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Library of Congress Subject Headings
Tentative (Unapproved) List 16 (April 16, 2008)

SACO participants should contact their SACO liaison on the Cooperative Cataloging Team with comments/questions.

Changes to existing headings are indicated by an asterisk. (A) indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting. (C) indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries. Note: Diacritics and special characters are not displayed in this list. In order to verify the presence and accuracy of diacritics for a specific heading, use the LC ILS to view the full subject authority record for the heading.

(C)    150  Acronia (Plants)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008020215]
	        053       QK495.O64 (Botany)
	        550    BT Orchids

	(C)    150  Apoda-Prorepentia   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008020213]
	        053       QK495.O64 (Botany)
	        550    BT Orchids

	(C)    150  Dryadella   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008020214]
	        053       QK495.O64 (Botany)
	        550    BT Orchids

	(C)    150  African American lesbians--Identity   [sp2008002262]
	        550    BT Identity (Psychology)

	(C)    150  Lesbian teenagers--Identity   [sp2008002264]
	        550    BT Identity (Psychology)

	(C)    151  Allen Site (Neb.)   [sp2008002161]
	        551    BT Nebraska--Antiquities

	(C)    100  Alymbek family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002180]

	        150  Amis (Taiwan people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85004454]
	      * 450    UF Amei (Taiwan people)

	(C)    150  Armed forces--Robots   [sp2007005901]
	        450    UF Military robots
	        450    UF Robotic soldiers
	        550    BT Robots
	        550    RT Robotics--Military applications
	        360       SA subdivision Armed Forces--Robots under names of countries, 
			e.g. United States--Armed Forces--Robots; and subdivision Robots under 
			names of individual military services, e.g. United States.  Army--Robots

	        150  Robotics--Military applications   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85114629]
	      * 550    RT Armed forces--Robots

	      * 151  United States--Armed Forces   CANCEL
	        151  United States--Armed Forces--Robots   [sp 85139803]
	        451    UF United States--Armed Forces   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        681       Example under Armed Forces

	      * 110  United States. Army   CANCEL
	        110  United States. Army--Robots   [sp 85140597]
	        451    UF United States--Army
	        410    UF United States. Army   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        551    BT United States--Armed Forces
	        681       Example under Armed Forces; Armies; Standing army

	(C)    151  Austin Pass (Wash.)   [sp2008020225]
	        550    BT Mountain passes--Washington (State)

	        150  Bhutanese architecture   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002505]
	        450    UF Architecture, Bhutanese

	(C)    150  Candle Demonstration, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1988   [sp2003011727]
	      * 450    UF Sviečková manifestácia, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1988
	      * 551    BT Slovakia--History--1945-1992

	        155  Caper television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025029]
	      * 555    RT Crime shows

	        155  Cop shows   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008025517]
	        455    UF Cop television programs
	        455    UF Police shows (Television programs)
	        455    UF Police television programs
	        555    BT Crime shows
	        555    RT Detective and mystery television programs

	        155  Crime shows   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008025533]
	        680       Here are entered fictional television programs that feature the commission and 
	investigation of crimes.  Nonfiction television programs that feature actual footage and 
	reenactments of criminal and police activities are entered under True crime television 
	        455    UF Crime television programs
	        455    UF Criminal shows
	        455    UF Criminal television programs
	        555    RT Caper television programs
	        681       Note under True crime television programs

	        155  Detective and mystery television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008025520]
	        455    UF Murder mystery television programs
	        455    UF Mystery television programs
	        455    UF Private eye television programs
	        455    UF Who-done-it television programs
	        555    BT Crime shows
	        555    RT Cop shows

	        155  Gangster television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025237]
	      * 455    UF Crime television programs   CANCEL
	      * 455    UF Hoodlum television programs
	      * 455    UF Hoodlum television programs (Motion pictures)   CANCEL
	      * 555    BT Crime shows

	        155  Juvenile delinquency television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025296]
	        555    BT Crime shows
	        555    BT Teen television programs

	        155  Prison television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025300]
	        555    BT Crime shows

	        155  True crime television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025309]
	        680       Here are entered nonfiction television programs that feature actual 
			footage and reenactments of criminal and police activities. Fictional 
			television programs that feature the commission and investigation of crimes 
			are entered under Crime shows.
	        455    UF Crime reenactment television programs
	        555    BT Nonfiction television programs
	        681       Note under Crime shows

	        150  True crime television programs   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 94009020]
	      * 680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
		  form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about nonfiction 
		  television programs that feature actual footage and reenactments of 
		  criminal and police activities.

	(C)    151  Cat Creek (Olympic National Forest, Wash.)   [sp2008020227]
	        451    UF Cat Creek (Clallam County, Wash.)
	        550    BT Rivers--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Cat Creek (Olympic National Park, Wash.)   [sp2008020226]
	        451    UF Cat Creek (Clallam County, Wash.)
	        550    BT Rivers--Washington (State)

	        150  Catachresis  [sp2008002409]
	        550    BT Figures of speech
	        550    BT Speech errors

	        150  Chilean regions--Politics and government  [sp2008002504]

	        150  Compromise (Jewish law)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002252]
	        550    BT Jewish law

	        150  Corporate culture--American influences  [sp2008002509]
	        551    BT United States--Civilization

	        150  Corporate culture--Latin America  [sp2008002555]

	(C)    150  Corporate culture--Latin America--American influences   [sp2007002111]

	(C)    150  Democracy and environmentalism   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2007006113]
	        450    UF Environmentalism and democracy
	        550    BT Environmentalism

	(C)    151  Derickson Seamount   [sp2008001889]
	        451    UF Derickson, Gora
	        550    BT Seamounts--North Pacific Ocean

	(C)    150  Detective and mystery comic books, strips, etc.   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 87006921]
	      * 450    UF Detective and mystery stories--Comic books, strips, etc.

	(C)    150  Domestic space in art   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007005704]

	(C)    150  Ethnoastronomy   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 99002044]
	      * 450    UF Cultural astronomy
	      * 450    UF Native astronomy

	        100  Figgie family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002398]
	        400    UF Fege family
	        400    UF Figi family
	        400    UF Figie family

	      * 150  Game shows   CANCEL   [sp 85052940]
	      * 682       This authority record has been deleted because the heading is 
		  covered by the subject headings Television game shows (sh2008002461) and 
		  Radio game shows (sh2008002469).

	      * 150  Quiz shows   CANCEL   [sp 85110121]
	      * 682       This authority record has been deleted because the heading 
		  is covered by the subject headings Radio quiz shows (sh2008002468) and 
		  Television quiz shows (sh2008002467).

	        150  Radio quiz shows   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002468]
	        053       PN1991.8.Q58
	        680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
			form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about radio programs that 
			feature a question-and-answer format.  Works about radio programs that feature 
			contestants participating in various types of competitive activities for prizes are 
			entered under Radio game shows, subdivided by the appropriate geographic, 
			topical, and/or form subdivisions.
	        450    UF Quiz shows
	        450    UF Quiz shows, Radio
	        550    BT Contests
	        550    BT Questions and answers
	        550    BT Radio programs
	        681       Note under Radio game shows

	        150  Radio game shows   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002469]
	        053       PN1991.8.Q58
	        680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
			form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about radio programs that 
			feature contestants participating in various types of competitive activities 
			for prizes. Works about radio programs that feature a question-and-answer 
			format are entered under Television quiz shows, subdivided by the appropriate 
			geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions.
	        450    UF Game shows
	        450    UF Game shows, Radio
	        550    BT Contests
	        550    BT Radio programs
	        681       Note under Radio quiz shows

	        150  Television game shows   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002461]
	        053       PN1992.8.Q5
	        680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
			form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about television programs that 
			feature contestants participating in various types of competitive activities 
			for prizes. Works about television programs that feature a question-and-answer 
			format are entered under Television quiz shows, subdivided by the appropriate 
			geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions.
	        450    UF Game shows
	        450    UF Game shows, Television
	        550    BT Contests
	        550    BT Television programs
	        681       Example under Television programs--Plots, themes, etc.
	        681       Note under Television quiz shows

	        155  Television game shows   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025625]
	        680       Here are entered television programs that feature contestants 
			participating in various types of competitive activities for prizes. Television 
			programs that feature a question-and-answer format are entered under Television 
			quiz shows.
	        455    UF Game shows, Television
	        681       Note under Television quiz shows

	        150  Television quiz shows   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002467]
	        053       PN1992.8.Q5
	        680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
			form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about television programs 
			that feature a question-and-answer format. Works about television programs 
			that feature contestants participating in various types of competitive activities 
			for prizes are entered under Television game shows, subdivided by the appropriate 
			geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions.
	        450    UF Quiz shows
	        450    UF Quiz shows, Television
	        550    BT Contests
	        550    BT Questions and answers
	        550    BT Television programs
	        681       Note under Television game shows

	        155  Television quiz shows   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007025626]
	        680       Here are entered television programs that feature a question-and-answer format. 
	Television programs that feature contestants participating in various types of competitive 
	activities for prizes are entered under Television game shows.
	        455    UF Quiz shows, Television
	        681       Note under Television game shows

	        150  Television programs--Plots, themes, etc.   [sp 91001374]
	      * 680       Here are entered general works on television plots and themes. 
		  Works on specific types of television programs are entered under headings for the 
		  type of program, e.g. Game shows; Horror television programs; Television comedies; 
		  Western television programs. Works on a specific topic on television are entered 
		  under headings of the type [topic] on television or under names of persons or 
		  places with subdivision On television, e.g. Violence on television; Napoleon I, 
		  Emperor of the French, 1769-1821--On television; Germany--On television.   CANCEL
	      * 680       Here are entered general works on television plots and themes. 
		  Works on specific types of television programs are entered under headings for 
		  the type of program, e.g.  Television game shows; Horror television programs; 
		  Television comedies; Western television programs. Works on a specific topic on 
		  television are entered under headings of the type [topic] on television or under 
		  names of persons or places with subdivision On television, e.g. Violence on television; 
		  Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821--On television; Germany--On television.

	      * 150  Goldfield Strike, 1907   CANCEL
	(C)    150  Goldfield Strike, Goldfield, Nev., 1907   [sp 85055771]
	        053       HD5325.M8 1907.G
	        450    UF Goldfield Strike, 1907   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        550    RT Strikes and lockouts--Gold mining--Nevada

	        150  Strikes and lockouts--Gold mining--Nevada  [sp2008002531]

	(C)    150  Grassroots comic books, strips, etc.   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008020216]
	        680       Here are entered works on comics made by local community activists and other 
	persons who are not professional artists, usually produced inexpensively using low-tech 
	methods such as photocopying, that are intended to communicate a message and/or to 
	encourage debate on an issue.
	        450    UF Grass root comic books, strips, etc.
	        450    UF Grass roots comic books, strips, etc.
	        450    UF Grassroot comic books, strips, etc.
	        550    BT Comic books, strips, etc.

	(A)    110  Guardian Building (Detroit, Mich.)   [sp2008002486]
	        410    UF Union Trust Building (Detroit, Mich.)
	        550    BT Office buildings--Michigan

	(A)    150  Office buildings--Michigan   [sp2008002547]

	        100  Hartzler family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002377]
	        400    UF Hertzler family

	(C)    151  Hausruckviertel (Austria)   [sp2008001572]
	        451    UF Hausruck (Austria : Region)
	        451    UF Hausruckgebiet (Austria)

	(C)    150  Heart valve prosthesis--Fluid dynamics   [sp2005003051]
	        550    BT Fluid dynamics

	(C)    151  Heather Meadows (Wash.)   [sp2008020220]
	        451    UF Heather Meadow (Wash.)
	        550    BT Mountain meadows--Washington (State)

	(C)    150  Historic apartment houses   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002178]
	        550    BT Apartment houses
	        550    BT Historic buildings

	        150  Hoolock gibbon   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002517]
	        053       QL737.P96 (Zoology)
	        450    UF Bunopithecus hoolock
	        450    UF Hoolock hoolock hoolock
	        450    UF Hylobates hoolock
	        450    UF Western hoolock gibbon
	        550    BT Gibbons

	(A)    150  Humps (Anatomy)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002242]
	        550    BT Anatomy

	        151  Hunters Hot Springs (Mont. : Springs)  [sp2008002406]
	        451    UF Yellowstone White Sulphur Springs (Mont. : Springs)
	        550    BT Hot springs--Montana

	(C)    150  Kellogg's All-Bran (Trademark)   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2007010079]
	        550    BT Cereal products

	(C)    150  Koozime literature   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008001600]
	        550    BT Cameroon literature
	        550    BT Kongo literature

	(C)    150  Epic literature, Koozime   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008001705]
	        450    UF Koozime epic literature
	        550    BT Koozime literature

	        150  Kunna (The Swedish word)  [sp2008002379]
	        550    BT Swedish language--Etymology

	        150  Må (The Swedish word)  [sp2008002367]
	        550    BT Swedish language--Etymology

	        151  Lawlor Island (N.S.)  [sp2008002428]
	        451    UF Bloss Island (N.S.)
	        451    UF Carroll's Island (N.S.)
	        451    UF Duggan's Island (N.S.)
	        451    UF Lawlor's Island (N.S.)
	        451    UF McNamara's Island (N.S.)
	        451    UF Warren's Island (N.S.)
	        550    BT Islands--Nova Scotia

	(C)    150  Lis pendens   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85077434]
	      * 450    UF Notice of lis pendens
	      * 450    UF Notice of pendency

	(C)    151  Mackenzie Trough   [sp2008002003]
	        451    UF Mackenzie Canyon
	        451    UF Mackenzie Seavalley
	        451    UF Mackenzie Submarine Canyon
	        550    BT Submarine trenches--Arctic Ocean

	        151  Submarine trenches--Arctic Ocean  [sp2008002366]

	(C)    151  Manastash Canyon (Wash.)   [sp2008000730]
	        550    BT Canyons--Washington (State)

	(C)    100  Marozzi family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002163]

	(C)    151  Mist Park (Wash.)   [sp2008020218]
	        550    BT Mountain meadows--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Knapsack Pass (Wash.)   [sp2008020219]
	        550    BT Mountain passes--Washington (State)

	      * 150  Nematoda   CANCEL
	(C)    150  Nematodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090702]
	        053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	        450    UF Eelworms
	        450    UF Nemas
	        450    UF Nemata
	        450    UF Nemates
	        450    UF Nematoda   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        450    UF Nematoidea
	        450    UF Round worms
	        450    UF Roundworm   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        450    UF Roundworms
	        450    UF Thread worms
	        450    UF Threadworms
	        550    BT Worms

	      * 150  Nematoda--Anatomy   CANCEL
	(C)    150  Nematodes--Anatomy   [sp 85090703]

	      * 150  Nematoda--Biological control   CANCEL
	(C)    150  Nematodes--Biological control   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090704]
	        550    BT Nematodes--Control
	        681       Example under Pests--Biological control

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda--Control   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes--Control   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2004009927]

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda--Control--Equipment and supplies   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes--Control--Equipment and supplies   [sp2004009928]

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda--Food   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes--Food   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090705]

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda--Host plants   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes--Host plants   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090706]

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda--Research   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes--Research   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090707]
	        450    UF Nematological research   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda as biological pest control agents   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes as biological pest control agents   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 92004583]
	        053       SB976.N46
	        450    UF Nematoda as biological pest control agents   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        550    BT Biological pest control agents

	(C)  * 150  Nematoda as carriers of disease   CANCEL
	        150  Nematodes as carriers of disease   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 88004350]
	        450    UF Nematoda as carriers of disease   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        450    UF Nematode vectors   [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
	        550    BT Invertebrates as carriers of disease

	(C)    150  Adenophorea   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85000845]
	      * 053       QL391.N4   CANCEL
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Aquatic nematodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005002630]
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Dracunculida   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85039258]
	      * 053       QL391.N4   CANCEL
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Insect nematodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 90002219]
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Lungworms   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85078923]
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Mononchida   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 88021639]
	      * 053       QL391.N4   CANCEL
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Nematocides   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090700]
	      * 550    BT Nematoda--Control--Equipment and supplies   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes--Control--Equipment and supplies

	(C)    150  Nematode-plant relationships   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 97004475]
	      * 450    UF Nematoda and plants   CANCEL
	      * 450    UF Nematodes and plants

	(C)    150  Pests--Biological control   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85100294]
	      * 360       SA subdivision Biological control under individual and groups of 
		  pests, e.g. Nematoda--Biological control   CANCEL
	      * 360       SA subdivision Biological control under individual and groups of 
		  pests, e.g. Nematodes--Biological control

	(C)    150  Plant nematodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85102783]
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Plant nematodes as carriers of disease   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85102784]
	      * 450    UF Nematoda as carriers of plant disease   CANCEL

	(C)    150  Secernentea   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85090709]
	      * 053       QL391.N4   CANCEL
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    150  Soil nematodes   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85124363]
	      * 053       QL391.N4   CANCEL
	      * 053       QL391.N4 (Zoology)
	      * 550    BT Nematoda   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Nematodes

	(C)    151  Osage Reservation (Okla.)   [sp2007005718]
	        451    UF Osage Indian Reservation (Okla.)
	        550    BT Indian reservations--Oklahoma

	        110  Palazzo Firenze (Rome, Italy)  [sp2008002510]
	        410    UF De' Medici, Palazzo (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Del Monte, Palazzo (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Firenze Palace (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Medici, Palazzo de' (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Monte, Palazzo del (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Palazzo De' Medici (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Palazzo Del Monte (Rome, Italy)
	        410    UF Palazzo di Firenze (Rome, Italy)
	        550    BT Palaces--Italy

	(C)    150  Parallel proceedings (Law)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008001935]
	        680       Here are entered works on legal proceedings in which both 
			civil and criminal actions are undertaken.
	        550    BT Actions and defenses
	        550    BT Criminal procedure
	        550    BT Procedure (Law)

	        151  Pawtuxet River Valley (R.I.)  [sp2008002503]
	        451    UF Pawtuxet Valley (R.I.)
	        550    BT Valleys--Rhode Island

	        151  Pella of the Decapolis (Extinct city)   [sp 93003551]
	      * 451    UF Pella Decapolitana (Extinct city)

	(C)    150  Phytoplankton--Vertical distribution   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008020184]
	        681       Example under Vertical distribution (Aquatic biology)

	(C)    150  Plankton--Vertical distribution   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2005005534]
	        550    BT Vertical distribution (Aquatic biology)

	(C)    150  Vertical distribution (Aquatic biology)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85142909]
	      * 450    UF Distribution, Vertical (Aquatic biology)
	      * 450    UF Migration, Vertical (Aquatic biology)
	      * 360       SA subdivision Vertical distribution under individual animals and 
		  groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Vertical distribution   CANCEL
	      * 360       SA subdivision Vertical distribution under individual animals and 
		  groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. 
		  Fishes--Vertical distribution; Phytoplankton--Vertical distribution

	(C)    151  Plummer Mountain (Wash.)   [sp2008020223]
	        451    UF Plummer Peak (Snohomish County, Wash.)
	        550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)
	        551    BT North Cascades (B.C. and Wash.)

	(A)    150  Poliomyelitis in literature   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002511]

	(C)    151  Portlock Bank   [sp2008002261]
	        451    UF Portlok, Banka
	        550    BT Banks (Oceanography)--North Pacific Ocean

	(C)    151  Banks (Oceanography)--North Pacific Ocean   [sp2008002375]

	(C)    150  Predatory birds   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2004009550]
	        680       Here are entered works on birds that live by preying on other animals. Works on 
	diurnal predatory birds in the order Falconiformes (falcons, hawks, eagles, osprey, Old 
	World vultures, etc.), New World vultures in the order Ciconiiformes, and nocturnal 
	predatory birds in the order Strigiformes (owls) are entered under Birds of prey.
	        450    UF Depredating birds
	        450    UF Predaceous birds
	        450    UF Predacious birds
	        550    BT Birds
	        550    BT Predatory animals
	        681       Note under Birds of prey

	(C)    150  Birds of prey   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85014346]
	      * 680       Here are entered works on diurnal predatory birds in the order 
		  Falconiformes (falcons, hawks, eagles, osprey, Old World vultures, etc.), New 
		  World vultures in the order Ciconiiformes, and nocturnal predatory birds in 
		  the order Strigiformes (owls). Works on other birds that live by preying on 
		  other animals are entered under Predatory birds.
	      * 550    BT Birds   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Predatory animals   CANCEL
	      * 550    BT Predatory birds
	      * 681       Note under Predatory birds.

	        150  Psychic trauma   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85108403]
	      * 680       Here are entered works on a psychological injury stemming from a 
		  stressful or life-threatening situation to one's psyche or personality.

	        150  Puyuma (Taiwan people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 86005318]
	      * 450    UF Beinan (Taiwan people)

	(C)    150  Romance comic books, strips, etc.   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2002006065]
	      * 450    UF Love--Comic books, strips, etc.
	      * 450    UF Love comic books, strips, etc.
	      * 450    UF Love stories--Comic books, strips, etc.

	        151  Ropar Wetland (India)  [sp2008002515]
	        550    BT Wetlands--India

	(C)    151  Saint Paul Spur   [sp2008001902]
	        550    BT Mid-ocean ridges--North Pacific Ocean

	(C)    150  Schnapps   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002424]
	        053       TP607.S36
	        450    UF Schnaps
	        550    BT Liquors

	(C)    100  Schneller family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008002164]

	      * 150  Science fiction comic books, strips, etc.   [May Subd Geog]   ADD GEOG   [sp 

	        150  Sherlock Holmes television programs   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2001005257]
	      * 680       Here are entered Sherlock Holmes television programs discussed 
		  collectively. Works on individual Sherlock Holmes television programs or series are 
		  entered under the specific title.   CANCEL
	      * 680       When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or 
		  form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about Sherlock Holmes television 
		  programs discussed collectively. Works on individual Sherlock Holmes television programs 
		  or series are entered under the specific title.

	        155  Sherlock Holmes television programs   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp2008025521]
	        555    BT Detective and mystery television programs

	        151  Shin Kitakyu̅shu̅ Ku̅ko̅ Renraku Do̅ro 
			(Japan)  [sp2008002265]
	        451    UF Shin Kitakyu̅shu̅ Ku̅ko̅sen (Japan)
	        550    BT Roads--Japan

	(C)    151  Sholes Glacier (Wash.)   [sp2008020224]
	        451    UF Wells Creek Glacier (Wash.)
	        550    BT Glaciers--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Sunset Amphitheater (Wash.)   [sp2008020217]
	        550    BT Basins (Geology)--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Surprise Gap (Wash.)   [sp2008020221]
	        451    UF Surprise Pass (Wash.)
	        550    BT Mountain passes--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Surprise Mountain (Wash.)   [sp2008020222]
	        451    UF Surprise Peak (Wash.)
	        551    BT Cascade Range
	        550    BT Mountains--Washington (State)

	(C)    151  Surveyor Seachannel   [sp2008001891]
	        451    UF Surveyor Channel
	        451    UF Surveyor Deep-Sea Channel
	        550    BT Submarine fans--North Pacific Ocean

	(C)    150  Technomyrmex   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002181]
	        053       QL568.F7 (Zoology)
	        550    BT Ants

	(C)    150  Textile jewelry   [May Subd Geog]   [sp2008002165]
	        450    UF Fabric jewelry
	        550    BT Jewelry
	        550    BT Textile crafts

	        150  Thao (Taiwan people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85134502]
	      * 450    UF Ita Thao (Taiwan people)

	        100  Trimble family   [Not Subd Geog]   [sp 85137536]
	      * 400    UF Tremble family

	        150  Tsou (Taiwan people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 89002165]
	      * 450    UF Zou (Taiwan people)

	(C)    150  Vespertilionidae   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85142941]
	      * 450    UF Evening bats
	      * 450    UF Vesper bats

	(C)  * 110  Villa of Poppaea Sabina (Torre Annunziata, Italy)   CANCEL
	        110  Villa of Poppaea Sabina (Italy)   [sp2002006918]
	        410    UF Poppaea Sabina, Villa of (Italy)
	        410    UF Poppea, Villa of (Italy)
	        410    UF Villa A (Italy)
	        410    UF Villa di Poppea (Italy)
	        550    BT Dwellings--Italy

	        150  Wayfaring life--Religious aspects  [sp2008002534]

	        150  Wayfaring life--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]  [sp2008002533]

	(C)    151  Yakutat Valley   [sp2008001888]
	        451    UF Yakutat Canyon
	        451    UF Yakutat Seavalley
	        451    UF Yakutat Strath
	        550    BT Submarine valleys--North Pacific Ocean

	        150  Yami (Taiwan people)   [May Subd Geog]   [sp 85148973]
	      * 450    UF Dawu (Taiwan people)
	      * 450    UF Tau (Taiwan people)

	        151  Ypacarai, Lake (Paraguay)  [sp2007010415]
	        451    UF Ipacarai, Lake (Paraguay)
	        451    UF Ipacaray, Lake (Paraguay)
	        451    UF Lago Ypacarai´ (Paraguay)
	        451    UF Ypacaray, Lake (Paraguay)
	        451    UF Ypagarai, Lake (Paraguay)
	        550    BT Lakes--Paraguay

	        151  Ypacarai, Lake, Watershed (Paraguay)  [sp2008002364]
	        550    BT Watersheds--Paraguay

	        150  Lakes--Paraguay  [sp2008002506]

	        150  Watersheds--Paraguay  [sp2008002507]

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