 6 4. li 3. 11 6. 1. 3 0. 3 5.8 1.2 11.5 3.5 4.h 8.4 4 6 2.4 4. 3 i. Y 5. 2 6.3 2.2 3. 0 8. 4 2. 7 3 7 5 2 1 9 I). 7 7.4 3.3 3. 1 3. 1 10.3 ;: : 4 1 5.4 ~ - Q) 2 c a 3 - VeeL 1.1 5.1 3. 7 5. 4 5. 1 4.3 6.3 8.8 4.7 6.6 5.6 9.3 5.5 IO. 1 12.4 14.8 2. 2 5. 4 14.3 5.0 4.2 7.0 7. 1 6.9 7.1 16. 5 7.0 1. 9 5.2 IO. 5 6. 7 11.3 0.4 3. 7 0.3 0. 3 2. Y 0. 9 1.1 6.8 0. 5 1.4 .... 2. 9 4. 0 7. 0 4. 6 8.0 6.9 7. 1 .... 5.1 6. S 16.1 15.3 19. 4 6. 1 1. R 4.3 11. 6 ~ - Highest water. Loweat water. Lowest water. .eight.l Data. - ___ ~ .~ Date. ~ 2631 I:! 3,17,22 31 1s 25 30 'LO 22-24 , 23-27.31 26, 27 19 28-31 31 30 31 31 3,31 1-13 I 31 30,Xl :;0,31 ::I 13.27 211-31 l,24,30,3 2s 31 26 ?3 12-31 25 I,Zi,?S,? 26,31 27-31 27-29 30,31 '23-3 1 29,31 28 31 1-19,21-2 14, 20,21 30 29 2628 3-30 23-25 26 25 25 25.30 26,2i I6,25,30 ~ Date. :eight./ Date. :eight 1 Fed. Flint River. l i l t s 1.5 Woodbury, (in.. .......... 327 I Feel. Fed. 10 2.5 20 10.0 20 7.8 22 8. I Feel. 8 7 15 12 12 10 14 26 18 I6 16 17 8 16 20 24 17 17 22 8 18 12 wet. 5.8 5.5 i. 6 7. !) 8. 3 6. 7 7.2 11.6 8. b 9. 8 12.5 15.4 5. 7 lo. 0 11.2 7 .3 s. 0 :I. I) 1. 6 S O 12 5 7.5 5. Y !I. 9 2. 6 4 .4 a. 4 3.5 :!I. 2 4.6 6.5 s. 8 7.0 3.2 16. 1 11. 2 6. 8 9.0 ti. 0 x. 0 ]!I. s 8.2 4 5 13. 0 7. 5 1:;. 2 9.0 4.2 6. i 3.9 B.6 8.0 6. 5 10.8 8. s Fed. 4.3 2 .9 5.1 0.9 3. 7 3." 1. fi 4. 3 2. 8 3. 0 3.0 6.6 1. 4 2. 0 3.3 4. 1 2.2 3. 1 - 0. 5 3.9 ., 5 3. 2 1.6 4. !I 0. 5 - 0. 1 5. 4 0 5 10.4 2.6 3. B s. 3 3. 6 1. G 2. ti 5. 5 4.0 4.3 1.8 2.0 4.3 1. 1 3.3 3 .0 -. , I . a 7.3 5.3 2. e 2. e ?.I 9. c 3.2 1. I 3. c 3. E 1 3 6 7 1 I ,? 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 1,2 4, 5 3 1 2 4 13 8,8 3 S a 18 6 9 1 3,4 1 21 1 1 25 1 1 1 36, 21 5 1 , 20 "I 21 15 2 .I.> 2 20 1 !) ?I 19 19 I9 3 1 1 2 B 3 3 2 3 , -- 1,J 9-1 1 7 435 1 2 2 2 1-4 3 2 6 13 2, s-i 1 1 2 2 5 1 8 Pompton rmns. N. J.. .... Parrnie ~i t l e r . 1 152 90 29 305 239 YO 30 266 162 1 I3 12 e 823 246 90 316 246 168 60 144 106 is 2 $2 110 315 105 18 32Q 211 1 I? 20 345 2s5 215 140 61 489 214 9s - _.._ Chatham, N. J.(Q).. ....... 69 MauchChunk Pa(11) ...... 45 bhigh River. U ~*l ..n .r l l .i l ~ R;tvr 18 15.0 20 9.1 40 11.5 25 19.7 I 3.8 i 11 iq 24 3.5 24,~5$l,31 3.6 19 6.0 ~ 25,31 2.6 17-19 3.5 %-31 2. S 29,30 7.4 30 6.3 30 "i 30 n r w l v e , I P.. ............. &laware River. ........ Phillipsbnrg N. J.(I2). ..... m n t o n ~..t .............. Nmlh B&ch Xua uchanna. Towanda Pal .............. WilkeesBke, Pa. ......... Wed Branch Xurqushan7ia. Clearfield Pa .............. Renovo $8 ................ Williadsport, pa. ......... Juninla River. Hontingdon, Pa.. ......... Xwquchanna River. Selins rove Pa ............ HarriLurg: Pa. ........... Shcnaidoah River. Riverton, Va.. ............ pbiomac River. Cumberland Md .......... Harpers Fe&, W . Va.. ... J a w River. Suchanan Va .............. Lynchburg. Va.. ......... Columbia Va .............. Richmond. Va ........... Dan River. Danville. Va.. ............. Stiirnlon River. Randolph, Va ............. Xoanoke River. Clarksville Va ............ Weldon, N: c .............. !!bar River. Binghamton N. 8 ......... 287 287 215 146 92 Rome Qa ............. Qadsden, Ala. ........ Lock No. 4, Ala ....... Wetirmpka, Ala ...... 30 I8.u ?2 1 l i .9 35 ?I . 1 35 26.0 35 ~ 24.3 I I 43 , 41.3 33 5.5 4? , 10.9 35 2% 2 2IJ 8. fi 18 12.0 25 l i .7 2u 12.1 21) 1 10. i 25 24.0 1-1 1n.o 20 ' 10.3 ~ 10 ~ 2.8 35 I 19.5 25 6.4 25 ??.6 40 ~ 24.2 ..... i.3 " 6. 0 6. ti Tdlopousn Riwr. ..... ..... .... l!; ~~ hlilstead, Ala .............. i:: ' I Selma Ala ................ dlnbama Rirw. Montgomery, Ala.. ........ Bdck Warrior Rirrr. 7. , Toscaloosa, Ala ........... :;, 1 Toinbigbee Ritrr. olumbus. Miss ........... 165 90 39 90 116 69 58 290 172 105 - 0.2 30,31 3.0 ~ 24-26 6. 0 ~ 311 3. 4 20 2.uJ 3,30 3.7 2W26 4.3 Ib 3. 5 31 6.0 16-19 7.0 26 4.9 31 1.3 27 I 18 18 12 55 26 196 129 46 21 lil 112 40 149 51 35 45 2s 8 12 30 25 29 4.7 2,2630 4.9 26 3. 0 25.31 6.5 24,27 Tarboro N. C . ........... Greenvihe, N. C. ......... Haw River. 0.2 . 1-3.1.1-31 21 24 40 40 39 21 IS 34 22 16 26 24 3R 40 25 40 20 20 15 43 23 25 25 12 10 15 .... ..... ~~ U.4 ~ 4-13 4.4 :i 0 2.!1 1 12.25-31 25 38 Moncure. N. C.. ........... Chpe libor River. Fayetteville, N. C ......... Waccamaw River. 3.5 22-'24,31 - 1.1 2 i 2. 1; 1 0.1 1 11-18 7 27 16 12 12 15 11 24 14 14 15 I 12 IO 6 11 15 32 25 30 18 11 - ._ -..~ Connay 9. c ............... smiths hills, 8. c.. ....... hdea River. ChSlrR 8 c .............. 1.0 1-21) I . 3 I, 2 7. IJ Y-7, 10, 12 0 .3 21-31 0.8 17 6. 4 1,2 W c h Orak. E5ngham, S. C,... ......... Black River. Kingstree 8. C ............ (;hIawb& Walercc Aitw. Mount Holly N. C.. ...... Catawba A. 6 ............. Camden 's. c.. ............ h a d River. Blain, 9. C ................ Saluda Riser. Pelzer, S. C... ............. Chappels, S. C.. ............ Cbngares River. Columbia, 8. C ............ Wss River. Rimhi 8. C .............. at. Stephens, 8. c... ...... &ti610 Rivcr. Edisto, 5. C. ............... Bmad River. Carlton 0 s ................ Xaknah River. Cdhoun Falls. 8. C. ...... .I 2-6,8,12- 0.5 ~j1.1 19-24, ,{ '27-31 1. I 21,28 ~n i f d i i p e Rilrr. ............ 112 143 107 37 .............. ...... I ' ' ~~' ' ' ' ' 5 5 6:Oi ?,: 2 .3 ' 18-29 3.0 l1,16,17,? I 36 109 56 52 108 7s 32. 1 timi - L a e " .- - ; - 19 7 6 4 8 15 4 4 13 Y 2 X 17 5 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 4 1 , 1 1 9 1 1 .s l i 6 .3 __ O D ; z;j &a z z a 97 86 i 6 77 $9 S? 86 48 90 86 99 !IS 98 91 86 86 86 91 56 58 *a d .- - "_ /I 79 is 75 CS 65 nti RB ,I 81; 91 84.6 - L x * .- - .a ;. - 6 3 3 2 14 3 IO 8 10 15 3 3 Y 5 3 4 ; 3 3 1 Y 9 1 1 1 i 5 1X 5. 7 b au, r . -~ - s - 68.0 6Y. 7 il. 3 69. fi 69.5 70. 0 io. 5 67. 0 69.0 68.0 io. 0 70. 5 io. 4 71. 2 70. 0 68. 0 68.0 68. 3 67. 0 fi7. 0 65. 3 67.0 IX. 0 67.0 GS. 0 63. U 64. u 64.0 67.0 69.0 68. 1 udar in. o -~- -~ +5 3 - 65.5 io. 0 65.0 69.0 71.0 71. 0 68. 5 68. 0 69.0 71. 0 i3. 5 73. 2 1-. 0 72, 2 611. (I 68. 2 70. 0 70. 0 67. 0 67.0 66. 0 67.0 69.5 6% 2 66. 0 64.0 6i. 2 66. iI 63. 2 i1.0 68. 7 whl( redu -.., 64. n ~~ +5 a ' s n a m 4 3.46 10 T. 9 0.00 0.0u IO 0. 00 7 0 05 9 u 6s 10 0.01 0.17 0.02 10 0.18 IO 0.0'2 11) 0. 69 ' 11) I . 67 11) 0.00 -~ j ; 7 0.0:) I O 1 ; T. 10 0.00 f P W . 0.00 5 I). 04 5 0.00 2 0.M 11) 0. 4!1 6 0. 00 (I 0.00 few. 0.00 !I '1' Y 0.00 2 1.22 i 10 0.00 Ired, :::: ~ 7.0 -- wer thau d d m a M .- 0. 10 0. 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 09 0.04 0. 15 0.01 0. 14 0. 12 0.15 I). 18 0. ?? 0. 31) 0.02 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0. 1's 0. I:! 0. uo 0. 00 0. ()I) (I. 56 T. 0.03 2. 62 30m 8 0. no n. 00 N. s. s t'Il.-D. s. C'i.-s. A . *. N. c'o. A,-% CU. H. R. Y. w. s, 5. .l.-s. 5.-cu. S. CO. .I, -c 11. Ci. (3 1 1 . .I,-% ill. S. s.4.n. 0 Cll. A .-5. N. A,-% 5.-1.11. 5. 8. th iuerid F It'. SU'. 9e. 0 Re. P. -. I I C . \v . *e. S C . so. !V. n \v . I) se. 0 \Y . 11. e. 0 I) 0. s\v. 0 0 n. t i . *. *. *w. *r. N. 0 0 s. 5. 0 5. 5. N. S. N. N. N. S. Ci.-s. S.-CII. A,-r. s. H.-en. .I.-% Ci. r11. 5.-cu. 0 c'll. s.-cu. 0 s.-cu. 1%. C'II. 1'11. cu. H. s. IJ 9. U 0 e. sr. 0 e. ne. Ye. a?. e. 11. 0. 9. 0 K. IIC. I,*. II. 11. 1) 0 0 Ill?. 0 *\v. I1 K. 0 Ilr. c.. iir. ut.. 9R. r. a. sw. 9. e. e. -. t ' . *. ne. l l ?. *. *e. r . ne. !I?. 0 0 0 11.'. ne. 0 lie. I,,.. I1C. Ill?. -. 11'. 0. s. Ill?. 8 ............. Y ............. I O .. ...... 11 ............. 1 2 .. .......... 13. ............ 14 ............ 16 ............. I S ............. 19 ....... 21 ............ 22 ............. 21 ............. 24 ............. 35 ............. 26 ............. 27 ............. 28 ............. 30 ............. R I ............. S. 1 ne. e. Mean.. . ./ 29.9141 29.90 ~~ - in time. *Pressore values are 18 that of 15io SO' west, and IS 1 to nea level and standard grav Ubservatioua are wade at 8 a. w. and 8 I n., local s RAINFALL IN JAMAICA. Thru the kindness of Ur. H. H. Cousins, chemist to the government of Jamaica and now in eharge of the meteorological service of that island, we have received the following table: Compcrratire table of rrrinfnll. [Based npon the average stations ouly.] IIECEMBER, 1906. while no rain fell at Westfield in the northern clivision and at several ot,her stations in the central, sub west-central, and soiitliern clivisions. .l A N l l I t l Y , 1907 . IIivisiuus. ~~ I I 1 Rainfall. Divisions. Average. ..........I 5 .5 x / 4.26 JIeaus ................................... in 5. 9s 19 I i:!: 1 3 60 34 0. 42 2 89 The rainfall for January was therefore considerably below the arerage for the whole island. The greatest fall, 21.39 inches, occurred at Greenvale in the northeast,ern division. while no rain fell at Iiendal, or Manchester, in the west-central division, also at the Lunatic L4sylum and the Public Tvorks Ofice, Kingston, in the southern division. &leans ......................... .....I IOU I ............ I 2.06 1 5.91 The rainfall for December was therefore less than half the average for the whole island. The greatest fall, 16.38 inches, occurrecl a t Mount Holstein in the northeastern division, 7-7