December 1, 19% Dr. 6ruce W. Hoi Iaway Department of 8acterfoTogy Helbourne Univsrsrty Carlton N3 Vlctorla Aostral ia Dear Bruce: I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer your letter of October 14th. To come to a particular point, I would be very happy indeed to see a copy of your manuscript. I will look at it when I get a chance but I must ask you not to lnslst on waiting for an answer or my conrnents before sending tt In for publ IcatIon. I think you will have reached this wlse conclusion independently. I am delighted to hear &our the pro ress of your building plans. But if It scheduled to open In February ' & , something 1 Ike December `63. you' d better count on I am enclosing a copy of an advance abstract from Lou Iaron which should interest you. We never have completed the expert,ment to see whether the fertility factor of pseudomonas could be transferred to colt and more than ever, this should now be done. But I-think it might be asking a blt much to think of crossing between enteric bacteria and a pseudomonas. With best regards to one and all, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genet Its Encl.