Wednesday April 19 Gear Rartin, We have all just returned from the annual mass frenzy- the Federation Meeting- to the relative peace of Our own laiso %is year the i;.eetings seemed a bit less exciting tl;an usual ( perhaps partly due to the increasing I've-seen-it-all-before fc&ing that gro+s kth age) and the'eq&pmnik was even more eqwnsive than usual* Also, for the first time, there 17as a slight overtone'of anxiety among some of'the younger biochemists about job opportunities, etco This is, of course, large!<; a product of the er;Lightened attitudes of our sterling leader and !lis colleagues on Capitol Hill. Zonbs on Hanoi seem to attract them more than medical research and other such luxuries1 On a mar? sober note, I bumped into an old Carlsberg alumnus ko had recentY& heard that you were quite disturbed, and perha?,s a bit anf"y, about the recent note in Science by Walsh, I hu. ried to reread that issue just to try and catch the nu~.zcs that might be responsible for your feelings; i note particulerly the part; ':Lsng died in 14f;S, and his successor , Kartin Ott men, has interests of a more apFlie4 scrt th,on Lang's; and it was inevitable, after all, that the heady days of proteins chemistry in the 1959's ;rould give xay t.0 an era of consolidating ~E?SC??.rCii." As an old boy who' s scientifix career has been so heavily conditic:lcd b&f e.xposure tG ",li2t ?Y c.scz7.Zy genius, Linders~.r$%L~ng ( an? I liould grecs Wat yc;u 2.ncLude 3 "L - --self in that catego= too) , I must admit to having a sort of rose-colored viclj'of the old days, In talking to Yalsh in a-y short conversation :rith him, I must a&v&t that I made a strong point of Lang's charisztic persomli'?J which i-5 seemed to me mesmerized us all, but in a constrcctive :?ay for the most part, Anyho?*:, this romaticism is common sl;nong the graduates of the place from the middle thirties throa to the time of Largls death and probably his best epi&aph, I do hope to have a chance to see you and Gerda socL q,ain- certainly in 1973 during the IK3 migration to Scandinav-ia- and sooner if you two happen to be con?i.n~ throilgh the eastern part of t!,;is cour,try, i am anxious to hear about &at is actually going on at Carlsberg Laboratory plamxing sessions - I gather vague>1 timt the flavor of things is not to change so much after all, Let me hear from you iqhen ycu have time, and please believ e ,tit my $ery best r&hes and personal regards go with this note* Love to you and yours, Chris and Flossie