9o ACCOUNT OF AN EXPEDITION ground, have feveral chambers in their holes, and lay in a confiderable ftock of grafs and fweet roots; alfo the nut of the cedar—5 to 10 copeaks. Inglifh Names, Ruffian Names. Yakut Names* Squirrel. Belka. Tee-ing j fpring and autumn—3 to 5 copeaks ; eftecm* ed good eating by the different tribes. Flying do. Letufhka* Tirik-annat; annat is winged y tirlk is fkin—Of no value*. Striped do. Burunduk. Burunduk; 2 copeaks.. The three fpecies of fquirrel pafs the winter in hollow trees, or under ground',, in the fame manner as the marmot. Mountain-. I Plmuka. Kyla. *] Whittling rat. ^ never fought after—Worth nothing., Kutuyak; I Sharp nofed. JMuim. Com. moufe. 3 The Birds confift of the following kinds : Inglifli Names* Ruffian Names, Yakut Names* Swan. Lebed. KubaH; appear about the 20th April, and depart in September. Goofe. Goofc, Kaas ; appears and goes a few days later. Duck. Utka. Kus ; are in great variety, and numerous. Eagle. Orel. Baruldo; black. Ditto. Ditto. Toyon ; white head and tail. S"kopa. Umfan 5 of the eagfe or hawk kind: darts in the wa*. ter for fiflu Yaftrfp. Kirt. Kretchet. Ditto. Korfhoon, Tbgolaki Sokol. Owl; Filen. Mokfoghol and KaralL Gull. Chaika, Kopta. Small black head. Gull. 1 Martefhka,. Tiraghi. Crane. Zihurav., Turuja. Stork. ' Sterch. Kutelik. Partridge. Kuropatka. Kabdmi., Raven. Voron. Sor. Crows. Varonna. 5 Tarak. Divers