GMAC - Paperless Office (HHS Only)


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Air date: Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 9:00:00 AM
Category: HHS Only
Description: GMAC Subcommittee on Training

Change is part of being a grants management specialist. Recently, many institutes at NIH have changed to paperless offices and those who have not are being encouraged to do so. Why has NIH moved in a paperless direction? How have different institutes approached the transition to paperless? What frustrations are on the horizon for those approaching and currently dealing with the transition to a paperless office? What is eAdditions and how will it help us keep an electronic grant file? One hour of this presentation will provide an introduction to eAdditions, the new IMPAC II electronic grant folder and a demonstration on uploading documents using this system. Please join us to learn about the benefits of eAdditions and how to use it.


William Etti, Grants Management Specialist, NIDDK

Crystal Wolfrey, Branch Chief, CCPSG, NCI

Robert Altieri, Grants Management Specialist, NIGMS

Erik Edgerton, Grants Management Specialist, NIAMS

Pam Mayer, Grants Management Specialist, NINDS


Natasha Spaid (NHLBI), Gail Hamilton (NIAMS), and Debra Carle (NIAAA)
Author: William Etti, Crystal Wolfrey, Robert Altieri, Erik Edgerton, Pam Mayer, Natasha Spaid, Gail Hamilton and Debra Carle
Runtime: 111 minutes
CIT File ID: 14291
CIT Live ID: 6582
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