Comment 04114051 From: Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:06 AM To: Rulemaking, TTB Subject: Notice No. 41: Labeling and Advertising of Wines, Distilled Spirits and Malt Beverages U.S. TTB Dear U.S. TTB, I've heard that the government is considering allowing alcohol beverage companies to put serving facts information on their labels so consumers can make more informed decisions when they choose to drink. This seems very reasonable from a consumer standpoint and I am surprised that it is currently prohibited. This information is important to people who are concerned about their diet and are interested in knowing more about what they eat and drink. It's become a matter of habit for me to look at this type of information on all other consumer goods that I purchase. I am often times quite surprised to learn that some products are much higher (and sometimes lower) in fat and calories than I would otherwise suspect. Having this information would help me make decisions about the products I choose to purchase. I can't think of a good reason why providing this information for alcohol beverages should not be allowed. In the interest of the consumer I support the government allowing this information to be included on alcohol beverage labels. Sincerely, Karen Lane 12053 Steven Lane Dunkirk, Maryland 20754 cc: Senator Paul Sarbanes Senator Barbara Mikulski Representative Steny Hoyer Director George Griffin Executive Director Robert Cowger