Dr. I., C8vallt-sfotu 18, Vi8 Fatabunosor~l la HI 18n. It8iy Than, Is again 8 bckleg of materiel I rn8m to c4Mwni88ta to you se$Parstrly, bwt I Wnt8d to isOlM8 W qwest ion wl thout othw di str8ct ions for the pfasent lrrttw. 08 yau think we sold pursumis you to spend this swr hare 8g8ln? Thor* 8re sow qwstionr cofkmrning pravlous pl8ns you will w8nt to know (=J i.. r; %-- 8bme. FOG myself, it Is now r8thar unlIk8ly, 8ithough p8rh8ps in sum I, .: 7-e mo8suro d@pendmt on your reply, whether wd will in fst ba o ttmdlng the --- Symposium in Israel in cumactlar with which ws mru planning to visit you y in June, If you cmm lmn thls swr, which would bo very much ray pref- eronce, wa would deflnltsly net go; in 8ny ass, we probably will net go. I have 8180 diseuss8-d this with W8lter. wha h8s r8thor dofinitely decidud to stay hare 8t Stanford. I48 is mxious to spnct sme tima with you in Milan 8nd to ittend tha Gonotlcs Congnss in September. HQWIVIIIL, h8 would be quita happy &out rw*r?ning bra this suamer If yeu uaro to earn over hCrM to do )`OWr wrrrk t@$)Otkr, and mid then 81W h8vo 8t ?08St the pow SIbi opportunity of 88aing you furth8r l8ter on in Soptembar, s8y parhrrps 8fter tha Con$ns%* Sinse thare am them the three of us, you, Waiter 8nd myself, who I kiievo wc&sld like to be togstkr, tha quastlon thm merely ramfns, whore is this tha bar$ pi8a to be. I muld MM suggest th8t we try to mke this i'810 Alto. mre should bs no problmn 8bout fin8nci8i support. I be??crve thts wtll k ospecfsliy helped by your 0~117 trivet funds; ?n addition to this mu c8n do even88 little bettar with rag8rd to your salary suppurt th8n wa did on prsvious occasions. As to th fOrmi mcwpatf&w that you would ba witted to during the summer. these would ba vary ??rited, and I do net have In mind a regular course. it is possibio that smthiyl may k sot up along the lines of 8ppiIc8tions of canputors to bIologic81 problems in which, teards tha and of the sumer, WI might 8sk you to give? tv@ or three lectures 8t thm most. Apart from that your wrk with Waltor and then,especi8lly, the opportunity for some ru8lly det8iied consuft8tion with me on the question of tha dlstrlbution of birth d8tes 8re the m8in f-1 buslnass that I h8va In mind. if you C8n 8ccept this invftrtion, th8n 1 think it ~111 bs vrry 8&8&8geous for us to h8vo W AorcI lnt8nSfVB COrnSpOmhGs On the possible 8pptiC8ttoIl Of it8liat'I rbc;ords to nat81 ity an8?ysfs, 8nd this would make our t fm here even more useful. We should think of our lB?l 70% computer hem 8s 8n 8dJunct to your a~, f8ci 1 lty, 8nd if you do have sum cusp? Iccrtrd mputrtlon problems th8t Dr. L. Cwalll-Sforu could k mwa advmtagmwly hartdied tan this much iHgor muhinm, then WB should plan to t8k8 UIPU 8dvant8j#8 of it. W. hqe that 011 this -1sn yaa WI 11 be able to pwwade Alba to cane 8kQs and prrhrps ona @r more of the childran, and I m sun m will be 8bh t* m@WgO to h8Ve 8 ml ly splendid tim tUg&hrr, 88 8h1#8y~. As war, J&w8 ?.8dmrber~ ptafrrsw of Galwet Icr