Electronic Submission > Electronic Application Process > Prepare to Apply > System-to-System > System-to-System Querying Status of Grant Applications


bullet   NIH Web Services

Querying Status of Grant Applications

This is a request for grant application status. The requestor provides the Grant application reference number and must have authorization to access that organization's application. The query can be done by supplying the Grants.gov tracking number, NIH Accession Number, NIH Grant Number or the project title.

  1. System-to-System Trading Partner submits a status request to the eRA eXchange.
  2. The eRA eXchange does a basic validation of the status request and Authorization check. If the trading partner is not authorized, a response with error message is returned.
  3. The eRA eXchange processes the status request and does further validation. If there are no validation errors, the eRA eXchange returns the status response with the status detail information. If the validation fails, the response will contain a list of errors.

Status Info Request Flow Chart Graphic


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