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NIH Record


NIAID Presents EEO Awards

NIAID director Dr. Anthony S. Fauci recently presented NIAID Equal Employment Opportunity Special Achievement Awards to 15 NIAID employees including Dr. Sharon H. Jackson, a clinical associate in the Laboratory of Host Defenses. Jackson was cited for continuously demonstrating a commitment to furthering the education of minorities and young adults. She has lectured at seminars and local schools and served as a mentor to both high school and college students. She is the recipient of the NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence and the Henry Christian Award for Excellence in Research from the American Federation for Clinical Research Foundation.

Quality of Work Life Award Winners

The NIH quality of work life committee has selected the newest group of QWL Award recipients--32 individuals and groups who worked to improve the quality of work life at NIH in areas such as helping employees balance work and family lives, working toward the creation of a learning organization, and helping to improve communication among employees. This commitment improves not only the quality of work life, but also the quality of science.

The awardees are: Loretta Barnes, NHLBI; Loretta Brammell, NIEHS; Melissa Bronez and Donna Gellerson, NCI; Floride Canter, CC; Howard Chernoff, NIGMS; Laura Chisholm, CC; Donald Christoferson, NCI; Louann Cofrancesco, NIDCD; Carol Cushing, NIDA; Sharon Frazier, NIDDK; Janette Gabriel, NIAMS; Eugenia Goulding, NIEHS; Sharon Greenwell and the Manchester String Quartet, OD; Janyce Hedetniemi, OD; Camille Hoover and Kathleen Stephen, NCI; Alice E. Jacobs and Christa Hoffmann, NLM; Carol Jones, NCI; Jerry King, CC; Kai Lakeman, CC; Sheila Levy, NLM; William Magers, Jr., Gerald Lawson, Charles Barrett, Jr., ORS; Sally Nichols, NIAMS; NIEHS Diversity Council; NIH fellows committee; NIH Office of Equal Opportunity; Al Rexroad, CC; Carol Romano, CC; Elaine Ron, NCI; Randy Schools, R&W; Marcia Smith, CC; the staff of the User Resource Center; Jan Weymouth, CC.

For more information on Quality of Work Life activities or details on award winners, look for updates on the QWL Web site over the next few weeks at

Fauci Receives San Marino Prize

NIAID director Dr. Anthony S. Fauci (l) recently received the 1997 San Marino Prize "in recognition of exceptional science at the dawn of the new millenium." Presenting the award is Dr. Sante Canducci, minister of health of the Republic of San Marino.

ACR Honors Two NIAMS Fellows

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) recently gave the 1997 Senior Rheumatology Award to Drs. Thurayya Arayssi and John C. Davis, fellows in the Arthritis and Rheumatism Branch of the NIAMS Intramural Research Program. The award recognizes the clinical and research work of 15 fellows in their final year of rheumatology fellowship training who have performed meritoriously throughout their training years. Merck pharmaceutical company funded the awards.

ACR is an organization of physicians, health professionals and scientists that serves its members through education, research and advocacy programs that foster excellence in the care of people with arthritis, rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

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