C.1 Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center (ATTIC)

Sponsoring Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL)
Description of Services: ATTIC is a comprehensive information retrieval system containing data on alternative treatment technologies for hazardous waste. It contains several data bases that are accessed through a free public access bulletin board. The central component of ATTIC is the Treatment Technology Data base, which contains abstracts and summaries from technical documents that are free-text searchable. Search results can then be downloaded for review on the user's computer. Access is also provided to a number of other data bases, including a technology performance/treatability study data base and an underground storage tank data base. New features include full text downloadable files of key treatment technology documents, including Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program documents. The bulletin board also features news items, bulletins, and E-mail.
Data: ATTIC users can access four data bases directly through the BBS:
  • ATTIC Data Base (contains more than 2,000 records on alternative treatment technologies for remediating hazardous waste).
  • RREL Treatability Data Base (provides data on the treatability of contaminated water and soil).
  • Technical Assistance Directory (identifies experts on a given technology or contaminant).
  • Calendar of Events (lists of upcoming conferences and events).
Access: Users can dial directly into the ATTIC system through their own computer by dialing (513)569-7610. Users without access to a computer or those with questions about the system can contact the system operator for assistance.

ATTIC is also accessible on EPA/NRMRL's home page via World Wide Web. http://www.epa.gov/attic/.

Hardware/Software: ATTIC is accessible by any PC or terminal equipped with communications software and a modem.
Contact: ATTIC Project Manager
26 Martin L. King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268