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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Research Project: Aflatoxin Control Through Targeting Mechanisms Governing Aflatoxin Biosynthesis in Corn and Cottonseed

Location: Food and Feed Safety Research

Title: Identification of the Yellow-Spored Aspergilli


Submitted to: Inoculum
Publication Type: Abstract
Publication Acceptance Date: April 12, 2006
Publication Date: August 1, 2006
Citation: Klich, M.A. 2006. Identification of the yellow-spored Aspergilli. Inoculum. 57(4):25.

Technical Abstract: Yellow-spored aspergilli have traditionally been considered to belong to Aspergillus section Circumdati. A number of these species have been moved to other sections of the genus based on characters other than spore color, causing some confusion among researchers needing to identify these fungi. Eight yellow-spored Aspergillus species have been described in the past two years. These include: A. rambelli, which produces aflatoxin; A. cretensis, A. flocculosus, A. pseudoelegans, A. roseglobulosus, A. steynii, and A. westerdijkiae, all of which produce ochratoxin; and A. neobridgeri. In this study, the yellow-spored aspergilli will be analyzed using morphological features, and an identification system for them will be presented.

Last Modified: 02/08/2009