?.6& HISTORY OF SETTLEMENTS AND TRADE book an induftry proportionable to the load of their contri IX- butions, and to the patience neceffary to fupport the burden of them. If to the enormous expences of the ftate it were neceffary to add thofe which the pomp of a court requires; if the prince were to employ in main- taining the agents of tyranny what ought to be be- flowed on the foundations of a land obtained, ask were, from the fea, he would foon drive the people to defpair. The inhabitant of Holland, placed upon a moim- tain, and who obferves at a diftance the fea rifing eigh- teen or twenty feet above the level of the lands, and dafhing its waves againft the dykes he has raifed, con- fiders within himfelf, that fooner or later this boifterous element will get the better of him. He difdains fo precarious a dwelling; and his houfe, made either of wood or ftone at Amfterdam, is no longer looked upon •as fuch : it is his fhip that is his afylum ; and by de- grees he acquires an indifference and manners conform- able to this idea. The water is to him what the vici- nity of volcanos is to other people. If to thefe natural caufes of the decay of a patriotic fpirit were joined the lofs of liberty, the Dutch would quit a country that cannot be cultivated but by men who are free ; and thefe people, fo devoted to trade, would carry their fpirit of commerce, together with their riches, to fome other part of the globe. Their Iflands in Alia, their fadories in Africa, their colonies in America, and all the ports in Europe, would afford them an afylum. What fladtholder, what prince, re- vered by fuch a people, would wifh, or dare, to become their tyrant? A fenfelefs, ambitious man, or a ferocious warrior, might poffibly attempt it. But among thofe who are deftined to govern the nation, are fuch men rarely to be found. Every thing feems to confpire in exciting the greateft apprehenfions in the republic upon this important point. There are fearce any natives on board their fleets, except a few officers. Their armies are compofed of, recruited, and commanded by »¦