Table of contents for Bose-Einstein condensation / edited by A. Griffin, D.W. Snoke, S. Stringari.

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1. Introduction: Unifying themes of Bose-Einstein condensation
Part I. Review Papers: 2. Some comments on Bose-Einstein condensation
3. Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity
4. Bose-Einstein condensation in liquid helium
5. Sum rules and Bose-Einstein condensation
6. Dilute degenerate gases
7. Prospects for Bose-Einstein condensation in magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen
8. Spin-polarized hydrogen: Prospects for Bose-Einstein condensation and two-dimensional superfluidity
9. Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms
10. Kinetics of Bose-Einstein condensation in an interacting Bose gas
11. Condensate formation in a Bose gas
12. Bose-Einstein condensation of excitonic particles in semiconductors
13. Macroscopic coherent states of excitons in semiconductors
14. Bose-Einstein condensation in a nearly ideal gas: excitons in Cu2O
15. Crossover from BCS theory to Bose-Einstein condensation
16. Bose-Einstein condensation of bipolarons in high-Tc superconductors
17. Kaon condensation in dense matter
18. The bosonization method in nuclear physics
19. Broken gauge symmetry in a Bose condensate
Part II. Brief Reports: 20. Bose-Einstein condensation in ultra-cold cesium: collisional constraints
21. Bose-Einstein condensation and relaxation explosion in magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen
22. Quest for Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional atomic hydrogen
23. Bose-Einstein condensation of biexcitons in CuCl
24. The influence of polariton effects on the Bose-Einstein condensation of biexcitons
25. Light-induced Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons and biexcitons
26. Decay of a non-equilibrium polariton condensate and the distribution functions of interacting polaritons in semiconductors
27. Possibilities for Bose-Einstein condensation in positronium
28. Excitonic superfluidity in Cu2O
29. On the Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons -  finite-lifetime composite bosons
30. Charged bosons in quantum heterostructures
31. The dynamic structure function of Bose liquids in the deep inelastic regime
32. Evidence for bipolaronic Bose-liquid and Bose-Einstein condensation in high-Tc oxides
33. Bose-Einstein condensation and spin waves
34. Universal behaviour within the Nozières and Schmitt-Rink theory
35. Bound states and superfluidity in strongly coupled fermion systems
36. Onset of superfluidity in nuclear matter.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Bose-Einstein condensation