Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Urinary 3-methylhistidine and Progressive Winter Undernutrition in White-tailed Deer

Table 1

Table 1. Effect of short-term (15-19 April) extreme nutritional deprivation on cumulative mass loss and urinary 3-methylhistidine:creatinine (3-MeH:C) and urea nitrogen:creatinine (UN:C) ratios of slightly and highly undernourished white-tailed deer, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, sampled on 11 and 19 April 1988. (LPLE = low protein-low energy).a

Deer no.
Sex Pre-severe-deprivation Post-severe-deprivation
Cumulative Urinary Cumulative Urinary
mass loss
mass loss
LPLE Restrictedb
79c M 29.0 1.02 28.1 >29.0 1.88 53.1
92c F 27.1 0.62 20.1 29.0 1.00 51.9
47 F 15.0 0.03 2.1 17.0 0.04 6.4
65 M 22.5 0.17 6.1 28.1 0.46 22.2
Mean   23.4 0.46 14.1 >25.8 0.84 33.4
SE   3.1 0.23 6.1   0.40 11.5
LPLE Control
55 F 4.7 0.03 2.7 7.0 0.04 8.1
06 F 2.0 0.05 3.2 17.4 0.03 3.8
66 M 15.1 0.05 3.8 17.2 0.06 6.9
Mean   7.3 0.04 3.2 13.9 0.04 6.3
SE   4.0 0.01 0.3 3.4 0.01 1.3
a Cumulative mass loss (since 4 February) and urinary UN:C ratio data are from DelGiudice et al. (1994a).
b Until this period of extreme nutritional restriction (15-19 Apr), the slightly undernourished group was fed a LPLE diet (see text) ad libitum, and the highly undernourished group was fed restricted amounts of the LPLE feed.
c Deer nos. 79 and 92 died on 18 and 19 April, respectively; mass of no. 79 was not obtained at death.

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