ACM Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data To be held in conjunction with KDD 2007; August 12th, 2007; San Jose, CA Workshop URL: CALL FOR PAPERS Important dates * June 10, 2007: Submission deadline * June 22, 2007: Author notification * June 30, 2007: Submission of Camera-ready papers * August 12, 2007: Full-day Workshop Paper Publication Opportunities o Selected accepted papers to be published in a special issue of the journal Intelligent Data Analysis o Authors of outstanding papers may be encouraged to submit to the journal ACM TKDD o All accepted workshop papers will be considered as chapters of an edited book to be published by CRC Press. Awards Best Student Paper ($500) Best Paper Award ($500) Brief Description Wide-area sensor infrastructures, remote sensors, and wireless sensor networks yield massive volumes of disparate, dynamic, and geographically distributed data. As sensors are becoming ubiquitous, a set of broad requirements is beginning to emerge across high-priority applications including disaster preparedness and management, adaptability to climate change, national or homeland security, and the management of critical infrastructures. This workshop seeks to bring together researchers from academia, government and the private sector to facilitate cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas in the area of knowledge discovery from sensor and stream data. Topics The major topics of the workshop include but are not limited to: o Sensor placements/querying, sensor data preprocessing, representation, and transformation o Scalable and distributed classification, prediction, and clustering algorithms o Predictive analysis from geographically distributed heterogeneous data o Mining unusual patterns from massive and disparate spatio-temporal data o Real-time extraction and analysis of dynamic and distributed data o Mining continuous streams and ubiquitous data o Resource-aware algorithms for distributed mining o Real-time event detection, visualization, and alarm generation algorithms o Combination of knowledge discovery and decision theoretic processes o Success stories, especially about end-to-end solutions, for national or global priorities o Real-world problem design and knowledge discovery requirements Invited Speakers In addition to the oral presentation of accepted papers, the workshop will feature invited talks from four leading experts in academia and government: Dr. Joydeep Ghosh, Dr. Hillol Kargupta, Dr. Pedro Domingos, and Dr. Brian A. Worley. Workshop Chairs Auroop R. Ganguly Joao Gama Olufemi A. Omitaomu Oak Ridge National Laboratory University of Porto Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN, USA Portugal Oak Ridge, TN, USA Mohamed Medhat Gaber Ranga Raju Vatsavai CSIRO ICT Centre Oak Ridge National Laboratory Australia Oak Ridge, TN, USA Workshop Sponsors 1. Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2. European Project KDUbiq-WG3, Information Society Technology, European Union