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This Site is really great. It was a honor to visit your website
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Germany - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 05:22:53 (EDT)
This Site is really great. It was a honor to visit your website
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Germany - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 05:22:16 (EDT)
Very nice site. Thank You.

USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 16:09:28 (EDT)
Nice site.

USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 16:07:17 (EDT)
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A+ Printer Cartridges <sorry, no email address>
USA - Friday, May 24, 2002 at 18:43:53 (EDT)
Great Site! Congratulation!
Hallein, Austria - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 23:31:06 (EDT)
i will eat poooooo
USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:21:30 (EDT)
Gruesse aus Deutschland, Dirk Latz ( )
Dirk Latz <>
Gersheim, Germany - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 19:13:02 (EDT)
Just happened upon your site and thought I'd drop a note. If you get a chance, please visit us at: . We offer Risk-Free bad debt collections for Default Bank and Auto Loans, Delinquent Commercial Accounts, Delinquent Consumers, Medical Debt Recovery, Retail Debt Recovery, Money Judgments, Default Personal Loans, and Default Student Loans. No Collection - No Charge! We can also locate Dead-Beat spouses for back child support and back alimony.
Action Guaranteed Collection Agency <>
All States - Nationwide, NY, CA, TX, GA, AZ USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 13:46:51 (EST)
Just happened upon your site and thought I'd drop a note. If you get a chance, please visit us at: . We offer Risk-Free bad debt collections for Default Bank and Auto Loans, Delinquent Commercial Accounts, Delinquent Consumers, Medical Debt Recovery, Retail Debt Recovery, Money Judgments, Default Personal Loans, and Default Student Loans. No Collection - No Charge! We can also locate Dead-Beat spouses for back child support and back alimony.
Action Guaranteed Collection Agency <>
All States - Nationwide, NY, CA, TX, GA, AZ USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 23:48:19 (EST)
Just happened upon your site and thought I'd drop a note. If you get a chance, please visit us at: . We offer Risk-Free bad debt collections for Default Bank and Auto Loans, Delinquent Commercial Accounts, Delinquent Consumers, Medical Debt Recovery, Retail Debt Recovery, Money Judgments, Default Personal Loans, and Default Student Loans. No Collection - No Charge! We can also locate Dead-Beat spouses for back child support and back alimony.
Action Guaranteed Collection Agency <>
All States - Nationwide, NY, CA, TX, GA, AZ USA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 23:47:53 (EST)
Nice Site!!!
S.R. Clarke
USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 16:59:12 (EST)
Raimo AAMAN (diskriminerad Lapon-man), Satu LAPPALAINEN (diskriminerad Lapon-tjej) och de andra ögonvittnena berättar... Vi var tvungna att arbeta utomlands för att vår bakrund är lapp och därför blev vi diskriminerade både av judiska kapitalet och samverkande svenska rasister Då fick vi sällskap av andra diskriminerade i Sverige och flydde tillsammans till Palestina, välbehandlades där, blivit välkomna som alla andra nyflyttade. Där bevittnadde de hur judar massakrerar folket av Mellanöstern och hur massmedier hycklar, hur ockupationsmakten betecknar massakern som tradition.. Fanatiska judar anser att det är deras grundläggande uppgift att utrota mänskligheten... Chapter 3 / sidan 3 c Eyewitness&Survivors&Independent Observators are telling; The TRUE HOLOCAUST & The TRUE MASSACRES on The Folks, Working Class' & Minorities like The Armenians, Palestinians, Indians, Kurds, Cypriots, Leftists and Intellectuals, Scientists, Artists who support the Working Class in the dictatorial sistems, Iraqi, Cuban and Afghan Children who sistematically bombs by U.S.-Britannian arms and poor masses were been sanctioned by the marionettes in the U.N. etc. (Übersetzen Sie es bitte auf deutsch z.B.: erzählungen von der Augenzeugin Raimo AAMAN (diskriminerad Laponian-man), Satu LAPPALAINEN (diskriminerad Laponian-tjej) und die Menschenrechtekämpfer, die unabhängige Wissenschaftler/ und die andere Augenzeugen/Innen erzählen um das Richtiges HOLOCAUST/MASSAKER auf die Kurden, Palaestinenser, Armenier und andere Völker aus der okkupierte Gebieten z.B. Massaker von Sabra/Shatila /Kufr Qassem / Qana /Qudüs /Hebrom /Al-Zaatar /Qalqilia /Tulkarem und auch auf die Folkgruppen, wie die Fluggäste von El Al Boeing 747 Flugzeug 1992 in Holand und die Fährschiff-Estonia 1994 in Baltikum, welche transportierte heimliche nuklearmateriellen für USrael usw.) REMINDER HUMANITY ! Massacres&The True-Holocaust; PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE... Testimonies of the Eyewitness& Survivors& independent sources... THE TRUE FASCIST GENOCIDES on the PEOPLES: Ögonvittnena som förklarar inför NGOs... Testimonier av Raimo AAMAN (diskriminerad Laponian-man), Satu LAPPALAINEN (diskriminerad Laponian-tjej) som ursprunglingen kommer från Laponia och därför diskrimineras av judisk-svenska kapitalet fullständigt i arbetsområdena, förargar fascister när avslöjar de att: VAD DÖLJER "WEST CAPITALISTS' -ALLIED OLIGARCHIA-MEDIA" om JUDISKA MASSAKER? Hur den Judiska lobbyverksamheten förutspådde attackerna, strax före 11 September 2001? October 15, 2001; U.S.A. Många judar för diskussioner som vi inte är ämnade att höra och som "pentagonized-svensk" media definitivt inte vill att vi skall höra. I ett radioprogram den 11:e september 1994, på dagen 7 år före attentaten, förutspådde en judisk sprängmedelsexpert, Chaim Ben Pesach, att World Trade Centre än en gång skulle bli utsatt för ett attentat. För att lyssna till programmet . Observera språket, hur alla som inte är devota judarna utpekas som "nazister" och hur synen är på dessa; hur nonchalant attentat rättfärdigas som gynnar rika eller samverkande fascistiska judar. Att vissa humoristiska inslag förekommer måste tillstås, men betänk att socialister / antifascister beskrivs som hatiska, eller hetsande mot folkgrupp, medan detta inte faller under den deskriptionen. "Svensk" media anser att vi inte bör känna till dessa diskussioner som förs bakom kulisserna, men just därför är det viktigt att känna till det. "Svensk" media, liksom all annan media runtom i den proletära världen, sprider väl tillrättalagd information, för att proletärer inte skall besitta kunskap som får oss att fatta "fel" beslut; d.v.s. rationella beslut baserade på verkligheten. För att lyssna på fler kommentarer om WTC och icke-judar från Chaim Ben Pesach, klicka nedan:! ** MoSSad och Zion Wiesenthal Falsification Center-lydna judar förvarnades om dåden; October 5, 2001; U.S.A. Washington Post meddelar att minst två anställda vid företaget Odigo i Israel, fick information om att ett angrepp mot WTC var att vänta, redan två timmar före det första angreppet den 11:e september; något som även bekräftas av Odigos vice VD för försäljning och marknadsföring, Alex Diamandis. Muslimska araber pekas ut som de bakomliggande krafterna för dåden, men faktum som detta väcker frågor om vilken form av semiter som egentligen stod för planeringen, eller vad de visste men undanhöll. ** Sionistisk koppling förnekas; October 4, 2001; U.S.A. Eftersom allt fler börjar inse att attentaten i USA den 11:e september var en direkt konsekvens av USA:s stöd till Israel, så har olika judiska grupperingar nu börjat sprida "informationsblad" med instruktioner för hur judar skall kunna avfärda detta faktum. Bland annat har Moshe Fox, minister vid Israels ambassad i Washington, skickat ut ett brev till alla judiska församlingar i USA, som hävdar att "det finns uppenbarligen ingen koppling mellan attackerna mot USA och den bristande utveckling i fredsprocessen". Ett hårklyveri utan like, då det eventuellt inte är utvecklingen i den farsartade "fredsprocessen" som var orsaken, men däremot USA:s finansiering av Israels terrorapparat; en finansiering som inte gynnar USA:s befolkning utan, endast judar runtom i världen. Det är underligt att bin Laden eller deras före detta "good boy Dandeen", som i brevet utpekas som den skyldige, i flera intervjuer pekat ut sionismen som sin fiende, men att det samtidigt "uppenbarligen" inte skulle finnas några kopplingar till Israel. I brevet används intervjuer med USAme Bin Laden för att bevisa att kopplingen inte finns, men tydligen lyckades Moshe Fox att förbise de talrika strofer där USAme Bin Dandeen fördömer sionismen. Samtidigt ger man inte alls förklaring varför då massmördaren Sharon upphört sitt Washington besök, strax före 11 September! Han också stannade "ute" som tusentals judar gjort. Och därför finns inte en enda jude boss i de dödslistorna... ** Massmord är en tradition av judiska fascismen? Jo; det är det t. ex.: Judar förgiftade vatten; October 11, 2001 /Occupied Palestina. En grupp judar placerade i förrgår natt vad som misstänks var gift i det palestinska samhället Yanons dricksvatten. Prover har tagits och ett främmande, ännu oidentifierat, ämne har upptäckts i vattnet. Judarna antags tillhöra bosättarrörelsen Gush Emunim. ** Pamphlet / originalet direkt från U.S.A.-Work Union's anslagstavlorna; innehåller nedanstående förklaring: WHY there was NO ONE Jew in the list of the September 11 VICTIMS? 25 000 Jewish members of Zionist communities /Synagogues /lobbies etc. stayed at home in the four cities in U.S.A. 4 000 Jewish employeer / employee / officers and the "top secret duty staff" were on leave when WTC /Pentagon were been attacked... About 10.000 regular workers (including their Jewish chiefs) were not in the tower. That mong these ten thousands were jewish doesn't surpise The Jerusalem Post redaction.. -Do you know how many jews died under 11 September Siege? -Nobody of Jews; No One Jew; NO ONE! ** ...and Human Butcher SHARON cancelled his Washington Visit just before Attacks.. Internet Encyclopedia of Contemporary Revolutionaries informs us about researcher Mr. C. Savran's experiences... There are many clever volunteers from Istanbul, who are the special selected guests by any authorities in U.S.A. for example Mr. C. Savran (Turc originated Researcher, Academician)... Mr. Savran talks about many interesting attacks for example WTC-Pentagon... ...and Comrade Savran has any Questions around of the PentagoNY Bloody Playgrounds: "There were many Jews-Boss in the WTC and many officers in Pentagon, yes, no doubt on this fact. Where were the Jews in Pentagon, too?. It is typical U.S.A. and there are Jews in the heart in this system; sure... But under attacks there were all these selected persons outside of the fire... Exception (!) ?! BUT; Dear Comrade; WHO INFORMED THEM, the Jews-lobby members, who are 24 000-25 000 persons, before Sept.11, before the mass attacs on the central buildings of system? There is no any person of those Jews in the lists of the victims... Is it a miracle? What is different by those boss and their lap-dogs, who are -absolutely- the famous members of ADL&Zion Wiesenthal Center? Is it miracle of judaic tradition who inform each other before the assasins in the occupied Mideast, too? Is it a miracle there is NO ANY BOSS / nor any ordinary members of Jew fanatical members, who were been attacked in Tel Aviv, too? Pay attention: 25 000 Jews stayed at home (25 000 in whole U.S.A., not only in NY. NY is only a piece of U.S.A.; don't forget, please! When you ask N.Y. so it was coounted as 4000 Jews) These persons have been informed before the day of mass-attacks both in NY and Washington and in the many cities by those jews so-called the supporters of the Zionist Occupational Gang, whose relatives occupied Palestine and counts like the selected members of ADL&Zion Wiesenthal Falsification Centers!... HOW , all 6000-7000 high-selected financial overclass persons (many officers / generals of US citizens) died but there is NO ONE of JEWS BOSS nor officer /clerk etc. in THIS LIST??? Surely,there are many persons who immigrated and only their names shouted like Jews but these persons are not contact with Wiesenthal etc. gangs, those were for intance the practicians playgirls at any offices and counts not "real-Jews at the list of Synagogue" for example Sabetay Levyangil from Istanbul, he was only a practician guest playboy by any boss and been invitated to the restaurant there; he was not a permanent employer and no boss; nothing; sure, he is been scared too but this individual exception changes nothing, it is only a "citizen zero according to the Z.O.G.=Zionist Occupational Gang"... ... Important fact; The 25 000 Jews stayed at home in fact before the attacks. Why ADL&Wiesenthal and USrael, such Z.O.G.-chiefs were in so deeply silence after all the reactions worldwide? Who informed them?????? WHY?????? Z.O.G. means not the "Zionist Occupational Government"; it means The Zionist Occupational Gang, like Mafia, has power but it never can be a respectable democratic state.... This gang is more dangerous than all other dictators because Z.O.G. has nuclear weapon, too! It is not a government; because of respect no law, no any human rules... This is the big question and big problem nowadays!", comments of Comrade C. S.! ** End USraeli Maffia Apartheid! Remember; Human-being's Honorable Commandante Ernesto CHE GUEVARA says: "If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine!" Add this quote too, related with above subject: "Hasta la victoria siempre El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido" -Revolutionary Commandante Ernesto Che GUEVARA LYNCH de la SERNA ** Speciella tackar til de samverkande kamraterna: der Antifaschisten (League of Anti-Fascists), IG Metall (the metal workers' union), Linksruck (German organisation of the International Socialist Tendency), www.Antifa-Hamm.De/ , , , the Autonomists and various peace groups. ** Human being need your more active effort; progressive help: Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights To sign a letter asking Intel Corporation to dis-invest from USrael go to: To sign Al-Awda's petition to terminate U.S.A. aid to USrael go to: ** Additional Question: I agree with C.Savran when he asks: "WHY the Human Butcher SHARON cancelled his Visiting to White House just before the September 11 Siege?2 Vad förväntar västvärldens ärliga institutioner från de stackars palestinierna när hela världen erkänner att "Zionist Occupational Gang" har ockuperat deras land och trotsar alla United Nations resolutioner?!" ** "Svensk" media, liksom all annan media runtom i den proletära världen, sprider väl tillrättalagd information, för att proletärer inte skall besitta kunskap som får oss att fatta "fel" beslut; d.v.s. rationella beslut baserade på verkligheten. För att läsa fler kommentarer om massmediala lögner omkriing massmorden och immigrantarbetar kategorier från Mellanöstern, klicka nedan: Där finns en bra artikel (tyvärr, bara på turkiska och saknas att översätta) av journalist -socialforskaren Bese Simal, den Jan. 21, 2002 De andra källorna som bevisar hur imperialismen är "clever" om att massakrera och producera officiella fascistiska provokativa lögner: Minority Rights Group of E.U.: CAMPAIGN against ARM TRADE: I-ÖDK Solidarity Exile Committees/Revolutionary Immigrants in the C.H.: STOP ZIONIST FASCISM! The relatives of the victims would like to explain the special thanks to the Organizations and private info-sources like:: der Antifaschisten (League of Anti-Fascists), IG Metall (the metal workers' union), Linksruck (German organisation of the International Socialist Tendency), www.Antifa-Hamm.De/ , , ,,, die Autonomes and various Peace&Freedom Groups... anti-Fascist Forum of Comrades Sylvio BOHR, Petra GOLM, Aachener Nachrichten: , dear Comrade Ralf STUNTEBECK;,,,,,,,,,,,,, Comrade Victoria WÄRMLER:,,,,,, zfa10154@mailszrz.zrz.TU-Berlin.De,, György Konrád,, Comrades David Witzthum und Werner's K-Mans Laberforum: , Grüne Jugend: zfa10154@mailszrz.zrz.TU-Berlin.De, Vera EGENBERGER, Jungle World- Leftist Union and periodical of Germany,,, AntifaNet of Mika C.H.:, Ground Zero Forums of Marxist Comrade ÖGYR: , International Marx-Forum of dear Comrade BUCHENBERG: ** Every year, 17 February is the Massacre-Berlin Memorial Day Every year, 9 April is the True-Holocaust-Deir Yassin Memorial Day Every year, 23 September is the True-Holocaust-Sabra Shatila Memorial Day Every year, 13 May is the True-Holocaust of Al Mirr Town Memorial Day ...and Memorial Day of the True-Holocaust Kufr Qassem is October 29 ...and keep the memory alive April 18, 1996; Qana Massacre Remembrance Day!… and / varje år, den 17. Feb. är den "Berlin-Massakers Memorialdagen" ...and...and...and... massacres should be end! men... tyvärr fortsätter all sort av massmorden på flera håll i världen ______________________ Chapter 3 av arkivet Human Rights Organizations i samarbete med frivilliga Freedom Fighters av
Satu, Sune, Raimo fr. Laponia
Laponia - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 11:20:16 (EST)
Nice page!!! See you in Valhalla
Hamburg, JewSA - Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 17:13:00 (EST)
Keep the faith.
Jason Beckman <>
Race for the Presidency : Winning the 2000 Nomination
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Blow-Fill-Seal Technology
Regionalisation in Africa : Integration & Disintegration

I am interesting in landform mapping from DEMS (see my web page for details). Is there any DEM for NEVADA (Great Basin Section) with grid size 500 meter ? The noly sources I know is GTOPO30 and GLOBE withh grid size 30 arc sec (about 1 km).
George Miliaresis <>
Athens, Greece -
Greetings from Germany AK-DESIGNS...immer was für`s Auge!
Andreas Kroener <>
goettingen, Germany -
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
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Nice site, found it very interesting
Rena <>
Guy Macon <>
Buena Park, CA 90620, CA USA -
Cool site!
Nice Site
Everett Hale <>
San Diego, CA USA -
Student - University of Phoenix
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Fayetteville, Nc USA -
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Peter Hellberg <>
Stockholm, Sweden -
It was very interesting reading about earth. I have experiences from earthquakes in Greece, Peloponesos. I send you my greetings. I`m a college teacher in Sweden but ususally spend summer vacation in Greece. However earthquakes are seldom in Sweden. So I was taken by surprise when I had my first experience in Greece a couple of years ago.
Kerstin Magoulis <>
Kungälv, Sweden -
It was very interesting. I have experiences from earthquakes in Greece, Peloponesos. I send you my greetings. I`m a college teache in Sweden but ususally spend summer vacation in Greece. However earthquakes are seldom in Sweden.So I was taken by surprise when I had my first experince.
Kerstin Magoulis <>
Kungälv, Sweden -

R. Michael Rillon <>
Arnold, MD USA -
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