157 [ 237 3 Pentstemon albidum, (Nutt.) var. (?) Hills, Hupan-kutey prairie, Upper Missouri, May 17. Stem 6 to 10 inches high ; lower leaves lanceolate, acute, entire; upper ones sharply denticulate, glabrous, lanceolate; flowers half an inch in diameter, three-fourths of an inch long; calyx glandularly pubescent; segments ovate lanceolate, very acute, and somewhat mucronate ; corolla violet, tubular, campanulate ; segments ovate, nearly equal ; pubescent externally ; glabrous internally^ steril filament, with an interrupted glandular pubescence on one side, about halfway down ; summit simple. Pentstemon gracile, (Nutt.) Low situations, in prairies near Fort Pierre ; June 19. Cheloneglabra. Swamps in woods; September 2. Mimulus Geyeri, (Torr.) Annual ; every part glabrous, except the pe- duncles ; stem diffuse, creeping; leaves roundish ovate, nearly en- tire, or obscurely répand-toothed, somewhat cordate ; the lower ones abruptly contracted into a short petiole; upper ones sessile; pedun- cles axillary, solitary, puberulous, scarcely longer than the leaves ; calyx ovate, 5 ribbed; teeth short, unequal, (upper one largest;) flowers (small, yellow?) villous on the inferior part of the throat. Fresh water springs, Devil's lake, August 1. I have an imperfect specimen of this species collected by Doctor James in Long's expe- dition, probably towards the Rocky mountains. It is allied to M. alsinoides, (Dougl.,) but is stouter, the peduncles and petioles much shorter, and the calyx more unequal. M. floribnnda differs in its strongly dentate leaves, and nearly equal calyx. Lindley also describes the plant as " patentipilosus;" but my specimens from Hooker are quiet glabrous. Graliola Virginica, (Linn.) Near St. Louis : roadsides. Veronica scutulata, (Linn.) Swamps about Devil's Jake; August 3. Veronica peregrina, (Linn.) Swamps, Jacques river ; July 6—fr. Monniera rotundifolia, (Michx.) Wet places in the prairies near Jacques river; July 6. Gerardiapurpurea, (Linn.) Prairies near Devil's lake; August 8. Gerardia tenuifolia, (Vahl.) With the preceding. Orthocarpus strictus, (Benth.) Prairies from Jacques river, north to Red river; July 6. Probably, as Hooker suggests, only a variety of O. luteus, (Nutt.) Castilleja sessiliflora, (Pursh.) Euchionia grandiflora,(J$u.tl.) Prairies about Council Bluffs ; Mciy 5. Pedkularis lanceolata, (Michx.) Low woods, Devil's lake, August 6. Pcdicularis Canadensis, (Linn.) Black Snake hills, Upper Missouri; April 12. Orobanchefasciculata, Nutt.—Hook., Fl. Bor. Amer., 2, p. 93, t. 170.) Arid hills of the Missouri, near the Great Bend ; June 6. VERBENACEaE. Verbena urlicifolia, (Linn.) Banks of Devil's lake; July 28. Verbena stricta, (Michx.) Banks of lakes and rivers ; prairies of Missouri ; July 7. Verbena bracteosa, (Michx.) Prairies of Upper Missouri ; a weed in the marmots' habitations.