Release No. 0195.00 Susan McAvoy (202) 720-4623 Eric Van Chantfort (202) 720-9443 USDA TO DONATE 50,000 TONS OF WHEAT TO NORTH KOREA WASHINGTON, D.C., June 15, 2000--Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will donate 50,000 metric tons of wheat to the World Food Program's emergency feeding operations in North Korea. "Given the severe food shortages that continue in North Korea, the United States is responding to the World Food Program's latest appeal for emergency humanitarian assistance," Glickman said. "The surplus U.S. wheat will be used to help feed tens of thousands of undernourished children, new mothers, and other people in need." This donation, valued at an estimated $12.8 million, will be provided under USDA's Section 416(b) program. Noodles and other food products made from the donated wheat will be distributed to children, pregnant and lactating mothers, hospital patients, and other vulnerable groups. Earlier this year, USDA donated 10,000 metric tons of wheat for distribution in North Korea. Under fiscal 1999 food aid programs, USDA provided more than 550,000 metric tons of wheat, flour, corn, and nonfat dry milk as part of U.S. food assistance to support World Food Program feeding operations in North Korea. #