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BJB says, Here's the transcript of our TAPPED IN meeting.Κ You will notice that

every place where you see WH you didn't! (whispers don't record....these

were spoken commands) Please contact me if you have any questions.Κ

...and come back soon to visit....it gets easier the more you do it!


BJ Berquist (BJB)


LucianneS says, "Am I in the correct place to tour Tappedin with the



BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Lucianne

LucianneSΚ :)

BJB says, "thanks, Spencer"

ElizabethQ has connected.

SharonLW has connected.

SpencerP exclaims, "Hi, Liz!"

MaureenF has connected.

KarlGB has connected.

CatherineAW has connected.

LucianneS says, "Hi Maureen"

MargueriteA has connected.

ElizabethQ asks, "SpencerP, is that Pasero?"

MaureenF exclaims, "Hi Luci!"

EileenHea has connected.

LauraMM has arrived.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) has arrived.

SpencerP says, "Yes. :)"

ElizabethQ says, "Great"

LauraMM exclaims, "Hi everybody. Welcome to TappedIn!!"

BJB holds up a BIG sign: WELCOME TO TAPPED IN!!

BJB asks, "Is everyone logged in, Laura?"

LauraMM says, "Checking ..."

BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Laura

MaureenF says, "I've never done two chats at one time :)"

CatherineAW says, "I'm here."

LauraMM says, "Yes! We are all here."

BJB says, "cool."

KarlGB says, "I'm here."

PatLP says, "Hi everyone(Replace this text with what you want to say and

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ press return)"

EileenHea says, "I'm here"

BJB says, "I'd like to set some ground rules for you all to facilitate

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ this tour"

BJB says, "there are a lot of us here and cross conversations can be


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ distracting, so..."

BJB says, "I'm going to teach you to whisper."

BJB . o O ( kinda like passing notes in class )

BJB [HelpDesk] projects whispering.


To whisper to someone type WH nameΚΚ You do not need quotes with the

whisper command.Κ If I type WH MaggieH only Maggie will see what I have

said. To whisper to me type WH BJB question/message.


ElizabethQ says, "wh spencerP This is neat"

MaureenF says, "WH BJB How cool"

BJB says, "if you are on the new beta interface you need to go to the


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ that says SAY..."

BJB says, "and click on the little arrow"

ElizabethQ says, "WH SpencerPΚ I am trying again to whisper to you."

BJB says, "and then go to COMMANDS"

PatLP says, "WHSharon We're running the mars project on my team also"

BJB says, "Then try the whisper command"

CatherineAW says, "WH BJB question/this seems to be too fast for me."

BJB says, "otherwise, the SAY command overrides your whisper command"

SharonLW says, "WH BJB Hi again and thank you for helping us today."

BJB [to Catherine]: "we'll try to slow it down for you"

BJB holds up a BIG sign: STOP TYPING, PLEASE

BJB says, "take a sec to go back over the information I've given

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ you...some of you are on the old interface and can just type


BJB says, "but, some of you are on the new interface and need to switch


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ COMMAND before you can whisper"

BJB asks, "want to try the whispering again?"

SharonLW says, "yes"

BJB [to Maureen]: "your whisper was done correctly....yours too,


BJB says, "good Spencer"

BJB [to SpencerP]: "Tapped in is case insensitive"

BJB says, "good whisper, sharon"

SpencerP [to BJB]: "Thanks."

BJB [to Marguerite]: "yes, it worked"

BJB [to Phyllis]: "only the person to whom you whisper sees what you


BJB [to Karl]: "yep! good for you."

CatherineAW <- why can't I see my name attached to what I've just said?>

MaureenF asks, "How does one learn the names of the users?"

SharonLW asks, "Do we need to switch back to SAY when we want to talk to


BJB says, "wow...three questions....hold on and I'll answer you all"

EileenHea says, "WH MaureenF Hello"

BJB says, "when you type a message you will see 'you say'...."

BJB says, "but, everyone else sees BJB says when I type, or your name


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ you type"

BJB says, "if you want to stay in the command mode, then you have to use

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ the command for SAY which is a quote (") in order to talk..."

BJB says, "if you want to avoid using the quotes in conversation in a

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ room, then you can go to SAY mode"

BJB asks, "OK so far?"

SharonLW says, "ok"

CatherineAW says, "What's the difference in the modes?""

BJB exclaims, "I like your questions, Catherine!"

PhyllisL says, "Okay, it makes sense to us."

BJB says, "as you know, TAPPED IN is a MUVE..."

BJB says, "that means that you can do lots of cool things here...besides

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ just talk"

BJB says, "you can emote:"

You hear a quiet popping sound; MargueriteA has lost her link.

PhyllisL asks, "A MUVE or a MOO?"

BJB [HelpDesk] smiles happily at the large and enthusiastic crowd

BJB . o O ( that's an emote )

InaA has connected.

BJB [HelpDesk] jumps up and down

BJB . o O ( that's another emote )

BJB [HelpDesk] shows moo to PhyllisL.

BJB says, "if you want to emote...like laugh, smile, wave...you need to

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ switch to COMMAND MODE...and...."

ElizabethQ I am trying to show emotion.

BJB [HelpDesk] projects emoting.


Emoting is an action such as laughing, smiling, etc.Κ To perform this

action type a colonΚ :Κ , your action (waves, smiles, looks confused,

etc.) and hit return.Κ You do not need to type a quote.ΚΚ When I type

:wavesΚΚΚ you seeΚΚΚ BJB waves.


BJB [HelpDesk] waves to everyone

ElizabethQ smiles

MaureenF waves

BJB says, "nice smile, Elizabeth"

LucianneS) to everyone

LauraMM smiles

BJB exclaims, "good wave, Maureen....maybe we should go to a football


SharonLW delighted

PatLP says, "smiles"

LauraMM says, "wh inaa yes you are in the right spot"

BJB says, "super, Laura and Sharon"

CatherineAW Frowns. I still can't whisper right!

EileenHea says, "me either"

LauraMM says, "wh inaa however, you are using a different program"

BJB [to Pat]: "no quotes....justΚΚΚ :SMILES"

KarlGB groans

EileenHea says, "wh lauramm Hello"

LauraMM says, "wh inaa to avoid confusion, it would be better to logout


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ use the other url"


BJB [to Catherine]: "you frown very well"

PatLP says, "smiles"

PhyllisL says, "We are trying to turn on PHylis's recorder."

KarlGB hiccups

InaA says, "Okay, I'll change"

PatLP asks, "how do I not quote?"

EileenHea asks, "What about me?"

MaureenF asks, "Is there a list of possible emotes?"

BJB [HelpDesk] shows personal recorder to PhyllisL.

You hear a quiet popping sound; InaA has disconnected.

MargueriteA has connected.

EileenHea asks, "Why can't I whisper?"

PhyllisL gets Personal_Recorder_33368 from the vending machine.

BJB [to Eileen/Pat]: "go to where it says SAY on your window..."

LauraMM asks, ""wh eileenhea hi, are you using the new url

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ http://moo.tappedin.org:9998/Κ ?"

BJB [to Eileen/Pat]: "and click on the little arrow....highlight


EileenHea says, "Not listed but I copied what was in the chat"

KarlGB waves

InaA has connected.

BJB [to Eileen/Pat]: "and then type WH BJB message in the window"

SharonLW gets Personal_Recorder_33364 from the vending machine.

BJB says, "welcome back Eileen"

CatherineAW WH EileenHea I'll try again

EileenHea says, "http://moo.tappedin.org:9998/"

LauraMM asks, ""wh eileenhea do you see a menu to the left of your



EileenHea says, "H BJB hello"

EileenHea says, "WH BJB Hello"

InaA says, "I've made it back on."

PhyllisL gets Personal_Recorder_33377 from the vending machine.

CatherineAW "WH EileenHea <Try this as a wisper>

BJB [HelpDesk] smacks her head on the keyboard....

BJB exclaims, "I thought that if I had you all log in with the beta

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ interface you would like the idea of not having to use

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ quotes to talk!"

EileenHea says, "WH EileenHea Hello"

InaA says, "Wh SharonLW Just checking if my whisper works."

CatherineAW says, "No. I see everything."

InaA asks, "WH SharonLWΚ How about this?"

EileenHea says, ""Wh lauramm Hello""

CatherineAW asks, "Why is the screen so cramped for space?"

BJB [to InaA]: "looks like you're on the new beta interface..."

BJB exclaims, "let's give these directions one more time....this is a

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ learning experience for me too!"

BJB holds up a BIG sign: If you are logged in with


PhyllisL gets Personal_Recorder_33378 from the vending machine.

BJB holds up a BIG sign: Then you have to click on SAY on the bottom


of your screen...

BJB holds up a BIG sign: And then click on the arrow and highlight


BJB holds up a BIG sign: When you type a command it will work....for

exampleΚΚ WH BJB how's this?

BJB holds up a BIG sign: If your box says SAY...

BJB holds up a BIG sign: Then all you can do is talk...no other commands

BJB asks, "got it?"

InaA exclaims, "Thanks!Κ I think I've got it!"

BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for Ina

EileenHea says, "yes"

PhyllisL waves

BJB says, "cool, Eileen"

You hear a quiet popping sound; KarlGB has disconnected.

PatLP says, "ok"

LucianneS )) and jumps up and down

BJB says, "Phyllis is joining our wave"

ElizabethQ smiles

BJB [HelpDesk] smiles back at Lucianne and Elizabeth

InaA asks, "Did we get in answer to whether it's possible to make this

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ window bigger in the 9998 version?"

PhyllisL says, "Phyllis tried to get recorder going with no luck."

BJB [to LucianneS]: "don't wear yourself out with all that jumping"

PhyllisL says, "I thought the command was START and name of recorder"

BJB [to Phyllis]: "just a sec and I'll show you"

KarlGB has connected.

BJB [to Marguerite]: "to see who is logged in...go to the top part of


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ window...the colored part"

BJB . o O ( welcome back, Karl )

BJB says, "and click on WHO'S ONLINE"

PatLP yea<action>

BJB . o O ( at the very top )

KarlGB says, "Thought I'd try the beta version.Κ Ddoesn't look diferent

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ from what I was using."

SpencerP [to KarlGB]: "The only difference seems to be the pull-down

menu .


PhyllisL drops PL recorder (recording).

SpencerP [to KarlGB]: ". . . to the left of the input field. . . ."

SpencerP [to KarlGB]: ". . . That's a VERY IMPORTANT difference!"

BJB asks, "actually there are quite a few differences...but I think we

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ should get on with our tour, if that's ok with everyone?"

MaureenF says, "yes, thanks"

SpencerP apologizes for screaming.

PhyllisL says, "yeah, we are recording.Κ Thanks."

BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for Phyllis...good job

PatLP says, "ok by me"

BJB says, "we were talking about TI being a muve and all the things that

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ you can do here...."

BJB says, "you've learned how to talk and emote..."

PatLP smiles

You hear a quiet popping sound; MargueriteA has lost her link.

BJB says, "You can also own stuff...like personal recorders, notes,

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ etc....these are called objects"

BJB [HelpDesk] projects Objects.


Objects (also called 'supplies') are available in TAPPED IN to help make

online communication more effective.Κ Examples of objects include notes,

personal recorders, vending machines, surveys, pets and many other


Once you get an object from supplies you can type HELP objectname to


even more about it.


SherriJ has connected.

BJB says, "notes are objects...."

BJB [HelpDesk] projects notes.


Right now I'm projecting notes at you... Notes are things that I make

ahead of time (anyone can make a note).Κ Notes are great for giving

presentations b/c they allow you to express a lot of information


and people online don't have to wait while you type it all.


BJB . o O ( just in case you thought I was a speed typist! )

BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Sherri

SherriJ says, "(Hello, I made it in and I'll try to catch up"

BJB says, "If you have q, let me know, sherri"

SherriJ says, "will do"

ElizabethQ gets Note_33379 from the vending machine.

CatherineAW [to SherriJ]: ""good luck!""

SherriJ says, "hi bjb thank you"

JudyCE has connected.

BJB says, "notes are very helpful because you can type them up ahead of

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ time...and store them here for whenever you need them"

BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Spencer.

SherriJ says, "how do I whisper"

JudyCE leaves for the El.

BJB [HelpDesk] shows whispering to SherriJ.

You hear a quiet popping sound; SpencerP has disconnected.

PatLP asks, "BJB Is this captured or recorded for us to look at later?"

SherriJ says, "I haven't typed anything with quotes; they appear auto"

BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Laura is going to share her transcript?

SherriJ says, "whisper LauraM hi"

MargueriteA has connected.

ElizabethQ gets Note_33380 from the vending machine.

BJB says, "I noticed that some of you have already gotten

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ recorders....let's see if we can get one for you...."

LauraMM says, "yes, I have a recorder and will e-mail or post the text"

SherriJ asks, "LauraM whispers, Did you see this only?"

PatLP says, "thanks Laura"

EileenHea says, "wh SherriJ I had trouble whispering too.Κ It took me 5


SherriJ says, "Eileen"

SherriJ says, "Hi"

SherriJ says, "9998"

LauraMM asks, "wh Sherrij Do you see a menu that says SAY to the left of

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ your typing?"

SherriJ says, "well"

SherriJ says, "Why am I "You say""

ElizabethQ projects Note_33380.


This is test with notes.


ElizabethQ projects the URL:

Κ www-ed.fnal.gov

BJB exclaims, "thanks, Laura...I'm going to project the information


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ getting a recorder...it will be in the transcript.Κ


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ don't try to get one now....we'll never get anything else


You hear a quiet popping sound; PatLP has disconnected.

ScottWF has connected.

ScottWF leaves for the El.

BJB [to Catherine]: "there is a trick to stop the text for a bit...."

PatLP has connected.

BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Phyllis and SharonPJ

SherriJ says, "LauraMM whisper, this is pretty cool"

GayleP has arrived.

Gayle's taperecorder (recording) has arrived.

SherriJ says, "whicnope"

SherriJ says, "no I don't; Mac"

BJB says, "go to the top of your text window and click on pasteboard and


ElizabethQ gets Personal_Recorder_33381 from the vending machine.

BJB [HelpDesk] projects personal recorder.


A personal recorder turns on when the owner logs in.Κ The recorder


the owner from room to room.ΚΚ When the owner logs out the recorder


off and emails the recorded transcript to the owner.

If you are using TAPestry, to get a recorder you click on Supplies and

then click on Personal Recorder.Κ You can rename your recorder by


on Edit and entering the new name.Κ Be sure to click on Save.

To start your personal recorder immediately type START-Recording (name








BJB holds up a BIG cow:Κ * |Κ STOP TYPING ||



BJB says, "we are in reception....where most people land when they log


SherriJ well

BJB says, "we need to move to another room so we can be less


SherriJ I went to EMOTE

SherriJ Then my name appeared

SherriJ says, "now I am back"

BJB says, "go to the top of your screen...or your web window..."

SherriJ says, "to "say" and I am "you say""

You hear a quiet popping sound; GayleP has disconnected.

SherriJ says, "I am"

BJB says, "and find After School Online ...click on it"

InaA leaves for the ASO.

SharonLW leaves for the ASO.

My Recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.

KarlGB leaves for the ASO.

ElizabethQ leaves for the ASO.

LauraMM leaves for the ASO.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) leaves for the ASO.

MargueriteA leaves for the ASO.

PatLP leaves for the ASO.

LucianneS leaves for the ASO.

EileenHea leaves for the ASO.

Telli (recording) leaves for the ASO.

Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Tue MayΚ 2 15:12:01 2000 PDT.

Started recording in After School Online Room (#1460)[TappedIn] at Tue


Κ2 15:12:01 2000 PDT.

LauraMM goes OUT.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) goes OUT.

BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for everyone...only a couple of ppl left in

Reception....you are doing great!

SherriJ has arrived.

MaureenF has arrived.

SherriJ I can see the "reception area

SherriJ that's where I found "afterschool"

BJB [to Sherri]: "you are in the After School Online room now"

SherriJ I guess

BJB says, "this is where most of our discussions that are on the


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ are held"

SherriJ I clicked "afterschl"

SherriJ OK

BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Sherri...that's what you wanted to do

SherriJ ok

BJB says, "I'm going to show you a very cool feature of TAPPED IN...URL

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ projections"

BJB says, "you've already seen me project notes...."

PatLP goes home.

SherriJ Last night I could make signs from options listed in a drop-down


PatLP has arrived.

SherriJ today there aren't any choices

SherriJ ok

BJB says, "you should be aware that when you project something EVERYONE


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ the room will see what you project"

SherriJ ok

BJB exclaims, "so it's important to know about warning people if you

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ project a URL because it's amazing!"

BJB [HelpDesk] projects Projections.


When a URL is projected a new web window in addition to the TI text and

web window will open for everyone in the same room (don't be


You can look at the site, bookmark it, and close it...as long as you DO

NOT CLOSE the TAPestry window (the one with the room map (you will lose

your link to TI if you do).


BJB says, "I'm going to project the page for the TAPPED IN


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ me know when you are ready"

SharonLW says, "ok"

EileenHea says, "ok"

InaA says, "ready"

ElizabethQ says, "ready."

MaureenF says, "ok"

PatLP says, "ok"

SherriJ ready

BJB [HelpDesk] smiles....thanks.Κ Successful communication in this

environment depends on active participation.

BJB says, "here it comes..."

KarlGB says, "go"

MargueriteA says, "ok"

BJB [HelpDesk] projects the URL:

Κ http://www.tappedin.org/info/partners.html

BJB [HelpDesk] projects the URL:

Κ http://www.tappedin.org/info/partners.html

SherriJ I got it!!! :-)

ElizabethQ cheers

SherriJ All in a new windo of NSpComm

LucianneS says, "yes ready"

MargueriteA says, "got it."

MaureenF says, "I saw it"

BJB asks, "did everyone get the Partners Page?"

SharonLW says, "yes"

EileenHea says, "yes"

MargueriteA says, "yes"

ElizabethQ says, "You're darn tootin, I did."

KarlGB says, "yup"

InaA says, "Yes"

BJB says, "the partners have suites on the second floor of TAPPED

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ IN....and provide lots of resources for the members"

SherriJ ok, how did you prject this page?

BJB [to Project]: "a url (and remember my warning) you type PROJECT

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ http://www.etcΚ You have to be in COMMAND mode"

SherriJ I have to type all of that?

BJB says, "to project a url (and remember my warning) you type PROJECT

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ http://www.etcΚ You have to be in COMMAND mode"

SharonLW says, "InaA, in case you still need this.Κ The list of people



SherriJ That's the way we should do it?

BJB says, "let's take a look at some of the resources that are available

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ in this room...."

BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Sherri

SharonLW says, "InaA, go to the bottom of the window and click UPDATE"

SherriJ ok

BJB . o O ( good for you, Sharon....community of practice at its best! )

BJB says, "go to the web window (colored part and click on the tab



EileenHea says, "ok"

SharonLW says, "ok"

BJB says, "If you scroll down the web window you will see some file

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ cabinets..."

InaA says, "OK"

CatherineAW arrives from nowhere.

BJB says, "click on 2000 transcripts"

LauraMM has arrived.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) has arrived.

SherriJ How long do you want me to be gone?

BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for Catherine....welcome!

BJB [to Laura/Catherine]: "I'm showing everyone how to look at objects



CatherineAW exclaims, "Ok all I see is text!"

BJB says, "go to the web window (colored part and click on the tab



BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Catherine detached her text window

LucianneS goes OUT.

Telli (recording) goes OUT.

BJB [to Catherine]: "can you slide your text window over and see if the

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ web window is behind it?"

MaureenF has disconnected.

BJB asks, "has everyone else clicked on 2000 transcripts?"

SharonLW says, "yes"

ElizabethQ says, "Yes"

InaA says, "Yes"

SherriJ Nothing behind

MargueriteA says, "yes"

SherriJ but desktop

BJB says, "you should see three folders on the left side of the web


CatherineAW says, "No"

SherriJ Partners' Page is all text with links

BJB says, "if you click on a folder, you will see a list of topics"

BJB [to Sherri]: "you can close the partners page"

BJB says, "if you click on a topic the transcript will be emailed to


CatherineAW says, "There is no folder!!!!!1"

LucianneS has arrived.

Telli (recording) has arrived.

BJB . o O ( so if you are unable to attend a discussion, you can get the

transcript )

InaA exclaims, "Cool!"

SherriJ ok; closed Partners

BJB [to Catherine]: "have you clicked on What's Here at the top of the



SharonLW says, "Great idea"

CatherineAW says, "Yes and nothing happened"

KarlGB exclaims, "I've finally found what's here!"

BJB [to Sherri]: "now do you see the window with the room map? and the

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ tabs Who's here and What's Here?"

BJB exclaims, "great, Karl....bet you know that window well by now!"

LucianneS exclaims, "ByeΚ and thanks!"

LucianneS has disconnected.

SherriJ Oh! The partially loaded tap images

SherriJ I've been in there all the time and back to Who's Here

BJB says, "there are lots of other objects to see in here...and in all



SherriJ and back

BJB [HelpDesk] grins at Sherri

KarlGB says, "I only have about 5 windows open right now...."

CatherineAW exclaims, "Well, I don't see a blessed thing!"

SherriJ I saw the file cabinets...those are they?

BJB [to Sherri]: "those are where the transcripts are filed"

SherriJ what we're looking for?

SherriJ marked transcripts

BJB [to Sherri]: "click on the file cabinet 2000 transcripts"

SherriJ just did it

BJB [to Catherine]: "tell me exactly what you do see, please."

SherriJ the window to the left of the file cabnt changed

BJB [to Sherri]: "now click on one of the folders on the left side of



CatherineAW says, "ell, I finally got a bigger screen by hitting the

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ detached button. All I see is text."

BJB . o O ( jan-feb, mar-apr, may-june )


BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Catherine.Κ I thought that's what had happened...

SherriJ I copied the title (partial) from the window

SherriJ if you click too long trying to paste, it will take you back to

the lobby...or whatever

BJB [to Catherine]: "click on ATTACH at the top of the text window"

SherriJ not this time; wrong

BJB says, "I don't know how much time you all have left....how about


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ questions."

BJB [HelpDesk] braces herself

CatherineAW says, "ow it is all scrawny again. If I click on the what's

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ here button nothing happens"

SherriJ I'm just clicking the objects in the What's Here list

BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Sherri...that's fine

SherriJ This is REALLY cool!!!!

EileenHea says, "I need more time to explore.Κ I know I will have some

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ questions later"

BJB [to Catherine]: "until you learn how to use the web window, you


ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ want to keep the text window attached"

SherriJ How come when I came to the URL there were so many other people

out there chatting away?

CatherineAW exclaims, "t didn't work like that either!"

SharonLW says, "BJB, no questions now but like Eileen I will need more



BJB says, "it takes several visits to really get comfortable in this

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ environment....I'm very impressed at how well you all have


SherriJ Is this part private?

LauraMM [to Sherri]: "- that was the reception"

SherriJ oh

CatherineAW exclaims, "Except me!"

SherriJ I crashed a party?

LauraMM [to Sherri]: "- like the lobby of a hotel"

InaA says, "Thanks BJB--We've really given you quite a workout with all



EileenHea exclaims, "I have to go Thanks!"

SherriJ Thanks for inviting me to see this wonderful project

BJB [to Catherine]: "you did very well...it can be confusing and you've

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ hung in there like a trooper!"

SharonLW says, "Ditto, thanks BJB for taking the time with us."

LauraMM [to Sherri]: "- you pass through there on your way to other


EileenHea has disconnected.

SherriJ I see, LauraMM

BJB exclaims, "thank you all for being such good sports!"

ElizabethQ says, "Thanks for your patience."

LauraMM [to Catherine]: "you did great. the detach problem is what



SherriJ Are we also invited to come back and do more?

LauraMM [to Catherine]: "- now that you are attached, should be easier"

CatherineAW says, "I guess I just won't be able to do anything."

KarlGB has disconnected.

BJB exclaims, "you can come back anytime!"

InaA asks, "Bye to all--it was really nice seeing all these familiar



CatherineAW says, "No your're not listening>"

LauraMM says, "by Ina, great to see you."

BJB [to Catherine]: "come back again ...it will be better next time, I


SherriJ This is where We will meet; Have to look at the schedule, right?

SharonLW says, "Great, bye for now.Κ I will be back"

ElizabethQ goes OUT.

BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to all

MargueriteA says, "It has been good seeing familiar names again."

SherriJ bye

LauraMM waves

InaA goes OUT.

SharonLW cheers and waves

SherriJ whisper LauraMM, is that a wrap?

CatherineAW Stomps out.

CatherineAW has disconnected.

BJB says, "I'll be on for a while yet"

BJB [HelpDesk] laughs...poor Catherine

BJB . o O ( she learned how to emote! )

BJB [to Marguerite]: "I'd be delighted to show you..."

SherriJ (Type a freeform command or select one from the help window)


BJB asks, "are you logged in with the new interface?"


SharonLW has disconnected.

BJB . o O ( 9888? )

SherriJ I'll go for now and come back to play later

BJB says, "good for you, Sherri"

MargueriteA says, "no mine says 8000"

SherriJ I can just come back to the 9888

BJB says, "cool, Marguerite...that makes it easier for me"

SherriJ or just go to the regular one URL (last night)

BJB says, "you can, Sherri...or try the other interface..."

BJB . o O ( regular one )

SherriJ ok

MargueriteA asks, "Is it 9998 or 9888?"

SherriJ thanks

SherriJ I made a mistake just a bad guess

BJB [to Marguerite...let's]: "stick with 8000"

MargueriteA says, "ok"

BJB says, "it's easier for me to show you stuff"

SherriJ bye

BJB . o O ( I'm being an old dog...and having problems learning new

tricks! )

SherriJ has disconnected.

JeffC has arrived.

Mrcrecorder (recording) has arrived.

JeffC waves

BJB says, "I'm going to show you a note about emoting, Marguerite"

BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Jeff

MargueriteA says, "ok"

BJB [HelpDesk] projects emoting.


Emoting is an action such as laughing, smiling, etc.Κ To perform this

action type a colonΚ :Κ , your action (waves, smiles, looks confused,

etc.) and hit return.Κ You do not need to type a quote.ΚΚ When I type

:wavesΚΚΚ you seeΚΚΚ BJB waves.


MargueriteA waves

BJB [HelpDesk] cheers for Marguerite!

MargueriteA great this works

BJB asks, "any other questions?"

MargueriteAΚ I think that's it.

MargueriteA Thanks

JeffC [to BJB]: "is there any way to copy your notes?"

MargueriteAΚ I'm not sure.

BJB [to Jeff]: "there is a vending machine of helpdesk notes in


BJB [HelpDesk] wonders if Pat is still here

MargueriteA I can check the vending machine later.Κ Is this Jeff from



MargueriteA Coops?

JeffC [to BJB]: "cool"

JeffC [to MargueriteA]: "yup"

MargueriteA Hey good to hear from you.

BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye....have a meeting.

BJB teleports to the reception.

Stopped recording in After School Online Room (#1460) at Tue MayΚ 2

15:50:59 2000 PDT.

Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Tue MayΚ 2 15:50:59

2000 PDT.

BJB [HelpDesk] waves to Catherine

BJ [HelpDesk] suddenly disappears.

LauraMM has arrived.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) has arrived.

HunterG [helpdesk] waves hi to Laura

BJB [HelpDesk] waits for Catherine to talk

LauraMM leaves for the ASO.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) leaves for the ASO.

LauraMM has arrived.

Personal_Recorder_23681 (recording) has arrived.

BJB [HelpDesk] waves bye to Laura

BJB [to Laura]: "I'll try and get my copy of the transcript out to you"

BJB . o O ( since you missed much of the conversation )

LauraMM says, "thanks, that will help since I was in the other room with

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ catherine for a while."

LauraMM waves

You hear a quiet popping sound; LauraMM has disconnected.

You hear a quiet popping sound; CatherineAW has lost her link.




Fermilab LInC is sponsored by the Fermilab Education Office and the Fermilab Friends for Science Education and supported in part by the Office of High Energy Physics, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, the Illinois State Board of Education and the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necssarily those of the Department, State or Foundation.

Author: Winter 1998 LInC Online Participants
HTML Conversion Script Author: Joanna Francis
Created: 5/2/0 - Updated: Aug 31, 2000
URL: http://www-ed.fnal.gov/lincon/w98/chats/000502/chan1.shtml