I Hill II IL Lakes Area Regional Medical Program VOL. V, NO. 5 MARCH-APRIL, 1973 Congressman James F. Hastings To Speak New York State Medical Annual General Meeting Society Passes Resolution Set For April 28 In Buffalo In Support of RMP Whereas The seventh Annual General Meeting of the Regional Advisory The several Regional Medical Group, (RAG), the advisory body to the Lakes Area Regional Medical Programs throughout New York Program, Inc. will be held Saturday, April 28, 1973 at the Wick Center State have provided a positive Auditorium of Rosary Hill College, 4380 Main Street, Buffalo, New York. organizational base from which Registration begins at 9 a.m. The program physicians may effectively im- will run until 12 noon. plement improvements in the The keynote speaker will be Congressman health care system consummate James F. Hastings, (R.-Rushford Lake), a with the responsible practice of member of the House Sub-committee on medicine and Public Health and Environment. Whereas Congressman Hastings introduced a The same RMPs have provided legislative bill, H.R. 5608, "Health Programs valuable and irreplaceable Extension Act of 1973", which seeks to extend technical assistance to the Rep. James F. Hastings for one year, authorities for a number of health physician community and the programs, among them regional medical programs, that are due to larger communities that serve to expire on June 30, 1973. Congressman Hastings, along with other effect improved general health legislators, deplores the President's order to dismantle existing care and programs until a more thorough review and decision is made by Congress, who developed these programs and who should determine Whereas their fate. The Congressman notes that his introduction of this the RMP has provided much continuation legislation should not be construed as a personal en- needed local autonomy in the dorsement of all these programs, but rather a means of allowing expenditure of federal resources Congress mare time to make a responsible evaluation and decision. directed toward local needs Election of persons whose names have been submitted for Therefore Be It Resolved membership in the RAG will be acted upon at this meeting. Anyone that the Medical Society of the wishing to submit canidates for membership in the RAG is requested to State of New York deplore the send these names to James J. McCormack, Ph.D., LARMP, 2929 Main exclusion of the RMP from the Street, Buffalo, New York as soon as possible. administration's proposed 1974 federal budget and You're Invited Be It Further Resolved An open invitation Is extended to all county committee that the Medical Society of the State of New York request that members, health agencies, health personnel, hospital the Congress of the United administrators and other guests to attend. Reservations States extend the RMP legisla- should be sent to Anthony Zerbo, Jr. at the LARMP office. tion and provide funding necessary for continuation and expansion of this valuable @117 Represents Views of Six N.Y.-RMPs program. Dr. Ingall Summoned To Testify on RMP (Cont'd on Page 3) Before U.S. House Sub-Committee The stage Is now set for the Inevitable battle slated to take place between the Administration and Congress In This Issue over the Presidential order to close down Regional Medical Programs by June 30, 1973. A legislative bill to -Dr. Ingall Called to Testify extend Regional Medical Program, along with 14 other -Annual General Meeting expiring programs, was Introduced by Senator Edward -Mobile Unit Progresses Kennedy (D - Massachusetts) In the Senate. This Medical SGciety Support passed by a vote of 72-19 on March 28, 1973. UAW Head Criticizes (,Cont'd on Page 2) Dr. John P. F. Ingall 'eac.-ee Al l@ f) s ""I CoLl ri e sc@ e @'i 9 7 2 'Traveling is a w a a risu,@ ',,I e I, Is o ir g C)@ of i d n@ r@'i:,, , @,llr@iiv@,@rsity' @ ci i"g . 1 ;i, a. r c- a r L) E, r s r) f @, l@ (,,, @-i el@ @,] i \ IS i i I (I 's Oi (I tjriivE-I@@'E@@ rf@@t -ielly o L@ rves @] - @ @': @@ I" C" t\ll a r,., I e the b i d i 1 ri ic@, i,,i r'@ ris '@g s i aa Ig a i"i y @Dr, Perso rl 1 58 i-ig prev ac e@@ i ;d( d i c;l v Clr g r o,,j l@j 1)@,,ve T h I z twe@,e C) Sp it@@ /,S. FIVIL@ ilvei,.,,.@, a s a@lSE@ i-i I tvvc Ai,,@a Regir @i 1 c p 11[@@@ll @ieed@-,. i@C)g "@A rr-i i i,k S @@ rc e si n c I i@ d E@ V 1 S iri nt @@)rs. He @ivfl@.11@,@.t@, t@) CL@,@ iri',@ @l t-,,e ri@-ig tcT,,@ts, blood s @,! g1 t@)a, 19 of l@ ")Se @-C-@rEli\lirIC @@,er\/i@@es r- (lev eg f @-riilv @Dhv si-- -ely b o dp r e s s tA@ c-,,. s r,"@e n @, n g and ,Llt OL @nti@ t IE@Ie other te t@, @] odred cia,,,-i @irid -1 r) 6, ro i,i s vy (-,, i- e to -i of r,@,jr) "Even @i o ii @,i 'ri C') the rare @se ,)f ill@-iessia I 'T@@E@) $5@?,00r@) i:Lllly ecii-ii@Dp(@@,,J L@ rI t i Cl C. i ar,@ referred to f, I,/ (,,orr@@,@,ioda@irig clevelop(--,@d i i@-) g c i-i c)ae,@, i t@; r@y !,,ans or t,"e- t@4vo i r,@ I.i i r[ @ f -10 persons per @la),/ at ar,i @)bSCLAring 'the do a,?, ri(,)t riave aa,@yerage visit of one tIOL,ir per @@)(Drsor,i. ,-,I if i n Ba@,@,e@- said the r-riob@l@,@ Lir'li@@ c@rit rely E@si@a@--@i s @@@'ie t. was dopt@,d for the COLItIt,,' a),, e of tl,;e shor'@@a( e of phy,,. of 'T'I,ie U,4,V@/ @,@r i@j li,,i1 pui.-)Iic tr@,ii,is@")ortatiorl of- )f5 L 'j OR, INGAL' filled and hospitals lot, 'Ll,)e k.iri e@@l li s ec@ ri elderly at-id very y,@,(,@ng i,i ,@idE@ri'@s. to -th ii gula@-@y steps RE@ b@i'@ as the Hea@th 'i'973 r,,) a( by the unit at Arigelit,@a, Ircii@ rap-f Extension A,@t a ,(,)d gov(,rri@@@, .1 "Lo '-L,jd El _I @l @ 5 6 0 8 )@,@vas irit?odub p p E@nl@ hc,aill"i @i-i I @L@' ssrnart Areas F. Hastings (Fi N wv@ lo a@d Congress ian i)aul rs (I) - Fu"K,@r@da) along with 79 ;th.er co.-spor@,sqirs. Passage of this is in rt-,@id@-Apr@ll. Rural E:xtervbslh@Ir lor the 197@3 )r Dr. Jo@@i@,i Fi@ F@ @ricial@, Executi-,ve Ccimm@ttee @;-Iea( l@4 @l, s 1) 1 i ector -,",f the L,.aket'l. A,rea I Regional dor cj Program, Irc. was s@irii- NI ii r i, a,i S. IVI a i, @ 1-i, -i(Jminist@@ator ti'i eni", ue,-.,l -@,@@e --@r@oned to Washington, D.C. on the W.C.A. Hospital ;I@"i jafi,iestol.,vii, @)T,ec@@3pt(i)r )ri:, iV@.a@@ch 28th to testify before the New York is the @@ew of the !Mr. @Vlarsli said House Subcotiirnittee P@3blic Exteriis@ii@) Advisory Cr)r@ri-. year is l@o Price e a 14t rner-l@ on rTilttee. students it'i @4 and Env@ror@ Mr a c- - is d :,,eply iri-- di@@cipiiri@ srf Regional Medical Program t@vities. r.)r. ltigall, In representing t(,,reF@ted in the 'r'lLircki I-.xtet@ris@iip sirig, dci-iti I' l@ 1 line directors of all six Regional Program, said plans are presently hospit,<, I@@a dii aii @Ac-d@@cal Programs In @leiA4 Y beir-i(, dpvel(.)ped -,4@ ork and i,,npleme@'ited c @i r) E@ i o ri a I a i State, presented evidence r@Lltrition. ighlig@,@@ting Regional Medical Students will be @)i Prograrvi activities within New York se\@E@,ri o,@. jr@@S i-@I'l@, "e State. Coordir@ators from New York Pe@-iiisyl,@/ai,ii,@i @, c) L@ ut the nation LAF@N/iF.' i@ I-r,ie v@; 1 1 State arid t@irougho . rz"g!oi ,,there pi,@?serit tit these hearing to be operated again l@iis l@@rovide similar testimony. t@ie aLisl@)j(,,,e@@ of the1 ti i-!,@ rr) a @, yDr. I n g a I Is o f \A/illiarn @vas ppointec@l r e c, i, c @, f f. i e i t ,alimony folio, r, C@,@airrnan, tr@@@'rist'lip ]::Ilograrr@.I t s l@rr@ a surgeon and Director of the health c@ciei-ic Takes Area Regional Medical rar@i,whic@-i@iasitsheadq arters r)l@@@ced in rural i r '@ P.,, NILirra@l Marsh the soon @.; 0 @@L Sl@) 01:it_ FIE ol 1) jo@@ @)l- '\ii. lll(/@.@ttirnoi-r@, '@/i. I 1,1.i e,.v i-@ t P,;,) @i e a Li@; t- @@ I t I (I 1 : @3 C@ P i-i a 1, I s 1 c) i-r i-"i t@j r c) s l,@ Et@-iel Go iiali, Fl,, j. 4 - V"" 00 "T@ I 01, 'Vii@i@IjFl t@eclei-ic@@ VV, DI t 2 : 00 s@'t v E@c-L,,Drip@ i n -1 c-,,g I r c r@ Al,ril 'IO I I-s II g i-,@I _j I ol (j(@f Si@l @-g p 'I 2 i r r I ci -i,-- c ps ol' to St'] [-(I DP@lf, P Davirl DP',".I, A@@,(@'I @',/i'edical 'I :3 0 la. CliTiical Cl-@@@-nistry - " F'i t ia 1; ir-t M aI I I i I-) @iv I I I- V I A pr i ri day l@j S;ec@-,@, IT, S. 24 - Pr@--,@tet- Viad, lVi.D. 'I 0 a. iTi. I I : 00 a. i-ri, ol tli@ full -l'irfle PCSiL!Ci'@ PE[i "-I li-ileiisi@fe @dlli-sery - @,11@y, 'I :00 1 Li J, I i@ , F@. @IVI, "A u I 1 T i@@ e Po I i c,ii Pa@L IV 'JO 1 it i-)"./'\Icol olisiTi" rri. Day Diagric)sis ariri' sclav 2 of Vilivc)vaq[nitis"...Vi@@cei-IL J. @O:@30 rs ii c 1:"(.) r),M. Blacic](@i-". V. @,@/lagoss, ivl,D. ,)f @Jnic ii-iset-vice" Allieci I-le@@illli 0 () f). @ Ti. B.S,. "Ev@.il@Aativc@, -@ecl)t-iiciLies fo,,- ti-)e P@-,i-cef)LLially at-ici Apr@l 'II - @J)Ierltipsc@ay .)I-tysic@ il@/ Po@@@ers, ideal-,!-! -Ti-@iiriir)g - I I :r f- to Sociocirama, G@o-@,f@) Prcjc@ess"...[-eslie Eii-icl I'@ilec,lical Reco[-ci '@ciminist:i-a@or@ - 2:00 p.@-n. !tit -['Pchriique@@ for Dc@[)El,.@'tt-cie@-iL 1-leacIF," Ric@i,,ird @-i. TLN LECTURE SCHEDULE MAY 1973 May 1 - Tuesday "Core Collections/Classification" Physicians - 11:30 a.m. Heleri J. Brown, M.A. Dermatoiogic Treatments That Almost Remedios L. Silva, MSLS Always Work" Managerial & Supervisory Development - 1:30 p.m. Richard L. Dobson, M.D. "The Human Resource - Your Biggest Ni,@,rslr,g - 1:30;D.m. Expense - And Asset" Separation Anxiety - For Mother and Dudley Ericson Cl-!ild" May 15 - Tuesday Paula U. Fick, R,N.,M.S. Physicians - 11:30 a.m May 2 - Wednesday @'Clinical and Angiographic Follow-Up Clinical Pastoral Education - '@ 0:00 a.m in 1,000 Patients After Coronary Vein "The Person With A Grief Problet-r G raf t S u rg ery" ,Rev C. Charles Bachmann, Ph.D. William C. Sheldon, M.D. Dietetics - 2:00 p.m. @'Third Tuesday Staff Conference - "Behavorial and Neurogenic Factors in Miilard Fillmore Hospital the Pathogenesis of Coronary Heart Nursing - 1:30 p.m. Disease' '-r@e Use of Oxytoxic Agents in Ray H. Rosenman. M.D. OB-GYN Patients" May 3 - Thursday Paula U. Fick. R.N., M.S. Family Practice - 8:30 a.m. May 16 - Wednesday "Vaccination and Immunization" Phvsjcians - Cancer Oncology - 11:30 a.m. Bernard Eisenberg, M.D. 'Hypophysectomy - Its Place and Value" Podiatry - 11:30 a.m. Robert Bourke, M.D. 'Silastic Implant Surgery in Nursing - Cancer Oncology - 12:30 p.m. Hallux Vaigus" "Nursing Care in Adrenalectomy and Earl Kaplan, DPM, FACFS Hypophysectomy" Medical Technology - 1:30 p.m. Margaret Stein, R.N. 'The Use of Microtiter Techniques Dietetics - 2:00 p.m. in Clinical Serology" "A Dietetic Rap Session" Susan J. Depew. M.S., M.T. (ASCP) Dorothy B. Deering, R.D., M.S. May 4 - Friday Dorothy L. Brown, R.D., MPH Pediatric Journal Club - 8:00 a.m. May 17 - Thursday -c) be announced Special Program - 1:30 p.m. May 8 - Tuesday "Alcohol Problems and Third Party Payments" Cedric M. Smith, M.D. Physicians - 11:30 a.m. Robert McLaughtin "Differential Diagnosis of Adult Allan Perlmutter Onset Muscle Weakness" May 22 - Tuesday Krishna Kalyanaraman, M.D. Nursing - 1:30 p.m. Physicians - 11:30 a.m. "The Need For A More Family-Centered "Special Problems in Head and Approach to Maternity Care" Neck Cancer" Paula U. Fick, R.N., M.S. John M. Lore, M.D. May 9 - Wednesday Nursing - 1:30 p.m. "Care of the Dying Child" Mental Health Training - 1 1:00 a.m. Katherine Filion, R.N. "Group As A Therapeutic Technique Judy Larsen, R.N. Utilized By The Paraprofessional" Marilyn R. O'Connor, R.N., B.S. Coordinator - Janice Felski, MHATA May 24 - Thursday and Panel from Buffalo State Hospital Medical Record Administrators - 2:00 p.m. Physicians - Trauma - 10:30 a.m. "New Horizons in Medical To be announced Record Careers" Allied Health - 1:00 p.m. Kathleen A. Waters, RRA 'Programs and Activities for the May 10 - Thursday Perceptually Handicapped Child" Roberta Powers, OTR Pharmacy Journal Club - 9:00 a.m. May 30 - Wednesday "Congestive Heart Failure" Richard A. Hutchinson, DPHM Medical Record Administrators - 2:00 p.m. Medical Librarianship - 11:30 a.m. "New Horizons in Health Record Careers" Betty-Marie Mino, RRA A c@,' y, L @NGAL,L P@@@'le 2) i 13ijffalo, New Yc)j,-k. T'ociay I behalf r@i@j col@leagl,,!E)S, r-iar@@@e@y a i I]-r@ a of all sl,,c in @-,,,!V C) r K, t,le@,v 'e'ot,k State. These n@ieri are ijv Iric,@. !Leave l@Dee,i-@ to '911 of Advi,@'io@'y ar@(@ii -re today and have sigried the [@@"stiti"iony SLII)r,,iitted to @,otir all r@ii(,,rr@beSd T rn i tti@-@ !oO(,,Y ,@D @'i would commend the Lal@(:@s R@@j,,'orial M cl'ca@ on its 'oresight ind logical Pr@i,)grarr@. @r@c. !)as beeri ol'i,@i,igE@ci @t@:)@)r,c@ach to the legislation affecting Lakci@.@ Area @@lelljior@ @l Adviser @r ri@:)t @@)r-ily our prograri-i, but that the @,,)rograrTis included in the l@-@ealtli !)y-lav@ic@ v@iiii Se@-@ij(,,es I-)(terisiori Act of 1973. We Dr l@@@@yH Fo,,@(,-nria,,? @l'ie of year, !Is Meel,i@-)g o@ 6,p@-i' 8@ -il 7'3 to this Act, as E@ ir@ ri@ d 1.@@@e legislation can be Anyone I,ia@,/ir@g redrafted (rewritten) to corifoi,m eair@t Disease: r'lirig @@@ie IDy-@lav@@ i @,)t-ess@iig needs of the day. @l: @'i a,/ o @, [,a end @\1 a u r g c, r i 1 c,, j@\4 c,@ c) r ryi a c @ (, I ,@9 updated er,isuriE? tire ap- P@i.D,, !..a!-,P-s Regional i c, @i@ tors @i,i @'-Ial@@ioc"lene,,-Iis o@ )r(@)r)riatioris for corripoiie@@.ts c)@@. Disease, will be @rie 9 e i@, @560@?, are invested in the best by Dr. F@ay manner, R@@)s@ r-ir-riari a chief, Depart- @@ot only S@IOLIIC:L the lec islatio@,@ be t-@)pnt c)l t,,Aed@cine, and associate L)rOL@gtlt up to the standards @-e- 'Fi"@E, Harold Bi'Ltnn Institute for cilirf,,d of it in 1974, but the ad- Research, Mount r@,ii@iistra,tiori thereof should receive f@osl ital and Medical Center, rL?@1'1'0 CLOSE F' 11'r5 '@ai'E!fUl SC@@Litiriy to make sure I:I,ie ta)( Frari(@isc@.,), California, on May 2@ REOPEN dollar is invested wisely. 2 p.rri, c@ve@, tl-ie LAi:IILVP's I Administration budget oi@)sei--- '@El@'TEMBER, i!973 -)!-iorie Fracture Network. All \rations describe in detail wrial,- is C@ -,,tit.lai-is, physicians and other ir).- "ThE@ -Telephone @@EIIIAloi'k will tercl- @.ic po@ @ily sij@;per@ci oper@atioris as o@,Jtjne'l essentially an R.M.P. ter @3ted Beneath personnel are invited @'@uqLi@ @ 31, 1973. Starting in building on cornriuriity strengths, .@)ari@icipatF-.,@. T@ie program rare be ,3eptc@n-ibei 1973 t@)e Network,Nill of@er an cornp--tent LISO of funds at the local f@- i@@d at ,.II @@i5 T'LNI outlets iocateri Dnti,el,/ neN schedL@le of containing level, redt.i(,,Itioii of bureaucratic @)in- @)o@.it the nine county region of edL@c,,a+ion progi-arn:., Regi@,tra@ion ror '(@ie cir,,-@rice, decer@ti'alizatiori of what. has cori@i@)g year iq@ilil be in April For n@o@,e V@l(@@si. @,@c-w "@'ork and northwesterly hitherto bee@ifederal C OVE@t'ni'@'ieiit rifai,r,-i@ @ioi@ contact: @nia. T@ie outlets are n f@,inction. -',"@)e ability to beco@'ne self @DitLils i@@ yi)Lir -i @',Ll@D@@)orting is or@E@ of the cr,itei 'a of r-)@ @,irirri;rilstralor may be cor@-- .1 I jrnpi:)rta@ICE@ in @,@@@ojects that r-@,,@ceive I-.akc@s Area @4,,,,ci@cal to,, f@.jr,tl,ier- information. c:@ur support, both in Ne\v York S,ta,te 212@@) @,)Iain Sir,@@Ir I'@i,,Ila o, @,ic,,, I and nationally. 'V)/e would reiterate thal: de@.@e@@i- 835-0-,72P realization of authority, reduction of bureaucracy, building on @,.Ir.)@nir-iating Cc@!-,nmitter@ existing (,,omrr)unity strengths and relieving Appoirited the federal government from persr)n@, were appointed to responsibility that should be the n(.)r@iinating committee who will province of the local authority, is a be charged wit@'i @.)i@esentit@ig a slate of Ne,,lLii Yort.< S'sate succinct Capsule of the activities of candidates 1'r)r @n@-t,r@bership to t@i,@, Regional Medical Programs Regional Advisory Group Board Of Mtl.dical Si)ciety tliroug@iout the nation. l.'@ir,ectorE@ at the April 28 Annual (col7t'd from PagE,, 7) WE@ have as an appendi,( to this Ger@c,r,il Meeting. And Be It Further Resolved presentation, Mr. Chairman, some Dr, irwifi Ff?lseri, RAG c@ia'irmari the[ the Medical Society of the facts about New York State. 'T'his qari-i(@d RAG members Sister Ber- State of New York requiest that data, which gives a numerical r)adfl@tte A@,rriiger, Niagara (Jniversity l@l@E@ @,dministration reexat-nitie its dii,nension to our impact, impressive -@cl,@ool of Nursing; Murray Marsh, position and re(,ogniz@, RMP as as it is, is in no way as important as @i,)CA Hospital, JF@rnestow@i, New an effective force responsive to the process that has brought it York, and R(.)ber" ' Harris, Western the private and Voluntary sectors about. @@evv York@ Hospital Association to the of the l'iealth care system for It is crucial to bring the best care @'l,or,rii-nittee, Also appointed were Dr,. imr.Drovirig health services in line in the categorical diseases, namely /@lari Dr"@rinan, School of Dentistry, itli regional priorities. heart, stroke and cancer to the State University of New York at Buf- Aiii:J Be it Further Resolved greatest nuimber of people. To do Dr. Alfred Finnichlo, St. that the Medical Society of the this, Regional Medical Progi,a@-ns Bof@avef@ti.ir@ @.Jriiversity, Oleari, New State of New York instruct the had to develop a process. A cleat- "(ork- Dr, Robert Love, State Uriiver,- understanding of the high calibre Corr,irnit-te(,, on 17ederal Legisia- sity of New '@ork@ Agricultural and 'tior@@ to take imrr@ediate action to personnel and the methodology re-. -re(@,,hriic,al College, Alfred, l@ew York infort-ri the Congress of the qL]isite to this process is critical to an(.' Daria Luridauist, HarTiot Medical United States. you and to others who wish 'to i@'n- Erif--, Pennsylvania. prove the health care in this cotii,itry. till "ii,@ -@iveriess of that 70% of care s to el i@,ac@\@ @i to L,@ r delivered! in the voluntary irr@c@ gc,@'. ;i,at@;ve r,,iariclate vli @,v@-,, r@,@5por-ide(@l@ I:c"@ e @s directors of prograryis in i\lew the @i. l@,.,a@ @vel. A c@ @f@ilyst Yo@,@< Stat we are specifically proud a C,,-f@@ectively over t@@ie e i l(@ido,@@ il@iari t@@c) of the I.-Zrnei,gency Medical Service c)ysi:ems that have evolved in ye @'s aj,iel i.),r-idol,@bteclly and other parts of or, VV@,@,,tern New York @,,eL @rior ir) I:"e ye,@l.@,,s us in lie0pal,c@,,,i n @,@ t i (,) rI the state. The kidney procurement bi,i,@, s sy,@,,tero, a collaborative effort from at -i@, e which the community will inevitably ,Ijty iii,i@ess f'@.he cc)@,r@irT@ijri@ity 11, is ir@r@ipo@,@ n'@ l'i o t ti t profit has evolved as a conjoined loc ]eV -ot l@@av@- i i ri F.@ ili@r(,I(@",I@-.y or t b(,-@ie@@it @fi -ri tiesi effort @),v the f@ew York Metropolitan, C,@ @l e ri (7,, 1 t i @'i s il,lq.ssau.-Suffolk and NJew Jersey VII"@@", r F@@E@giorie@l Medical Prograryis. This r,,apeibili,y I tv [h@.ii@ if demonstrates that we cannot only of ap@)['cab,e & ti,le indivicit,ially but also in concert. r @.z t o e, b e @'i e @r t i r i t@ie or u@'itr@,) (@@apc@cil@/ to evaluate were as 7@ic, Rural Health manpower project c@qijitabIE' designed to induce people to ir. an i@as@i i,-,ri. as it is @iV CIOL@l)t III achieve tl@'ieir professional arribiticiis fis@rriands c) t) @D,@ r,,,q - its i@,@ E@i-iti@Dr,@ to i@@@e .,tior-i FAnci service in a rural setting. It has P,-@t@a@@!E@S tl@@aY '@"a O(,"@ Of ii-I d L)een most successful and is well- described on Page 27 of t@i,@, Fact we are submitting as tc, draw a r)aralic, and s@ F:@ m (@@tv@ a. 'if'(, I y)LI (-,'T,iairrriari, attached to this testimony is a document with a cap- I"@@ @ s R p o @f@il,)Ich is c@o lmpo @'li@ t)lit el@icip-s ijridei-s@@ sule of projects and their eic@iievery@etits in New York State, E@) 1/@) a a@ic@tt@er witi@) impact data sirTiiiar lo r@ a d d i a t r b fit t;F@ @',,.@lariket that available on the national level f of a/.,' d(@,,,,@ti-oV r@,@an@,), and a third document entitled The are absp-,rii,, it @s which is I'@1,PvIP Fact @3ook. We believe these tho,,3c@ f@)w ye @@) d@ i,@elc)/.) documents provide you with very CITED Regior@FLI @@ledi@lai @l l(r)lj will lo strong evidence of the potential of -l'i'lere is 'r'IIVIF) fD@- tli6, l@uture. t,@iE@ rnal(erial irril:@o,-tar ti,i@ l-,he@@eof that receives @ce to VVe unanimously endorse H.R. i I a a @l ii r) oL the iDr@inter i.@i, positive c@iarige at @i6O8 as a necessary means to allow the Siriiilarly with coal cornrn@)nity level. Regional ("c@rigress, which established this Pro -@L@r low IVieclicai Progr,@li,-iis -.@,,,e liE@ ,)r@@ly EiLit@iority iii the first place, the grams, @ia.,@ been effective in tire i-eci@@rally Sil@@DPO@-'Le(J programs in (lx-@ rie@cessary time to make a responsi- warplanes relations we have set @,ip arci iStE,,rii,,e pro\/ile Positive ble evaluation and decision about where our ei@abiing function has l@iv@ in the farmers sLibstaritiVE@ the programs included in the bill. @j e @,, e I o r rri ci ri t a 1r@ d to f-i i c I This authority for the Regional ti'losE, i,i-iandated afici (,competent, to do assistarire and v(@i,@l:@.ire capital for Medical Programs was established them and dis- intr@.)ducir,ig, derr@ic@nstratin( ar@d di@s-- in October 1965 and was expanded "lo do profit 8et-@@i@r@atir,ig new i,-net@iods for im-- in 1970 with this Acimitiistr-ation's i:@erril,nate tti@zir product to the tire pL@bli,,. @Drc:@l@tirig tiiE@ qi.iality and cost e@fec,,-- support and approval. El L,akes Are @ Reg@i,@r@al @Vedica@ Prc@,gi,a@@n Non Profit Org. 2929 Mair@ Street U. S. Postage Buffalo, New Yoric i4214 -' r'j' A I'@ F E' S S p A ID Buffa lo@ N.Y. C CP V@, ti E C"@.'@ O'@l P a It N 271 FORUFA is published by the Lakes Area Regional Medical Program, Inc. 2929 Main Street MR$ GILLIAN INGALL Buffalo, New York 14214 34 N P@ARL ST ,John R.F. lngall, M.D. BUFFALO NY Executive Director@ 1 4 2 0 2 Arith o@,@y Zerbo, Jr., f:ditoi- F@@igo I.Jnger, Phr)tography