Recent ASCA spectra of Eta Car

100 ksec of SIS data were obtained on Jul 29 1996. The data were extracted by MFC and a 2 component RS fit was attempted, using enhanced N abundances similar to that of Tsuboi et al. (1995, PASJ 45, 35). A plot of the best fit using this model is here.

Details of the fit follow:

 Fit statistic in use is Chi-Squared
 Minimization technique is Lev-Marq
 Weighting method is standard
 Convergence criterion =   1.000000000000000E-002
 Querying enabled
 Prefit-renorming enabled
 Solar abundance table is angr

 Information for file   1
  belonging to plot group   1, data group   1
 telescope = ASCA , instrument = SIS0  channel type = PI
  Current data file: ascas0_ao5.pha
  Background file  :ascas0_ao5_bkg.pha
  No current correction
  Response (RMF) file    : ecs0b.rmf
  Auxiliary (ARF) file    : ascas0_ao5.arf
  XSPEC filter : none
  Noticed channels    17 to   278
  Spectral bins        1 to   262
  File integration time    8.1476E+04
     and effective area     1.000
  File observed count rate     1.216    +/-5.44224E-03 cts/s
  Model predicted rate :    1.215

  mo = wabs[4] (gaussian[1] + gaussian[2] + vraymond[3]) + wabs[6] (vraymond[5])
  Model Fit Model   Component     Parameter   Value
  par   par comp
    1    1    1       gaussian    LineE      2.44992     frozen
    2    2    1       gaussian    Sigma     0.000000E+00 frozen
    3    3    1       gaussian    norm      5.457980E-05 frozen
    4    4    2       gaussian    LineE      6.46177     frozen
    5    5    2       gaussian    Sigma     0.000000E+00 frozen
    6    6    2       gaussian    norm      1.534950E-04 frozen
    7    7    3       vraymond    kT(keV)   0.296819     +/- 0.00000E+00
    8    8    3       vraymond    He         1.00000     frozen
    9    9    3       vraymond    C          1.00000     frozen
   10   10    3       vraymond    N          50.9077     frozen
   11   11    3       vraymond    O          1.00000     frozen
   12   12    3       vraymond    Ne         1.00000     frozen
   13   13    3       vraymond    Mg        0.896769     frozen
   14   14    3       vraymond    Si         4.30533     frozen
   15   15    3       vraymond    S          2.03013     frozen
   16   16    3       vraymond    Ar         1.00000     frozen
   17   17    3       vraymond    Ca         1.00000     frozen
   18   18    3       vraymond    Fe        0.812778     +/- 0.00000E+00
   19   19    3       vraymond    Ni         1.00000     frozen
   20   20    3       vraymond    Redshift  0.000000E+00 frozen
   21   21    3       vraymond    norm      2.027430E-02 +/- 0.00000E+00
   22   22    4       wabs        nH 10^22  0.616438     frozen
   23   23    5       vraymond    kT(keV)    7.53189     frozen
   24   24    5       vraymond    He         1.00000     frozen
   25   25    5       vraymond    C          1.00000     frozen
   26   10    5       vraymond    N          50.9077     = par  10
   27   26    5       vraymond    O          1.00000     frozen
   28   27    5       vraymond    Ne         1.00000     frozen
   29   13    5       vraymond    Mg        0.896769     = par  13
   30   14    5       vraymond    Si         4.30533     = par  14
   31   15    5       vraymond    S          2.03013     = par  15
   32   28    5       vraymond    Ar         1.00000     frozen
   33   29    5       vraymond    Ca         1.00000     frozen
   34   18    5       vraymond    Fe        0.812778     = par  18
   35   30    5       vraymond    Ni         1.00000     frozen
   36   31    5       vraymond    Redshift  0.000000E+00 frozen
   37   32    5       vraymond    norm      7.030150E-02 +/- 0.00000E+00
   38   33    6       wabs        nH 10^22   3.98130     frozen
 Chi-Squared =      353.5     using   262 PHA bins.
 Reduced chi-squared =      1.370

Some points to note:

Comparison of the ASCA and Nearly-Simultaneous XTE spectrum

We also obtained an XTE PCA spectrum on Jul 31 1996, just 2 days after the ASCA observation. Bish Ishibashi has extracted the spectral data (using PCAs 0, 1 & 2) and used PCABACKEST 1.4c to generate an estimate of background. The background model includes the particle (q6) background, the activation background and an estimate of the cosmic background. Here's a plot comparing the best-fit ASCA spectrum (above) to the XTE PCA data.

Some points to note:

Details of the data analysis are here

I also tried modeling the extracted data, using pcabackest 1.4 and the q6 and activation models only (i.e. I did not use the cosmic background model). A plot of the result is here. Details of the modeling are also available.

Some points to note:

for more details, see
on barnegat.

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