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[IGSREPORT-9851] Wk 1196 JPL Analysis Report

IGS Electronic Report   23 Dec 18:23:37 PST 2002      Message Number 9851

Author: Y Vigue-Rodi

JPL ANALYSIS REPORT   GPS-WEEK 1196 (DAYS 342-348, DATES 2002 Dec 08 - Dec 14)

Submitted by the JPL IGS/FLINN Analysis Team:

Y E Bar-Sever, M B Heflin, Y Vigue-Rodi, F H Webb, J F Zumberge, D C Jefferson

all at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 
Pasadena, CA  91109.

Files listed below are available in Unix compressed format and can be
retrieved using anonymous ftp to sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov (,
directory pub/jpligsac/1196.  These files (except for *.tro) have also
been sent to the CDDIS.

filename             contents
jpl11967.sum         This text file.
jpl11967.erp         Earth rotation parameters for GPS week 1196.
jpl11967.snx         Ground station coordinates for GPS week 1196, SINEX format.
jpl1196[0-6].sp3     GPS ephemerides for GPS week 1196, sp3 format.
jpl1196[0-6].sp3c    GPS ephemerides for GPS week 1196, sp3c format.
jpl1196[0-6].tro     Ground station troposphere estimates for GPS week 1196.
jpl1196[0-6].clk     GPS and ground station clocks for GPS week 1196, RINEX.

Median Orbit Repeatability (see table below): 6.0 cm

Due to potential problems, data from stations mentioned below were not
considered for use in the global solution for the day indicated.  (For
geographical reasons, they may not have been used in any case.)

WARNING: Data from PRN09 and PRN28 excluded day  348.
WARNING: Data from PRN15 excluded day 344.
WARNING: Data from PRN17 excluded day 347.
WARNING: Data from PRN22 excluded days 343-346,and 348.
WARNING: Data from PRN26 excluded day 342.
WARNING: Data from BAN2, BJFS, ESTI, GENO, HARB, HFLK, IRKT, KODK, LBCH, PIMO            excluded day 342.
WARNING: Data from BJFS, HARB, HFLK, LBCH excluded day 343.
WARNING: Data from BJFS, CARR, HARB, HFLK, KELY, LBCH, SPT0 excluded day 344.
WARNING: Data from CARR, ESTI, HARB, PIMO, SPT0 excluded day 345.
WARNING: Data from ASC1, BILL, CARR, HOLM, UCLP excluded day 346.
WARNING: Data from BILL, HARB, RESO, SPK1 excluded day 347.
WARNING: Data from BILL, HARB, SPK1, THU1, WES2 excluded day 348.

JPL REFERENCE CLOCK TABLE                   GPS week 1196 (2002 Dec 08 - Dec 14)
 2002-12-08 USN1
 2002-12-09 USN1
 2002-12-10 AMC2
 2002-12-11 AMC2
 2002-12-12 USN1
 2002-12-13 USN1
 2002-12-14 USN1

In the following table, UT1R-UTC are the integrated values based on estimated
LODR values in the adjacent column.  See IGS Report No. 1498 (jpl07827.sum)
for details:

JPL ERP TABLE                               GPS week 1196 (2002 Dec 08 - Dec 14)
version 2           
     MJD   XPole   Ypole  UT1R-UTC   LODR Xsg Ysg UTsg LOsg Nr Nf Nt   Xrt   Yrt
         10**-6" 10**-6"      .1us .1us/d 10**-6" .1us .1us/d          10**-6"/d
52616.50  -22746  147380  -2867880   7540  35  39  148  148 60  0 26 -3366   480
52617.50  -25681  148472  -2875650   8000  31  32  140  140 59  0 26 -2871  1005
52618.50  -28614  149999  -2884048   8796  35  38  154  154 59  0 25 -3094  1378
52619.50  -31443  151608  -2892821   8749  29  34  140  140 59  0 26 -2907  1462
52620.50  -34646  153197  -2901477   8563  35  40  146  146 60  0 26 -3380  1362
52621.50  -38249  154416  -2909941   8366  35  39  149  149 60  0 26 -4059   488
52622.50  -42066  155504  -2918377   8506  33  36  143  143 60  0 24 -4235   915

The following table indicates the "3-dimensional orbit repeatability", as 
defined in IGS Mail Message 37, for GPS week 1196:
["3d rss" = sqrt(xrms**2 + yrms**2 + zrms**2)]

JPL ORBIT REPEATABILITY TABLE               GPS week 1196 (2002 Dec 08 - Dec 14)
      02 12  8   02 12  9   02 12 10   02 12 11   02 12 12   02 12 13   02 12 14
prn   3d rss (cm)
  1       5          3          4          4          4          3          4   
  2       8         10         16          9          6          6          9   
  3      12         16         19         11          9         14         12   
  4       8          7          6          4          6          6          6   
  5       4          6          6          6          6          4          6   
  6       6          6          4          7          7          6          6   
  7       6          6          6          6          4          5          6   
  8       8          8          5          4          7          7         12   
  9       4          5          4          7          5          7              
 10       8         14         10          6          8         10          7   
 11       7          9          9          5          8          7          9   
 13      10          9          7          4         10          8          8   
 14       6          5          7          5          4          3          7   
 15       9          8                     3         13         11          9   
 17       5          6          5          4          8                    31   
 18       6          8          7          7          9         11          8   
 20       6          6          4          5          4          6          4   
 23       7          8         10          5          6          8         10   
 24       6          6          4          4          5         19         17   
 25       5          6          7          8          3          4          4   
 26                 10          8          5          4          9         11   
 27      10         12          8          4          8          8         13   
 28       5         10          5          5          5          5              
 29      10         11          6          7         11         11         14   
 30       4          6          7          3          5          5          4   
 31      10         14          8          5         10          8          4   

The following table statistically summarizes this week's "engineering data", as
described in IGS Report No. 1528:

JPL ENGINEERING DATA SUMMARY TABLE          GPS week 1196 (2002 Dec 08 - Dec 14)
 receiver/transmitter (* means fiducial site)
 |     days analyzed
 |     |      rms clock noise (ns)
 |     |      |           average clock solution (us)
 |     |      |           |           rms pseudorange (cm)
 |     |      |           |           |   (dot means pcode not analyzed)
 |     |      |           |           |           rms phase (mm)
 |     |      |           |           |           |           average arc (hr)
 |     |      |           |           |           |           |
 |___  |__    |_______    |_______    |___        |___        |__
ALBH   6.0   0.189       -9.94        41.8        4.17        3.41    
ALGO*  7.0   0.774e-01    1.67        49.0        3.16        3.18    
AMC2   4.1   0.712e-01   0.220e-02    42.5        5.00        3.02    
AOML   4.8    40.4      -0.222e-01    64.6        5.40        2.52    
AREQ   6.9   0.138e+04  -0.850e-01    27.5        4.00        2.65    
ARTU   7.0    16.7      -0.959e-01    26.3        4.00        2.59    
ASC1*  5.5   0.185e+07   0.484e+04    76.6        4.49        3.04    
AUCK*  5.0    21.4      -0.120        52.8        4.62        3.49    
BAHR*  7.0   0.584        427.        38.6        4.87        3.90    
BILI   6.0    13.1      -0.930e-01    39.8        5.00        2.85    
BOGT   6.9   0.753e+04   0.548        53.4        6.00        3.35    
BRAZ   5.4   0.290e+06    497.        54.6        5.70        1.66    
BREW   1.0   0.581e-01    97.2        38.0        4.00        3.03    
BRMU*  4.0    23.0      -0.269e-01    46.5        4.77        2.49    
CAS1*  3.9    9.06      -0.238e-01    26.9        4.00        1.07    
CEDU*  3.8    19.5      -0.248e-01    42.4        3.79        3.17    
CHAT*  2.0    12.9      -0.105        58.5        5.00        3.19    
CHUM   1.0    17.6      -0.237e-01    62.0        7.00        2.81    
CIC1   5.0    31.4      -0.184e-01    50.3        4.20        2.62    
COCO   5.6    11.9      -0.231e-01    27.6        4.73        3.78    
CRO1   5.9   0.187e+04  -0.195        40.8        6.51        3.21    
DARW   3.8    27.7      -0.164        54.0        6.76        2.90    
DAV1*  2.1   0.840e+07   0.141e+05    31.6        3.45        1.05    
DUBO   4.0    12.4      -0.218e-01    57.8        3.00        2.56    
EISL   7.0    49.7      -0.263e-01    79.2        4.75        2.82    
FAIR   3.0   0.762e-01    824.        39.1        5.00        2.37    
FORT*  7.0   0.457       0.314        88.3        6.00        1.55    
GOUG   4.7   0.289e+06    493.        70.0        5.20        2.36    
GUAT   6.0   0.287e+06    502.        58.3        5.00        1.65    
HOB2*  3.0   0.839e-01   0.810        50.2        5.44        3.45    
HRAO*  3.0    2.36        836.        31.9        5.00        3.59    
IISC   2.0    33.0      -0.135        62.5        5.00        3.39    
IRKT*  3.8   0.430      -0.224        54.0        4.00        2.69    
JAB1   1.9    40.5      -0.283e-01    30.5        7.00        2.62    
KELY   3.7    12.2      -0.766e-01    30.5        5.50        1.23    
KERG*  5.8    1.56        410.        63.1        5.40        2.21    
KIRU   1.0    1.74       -1.54        35.0        4.00        2.52    
KIT3*  5.1   0.355e+04  -0.401        49.5        5.32        2.60    
KOKB   7.0   0.937e-01    20.1        58.4        7.00        3.45    
KOUR*  6.8    2.49        937.        47.2        6.46        2.25    
KSTU   1.0    12.9      -0.270e-01    48.0        5.00        2.23    
KUNM   2.9    50.5      -0.309e-01    77.7        6.00        2.64    
LHAS*  4.8    13.4      -0.245e-01    36.2        4.00        3.69    
LPGS*  2.0    24.1      -0.207e-01    47.5        5.00        3.00    
MAC1*  4.7    18.6      -0.221e-01    36.2        4.00        2.26    
MAD2   5.7    133.      -0.800        42.5        4.52        2.64    
MALD   4.8    59.1       0.910        79.4        8.00        2.86    
MALI*  6.8    277.        675.        74.7        7.73        2.16    
MANA   1.0   0.289e+06    509.        79.0        6.00        2.20    
MAS1*  6.0    2.22        785.        47.0        4.89        2.96    
MAW1   1.5    28.6      -0.187e-01    36.8        4.00        1.46    
MCM4*  6.8   0.266e+07   0.937e+04    54.5        2.90        1.07    
METS   3.0    1.14        971.        21.4        3.00        2.40    
MIZU   4.0   0.618       0.120        46.5        3.77        2.95    
NICO   2.0    13.8      -0.252e-01    31.5        4.00        3.61    
NKLG   3.9   0.182e+06    529.        70.8        6.78        1.92    
NOT1   0.9   0.287e+06    532.        60.0        6.00        2.19    
NOUM   4.9   0.288e+06    1.70        64.6        5.00        3.46    
NRIL   6.0    13.7      -0.941e-01    23.9        4.00        2.61    
NTUS   5.8    16.6      -0.358e-01    64.7        6.34        3.92    
NYA1   2.0   0.114      -0.232        35.5        3.54        1.48    
NYAL*  4.9    16.6       0.126        39.8        4.21        1.32    
OHI2   5.9    10.4      -0.231e-01    42.2        4.70        2.63    
ONSA*  6.4   0.493        785.        42.6        3.48        2.50    
PERT*  5.0    19.8      -0.114        61.2        4.22        3.04    
PETP   6.0   0.336e+04  -0.285e-01    51.9        5.70        1.49    
PIMO   0.5    22.8      -0.196        25.0        7.00        2.31    
POLV   2.9   0.291e+06   -1.75        73.6        5.00        2.55    
RAMO   3.9    24.5      -0.115        49.0        5.76        2.99    
RBAY   1.0    84.7      -0.297e-01    68.0        5.00        1.29    
REYK   4.0    14.3      -0.248e-01    55.0        5.77        2.19    
RIOG*  1.9    14.9      -0.144        40.5        4.54        2.55    
SANT*  5.7    7.22        333.        43.0        5.00        3.22    
SCH2   1.0    31.4       0.581        48.0        4.00        3.13    
SCUB   1.0    22.7      -0.114        52.0        6.00        3.52    
SFER   1.0   0.462        785.        46.0        5.00        2.35    
SIMO   3.0    169.      -0.274e-01    50.4        5.00        2.96    
STJO   7.0   0.183      -0.685e-01    32.6        3.74        3.62    
SUTM   1.0    13.6      -0.225e-01    34.0        5.00        3.22    
SUWN   0.9   0.288e+06    507.        52.0        4.00        2.37    
THTI   4.9    3.77        703.        71.5        6.42        2.01    
TIDB   7.0   0.137        347.        28.7        5.00        3.56    
TIXI   4.0    10.6      -0.914e-01    43.4        5.08        2.08    
TOW2   4.9    22.2      -0.138        41.2        5.43        3.72    
TRAB   1.0    17.0       0.140e-01    45.0        5.00        3.04    
TSKB*  7.0    1.60       -1.08        35.1        4.16        4.02    
TWTF   6.0   0.472       0.308        58.0        5.00        3.80    
ULAB   3.0    14.9      -0.305e-01    47.7        4.00        2.51    
URUM   6.0    37.9      -0.286e-01    40.7        5.85        3.17    
USN1   4.9    .           .           51.0        4.82        3.65    
VESL   7.0   0.289e+06    497.        76.6        4.87        1.87    
VNDP   1.0    23.3      -0.103        45.0        4.00        3.30    
WHIT   1.0    2.80        211.        32.0        4.00        2.75    
WTZR*  7.0   0.290       -4.80        49.7        4.31        3.13    
WUHN   1.0    28.8      -0.105        78.0        6.00        3.57    
YAKT   3.0   0.597        121.        43.3        6.00        2.62    
YAR2   2.0    4.77      -0.236        27.5        4.00        4.08    
YELL*  7.0   0.962e-01   0.559        37.0        3.78        2.03    
ZECK   1.0    23.3      -0.259e-01    43.0        4.00        3.33    
PRN01  6.7    5.14        261.        47.9        5.00        2.47    
PRN02  7.0    2.99       -29.6        54.8        5.00        2.54    
PRN03  7.0    2.48        87.6        48.2        5.00        2.35    
PRN04  7.0   0.846        374.        53.8        5.00        2.71    
PRN05  7.0    3.15        45.1        49.0        5.00        2.53    
PRN06  7.0    10.3       -1.95        47.0        5.16        2.62    
PRN07  7.0    1.09        167.        54.1        5.00        2.62    
PRN08  7.0    3.45        68.3        52.0        5.00        2.48    
PRN09  6.0    2.29       -20.8        45.5        5.00        2.50    
PRN10  7.0    2.51        16.5        55.3        5.00        2.47    
PRN11  7.0   0.436        28.3        50.7        5.00        2.51    
PRN13  7.0   0.369       -19.3        58.9        5.00        2.24    
PRN14  7.0   0.327       -34.9        47.6        5.00        2.83    
PRN15  6.0    3.42        46.4        50.1        5.00        2.56    
PRN17  6.0    1.86        7.57        50.9        5.00        2.66    
PRN18  7.0   0.469       -15.2        45.7        5.00        2.82    
PRN20  7.0   0.265       -201.        54.6        5.00        2.54    
PRN22  2.0    38.5        11.4        59.5        4.53        2.60    
PRN23  7.0    7.26        15.1        48.6        5.16        2.56    
PRN24  7.0    2.50        77.4        48.6        5.00        2.70    
PRN25  7.0    2.31        36.4        49.6        5.00        2.67    
PRN26  5.8   0.874        339.        55.0        5.00        2.13    
PRN27  7.0    2.41        477.        49.9        5.00        2.40    
PRN28  6.0   0.965       -82.8        48.4        5.00        2.30    
PRN29  6.8   0.869        383.        52.8        5.30        2.28    
PRN30  7.0    1.31        492.        55.3        5.00        2.61    
PRN31  7.0    1.43        321.        50.7        5.00        2.35    

As described in IGS Mail Message 37, the following table compares the JPL
precise ephemerides with those from the broadcast ephemeris:

      02 12  8   02 12  9   02 12 10   02 12 11   02 12 12   02 12 13   02 12 14
prn   3d rss (cm)
  1     843        578        625        447        693        451        675   
  2     367        578        454        238        376        433        327   
  3     260        292        253        213        244        193        263   
  4     156        318        288        265        330        163        346   
  5     465        473        262        267        493        389        293   
  6     880        824        658        638       1212        845        915   
  7     212        211        265        343        148        153        441   
  8     476        465        455        380        307        365        373   
  9     311        273        345        256        210        252              
 10     257        250        256        254        381        298        500   
 11     433        390        384        251        227        298        222   
 13     237        224        227        197        420        194        221   
 14     302        287        267        235        260        260        343   
 15    1114        763                  1942        444        383        386   
 17     543       1360        636        387        277                   384   
 18     313        223        237        271        310        206        467   
 20     492        635        274        339        268        354        346   
 22     776                                                    936              
 23     840        735        728        857        689        574        857   
 24     374        353        474       1208        324        389        393   
 25     764        273        320        381        427        280        544   
 26                278        183        168        382        241        617   
 27     215        225        223        221        234        253        300   
 28     189        258        239        276        292        191              
 29     454        442       1477        183        209        795        629   
 30     362        290        245        220        192        202        207   
 31     225        182        195        376        324        258        202   

global:   albh algo amc2 aoml areq artu asc1 auck bahr bili bogt braz brew brmu cas1 cedu chat chum cic1 coco cro1 darw dav1 dubo eisl fair fort goug guat hob2 hrao iisc irkt jab1 kely kerg kiru kit3 kokb kour kstu kunm lhas lpgs mac1 mad2 mald mali mana mas1 maw1 mcm4 mets mizu nico nklg not1 noum nril ntus nya1 nyal ohi2 onsa pert petp pimo polv ramo rbay reyk riog sant sch2 scub sfer simo stjo sutm suwn thti tidb tixi tow2 trab tskb twtf ulab urum usn1 vesl vndp whit wtzr wuhn yakt yar2 yell zeck