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13.4.4  Navigation/Querying  (01-15-2005)
Introduction to Navigation and Querying

  1. In this section, we discuss the TAMIS menu system and command key operations that allow you to maneuver through the available screens and options. This web-based system will look and react like a Windows application.

  2. Movement within this system is primarily accomplished with the pointing and clicking of a mouse. However, you can also use the <Tab> or <Enter> keys to move to the next available field.

  3. List of values are available with appropriate entries for certain fields.

  4. The top of the TAMIS screen contains a Menu bar for database tasks, icons for frequently used actions, and buttons for screen selection.

  5. The new TAMIS is run through Internet Explorer. If you have TAMIS open and the access a URL (website) from an E-mail link, it will load it into the open Explorer that already has TAMIS working. When you close the website, it will close the Explorer and TAMIS. To prevent this, follow these steps:

    • Open TAMIS first

    • Minimize TAMIS

    • Open Internet Explorer from your desktop

    • Minimize Explorer

    Afterwards, when web links are accessed from your E-mail, only the second session of Explorer will open, and TAMIS will not be affected when the second session is closed. You should research SERP, Multimedia, Lexis Nexus, etc. from the second session of Explorer.  (01-15-2005)
Accessing and Logging onto TAMIS  (01-15-2005)
Accessing TAMIS

  1. Using the mouse, double click on the TAMIS icon.

  2. The disclaimer screen outlining the prohibition of unauthorized use and access will appear. Select OK to accept the provisions of the disclaimer screen. The TAMIS Logon Screen will appear.  (01-15-2005)
Logging onto TAMIS

  1. Enter your own TAMIS login name and password. The database field will be completed automatically.

  2. Using the mouse or the <Enter> key, select Connect to log on the system. (To exit the system without logging in, select Cancel.)

  3. Upon successful completion of the login, the TAMIS Main Menu will appear. Select one of the buttons with the mouse or <Tab> key to choose the desired option.


    Do not click on a button twice. Pressing buttons twice may execute the action twice.

  4. The TAMIS main menu options are as follows:

    • The TAMIS option leads into the active case inventory system.

    • The Reports option leads into the Reports menu.

    • The Trainingoption leads into the TAMIS training database, which will look and react like the production system, except for the label "Training Database" in the permanent screen area.

    • The Archiveoption leads to the archived inventory system.

    • The Passwordoption will open a screen that will allow you to change your password.

    • The Exitoption will allow you to exit TAMIS.  (01-15-2005)
Screen Layout

  1. The main TAMIS screen consists of five sections. The top section contains the Menu and Icon bars. The next section is called the Static Display Area. The shaded fields on the right side of the static display area are not accessible. The buttons immediately below and to the left of the static display area are called the Application Navigation buttons. The middle section is the TAMIS work area. When any application navigation button is selected, the corresponding screen will display for view and input. The bottom section is the message area.

    1. Menu Bar- Controls the operations of database tasks such as Action, Query, Record, Field, Help and Window. The Icon Bar contains shortcut icons for the menu bar.

    2. Static Display Area- Displays a summary of taxpayer and case information for the selected case. Also used to query case information.

    3. Application Navigation Buttons- Selecting one of these buttons will open a new work area window, such as Initial Actions, Action Plan, Case Actions, Inventory,and History Screens.

    4. Work Area- The fill-in boxes of the selected application window. All entries and updates are completed in this area.

    5. Message Area- Error messages will appear in this area. In addition, when querying for a group of records, the message informing you of the total number of records will appear here.  (01-15-2005)
Menu Bar/Icons

  1. The top menu bar is used to execute tasks such as saving a case or querying a record. The menu bar options are Action, Edit, Query, Block, R ecord, Field, Help and Window.

  2. Select these options by using you mouse or by holding down the <Alt> key on your keyboard and selecting the letter of the command that is underlined. Refer to Exhibit 13.4.4-1.

    Action Edit Query Block Record Field Help Window
    S ave C lear All P rint E xit Cut C o py P aste E dit Display L ist E nter E x ecute C ancel L ast Criteria Count H its (X) F etch Next Set (X) P revious N ext C lear P revious N ext Scroll U p S croll Down I nsert R emove L ock (X) D uplicate (X) C lear P revious N ext C lear D uplicate (X) H elp K eys Disp E rr D ebug (X) Cascade T ile Horiz. Tile V ert. W in Name


    (X)- This function will not be activated. If you click on this function, you will receive a message that the function is not in use.

  3. The icon bar can be used for ease access to frequently used commands. Starting at the top left of your screen, the icons from left to right are as follows:

    1. Save Icon- Used to save the current record.

    2. Print Icon- Used to print the screen or report.

    3. Exit Icon- Used to exit and return to the TAMIS Main screen. If you attempt to exit without saving data, the system will ask if you with to save the data prior to exiting.

    4. Cut Icon- Used to cut any highlighted items.

    5. Copy Icon- Used to copy any highlighted items.

    6. Paste Icon- Used to paste those items that were either cut or copied and saved on the Windows clipboard.

    7. Query Enter Icon- Used to place the application into Query mode.

    8. Query Execute Icon- Used to execute the query.

    9. Query Cancel Icon- Used to cancel the query.

    10. Previous Block- Used to view the previous block of records, and is restricted to the Phone (Taxpayer Screen 1 of 5) and MFT (Taxpayer Screen 5 of 5) fields.

    11. Previous Record- Used to move to the previous record in a screen. (If multiple cases are queried, you can move from case to case.)

    12. Next Record- Used to move to the next record in a screen. (If multiple cases are queried, you can move from case to case.)

    13. Next Block- Used to view the next block of records, and is restricted to the Phone (Taxpayer Screen 1 of 5) and MFT (Taxpayer Screen 5 of 5) fields.

    14. Insert Record- Used to access a blank screen for initially adding a case to TAMIS or to input data to additional information screens such as the Congressional and POA screens.

    15. Delete Record- Used to delete a record. If activated while working within an additional information screen, only that specific information will be removed. If activated while working within a primary window such as the Taxpayer Screen, the entire case will be removed.


      Only employees with permission level 4 (in the same org code of assigned case) or above will be able to delete a TAMIS case file.

    16. Help- Used to get help in a specific area.


      Do not double click on an icon. All icons and buttons should be pressed/clicked only once.

  4. Refer to Exhibit 13.4.4-1, TAMIS Keyboard Shortcuts, for a complete list of keyboard commands.  (01-15-2005)
Static Display Area

  1. The static display area is comprised of two sections. The left side is a case information summary. Each field or a combination of these fields may be used to query for additional cases/information. The fields are:

    1. Case File #- assigned to a TAS case after it has been added.

    2. TAS Org- the organization code of the TAS office responsible for the case.

    3. TAS Group- the number of the office group responsible for the case.

    4. Emp ID- the TAS employee identification number (badge number).

    5. TAS Rcv Date- the date TAS received the taxpayer's inquiry.

    6. Status- the values are:

    • Blank- unassigned

    • O- open

    • M- monitor

    • R- referred

    • S- suspended (can only place in " S" status from "R" status)

    • C- closed

  2. The shaded fields on the right side are for display only and are populated once a case has been created on TAMIS. The fields are:

    1. Next Action- type of action (follow-up/next contact) and date scheduled.

    2. Age- number of days the case has been open.

    3. TP- name of taxpayer(s).

    4. TIN- SSN/EIN of primary taxpayer.

    5. Secondary TIN- SSN/EIN of secondary taxpayer.

    6. MFT- IDRS master file tax codes for type of tax (and tax periods).  (01-15-2005)
Application Navigation Buttons

  1. Application Navigation buttons are used to select the appropriate screen for the work area. The buttons available for selection depend on the window you have open.

  2. Use the navigation buttons will be discussed further in IRM, Adding a Case. The buttons are as follows:

    • First Row - Case, Inventory, Employee, Scheduler

    • Second Row- POA, Congress, History, Referral, Transfer, Attachments

    • Left Side Column- Related Case, Third Party, Initial Actns, Action Plan, Ltrs/Forms, Case Actions, Clsg Actions, Charge Out, Reopen.  (01-15-2005)
Adding a Case

  1. You add a new case by selecting the Casebutton to display the Taxpayer Screen(s) in the work area.

  2. If a case file record was not previously selected, a blank Taxpayer Screen will appear. You can begin adding the case by typing data into the fields on the Taxpayer Screen. If the previously accessed case appears on the screen, you can add a new record by selecting the Insert Record icon from the icon bar or Record from the menu bar followed by selecting Insert from the list of values.


    If you are in Query Entry mode prior to adding a case, you must first cancel the Query by selecting the Cancel Query icon from the icon bar or Query, followed by Cancel from the menu bar. You can verify the system is in "Add mode" by ensuring your TAS Org Code has been generated in the TAS Org field on the left side of the Static Display Area.

  3. The screen will default to an individual account to begin data entry. If the account type is business or if the case requires entering a foreign address, check the appropriate boxes.

  4. When entering data on TAMIS, it is necessary to select the appropriate upper and lower case characters for input. This data is automatically downloaded into the system and printed on correspondence sent to taxpayers. The generation and saving of TAMIS letters is a planned future enhancement. TAMIS letters will be discussed further in IRM, Letters and Forms Generation Screen.

  5. Starting with the Primary TINfield, begin data entry. Use the mouse or the <Tab> key to move from field to field. When all data has been entered, select the ">" button at the top left hand corner of the screen or tab out of the last field to navigate to the next Taxpayer Information screen. There are a total of five Taxpayer Information screens. These are described in IRM 13.4.5, Creating and Working a Case on TAMIS.

  6. After you have entered all required case data, select the Saveicon from the icon bar or Action form the menu bar followed by Save to save the case data.


    You will automatically be pushed back to the TAMIS main menu if there has been no activity (idling) for 120 minutes. All data input to the screen will be lost if you failed to save the information.  (01-15-2005)
Adding a Detail Record

  1. A detail record is any record that adds an additional screen of information to a case record. Most of the TAMIS screens are detail records (e.g.,History, POA, Initial Actions, and Closing Actionsscreens).

  2. An active record must be engaged before a detail record can be added. An active record is one that has just been queried or a new record that is entered and saved on TAMIS. Once you have an active record on your screen, select the type of detail record you wish to add by selecting the appropriate Application Navigation button.

  3. After selecting the additional screen, a detail record will appear in the work area. If the record is blank, proceed with data entry. If the record contains data, select the Insert Record icon from the icon bar or Record from the menu bar and then select Insert. Once you have established a blank record, proceed with data entry.

  4. After you have entered all data to the detail record, select Savefrom the icon bar or Actions from the menu bar and Save from the list of values.

  5. If you want to enter additional information to the detail record, repeat steps (3) and (4), above.

  6. If you wish to create another detail record, select the appropriate Application Navigation button and follow these same steps - inserting the record, entering the data, and saving the record.


    After receiving a case and performing the initial actions, you determine additional POA information needs to be added. You would select the POA screen navigation button, insert the record, enter the data to the screen, and save the record.

  7. Adding detail records also applies to adding certain case data such as the Phonefield in Taxpayer Screen 1 of 5 or the MFT/TAX Periodfield in Taxpayer Screen 5 of 5. When it is necessary to enter more data than first appears on the screen (such as adding a third telephone number), simply place your cursor in the data block where the information needs to be added (i.e, phone field). Select Insert Recordfrom the icon bar or Record from the menu bar followed by Insert. An additional field will appear that will allow you to add the information. Once you have entered all data, save the information by selecting Save from the icon bar or Action from the menu bar and Save from the list of values.


    Once multiple detail records such as the MFT/TAX Period(s) and/or telephone numbers have been added, you will need to use the right scroll bar to view all the information.  (01-15-2005)

  1. A query command uses a combination of characters, numbers, and/or special symbols typed into one or more fields to request specific records on TAMIS. When you use the query command, you are requesting TAMIS to find all items containing data matching your query. The group of matching items is called a query list.

  2. Select the Enter Query icon, or Query from the menu bar, or Enter from the list of values. This will clear all data from the screen and place the system into query mode.

  3. Enter the data into the fields you want to query. Enter the case file number in the appropriate field in the Static Display Area. Enter taxpayer's TIN into the appropriate field on the Taxpayer Screen. You can query using fields on the Taxpayer Screen.

  4. The preferred method to query for a specific case on TAMIS is using the case file number (Static Display Area) or the taxpayer's TIN (Taxpayer Screen 1 of 5). If this information is not available and you are required to query with more general information, a number of records may result (i.e., a query list).

  5. After entering the query data, select the Execute Query icon or Query form the menu bar, then select Execute from the list of values.

  6. If one or more records are found that meet your query parameters, the first record will appear on the screen. The total number of records matching your query will be appear in the bottom left of the screen in the message area. If no records matching your query are found, "No data found" will appear on the top line of the message area.

  7. You can navigate from one record to another by using the Next Record and Previous Record arrows on the icon bar, or Record on the menu bar, followed by either Next or Previous form the list of values.

  8. To cancel a query, select the Cancel Queryicon, or Query from the menu bar and Cancel from a list of values.

  9. Special Query Symbols include:

    Character Title Description
    % Wildcard A query with "M%" in the last name field would find all records in which the last name begins with "M" . This wildcard will take the place of the "*" , which was used in the Informix system (PROMIS).
    _ Underscore This will be the single character replacement for queries. " S_ith" will give records such as Saith, Stith, and Smith.
    <, >, >=, <=,= Greater than/ Less than/ Equal to These symbols can be used to query a range of dates or a range of issue codes.
    : Between This symbol is used to query a field between X adn X. For instance, if you wanted to query for all records where the TAS Received Date is between 01/01/2004 to 01/31/2004. All other fields that are used in the query musst be input first.

    Enter the ":" ( colon) and execute query. A new window will appear. Input format is: [field name] between "X" and "X" .

    For the example above input -tas_rev_date between '01-JAN-04 and '31-JAN-04'

    Execute the query.

  10. When a record is selected, it appears on the screen with all associated screens and is available for input, updating, or viewing.

  11. All fields in the OAR Screen may be queried except TA Name, Age,and large text fields ( Description of Recommended Actions, Supporting Documents, Assistance Actions Completed, and Reject/Return Explanation).  (01-15-2005)
Updating a Case

  1. To update a case, query the case you wish to modify. If you are updating information on the Taxpayer Screen, use the ">" or "<" (next or previous) buttons in the top left corner of the work area to move to a subsequent screen (i.e., Taxpayer Screen 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). If you are updating a detail record, use the application navigation buttons to load the applicable screen into the work area. There is no need to switch into an "update" mode, as you are automatically in an update mode when data is queried.

  2. Move the cursor to the field that required updating. Type the new data into a blank field or type over the existing data. If adding information into a field controlled by a scroll bar, you can scroll up or down to verify if the new information is present before updating the case.

  3. Select the Saveicon from the icon bar or Actions from the menu bar and Save from the list of values to save your changes.

  4. If you need to remove a telephone number (from Taxpayer Screen 1 of 5) or an MFT/Tax Period (from Taxpayer Screen 5 of 5), place your cursor in that data field, then select either the Remove RecordIcon or Record, followed by Remove from the menu bar. Afterwards, save your changes as described above.  (01-15-2005)
List of Values

  1. A list of values is accessed by selecting the "?" button next to a field. To bypass the list of values, you must <Tab> through it.

  2. If querying data in a list of values, you can expedite your search by entering the first character of the item for which you are looking (i.e., using "N" in the state code will pull up only states beginning with the letter N). However, if you enter the wrong character, you will have to either click out of the box to restart the search; backspace and remove the character(s) entered: edit the data entered: or highlight the incorrect data entered and delete it before re-entering the desired character(s).  (01-15-2005)
Check Boxes

  1. Check boxes have been added to ease TAMIS documentation.

  2. A check box can be populated by placing your cursor in the box and pressing the space bar or by clicking on the box with your mouse. Removing a check from a check box is performed the same way.

  3. Check boxes are located on many screens and are used for various reason. The primary screens that have chedk boxes are the Initial Actions, Case Actions and Closing Actions. When you check a box, you are stating you took the action, the action is no longer neccessary, or to identify a specific condition.  (01-15-2005)
Radio Buttons

  1. Radio buttons are set up for situations in which there are multiple options, but only one button (choice) may be selected.

  2. The radio button is populated by using the mouse or the left/right arrow keys.

Exhibit 13.4.4-1  (01-15-2005)
TAMIS Keyboard Shortcuts

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